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A Doctor Unlocks Mysteries Of The Brain By Talking And Watching - 0 views

    Summary: The belief by many medical professionals is that better understanding of neuroscience will be achieved through investment in technology that focuses on such. But Dr. Allan Ropper believes that learning from talking, feeling, and watching is just as important as fancy scans and MRI's. As he talks about in his interview, administering bedside tests can, and will give you results that would have never been retrieved by using a machine. For example, Dr. Allan Ropper conducted an experimental test on a woman who was having muscle troubles, and by using a blood pressure pump, he discovered that she has a disease that weakens muscles with repeated use. The other doctors believed earlier that it was a stroke that made her feel weak, but Dr. Ropper proved them wrong. In Ropper's new book "Reaching Down the Rabbit Hole", he delves deeper into why neuroscience should use bedside tests more often, because in times like the one described, it's the only way to get the true answer.
    Summary: The belief by many medical professionals is that better understanding of neuroscience will be achieved through investment in technology that focuses on such. But Dr. Allan Ropper believes that learning from talking, feeling, and watching is just as important as fancy scans and MRI's. As he talks about in his interview, administering bedside tests can, and will give you results that would have never been retrieved by using a machine. For example, Dr. Allan Ropper conducted an experimental test on a woman who was having muscle troubles, and by using a blood pressure pump, he discovered that she has a disease that weakens muscles with repeated use. The other doctors believed earlier that it was a stroke that made her feel weak, but Dr. Ropper proved them wrong. In Ropper's new book "Reaching Down the Rabbit Hole", he delves deeper into why neuroscience should use bedside tests more often, because in times like the one described, it's the only way to get the true answer.
katelyn bartlett

Test optional College List - 1 views

    If you are a bad test taker, or just choose not to take the ACT/SAT test, this is a great site for you. This site allows you to pick colleges that are test opptional. It also allows you to pick what area you are looking to go to.
Hannah Jackman

Spark Notes ACT Prep - 0 views

    In preparation for the ACT, I have been studying with Spark Notes. Not only does the website gives you tips on how to take the test, but it gives you some practice questions too. My goal is to strengthen my score on the English component of the ACT, and so I have been focusing on the English practice problems. They also have a free practice test as well, which was nice because all of the other study guides for ACT/SAT are not free. Hopefully studying with this tool will increase my standardized testing score.

Preparing for the ACT - 0 views

this is a book (also available as a PDF at that has full length practice tests, information on the optional writing test, strategies for test preparation and what to expect when...

Education College testing practice booklet

started by irisdupont on 09 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
katelyn bartlett

ACT Prep. # 2 - 1 views

    Studying for the ACT test can be stressful but with this website it makes it a lot easier. This gives hints when you get the answer wrong, and it has many practice questions in any subject.
Tyler Hebert

Feed testing with John Audy - 0 views

John works for phoenix feeds and nutrition. he goes and test feed to see how the feed rates and takes that info to make a feed chart of how much of what to feed for any # of cows. i learned why fe...

farming feed testing

started by Tyler Hebert on 06 Jan 15 no follow-up yet
Courtney Panton

ASVAB Test - 0 views

    Here is a small blurb about the ASVAB test, a required test that all people who enlist have to take.
Julia Rickner

Prep Matters- College Admission Requirements - 0 views

    This source was a treasure to find. Flipping from college website to college website in attempt to figure out all their individual requirements was a nightmare. Frustrated, I searched "college requirements" and found this gem of a website! Prep Matters is very simply a list of colleges and their testing and deadline requirements. It is organized in alphabetical order and lists the college or universities SAT scale, optional test and super scoring policies, ACT requirements, subject test requirements, whether or not the college is on Common App, and all early action/decision and regular admission deadlines. I think my favorite part of this website, however, is the ability to 'click' the college you are interested in, and it takes you directly to the college's homepage. The only downfall of this source is it does not have all colleges!
Louissa Rozendaal

Professional Ski Instructors of America - 0 views

    This website has information regarding all of the levels of the PSIA test and how to get certified and take the test, along with useful information regarding how to take the test.
katelyn bartlett

ACT Prep. - 1 views

    This is a great site to test your knowlege when preparing for the test. It gives multiple practice questions on any subject. It even gives you suggetions on how to figure out the right answer.
Will Aldrich

HSK Test - HSK (Level I) - 0 views

    HSK (Level I) assesses test takers' abilities in the application of everyday Chinese (Mandarin). It is the counterpart of the Level I of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages and the A1 Level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEF).
Reilly Case John Deere 9520 tractor tests information - 0 views

    John Deere 9520 tractor tests
john kensek

Testing a Bad Alternator - 1 views

    This site is a great resource for those who do moat of the work on their own cars, it has a great procedure on how to test if the alternator is bad or not working correctly.

Major Tests Prep - 0 views

    This website offers hundred of SAT and ACT practice questions for free. It is very useful to get adjusted to the types of questions and trickery that standardized tests often do. This also gives you basic formulas and vocabulary to study!

Brain (Human Anatomy): Picture, Function, Parts, Conditions, and More - 0 views

    This website gives a lot of information in an overview format of the brain and the nervous system, brain tests, and treatments. Also listed are a few brain conditions (ie. headaches, aneurysms, etc). At the bottom of the website are many other similar resources for further research. This is a reliable and useful source because upon checking the sources I found that the information is written by doctors. This source was very helpful in terms of hindering a basic understanding of the brain. The diagram is helpful in visualizing the different parts of the brain.
    This website gives a lot of information in an overview format of the brain and the nervous system, brain tests, and treatments. Also listed are a few brain conditions (ie. headaches, aneurysms, etc). At the bottom of the website are many other similar resources for further research. This is a reliable and useful source because upon checking the sources I found that the information is written by doctors. This source was very helpful in terms of hindering a basic understanding of the brain. The diagram is helpful in visualizing the different parts of the brain.
katelyn bartlett

College Board - 0 views

    This is the go-to site for the college search process. It helps you with everything.
    This is a website that is perfect for practicing for the SAT test, it makes studying less stressful. It even gives updates on test dates. On this website you can also research colleges. Compare prices of different colleges, what locations they are located and how selective the college is.
Sam Daniels

Create a new fiddle - JSFiddle - 0 views

shared by Sam Daniels on 27 Jan 14 - Cached
    Test your JavaScript, CSS, HTML or CoffeeScript online with JSFiddle code editor. This site is like a sandbox for java scripting, also has HTML and CSS. JS fiddle is a great place to make your own code, and test codes out.
john kensek

Diagnosis of ignition coils with resistance measurement - 0 views

    this is great site on how to test ignition coils from one of the best spark plug manufacturers out there
john kensek

Relays- Operation& Testing - 0 views

    this is a great sour to understand how a relay works and the the different types of relays
john kensek

Badcaps Forums - 0 views

    this is a great resources for testing electronic equipment
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