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Dennis OConnor

(TED-Med) What happens when each patient becomes their own "universe" of unique medical... - 0 views

    "We leave a trail of digital data breadcrumbs as we go about our days. With access and good apps, we could make sense of this "small data" to help get a clearer picture of our personal health. Deborah Estrin, networked sensing pioneer, Professor of Computer Science at the new Cornell Tech campus in New York City and co-founder of the non-profit startup, Open mHealth, explains at TEDMED 2013."
Dennis OConnor

At the Cusp of Solving Cognitive Aging? - Mike Merzenich - Medium - 0 views

  • Bookmark story
  • the ACTIVE Study.
  • hree different theories
  • ...24 more annotations...
  • memory
  • reasoning
  • speed of processing
  • ACTIVE tracked people for 10 years
  • 74 to 84
  • who would have expected faster cognitive processing speed 10 years later
  • The big question was do those gains transfer to real-world activities.And, the answer is: they do.
  • At the end of 10 years
  • about three years more protection against decline
  • speed training
  • ● 38% less risk of onset of depressive symptoms● 30% less risk of deepening of depressive symptoms● 68% stronger feeling of confidence and control● 48% less risk of at-fault car crashes
  • I (Mike Merzenich) have spent decades studying brain plasticity — the brain’s ability to change (at any age), chemically, structurally and functionally.
  • What changes in the brain as it gets older?
  • basic science question
  • every single thing we measured in the aging brain changed (and none for the better).
  • The top row
  • we built a brain-training program designed to make a rat’s brain faster and more accurate.
  • to improve auditory precision and speed.
  • It turns out that this kind of brain training — continuously and progressively challenging the speed and accuracy of brain processing — improves every aspect of brain health we could measure.
  • we could build, test, refine and validate a training program to improve all the major systems of the brain.
  • plasticity-based training
  • cognition (eg, speed, attention, memory, executive function)
  • quality of life (eg, mood, confidence, self-rated health)
  • dementia?
Dennis OConnor

What We Know So Far About SARS-CoV-2 - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • March 20, 2020
  • One of the few mercies during this crisis is that, by their nature, individual coronaviruses are easily destroyed.
  • These viruses don’t endure in the world. They need bodies.
  • ...30 more annotations...
  • To be clear, SARS-CoV-2 is not the flu. It causes a disease with different symptoms, spreads and kills more readily,
  • his family, the coronaviruses, includes just six other members that infect humans
  • OC43, HKU1, NL63, and 229E—have been gently annoying humans for more than a century, causing a third of common colds
  • MERS and SARS (or “SARS-classic,” as some virologists have started calling it)—both cause far more severe disease.
  • hy was this seventh coronavirus the one to go pandemic?
  • The structure of the virus provides some clues about its success. In shape, it’s essentially a spiky ball. Those spikes recognize and stick to a protein called ACE2
  • This is the first step to an infection
  • he exact contours of SARS-CoV-2’s spikes allow it to stick far more strongly to ACE2 than SARS-classic did
  • But in SARS-CoV-2, the bridge that connects the two halves can be easily cut by an enzyme called furin, which is made by human cells and—crucially—is found across many tissues. “This is probably important for some of the really unusual things we see in this virus,” says Kristian Andersen of Scripps Research Translational Institute.
  • SARS-CoV-2 seems to infect both upper and lower airways,
  • his double whammy could also conceivably explain why the virus can spread between people before symptoms show up
  • All of this is plausible but totally hypothetical; the virus was only discovered in January, and most of its biology is still a mystery.
  • The closest wild relative of SARS-CoV-2 is found in bats, which suggests it originated in a bat, then jumped to humans either directly or through another species.
  • Another coronavirus found in wild pangolins also resembles SARS-CoV-2
  • Indeed, why some coronaviruses are deadly and some are not is unclear. “There’s really no understanding at all of why SARS or SARS-CoV-2 are so bad but OC43 just gives you a runny nose,” Frieman says.
  • Once in the body, it likely attacks the ACE2-bearing cells that line our airways.
  • The immune system fights back and attacks the virus; this is what causes inflammation and fever
  • in extreme cases, the immune system goes berserk
  • These damaging overreactions are called cytokine storms.
  • they’re probably behind the most severe cases of COVID-19.
  • During a cytokine storm, the immune system isn’t just going berserk but is also generally off its game, attacking at will without hitting the right targets.
  • But why do some people with COVID-19 get incredibly sick, while others escape with mild or nonexistent symptoms
  • Age is a factor.
  • other factors—a person’s genes, the vagaries of their immune system, the amount of virus they’re exposed to, the other microbes in their bodies
  • “it’s a mystery why some people have mild disease, even within the same age group,”
  • Coronaviruses, much like influenza, tend to be winter viruses.
  • In the heat and humidity of summer, both trends reverse, and respiratory viruses struggle to get a foothold.
  • irus is tearing through a world of immunologically naive people, and that vulnerability is likely to swamp any seasonal variations.
  • And one recent modeling study concluded that “SARS-CoV-2 can proliferate at any time of year.
  • Unless people can slow the spread of the virus by sticking to physical-distancing recommendations, the summer alone won’t save us.
    Dr. Michael Kurisu D.O.: We've known about SARS-CoV-2 for only three months, but scientists can make some educated guesses about where it came from and why it's behaving in such an extreme way.
Dennis OConnor

