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Phillips L

Bread for the World - 7 views

    It really scares me to know that one child dies every five seconds from hunger. Also, it was eye-opening to see that 9 million kids die of hunger before their fifth birthday. I think it's really unfair that someone that young has to go through such living.
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    It's really really sad how a child dies every five seconds!! It's also amazing how many people have dropped into poverty over just the last 2 years.
    every five seconds...? Wow, I counted to 10 in my head and two kids just died 0_o
    These facts are really depressing its so upsetting to hear that a child dies every fives seconds and how the recession has pushed 100-150 million people into poverty
    I can't believe that just last year the entire total of people in poverty reached all the way up to 100-150 million people. It's really shocking that while this was happening, I was sitting here without a clue. It's truly amazing what goes on when you turn away for but a moment.
    Like Julia. That's actually pretty scary and deppressing. 925 million people in poverty is pretty insane. It's hard to see people in poverty who lives their life stuggling for food and/or $$... :(
    It's sad that a kid dies every five seconds. But whats even worse is that 9 million kids die before their fifth birthday.
    omg thats so sad and scary makes me count my blessings
    925 million people are hungry. They cant put food on their tables. I think we take it for granted. We always have food in our fridges, we always have food on our tables. We need to appreciate more for what we get. Next time our moms put something on the table we don't like, you should still appreciate that you get food in your bodies. There are millions people out there that would do anything for just a thing of spinach.
Bloom J


    this website shows all the cites in Ohio and how much a family needs for money and food and how much they spend each year or on average
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    It really made me sad that over two and a half times as many families fall below EPI's family budget levels than below federal poverty lines. I can't imangine how it's like to live that way.
    Its shocking how so many people in ohio are in poverty, when i don't SEE many.
    woah. I really never see anyone living on the streets in Ohio.... I didn't really notice that our state is so poor o_o
    I find this artcle not suprising. I see it, go downtown to the brewery district, you'll see it. That article was made in 2001 i think. I wonder if those statistics are still the same.
    Me neitherr!
Isaacson R

World poverty all around the world - 2 views

    This website suprises me, because it really shows where poverty is in the world. It's sad because here in america, it doesn't show anybody living under 1.25 dollars a day. :/
    this makes me sad and I'm thankful for what i have in my life.
    i agree with ryan, its sad that we have to read about these trageties and then you look at yourslef, and you get everything you want, and we are also complaining about not having one thing that we dont even need.
Shockley L

Statistics on Poverty and Food Wastage in America - 6 views

    Includes many statistics, such as food wastage in America (over 100 billion lbs per year!) and poverty rate for children (55% for children under 6 living with a single mother!). I Found some of these statistics very surprising, but sadly, not unbelieveable.
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    I can't believe Americans waste about 100 billion pounds of food each year.
    It's hard to believe that so many people in the world's richest country aren't always able to put food on the table. it is especially sad that so many children go to bed hungry. but i'm glad there are companies out there that help the hungry and supply them with food.
    With the amount of resources wasted here, we can feed every homeless person! We're not very considerate...
    wow thats really aweful how much we abuse our resources so badly, and yet not surprising like julia said
    With the knowledge that so much of our food is being wasted, I wonder if things have been put into action to help this.
    its amazing how unbalanced wealth is
    What I found hard to swallow was that people wasted 14% of their food. That just strikes me as wasteful.
    I think that 20% of people in the US who request food not getting it is crazy, especially in America where we have some of the richest people in the world.
    This article gives information on Food wasage in america. It tels how much food is wated per year and how many people would have gladly accepted it. This article also gives some statistics on poverty in the united states.
    35.9 million people in America live below the poverty line. About 100 billion pounds of food each year is wasted in America. Those living in poverty would gladly accept the food that would go to waste. Some families have to skip a meal or each very little becasue they can't afford to eat alot. In a house, about 14% of the food that is bought will be wasted. And around 49 million people could have been fed by that food. \nSeeing all of the wasted food and people that could use that food makes me want to find a way to save some of that food and give it to people in poverty. Also it's sad to know that there are alot of kids out there that live in poverty. If I were a parent it would be hard on me not being able to provide for my kids.
Bloom J

