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Baker M

POVERTY: K through homeless - 4 views

    This article is about a woman in New York who helps children who are homeless get free and reduced lunches, transportation and immediate enrollment.
    I think what Miss Kilduff is doing is very unselfish--a great quality! It's a shocking fact that there are 51,316 homeless students in NYC alone! And 1.1 million in the entire state of New York! It's not hard to believe that poverty exists in such a city, but the numbers are outstanding. I really hope that Kilduff keeps up her work, and inspires others to reach out, too.
    I very much agree with Roseann Kilduff. I used to go to a private school which people are not that wealthy but are not in poverty. Now in a public school, I found out it's very different. Their are people I know that are in poverty which has opened my eye more to reality. Poverty is scene daily, even if others don't recognize it.
Carnahan H

Poverty around the World - 5 views

    This article talks about what it means to be developed or undeveloped country
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    I thought this website was interesting because it put a label on "developed" or "developing" countries when really all countries how some sort of poverty or suffering in their economy.
    This has a lot of facts about poverty around the world. Very sight exploding
    This article is very insightful, becauswe not only is it telling you about poverty in the U.S., but in other countries! Showing you the wages, perctentages, and what makes a country "developed," or "developing.
Carnahan H

The Effects of poverty on teaching and learning - 2 views

    This article is about how kids that are in poverty and are going to school are more likely to fail because of their social circumtances
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    that is so sad that the children that live in poverty are more likely to fail in school. its not their fault
    It isn't the children's fault they are going to fail. The poverty has effects that takes the child out of school for a few days and stuff.
    With the amount of poverty rising (which means more kids that make up this country), I wonder how this will effect the country in the future.
    Very sad. It says that it is most likely for a child to fail in education that is in poverty because of his/her's life circumstances.
Stockhausen M

Homeless Housing - 1 views

    This article is about how the homeless are sheltered. It is the website of an organization that oporates an emergency shelter. I was happy to see how much came with the shelter and that people weren't just thrown into an empty space.
    I agree with Miranda, i was happy to see that the people got housing and were not all thrown into one room with a bunch of other people, and some blankets. That would make me feel really appreciated.
    i thought it was great that it came with a food starter kit.
Green C

Study:Poverty dramatically affects childrens brains - 0 views

    This article describes how poverty affects childrens brains. The articles says that lower class children's brains develope differently than those of the higher and middle class. This affects thier language skills and thier "ability to plan and remember details". I found this article interesting, and i think it might help explain why people who grew up in poverty have trouble getting out of it when they are older.
Green C

Addiction and Poverty - 1 views

    This article describes how addiction can cause poverty and how poverty can make addiction worse. The article trys to make it clear that you shouldn't stereo type that all poor people are addicts. I thought that was a good point to make because this is a pretty common sterotype for people to believe.
    Very interesting. It's too bad that those people waste their little money on drugs.
Maddox M

..:: Causes of Poverty ::.. - 10 views

    This article is about the causes of poverty. Poverty is caused by overpopulation, unequal distribution of resources, costs of living, inadequate education, and unemployment. I was upset by the some of the causes of poverty, but hopeful too, because some of the causes could be changed in order to end poverty.
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    this website talks about the many different factors that can play in peoples lives that will lead to them being in poverty
    i think poverty will eventually be bred out wether from the most poor starting to die out and it will make it easier to help the smaller less scattered groups or somebody acually finds a decent way to help them all
    This article gives some basic causes of poverty and information on each of them. This article made me realize that it may not be the people's fault that they are struggling, but their environment plays a big part in it too.
    This article is about the suspected reasons for poverty. It provides detailed explanations for each cause of poverty; Overpopulation, Global Distribution of Resources, Costs of Living, Inadequate Education and Employment, Enviromental Degradation, and others. Reading this article, I felt guilty because of the standars of living in the U.S. I felt that in America, we worry about which new car, or designer clothing to buy, when people in developing countries worry about having enough in their gardens to feed their families. Our standards of living seem so silly compared to the standards in poverty stricken countries.
    I didn't know poverty was caused by so many things. This site is really informational too.
    Yes, their are many causes of poverty, but more importantly the efects, like malnutrition, homelessnes, and much, much more! It's crazy!
    I think that poverty in some places can be like a cycle, once someone gets into poverty, it is almost impossible to get out.
    I agree Jake. I think that poverty is a never ending cycle, After reeading alot of these articles, I think the best solution would be to educate people so they can get their own jobs and make an income to end poverty.
    i disagree with jake and tara. I think that poverty is not a never ending cycle, because if everyone heard about these people and we convinced them to donate 10-100$ every month or so, then we can end poverty!. Here is website where you can donate money:
    This article is extremly useful to me since i'm thinking about doing my report thing on causes. but its amazing how many causes there are and what they are.
    I think that the most prominent reasons for poverty are inadequate education and pverpopulation. This makes more sense to why the US has a lot of poverty.
Brown A