Welcome | WIFIRE - 0 views

    "WIFIRE's mission is to turn data into a utility for advancing fire science. This mission comprises: Building workflows to integrate data, software and computing infrastructure Creating systems, services and tools for AI integrated fire science Translating scientific and data advancements into practical use in response and planning"
Dennis OConnor

MIPACT Research Tools - 0 views

    "This app contains physiologic and activity data for nearly 7,000 MIPACT study participants from the University of Michigan. To protect patient anonymity, data will only be displayed when 10 or more study participants have the selected combination of attributes. Data is available from the first 90-days of study participation and may be updated at a later date. Visit our MIPACT study website for more information."
Dennis OConnor

DrugViu | Advancing Autoimmune Diseases Research - 0 views

    "Autoimmune diseases are complex. Advancing treatments doesn't have to be. From your very first symptom to your eventual diagnosis and treatment, your unique autoimmune journey has accumulated valuable data that tells a story that could lead to better treatments. Unfortunately, this story is trapped in various health systems and sits there, unused. As the patient, you have the power to unlock this data. With your permission, DrugViu will find and consolidate all your medical records and return them back to you on your own secure portal, for free. There, you'll have a holistic view of your entire health history, while also having the power to share your records with current and future medical providers. You'll also have the option of contributing your de-identified and anonymized data to scientists and doctors working to find better treatments and improve the diagnosing process. Together, we will power tomorrow's cures."
Dennis OConnor

Osteopathy and Spainsh Influenza.pdf - 1 views

    Dr. Michael Kurisu D.O. - This is an article that is well known in our Osteopathic community. Seems to be quite relevant in today's crisis. Although… there are several shortcomings to this article. - it was published over a century ago - it is a retrospective analysis - they did have or keep good public health data on infectivity and virulence and positive tests (We STILL DONT DO THIS!!!) - there is no documentation about what techniques used etc… Nonetheless… for an article that is over 100 years old, it IS a data point. And the data from back then shows that during Spanish influenza… the patients who saw a D.O. had a medical death rate that was 40X lower than the general population… Just another reason to have good D.Os around in the primary care workforce.
Dennis OConnor

Healthcare Text Analytics: Unlocking the Evidence from Free Text | Frontiers Research T... - 0 views

    "About this Research Topic Healthcare narratives (such as clinical notes, discharge letters, nurse handover notes, imaging reports, patients posts on social media or feedback comments, etc.) have been used as a key communication stream that contains the majority of actionable and contextualised data, but which - despite being increasingly available in a digital form - is still not routinely analysed, and is rarely integrated with other healthcare data on a large-scale. There are many barriers and challenges in processing healthcare free text, including, for example, the variability and implicit nature of language expressions, and difficulties in sharing training and evaluation data. On the other hand, recent years have witnessed increasing needs and opportunities to process free text, with a number of success stories that have demonstrated the feasibility of using advanced Natural Language Processing to unlock evidence contained in free text to support clinical care, patient self-management, epidemiological research and audit."
Dennis OConnor

