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Allan Gyorke

50 most stunning examples of data visualization and infographics | Richworks - 4 views

    "The terms Data visualization and Infographics are used interchangeably, the former means the study of visual representation of data and the latter is its representation per se. In this article, I have showcased some of the most creative infographics and data visualization examples, along with some really effective tools to help you improve your skills in creating infographics. Enjoy the journey!"
    I was looking for some good examples of displaying data in meaningful ways and came across this post.
Elizabeth Pyatt

10 Award-Winning Scientific Simulation Videos - 0 views

    This kind of visualization not scalable yet, but will it be soon? "Thanks to increasingly cheap, fast and efficient computing power, scientific simulations are now a crucial tool for researchers who want to ask once impractical scientific questions or generate data that laboratory experiments can't. "The human eye can pick out patterns in simulations that are are otherwise hard to describe, and they can do it better than any computer," said visualization scientist Joseph Insley of Argonne National Laboratory ."Plus, with the incredible amount of data gathered these days, it's difficult to analyze it any other way."
gary chinn

Think You're An Auditory Or Visual Learner? Scientists Say It's Unlikely : Shots - Heal... - 0 views

  • When he reviewed studies of learning styles, he found no scientific evidence backing up the idea. "We have not found evidence from a randomized control trial supporting any of these," he says, "and until such evidence exists, we don't recommend that they be used." Willingham suggests it might be more useful to figure out similarities in how our brains learn, rather than differences. And, in that case, he says, there's a lot of common ground. For example, variety. "Mixing things up is something we know is scientifically supported as something that boosts attention," he says, adding that studies show that when students pay closer attention, they learn better.
    along with the whole generational differences in learning (netgen, etc) angle, learning styles have always seemed suspect. perhaps it's the way it has been communicated, but regardless I thought this story was an interesting one.
Cole Camplese

What if he is right? - 2 views

  • The printing press brought about a radical change. People began getting their information primarily by seeing it -the printed word. The visual sense became dominant. Print translates one sense-hearing, the spoken word-into another sense sight, the printed word. Print also converts sounds into abstract symbols, the letters. Print is or derly progression of abstract, visual symbols. Print led to the habit of categorizing-putting everything in order, into categories, "jobs," "prices," "departments," "bureaus," "specialties." Print led, ultimately, to the creation of the modern economy, to bureaucracy, to the modern army, to nationalism itself.
  • People today think of print as if it were a technology that has been around forever. Actually, the widespread use of print is only about two hundred years old. Today new technologies-television, radio, the telephone, the computer-are causing another revolution. Print caused an "explosion"-breaking society up into categories. The electronic media, on the other hand, are causing an "implosion," forcing people back together in a tribal unity.
  • . There will be a whole nation of young psychic drop- outs-out of it-from the wealthy suburbs no less than the city slums. The thing is, all these TV-tribal children are aural people, tactile people, they're used to learning by pattern recogni tion. They go into classrooms, and there up in front of them are visual, literate, print-minded teachers. They are up there teaching classes by subjects, that is, categories; they've broken learning down into compartments -mathematics, history, geography, Latin, biology-it doesn't make sense to the tribal kids, it's like trying to study a flood by counting the trees going by, it's unnatural.
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  • "Well . . . they're all working from very obsolete premises, of course. Almost by definition." By definition? "Certainly. By the time you can get a thousand people to agree on enough principles to hold such a meeting, conditions will already have changed, the principles will be useless." McLuhan pulls his chin down into his neck. The Hayakawa conference . . . disappears.
  • One thing that drew them to McLuhan was his belief in "generalism" -pattern recognition. McLuhan, for example, dismisses the idea of university "departments," history, political science, sociology, and so forth; he considers all that obsolete and works in four or five of the old "fields" at once. It is all one field to him.
  • from The New Life Out There by Tom Wolfe (c) 1965 The New York Herald Tribune
Allan Gyorke

TED Talk: The best stats you've ever seen - 2 views

    Very cool trend in dynamic visualizations of data.
    Something that we should consider when we start looking at things like campus or college use of various TLT Services. Here's an interactive example:
Allan Gyorke

New U.S. Dept. of Ed. Guidance on Accessibility and Emerging Technologies | EDUCAUSE - 1 views

    "Requiring use of an emerging technology in a classroom environment when the technology is inaccessible to an entire population of individuals with disabilities - individuals with visual disabilities - is discrimination prohibited by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) unless those individuals are provided accommodations or modifications that permit them to receive all the educational benefits provided by the technology in an equally effective and equally integrated manner."
    This was written specifically to address e-reader pilot programs. It doesn't specifically mean that you can never technologies that are not completely accessible, but it does set the bar pretty high to ensure that blind students would have an equivalent educational experience.
Cole Camplese

Google Announces Sweeping Accessibility Improvements for Visually Challenged Users - 1 views

  • Google has announced a new initiative to increase accessibility for visually challenged users on its major Web services. In advance of the upcoming school year, Google is rolling out accessibility improvements to Docs, Sites and Calendars. Google is hosting a live webinar for enterprise customers - which include educational institutions - on Wednesday, September 21 at 12:00 p.m. Pacific time.
Cole Camplese

Mobile Business Intelligence, Analytics and Dashboards | Roambi - 2 views

    Interesting suite of tools to consider exploring.
gary chinn

Chomp, chomp chomp! Welcome ScreenChomp and TechSmith Labs! (Visual Lounge) - 5 views

  • ScreenChomp is a digital whiteboard that users can write and draw on with the touch of a finger. You can draw using twelve different pen colors. All activity on ScreenChomp can be easily recorded and then if you want, edited through Camtasia for Mac or Camtasia Studio. The videos produced in ScreenChomp can be downloaded as MP4 files, making them easy to share on, Facebook, YouTube, iTunes, Blackboard and other video hosting platforms.
    another ipad app for screencasting. as far as I know, this is the first example of an app from one of the big established screen capture software companies.
    I downloaded it (for free). It's very nice. I tried ShowMe before, which also lets you write and record what you're saying, but there is too much of a time delay between your drawing and it showing up on the iPad. ScreenChomp is much faster. Another advantage is that you can see your recording before posting it.
    we had the same delay complaint with showme. also didn't like that there were no export options outside of posting to their site.
Allan Gyorke

About - App Inventor for Android - 2 views

    "App Inventor for Android Create apps for your phone! Creating an App Inventor app begins in your browser, where you design how the app will look. Then, like fitting together puzzle pieces, you set your app's behavior. All the while, through a live connection between your computer and your phone, your app appears on your phone."
  • ...1 more comment...
    Video on this site shows an interface that reminds me of Authorware back in the day - drag and drop visual programming. Could be an interesting part of a student programming project or our work with Jansen. I wonder if something like this exists for the iOS.
    I had some people in my class play around with this last spring, it seems straightforward (if you own an Android phone, which limited most of my students). I showed this to the faculty running the Erie game certificate program, and they were trying to figure out a way they might expose students to it to build some games. Certainly simplifies mobile, entry-level app development.
    Thanks. Getting started on a new platform can be daunting, but an early success like this could spark interest in mobile app development.
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