Poverty Facts and Stats - Global Issues - 5 views

    It talks about facts about poverty, and gives percetages about the people in povery. it says there are 2.2 billion kids in the world, and 1 billion is in poverty. That's... sad.
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    I was shocked where it said, "At least 80% of humanitly lives on less than $10 a day". There's something wrong with humanity if this is all we have. This article gives a lot of surprising facts.
    Some of the graphs really made me sad. There was $105 billion spent on alcoholic drinks and $400 billion spent on narcotics drugs, what really made me sad was that there was only $6 billion spent on BASIC education, and $9 billion spent on water sanitation throughout the world. It made me sad..
    These are statistics about poverty. There are several graphs and charts that show how poverty effects different countries. Alot of the graphs are surprising and make me very sad. In 1998 more money was spent on Narcotics Drugs and Alcoholic Drinks than was spent on sanitation, basic education, and health (nutrition)
    This is unbelieveable! 22,000 children die every day due to poverty? It makes me feel like we really need to do SOMETHING. We have enough money to make a big change in the poverty levels, if we did something about it.
    i think its really sad that over half of the world makes less than 2.30 dollars a day. its also sad how many kids and people die each day from poverty and hunger. we should think of better ways to provide other people with food because there is enough for everyone.
Tuttle S

"Plague" of Poverty in America - 1 views

    Shows perctentages, charts, graphs, and statistics from the Census Bureau. In 2005, there were 35 million poor people living in the U.S., and the percentage has varied from 11.3% to 15.1% of the population over the past 20 years. This article is the best source to research on pooverty, and I highly recommened anyone to read this. The information in this article is both interesting and emotionally grotisque. I really couldn't read the whole article without shedding a tear, or heart-break.
Giesman G

The Intersection of Poverty and Sexual Violence - 3 views

    This article is about the statistical relationship between people who are in poverty and people who are sexually abused. It shocked me to see the direct correlation between people in poverty and those that are raped.
    When I read the article I wonder what other abuses lead people to quit their jobs and live in poverty.
    oh my god thats i mean, you hear about this stuff in books and things, but not only in newspapers and things, you know? kind of like with declan, it makes me think about what other things people might do because of poverty
Walouke A

The BIG Picture - 1 views

    Stopping extreme poverty is somehwhat very difficult. But these people think its very possible. They think poverty can be reduced in the year 2015 and can be extremly reduced in the year 2025. In my opinion, this is a goal that is very hard to reach, Especially with our economy today. But it is possible.
Gust A

Poverty - 1 views

    This website give a lot of other webpages on different topics. Easy to see with complimentary pictures.
Pawluk M

The Effects of Poverty on Teaching and Learning - 2 views

    This article is about how being in poverty can affect a childs' learning ability. They don't have the motivation to learn in school and I was surprised to read that wtih their emmotional state they are very self concious about their situation.
    that is a shocker and i did no know that it can affect their learning ability!
Baker M

"Recession" in America- Hand Out or Hand Up - 2 views

    This article is talking about the similarities and differences between the Depression and now. The author is saying how they might have had it better than us because they tried to get jobs instead of now how people just ask the government.
    I know a couple people from the depression, one was affected very badly from it and one wasn't. so i have heard what it is like to live through something like that, and i cant even imagine having to. to have all your deams vanish and be depressed all the time because you can't do anything because you can't afford it.
Foster H

Its everywhere - 3 views

shared by Foster H on 12 Jan 11 - Cached
    About poverty in Africa. It has stories, facts and pictures. When reading some of the facts I just couldn't even imagine it being true.
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    Looking at the pictures made me really sad, and i can't believe that 15 million orphans in this one area of Africa have HIV
    About poverty in Africa and it has stories, and pictures, and facts . i was really sad how the artical said "it is estimated that more than 18 million people have died to date, of which over 3 million were children. Additionally, more than 25 million adults " i was shocked
    i think that this website has some good information but people arent commenting correcy bout it (this doesot as a comment, to the teachers)
    if i could, i would totally go to africa and give everysingle child something to help them through the hard times. Just a little teddy bear will do the trick, just to have something to hold and love. that makes them feel happy inside. This artical is about how africa is such a poor country and they need halp and fast. children are getting water from streams that other people have to use the restroom in and take showers with. its so sad. D: my heart aches for them.
    I think this website had a lot of things to read, but it was all good information. It was very interesting to read the left side, all of the short facts.
Borror D

