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Dennis OConnor

Beyond the EHR: Cultivating Patient Acquisition and Retention with Intelligent Engageme... - 0 views

    "Beyond the EHR: Cultivating Patient Acquisition and Retention with Intelligent Engagement Wednesday, September 29, 2021 | 12:00-1:00pm CT" In this session you'll get the facts to support these talking points: * Your EHR doesn't target consumers likely to need care * Your EHR provides only a partial view of patients * Your EHR doesn't drive patient loyalty * Your patient portal is just one, gated touchpoint in your digital front door * Your population health system cannot engage patients in their care
Dennis OConnor

No Pushing, no Shoving. Instead, Nudges in the Right Direction - 1 views

  • Nudges—and the technologies to deliver them—are becoming an increasingly important part of American healthcare. They are being used to keep patients safe, steer doctors and consumers to make more cost-effective decisions, and improve the quality of care.
  • behavioral economics, a field that combines economics with the psychology of making decisions.
  • help guide a stakeholder to a preferred option
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Nudging
  • (EHR) makes it relatively easy to use defaults and reminders to guide healthcare decisions.
  • behavioral “design team” embedded in health system
  • “There are opportunities to work through all of these mediums to align nudges with improved medical decision-making,” Patel says.
  • Because nudges can be very powerful, they need to be implemented carefully. “We focus on driving outcomes using national guidelines and evidence-based criteria,”
  • “Well-designed nudges based on clinical evidence make it easier for clinicians to effectively treat patients based on the latest evidence,”
  • In the realm of patient safety, “alarm fatigue” can set in so that safety alerts end up having the opposite of their intended effect
    Recommended by Gina Soloperto: "Applying lessons from behavioral economics, health systems are using "nudges" to influence the choices clinicians make."
Dennis OConnor

Ciitizen - Better control of your health outcomes. - 0 views

shared by Dennis OConnor on 13 Sep 21 - No Cached
    Recommended by Dr. Denmark: "When You Control Your Health Data, You Control Your Options. Ciitizen helps you collect, summarize, and share your medical records digitally, free of charge. You can use it to get a second opinion, coordinate with caregivers, or donate to research. Starting with cancer, we are helping patients take control of their health outcomes."
Dennis OConnor

Home | Zus Health - 0 views

shared by Dennis OConnor on 16 Sep 21 - No Cached
    "Trick out your toolbox A growing library of software tools and services allows digital health companies to build their own unique experiences and iterate with ease."
Dennis OConnor

The Holistic Patient Journey_HealthVerity-Evidation Webinar.mp4 - 0 views

    DeAunne Denmark, MD. Phd "This is a good recent webinar with some details about how their platform works on both patient and enterprise sides, and frames why "context" is so important, and how it can be analyzed as a part of imperfect, complex real-world datasets. Drives home that the types of analytics needed for this are actually not new - used extensively already on consumers for marketing, sales, etc. and have been for awhile. Also good segment about patient consent and data rights - values, integrity, respect."
Dennis OConnor

Introducing AWS for Health - Accelerating innovation from benchtop to bedside | AWS for... - 0 views

    Dennis: "And one ring to rule them all?" Resistance is not futile.
Dennis OConnor

How to Correct Mistakes in Your Medical Records - 0 views

    "Types of errors can include: Some typographical spelling errors may or may not require correction. For example, if mesenteric is incorrectly spelled "mesentiric," you might not go through the trouble of having it corrected because there won't be any impact on your health or medical care. Errors in the spelling of your name do require correction because this can prevent your records from being shared properly among different providers, and it can affect payment for services. If your phone number or address is incorrect or outdated, you'll want to make sure it gets corrected immediately. Failure to do so will result in the wrong information being copied into future medical records or an inability for your medical team to contact you if needed. Any inaccurate information about your symptoms, diagnosis, or treatment should be corrected. For example, if your record says that you have temporal tumor instead of a testicular tumor, this is completely different and requires correction. If the record says your appointment was at 2 pm, but you never saw the doctor until 3:30 pm, that may not have any bearing on your future health or billing information needs, and it isn't worth correcting."
Dennis OConnor

Federal Rules mandating open notes - 0 views

    The program rule on Interoperability, Information Blocking, and ONC Health IT Certification, which implements the 21st Century Cures Act passed in 2016, requires patients be provided access to all the health information in their electronic medical records without charge by their healthcare provider beginning April 5, 2021
Dennis OConnor

The Sovereignty Network - 0 views

    "In a world where you don't own or control your data, we source a copy of your medical data, structure it to make it usable and valuable, and store it in your personal record to own as your personal property."
Dennis OConnor

Frequency and Types of Patient-Reported Errors in Electronic Health Record Ambulatory C... - 0 views

    Recommended by Tyler Orion: Conclusions and Relevance In this study, patients who read ambulatory notes online perceived mistakes, a substantial proportion of which they found to be serious. Older and sicker patients were twice as likely to report a serious error compared with younger and healthier patients, indicating important safety and quality implications. Sharing notes with patients may help engage them to improve record accuracy and health care safety together with practitioners. Meaning  As health information transparency increases, patients may perceive important errors in their visit notes, and inviting them to report mistakes that they believe are very serious may be associated with improved record accuracy and patient engagement in safety."
Dennis OConnor

Upload Raw DNA Data & Your Health Info to Advance Medicine | LunaDNA - 1 views

  • LunaDNA is the first health and DNA discovery platform owned by its community of data contributors.
  • you remain in complete control of your data.
  • people are the most important players in research and deserve to be honored as partners in the process.
    "The Future of Health Depends on Your Data The first people-powered platform where you share health data, advance science and take part in the value created."
Dennis OConnor

11 HIPAA and Medical Records Privacy Myths for Patients - 0 views

  • You can be an empowered patient or advocate by knowing the basics of HIPAA and having the confidence to request records from providers. Here are some myths about HIPAA and how they affect you, the patient.
  • Myth: HIPAA Prevents Sharing of Information With Family Members
  • Myth: Only Patients or Caregivers May Get Copies of Health Records
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Myth: Employers Are Payers and Can Gain Access to an Employee's Records
  • Myth: HIPAA Laws Prevent Doctors From Exchanging Email With Their Patients
  • Myth: Providers Are Required by Law to Provide All Medical Records to You
  • Myth: Patients Denied Access to Their Records May Sue to Get Copies
  • Myth: HIPAA Laws Cover Privacy and Security for All Medical Records
  • Myth: Providers Are Required to Correct Any Errors Found in Patient Records
  • Myth: Your Health and Medical Records Cannot Affect Your Credit Records
  • Myth: Medical Information Cannot Be Legally Sold or Used for Marketing
  • Myth: HIPAA Can Be Used as an Excuse
    "You can be an empowered patient or advocate by knowing the basics of HIPAA and having the confidence to request records from providers. Here are some myths about HIPAA and how they affect you, the patient."
Dennis OConnor

Open Notes: Feel More in Control - 1 views

    "Feel More in Control OpenNotes isn't a product. It's a movement that makes health care more open and transparent by encouraging doctors and other professionals to share their visit notes. Reading your notes can help you manage your health care. Ask your doctor for them!"
Dennis OConnor

OpenNotes - Patients and clinicians on the same page - 1 views

    "OpenNotes is the international movement that's making health care more transparent. It urges doctors, nurses, therapists, and others to invite patients to read the notes they write to describe a visit."
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