Bread for the world - 6 views

    facts about hunger and how many people died a year and how to end hunger in the U.S and ways to stop it
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    It made me upset the nearly 16.7 million children struggle to put food on the table.
    It made me upset that nearly one in four children live in households that struggle to put food on the table. It is very sad and depressing
    it suprised me that only 13% of people in the u.s. live in poverty.
    It surprised me that 26.9 percent of latino's have a hard time to put food on the table. I feel sad.
    if america is one of the wealthiest countries we should be sharing the wealth instead of keeping it to ourselves. it surprised me that most people will go through poverty before they are 65.
Costello R

what is extreme poverty? - 6 views

    This article is about extreme poverty and many facts about it. This article made me really sad because there are a lot of sad facts about poverty.
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    Poverty is sad, 600 million children are living in extreme poverty. 75 million children are out of school. It's horrible because they don't even get a chance for a good life without school.
    i think one of the saddest thing is that kidsw are dying from curable diseases. that means that we arent doing enough to make sure that everyone gets the treatment they deserve.
    That's sad to see that approx. 25,000 children die each day to something that can be prevented. I wonder what the U.N. is doing to prevent that
    I didn't know that, approximately 9.2 million children under the age of 5 die each year, mostly from preventable diseases.
    It's so sad to see that so every day and every minute a kid dies because of poverty i wonder if anyone is trying to do anything to help if not why don't they start
Carnahan H

Poverty around the World - 5 views

    This article talks about what it means to be developed or undeveloped country
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    I thought this website was interesting because it put a label on "developed" or "developing" countries when really all countries how some sort of poverty or suffering in their economy.
    This has a lot of facts about poverty around the world. Very sight exploding
    This article is very insightful, becauswe not only is it telling you about poverty in the U.S., but in other countries! Showing you the wages, perctentages, and what makes a country "developed," or "developing.
Chapman M

Stop poverty from stealing a child's potential - 5 views

    poverty is really hurting kids and thier future. Watching the video made me sad seeing all the faces of the little kids that are in poverty.
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    I really liked this because it gives you a chance to sponser a child, and it also tells you about what you have to do and what will happen when you sponser a child. This is a great site to look at after you look at poverty articles because it will really make you want to do something to help out. Thanks for sharing!
    I cannot believe that 24,000 kids die each DAY just from poverty. I also like the way you can sponser a child, and they made it look so easy, it makes it so easy to want to do something to help.
    i agree with kayla. im glad that so many people are trying to help children in poverty so that they can get the potential and education they need! when i get home i'm going to sign up for this website so that i can help them aswell as other people. :D
Stockhausen M

Welfare Information - 1 views

    Describes what welfare is, welfare's history, and how it is set up including different types,requirements, and how you apply. I found it very informative and easy to understand.
    I think that welfare is good. It stinks when there are people that try to take advantage of the system. There are people out there that really need help.
Gilles C

Strained Suburbs: The Social Service Challenges of Rising Suburban Poverty - 1 views

    It talks about how poverty is more focused on central cities, but poverty rates are increasing at a quicker pace in suburban areas.
    I didn't know there was suburban poverty. I only thought poverty was in downtown cities
Mousou M

Poverty Rates in Ohio - 1 views

    This Article was about the percent of people in poverty living in factory town. I was really amazed that east Cleveland leads the state in poverty.
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    This site lists the percentage of Ohio's Poverty.It mentions that poverty in Ohio is located in major cities which means that poverty in Ohio is linked to the market. I was pretty shocked when i found out that Ohio has the 24th highest poverty rate in the United States.
    This article gives information about why the worst poverty in Ohio exists and what is being done about poverty in Ohio. It gives poverty rates of counties and it saddens me when I saw that east Cleveland has 32% rate of poverty. It makes me think that maybe as Phoenix we could help reach out to people and give them something that could change their life.
    It has facts on stats in America and ohio is the 24th highest poverty rate. I think that is not good because 23 other states have lower poverty percentage then us.
Brown A

Poverty Facts and Stats - Global Issues - 5 views

    It talks about facts about poverty, and gives percetages about the people in povery. it says there are 2.2 billion kids in the world, and 1 billion is in poverty. That's... sad.
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    I was shocked where it said, "At least 80% of humanitly lives on less than $10 a day". There's something wrong with humanity if this is all we have. This article gives a lot of surprising facts.
    Some of the graphs really made me sad. There was $105 billion spent on alcoholic drinks and $400 billion spent on narcotics drugs, what really made me sad was that there was only $6 billion spent on BASIC education, and $9 billion spent on water sanitation throughout the world. It made me sad..
    These are statistics about poverty. There are several graphs and charts that show how poverty effects different countries. Alot of the graphs are surprising and make me very sad. In 1998 more money was spent on Narcotics Drugs and Alcoholic Drinks than was spent on sanitation, basic education, and health (nutrition)
    This is unbelieveable! 22,000 children die every day due to poverty? It makes me feel like we really need to do SOMETHING. We have enough money to make a big change in the poverty levels, if we did something about it.
    i think its really sad that over half of the world makes less than 2.30 dollars a day. its also sad how many kids and people die each day from poverty and hunger. we should think of better ways to provide other people with food because there is enough for everyone.
Smith M