A mysterious company's coronavirus papers in top medical journals may be unraveling | S... - 0 views

  • On its face, it was a major finding: Antimalarial drugs touted by the White House as possible COVID-19 treatments looked to be not just ineffective, but downright deadly. A study published on 22 May in The Lancet used hospital records procured by a little-known data analytics company called Surgisphere to conclude that coronavirus patients taking chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine were more likely to show an irregular heart rhythm—a known side effect thought to be rare—and were more likely to die in the hospital. Within days, some large randomized trials of the drugs—the type that might prove or disprove the retrospective study’s analysis—screeched to a halt. Solidarity, the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) megatrial of potential COVID-19 treatments, paused recruitment into its hydroxychloroquine arm, for example.
  • The study doesn’t properly control for the likelihood that patients getting the experimental drugs were sicker than the controls
  • Other researchers were befuddled by the data themselves. Though 66% of the patients were reportedly treated in North America, the reported doses tended to be higher than the guidelines set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, White notes. The authors claim to have included 4402 patients in Africa, 561 of whom died, but it seems unlikely that African hospitals would have detailed electronic health records for so many patients, White says.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • This was very, very annoying, that The Lancet were just going to let them write this absurd reply … without addressing any of the other concerns,”
  • 200 clinicians and researchers, that calls for the release of Surgisphere’s hospital-level data, an independent validation of the results
  • But the revision had other problems, Chaccour and his colleagues wrote in their blog post. For example, the mortality rate for patients who received mechanical ventilation but no ivermectin was just 21%, which is strikingly low; a recent case series from New York City area found that 88% of COVID-19 patients who needed ventilation died. Also, the data shown in a figure were wildly different from those reported in the text. (Science also attempted to reach Grainger, but received no reply to an email and call.)
  • Surgisphere’s sparse online presence—the website doesn’t list any of its partner hospitals by name or identify its scientific advisory board, for example—have prompted intense skepticism.
  • wondered in a blog post why Surgisphere’s enormous database doesn’t appear to have been used in peer-reviewed research studies until May.
  • how LinkedIn could list only five Surgisphere employees—all but Desai apparently lacking a scientific or medical background—if the company really provides software to hundreds of hospitals to coordinate the collection of sensitive data from electronic health records.
  • Desai’s spokesperson responded to inquiries about the company by saying it has 11 employees and has been developing its database since 2008.
  • The potential of hydroxychloroquine for treating COVID-19 has become a political flashpoint, and the questions around the Lancet paper have provided new fodder to the drug’s supporters. French microbiologist Didier Raoult, whose own widely criticized studies suggested a benefit from the drug, derided the new study in a video posted today, calling the authors “incompetent.” On social media, some speculated that the paper was part of a conspiracy against hydroxychloroquine.
  • Chaccour says both NEJM and The Lancet should have scrutinized the provenance of Surgisphere’s data more closely before publishing the studies. “Here we are in the middle of a pandemic with hundreds of thousands of deaths, and the two most prestigious medical journals have failed us,” he says.
    Recommended by Mike Kurisu, DO.
Dennis OConnor

Upload Raw DNA Data & Your Health Info to Advance Medicine | LunaDNA - 1 views

  • LunaDNA is the first health and DNA discovery platform owned by its community of data contributors.
  • you remain in complete control of your data.
  • people are the most important players in research and deserve to be honored as partners in the process.
    "The Future of Health Depends on Your Data The first people-powered platform where you share health data, advance science and take part in the value created."
Dennis OConnor

Let's make private data into a public good - MIT Technology Review - 0 views

    "The internet giants depend on our data. A new relationship between us and them could deliver real value to society."
Dennis OConnor

COVID-19 Wearables Data Study | Stanford Healthcare Innovation Lab - 0 views

    "Join us in our crowdsourced effort to analyze and predict potential COVID-19 cases by donating your wearables data. " This page describes study participation opportunities: Wearables Data Study, Molecular Profiling, and Global Relief Coalition
Dennis OConnor

