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Courtney Panton

ASVAB Test - 0 views

    Here is a small blurb about the ASVAB test, a required test that all people who enlist have to take.
Courtney Panton

Benefits of the guard - 0 views

    On the National Guard website it has different sections for different pieces of information. One of the sections talks all about the benefits of being a part of the guard as well as your benefits after you retire.
Courtney Panton

Enlistment - 0 views

    This talks all about the journey that a typical person will go through when enlisting in the National Guard.
Courtney Panton

Questions about National Guard - 0 views

    On this site I found a list of 20 questions that people who are going to enlist generally ask their recruiter.
Courtney Panton

Basic Training-Day 1 Video - 0 views

    This video shows a short blurb from a day of basic training. It sounds harsh but they explain about the importance of breaking you down to build you back up stronger.
Alyssa Lucia

National Guard Engineering Career description - 0 views

    This site specifies some of the careers you can take through engineering
Courtney Panton

PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) - 0 views

    This site provides information and a video about PTSD. This is a disorder that soldiers can face after being exposed to traumatic situations while fighting overseas.
Courtney Panton

Phase inspection video - 0 views

    This is a very short video giving some information about the inspections that have to be done on the aircrafts for the National Guard. This particular inspection was being done in Afghanistan.
Courtney Panton

Oath of enlistment - 0 views

    This is a video of a few people reciting the Oath of enlistment and being sworn in to the National Guard.
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