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logan marsano

U.N. Agency Seeks Details on American Held in Iran - 0 views

    this article is about this guy Amir Hekmati who was an american soldier that was convicted for espionage by Iran even though his case was over turned. he has been there for two years now
Arrien Gadue

American Apparel ads - 0 views

    This New York Times blog post comments on how oversexualized and inappropriate the american apparel ads are.
Luke Freidin

American Museum of Ceramic Art - 0 views

    AMOCA stands for the American Museum of Ceramic Art, which has multiple exhibits and holds events, tours and workshops. The museum is in Pomona, California and is a great place to go to look at some nice pottery. There is a wide variety or mediums within ceramics and the exhibits change often!
Hannah Funk

Burlington Free Press - 0 views

    This is very helpful in finding current events and local news. It gives great detail in everything and is updated very regularly with new articles.
    This was a very helpful site for me for my research in Global Studies. I used this site to look up current events.
    I was introduced to this site through American Studies, since it is our primary source for the History of the Day (HOTD) assignment that we do once a quarter. For HOTD, we use the e-newspaper, which simulates the experience of reading that day's paper complete with "flipping" through the international, national, and local news. I know that the Burlington Free Press is a reliable source since it is fairly well known in this state, and it has multiple reporters and editors working on every story and checking the facts to make sure that it is accurate. This source is probably a bit liberal as news sources go, since it is published in Vermont where most of the readers are democrats, but I usually feel as though I am being informed, not persuaded, when I read it. I really enjoy getting news from the BFP because the paper is small enough that you can receive information without getting overwhelmed, and it doesn't take too long to read the whole thing. Using this source in American Studies has also changed my perception of my state, since it has helped me realize that even though it is a small state, Vermont has talented editors and is able to produce a news source that is equally as informative as big-time sources like the New York Times.
Hannah Funk

Soldier's Heart: Literary Men, Literary Women, and the Great War - 0 views

    This was a work that I used for an American Studies paper. It was about how women gained power during World War One, and how they expressed that power through writing. I was able to access this article through Ms. Burdett's JSTOR account, which was a very useful website because you had access to work that wasn't published on the broader internet and you could keep it all bookmarked together. I knew this was reliable because it was associated with a college, and the author used in-text citations so I could double check her sources if I wanted to. However, it was biased because the author was writing a persuasive piece. She started the work with a debatable thesis and gave evidence throughout the article to support it. This was one of the most challenging articles I've read because it was written at a college level, but the information was at a higher level as well. The author went very in-depth, and while the sheer amount of information was sometimes hard to sort through, it gave me better details in the end. The only drawback I would tell someone else who wanted to use this source was that it was on JSTOR, so I needed Ms. Burdett's password and permission whenever I wanted to use it.
Sebastian Durante

FDA approves new drug for treatment of type 2 diabetes - 0 views

    The US Food and Drug and Administration has announced the approval of a drug called Farxiga (dapaglifozin) to help treat adults with type 2 diabetes. The tablets, in combination with diet and exercise, are said to improve control of blood sugar levels. According to the American Diabetes Association, approximately 25.8 million people in the US have diabetes.
Riley Forbes

Colonists coming to the New World - 0 views

    The main points in this article are the settlements, population sources, the relationships with Native Americans, government, religion, and economy and population growth for the English, French and Spanish Colonies. The purpose of this article is to show the similarities and differences between the English, French and Spanish Colonists during the founding of the New World. There are many topics covered in this article, however the most important topic is the colonists and how they are different even though they came from the same continent: Europe. This articles is a comparison of the three colonists groups and which group would be the best suited to colonize the New World. This is a very useful source to use as notes or to help you debate a certain side, because it shows you the group's strong points as well as the drawbacks. Other sources that I have used only talk about on group of colonists and you really have to dig for answers, whereas this site is organized in a chart and all the information is right in front of you. This was very useful for my U.S. History class because this website showed the different groups of European colonists and their strengths and weaknesses.
Louissa Rozendaal

AMGA - 0 views

    The American Mountain Guides Association is an organization I would like to work for in the future. They have a lot of incredible mountaineering programs.
Brian Wendel

Iran govt. continues to block social networking sites. - 2 views

    The Iranian government briefly lifted their blocks of social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook on Tuesday of this week - only to put them back the following day. These Iranian blocks of websites came about after the 2009 riots that were the direct result of social networking sites. - These types of social networking sites promote so much networking, knowledge and idea sharing and communication that they must be accessed by those with the technology - not blocked by a fearful government.
    Do you agree with Reza that the Iran government may have turned off the block to catch more people using these prohibited sites? Why would a government like Iran want to limit this access? How does this reinforce the importance of the basic American First Amendment right to a free press?
Sebastian Durante

US immigration - 1 views

    US immigration helps enrich our culture, and shouldn't always be viewed in a negative way
Rider Maccrellish

