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Mark Sleijser

How to Build Trust in a Virtual Workplace - Keith Ferrazzi - Harvard Business Review - 1 views

  • trust can indeed be actively accelerated and maintained on virtual teams
  • Recognize that when groups first form, people are usually willing to give others the benefit of the doubt.
  • invest in an intranet site with social-networking features that enable employees to learn about others
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • help build empathy, which then paves the way for trust.
  • create empathy
  • A member of a virtual team in one research study happened to live in the Washington, D.C. area during the sniper attacks in 2002. During a conference call with her fellow team members, she described what she was then going through. This prompted a co-worker in the Philippines to talk about the violence there from insurgents. Conversations like that help build empathy, which then paves the way for trust.
  • the researchers found that teams lacking in trust tended to have unpredictable communication patterns, often with just one or two members accounting for the bulk of the communications.
  • on teams that had a high degree of trust, power had been shifted among the members depending on the stage of the project
  • It should, but that leader should have more of a "monitor and mentor" approach to managing, instead of the traditional "command and control" mindset.
  • teams can't function without trust
    Door vertrouwen te creëren in de virtuele werkomgeving kunnen leidinggevende hun teamprestatie verbeteren. Sluit leuk aan bij mijn onderzoek!
Dries Krens

Jason Fried: Why work doesn't happen at work | Video on - 1 views

    • Dries Krens
      Het probleem bij HNW zijn de M&M's. Maw managers en meetings. Kunnen wij ook iets mee in onze verhalen richting de klant. (vertrouwen, optimalisatie processen)
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