What are the Long Term Effects of Poverty? - 4 views

    This talks about the long term effects of poverty and has a few paragraphs about understanding generational poverty. Reading the effects, I wasn't to surprised because I can see all of that happening to children and families in poverty.
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    This article tells the long-term effects of poverty, the different kinds of poverty, and how we can help stop it. I thought that this article was really helpful if you don't know much about poverty, or if you want to know how to help it. I think it's pretty sad that some people are born into poverty and they can't get the right education because of it.
    The article seems to really talk a lot about how poverty affects the life of a person. It's terrible how those with less money have so many more difficulties than those who have money. Basic needs should have no price.
    THis article made me so sad! I never knew all of the problems that can be caused by poverty! I agree with Pen Basic needs should have no price. I really want to reach out and help those familes in need. I also think I will understand people who are depressed or who are in poverty. I think I will become a better person because of this article.
Magnuson A

teenage homelessnes - 4 views

    This article talks about 11 effects of homelessness on teenagers. Some of them were incredible shocking. Like the statistic that 1 in four homeless youth have traded sex for survival needs. It was also sad that one in 260 homeless youths is murdered
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    oh my god thats so freaking sad that they need to have sex for food. :(
    I really like this because most articles that people have are talking about what poverty is. This one went even further, and was really describing the effects of poverty on teens. Thanks for sharing, very interesting!
    The fact alone that people have to sell sex is awful. Having to sell sex for FOOD is a whole different state of morbidness. It's really sad that this is how people live their life.
    I thought it was so sad that adolescents are so desprate that one in four teens have traded sex for survival needs!!!
    Wow that was really scary, i can't believe that people would do that just to have food. I just want to help them. I can't believe that they would even be in a situation where they would have to do that.
Liu D

Poverty in the US - 0 views

    This talks about how America isn't what it's said to be and criticizes a multitude of people. This also has stories about people living in poverty. This also is a compilation of articles as well.
Mousou M

World Poverty - Challenges and Solutions - 5 views

    it shows challenges of world poverty and the solutions. One example is the rich gets richer and the poor get poorer. Throughout the 1990s, hungry people rose by 18 million. 4 million a year and 25,000 people die from poverty. I think that the rich gets richer and the poor get poorer is not all true, because some people donate money to poor people.
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    I heard on NPR that surprisingly, more people are looking up to the richer people for help, than looking down on them and blaming them that they hoard a lot of money and that they should be at fault for the economy.
    I could not believe that the war in I raq has killed as many people in five years as poverty killed in four days!
    It's kind of sad how selfish and uncaring people are/can be. Once the amount of money between people is even, poverty wont be a problem. Unfortunately, I don't think that's going to change anytime soon...
    declan that is called down trickleing. the rich buy stuff, the money fom the stuff gets distributied among emploees, emploees buy stuff and it keeps going down the class pyrimid.
    thats insane! the worlds so messed up with war, im making a song about it, but still this website has alot to offer and i also saw the war thing very interesting
Sawyer T

U.S. Hunger - 4 views

    This article is giving information about how many people are struggling in the United States from poverty. It gives causes and facts about hunger in the U.S. It was very eye opening when I read that 13 percent of people in the U.S. struggle with hunger. 16.7 million children live in households that struggle with putting food on the table.
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    Wow! Has it really gotten so bad that 1 in 4 familys struggle to put food on the table? I meen,i can't think about that because sometimes if i don't like whats on my plate then i throw it away and some people woule die for that.
    The "Causes of Hunger in the US" article was super interesting. It made me realize that we have so much food in the US but if you don't have money to buy it, then you just can't buy it at all.
    i was suprsed to see that 13% of people are living in poverty in the united states
    I know Adele! When I don't like something on my plate, I just throw it away and not think about how much someone right then is struggling and starving.
    its amazing that poverty hits so close to home
    In the "hunger and poverty in african americans" article, i was so shocked of the total income, food insecurities, and poverty total. I am completely blown away by this!
    I definetly agree with Adele. It's also sad that 51.4% of Americans will live in poverty before the age of 65. But it is nice to see that not only does this website have facts that grab you and give you a sense of how big this problem is, they also have solutions. The more solutions we can get, the better.
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