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Will Aldrich

American Society of Health System Pharmacists - 0 views

    This website wasn't used much by me, but I think it was useful the time I did use it. It tells much about modern pharmacy and what pharmacists do, it just didn't have the information that I was looking for. If you're going to use it, good luck!

Deer Diseases | Missouri Department of Conservation - 1 views

    I just read an article on a web site about deer diseases. The main points of this article is modern and common different deer diseases. For example, CWD, chronic wasting disease is a disease found all throughout the us and in many different species of deer. Other diseases listed are also cutaneous fibromas, epizootic hemorrhagic disease, bluetongue, lyme disease, nasal bot flies, and tapeworms. The purpose is to inform you about deer diseases throughout the us. If someone asked me what this article was about I would probably say that it is about more recently found deer diseases. This is a useful source because of how much writing there is about each disease. When compared to other sites I have used this site goes further in detail about each topic. This information for me was written by a reliable source and relates to my focus. I would recommend this source to anyone who wants to learn about deer diseases. This source was very helpful for my learning. This source was helpful because it related to my focus and helped me further my education. This site has made me want to direct my learning closer to diseases and problems that reduce the deer population. I can use this source to learn about deer diseases. For example if I were to see a deer that looked unhealthy I could use this site to find out the side effects of each disease and compare it to the deer I saw to find out what was wrong with it.Overall, this site has been helpful for my learning.
    I just read an article on a web site about deer diseases. The main points of this article are modern and common different deer diseases. For example, CWD, chronic wasting disease is a disease found all throughout the us and in many different species of deer. Other diseases listed are also cutaneous fibromas, epizootic hemorrhagic disease, bluetongue, lyme disease, nasal bot flies, and tapeworms. The purpose is to inform you about deer diseases throughout the us. If someone asked me what this article was about I would probably say that it is about more recently found deer diseases. This is a useful source because of how much writing there is about each disease. When compared to other sites I have used this site goes further in detail about each topic. This information for me was written by a reliable source and relates to my focus. I would recommend this source to anyone who wants to learn about deer diseases. This source was very helpful for my learning. This source was helpful because it related to my focus and helped me further my education. This site has made me want to direct my learning closer to diseases and problems that reduce the deer population. I can use this source to learn about deer diseases. For example if I were to see a deer that looked unhealthy I could use this site to find out the side effects of each disease and compare it to the deer I saw to find out what was wrong with it.Overall, this site has been helpful for my learning.

The Religions Book - 0 views

Simply put, this resources states the fundamentals of nearly every religion. Starting with the history of the origin of religion itself, the book moves chronologically through Judaism, Buddhism, Hi...

Religion secular-faiths modern-religions eaglepride eaglenation nofilter

started by elijah_the_man on 23 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
Carina Isbell

The Chubby Vegetarian - 0 views

    I honestly have no idea how I managed to forget posting this blog on here. This blog, by far, is one of my absolute favorites! Not only that, but their cookbook is amazing. The cooking has both modern and traditional aspects, which is great when easing my family into vegetarian and vegan cuisine. I definately suggest this blog to anyone who is thinking about being a vegetarian, but worries about losing some of their favorite foods. Believe me, you won't be!
Hannah Kirby

Pastry Scoop - 0 views

    This site is frequently updated and offers information on new and modern baking trends, popular ingredients, and new and constantly improving tips to create a nice final product.
Caroline Camara

Bill Kuhns - 3 views

You are so very lucky to have this man in your life! What are you three going to do for him?

pl College Teacher Person Smart Engineer Programmer

Aiden Schultz

Log Home Corner Notching Systems Explained - 0 views

    this website is a all together great place to look and find lots of information on modern log cabins. this particular article tells about notching the logs

Modern World History - 0 views

    This site is very reliable and goes over all important historical events with great detail. Covering all topics of world history this site is perfect for anyone interested in learning a bit about the past.
Courtney Panton

Behind the scene of A Christmas Carol costumes - 0 views

    This video goes back to the original designs by Dickens and also shows designs from modern day.
Will Aldrich

SeaWorld Killer Whale Trainer Responds to "Blackfish" - 0 views

    This video really helped me to understand the misconceptions of Blackfish and the reality of modern marine mammal training. This video is definitely a must see for aspiring marine mammal trainers so that they may see the truth and the reality of what marine mammal training is like now in this day and age. This video really explains the work that SeaWorld puts into their animals and the lies that Blackfish tells its viewers. This video also helps the viewer to understand some of the little known things that go into marine mammal training and upkeep.
Rider Maccrellish

Bill Nye vs. Ken Ham - 1 views

    This debate has been a very popular and controversial subject over the past weeks since it was aired. Ken Ham represents the christian, old testament, view of creationism and debates Bill Nye, who defends the theory of evolution, and the earth being 4 billion years old. The premise of Ken Hams argument is that there is a large misconception in modern science, in which "historical science" is studied in he same way as "observational science." His claim is that scientists cannot make claims about the age of the earth or "the past" solely by observing the present. Bill Nye tries to prove his own point that observational science and historical science are in the same category of study, and that the only way to make conclusions about the past, present or future is by observing the natural earth as it is now. Nye also makes a strong effort to disprove the old testament's claim that the earth is only 6,000 years old, and that during Noah's Ark there in fact was a global flood. The debate is extremely thought provoking, no matter who you agree with coming into it. This particular debate is at the core of my ILO focus, and I recommend it to anyone who is interested in the idea of creation.
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