Polygyny In A Wild Wolf Pack - 0 views

    A study by David Mech and Michael Nelson about mating patterns in North American Gray Wolves. The study was conducted on radio tagged wolves in the Superior National Forest of Minnesota. It is commonly understood that Gray Wolves mate for life, most commonly with a member of the same pack and can produce as much offspring as a litter per year of their adult life. This article defies that pre-conceived notion, following a single male who interacts with multiple females while they are both in heat. The male is tracked meeting with both females at the same time over 19 times, always in areas far from the occupation of any other wolves or packs. It is interesting to see that, like humans, wolves have a tendency to stray from the common institution of a single mate for life.
Louissa Rozendaal

American Mountain Guides Association - 0 views

    This website offers information about the variety of programs and certifications the AMGA offers for mountaineering instructors. It also has information on how to prepare for these courses.
Will Aldrich

American Society of Health System Pharmacists - 0 views

    This website wasn't used much by me, but I think it was useful the time I did use it. It tells much about modern pharmacy and what pharmacists do, it just didn't have the information that I was looking for. If you're going to use it, good luck!

Pinterest - 0 views

    Pinterest is a visual discovery tool that people use to collect ideas for their different hobbies and projects. People post collections on "boards" of visual bookmarks (Pins). These collections are used to do things like plan trips and projects, organize events or save articles and recipes. This particular board is full of American and European woodblock prints made between the years of 1880-1935. There is a subfocus of trees and landscape.
Riley Forbes

Susan B. Anthony History - 0 views

    This website describes Susan B. Anthony's lifestyle in six different sections: abolitionist, educational reformer, labor activist, temperance worker, suffragist and women rights campaigner. As Susan B. Anthony grew older her interests changed. The goal of this site was to focus on the main points in her life, give an overview for each of them and show how she made the decision that helping women achieve the right to vote was a greater problem than establishing stronger liquor laws. This was the most useful resource that I used in my essay on Susan B. Anthony and how she impacted American History; I specifically needed information about her life from when she was a young adult (20's) to her death. The Susan B. Anthony House does not include very much about her childhood, which was fine for my purposes. The information is reliable because the Susan B. Anthony House isn't a bias source; it is all facts and doesn't have include any opinions about her life. I would definitely recommend this website to anyone who wants to learn about Susan B. Anthony's adult life. The organization of the site was wonderful and the material was easy to understand. I was able to find information about Susan B. Anthony's rebellion, campaigns and petitions. I used this source to support the idea that Anthony effect America's History. When learning about Susan B. Anthony I realized that throughout the world equality still hasn't been fully achieved; in some places women are still paid less than men.

Military and Veteran Benefits, News, Veteran Jobs | - 1 views

    Largest military and veteran membership organization. Has loads of resources and information.
    Serving the US Army, US Navy, US Air Force, US Marine Corps, and US Coast Guard. enables the millions of Americans with military affinity to access their benefits, find jobs, enjoy military discounts, and stay connected for life.
Sam Daniels

How to Build a Wood Log Cabin | Go Fish Ministries, Inc on - 0 views

    The most notable type of frontier house east of the Mississippi River was the log cabin. Until the settlers crossed the Mississippi, they were surrounded by dense forests. In the 18th century, American pioneers often used the wood of the southern white cedar or pine to build their log cabins.

General Information About Deer Farming | Deer Farming Articles | NADeFA - 0 views

    Starting a deer farm or ranch requires energy, innovation and much time spent in research. Once you have considered your options and decided what is right for you, visit established operations and talk to other deer owners who are raising the type of deer you are interested in. I just read a piece on the North American Deer Farmers Association or NADeFA website about general information on deer farming. The main points of this article are knowing the regulations, start up capital, plan, farm layout, fencing, building pens, nutrition, feeding program, herd structure, handling, health care, buying stock, and transportation. The purpose of this site is to give the average person who wants to know about deer farming or a someone who is new to deer farming, the general information needed to deer farm. Some topics or issues covered in this article were Land to live stock ratios, laws that someone would need to know, how to treat illnesses, and how to prepare the land for deer. This article is about the general information needed to deer farm. This source is very useful because of all the solid factual information. Compared to other sites I have used, this provides a good amount of writing and great details about each topic stated throughout this article. This information comes from a good reliable source used by deer farmers all throughout the us to talk with other farmers and to get information from the site itself. I would definitely recommend this site to anyone who wants to learn about deer farming. This site helped me learn a lot about deer farming and the general information you need to know to deer farm. This information made me realize that I want to learn a lot more about deer farming and possibly consider it as future a career. Someone could use this site/article for advice when starting a new deer farm or if someone just wants to know about deer farming in general. This article has made me want to focus one of my learning topics on deer farming.

Tracking and the Art of Seeing 2e - 2 views

shared by sears_a on 23 Oct 14 - No Cached
    In this newly revised and updated edition of his highly acclaimed field guide, renowned nature photographer and tracking expert Paul Rezendes brings the fields and forests to life with his unique observations on North American wildlife and their tracks and sign.
Tyler Hebert

Krone North America - Krone Wins AE50 Award - 0 views

    Memphis, TN - The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) recently announced that Krone will be presented a coveted 2015 AE50 award for the new EasyCollect 603 corn head. Companies from around the world submit entries to the annual AE50 competition and up to 50 of the best products are selected by a panel of international engineering experts.
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