POVERTY - 1 views

    this looks at many differnt aspects of poverty even political aspect
Roesch D

Results of Poverty - 1 views

    This article talks about people in poverty and why they struggle to survive. Iwas really sad when I saw the statistics about how 26,000 to 30,000 children in poverty die everyday.
    I didn't know that Statistics show that 14 to 20 percent of the U.S. population lives in poverty.
    14- 20% of America's population lives in poverty. Crazy!!!!!!
Stockhausen M

NCCP Child Poverty - 1 views

    Gives percantage of children living in poverty and the effects of poverty on children. It also includes what the federal poverty line is. I was shocked by how many kids are living in poverty and how strongly it affects almost all aspects of their lives.
    I thought it was really interesting when they said that the children living in poverty that go to school can't learn because they have problems at home that keep them from reaching their potential in school. This reminded my about maslows heirarchy and how if they don't have a strong base(home) everything else will fall apart.
Korn G

Poverty in America - 1 views

    • Sorenson H
      WARNING! This site has been bookmarked by Harald Sorenson. If you take this site, it will be a sub-post, and will not count as your site. Thank you for being co-operative.
    This site will give you the overview of Poverty. I found it amazing how
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    This website is about general facts about poverty, and how it varies by age, race and gender. i learned things like poverty is declining (and has been since the 1990s) but is still higher than in the 1970s. also, the poverty rate for children 0-17 is higher than any other age group, and marrige seems to help reduce poverty rates.
    fatcs about povetry like some comman ages, region, ect.
    I find it hard to believe that poverty level is dropping. I do, however, believe that it is higher thn it was in the 1970's.
    This article shows statistics of poverty over the last 13 years. Ex. In 1998 the child rate of poverty was 18.9% ( 13.5 million children) This article also talks about how Age, Race, Family Composition and Region effect Poverty
    this sight is very informative but its also to straight foward, they never give there opinion reallu
    harold that is so not cool to steal grasons post >:(
    I was surprised to hear that the west was in the most poverty, I had always thought of the west as well off.
Omar H

Major Cause of Poverty - 1 views

    The website is about what has lead us to poverty and what still is. It seems like from the website that people in the west take advantage of poorer regions because the resources are cheaper. I find that very selfish. I was also very suprised too see that the main problem were the policies of international institutions.
    it was weird to read that the food banks can help people, but some people it doesnt help them at all.
    haley im sorry but would you care to explain what you are saying a bit more
Pavlechko M

Unitus... Solutions for Poverty - 1 views

shared by Pavlechko M on 11 Jan 11 - Cached
Korn G liked it
    This is about a orginazation that helps poverty. It mostly helps in Africa. It really amazed me how little people live on a day.
Mousou M

World Poverty - Challenges and Solutions - 5 views

    it shows challenges of world poverty and the solutions. One example is the rich gets richer and the poor get poorer. Throughout the 1990s, hungry people rose by 18 million. 4 million a year and 25,000 people die from poverty. I think that the rich gets richer and the poor get poorer is not all true, because some people donate money to poor people.
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    I heard on NPR that surprisingly, more people are looking up to the richer people for help, than looking down on them and blaming them that they hoard a lot of money and that they should be at fault for the economy.
    I could not believe that the war in I raq has killed as many people in five years as poverty killed in four days!
    It's kind of sad how selfish and uncaring people are/can be. Once the amount of money between people is even, poverty wont be a problem. Unfortunately, I don't think that's going to change anytime soon...
    declan that is called down trickleing. the rich buy stuff, the money fom the stuff gets distributied among emploees, emploees buy stuff and it keeps going down the class pyrimid.
    thats insane! the worlds so messed up with war, im making a song about it, but still this website has alot to offer and i also saw the war thing very interesting
Estice H

Facts on Hunger in DC - 0 views

    This gives facts about hunger in both Washington DC and around the world. Some of the facts are really surprising.
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