Tempus Data-driven precision medicine - 0 views

    Tempus is making precision medicine a reality. Through the power of artificial intelligence, we believe all patients will eventually be on their own personalized diagnostic and therapeutic path. With the world's largest library of clinical and molecular data, and an operating system to make that data accessible and useful, we enable physicians to make real-time, data-driven decisions to deliver personalized patient care and in parallel facilitate discovery, development and delivery of optimized therapeutic options for patients through distinctive solution sets.
Dennis OConnor

Exporting Your Data with Oura on the Web - Oura Help - 0 views

    Here is how you login to Oura to see your data:
Dennis OConnor

Here's why so many data scientists are leaving their jobs - 0 views

    "In my opinion, the fact that expectation does not match reality is the ultimate reason why many data scientists leave. There are many reasons for this and I can't possibly come up with an exhaustive list but this post is essentially a list of some of the reasons that I encountered."
Dennis OConnor

Approaches to governance of participant-led research: a qualitative case study | BMJ Open - 0 views

    "Prospective consent and governance principles for participant-led research Nine themes emerged from discussions and interviews relating to informed consent in and governance of PLR. As this PLR was driven by people with different backgrounds asking personal questions, we found that ethical reflection needed to be ongoing and tailored to the individual. For this reason, prospective governance principles were drafted rather than codified rules. Many of the themes were expressed over the course of our PLR as an ongoing informed consent. The process, fostered via frequent communication, helped to reinforce trust among participants and organisers.43 44 Transparency: All relevant information about the project should be actively shared among participants and participant-organisers, including the source of research funding, equipment selection, data management protocols, risks and benefits and conflicts of interest. Access to Expertise: Participant-led research (PLR) requires access to experts (eg, in experimental design, data analysis, research ethics) so that participants can rigorously carry out single-subject experiments.45 Data Access & Control: The participant has the right and ability to manage their own data, and has the final say in what they collect about themselves. Right to Withdraw: Participants have a right to reduce or withdraw their participation at any time. Relevance: PLR addresses questions of relevance to the participants. Beneficence: The participant actively reflects on the balance of benefits and risks of participation and freely choose whether to participate. Responsibility: PLR requires that the participant actively consider the potential benefits and harms of the project to both themselves and others. The responsibility to stay informed is an ongoing process, not a one-time decision. Flexibility: Ethical reflection in PLR should be tailored to individual needs and to the specific context, rather than be handled with 'one size fits all
Dennis OConnor

Stop the privatization of health data : Nature News Comment - 0 views

    "We believe that closed-data and closed-algorithm business models in health - at scale - will hamper scientific progress by blocking the discovery of diverse ways to examine and interpret health data. Longer term, they could increase rather than reduce inequalities and injustices. It is not hard to picture a future in which companies are able to trade people's disease profiles, unbeknown to the patients. Or one in which health decisions are abstruse and difficult to challenge, and advances in understanding are used to aggressively market health-related services to people - regardless of whether those services actually benefit their health."
Dennis OConnor

Hands-On Data Journalism: Techniques of Analysis and Visualization - Journalism Courses... - 0 views

    "Through hands-on tutorials over the next four weeks, we want to make you a better data journalist who can use a few free tools and specific techniques to make it easier to mine datasets in search of answers and stories. We will use an example database (about dogs !) along with a dataset of your own choosing."
    May 31st to June 27 - $95
Dennis OConnor

Hale Sports - 0 views

Dennis OConnor

About AMIA - American Medical Informatics Association ® | AMIA - 0 views

    "About AMIA - American Medical Informatics Association ® Discovering Health Insights. Accelerating Healthcare Transformation. AMIA ® (American Medical Informatics Association ®) is a community committed to the vision of a world where informatics transforms people's care. Over the last 35 years, the use of informatics has grown exponentially to improve health and to make better healthcare decisions. Today, informatics is the key to accelerating the current goals of healthcare reform. Every day millions of people benefit from informaticians' ability to accelerate healthcare's transformation by collecting, analyzing and applying data directly to care decisions. Data produced throughout health and healthcare is the driving force of informatics and its ability to innovate critical advancements that directly benefit people. AMIA's members are critical to discovering these insights, which is why AMIA is committed to being the professional home for the informaticians of today and the driver of informatics' future."
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