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Nigel Coutts

The Power of Teams - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    Sometimes it is worth stating the obvious, giving time and thought to what we easily take for granted. In doing so we name the things we value most and give them the value they deserve. The value of teams is one such ideal, we know that teams have value, we probably even know what it feels like to be a part of a great team but too often we take this feeling as understood and don't stop to consider what makes it worth chasing.
Nigel Coutts

Educational Disadvantage - Socio-economic Status & Education Pt 1 - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    The role that education plays in issues of social equity and justice cannot be undervalued. It is acknowledged by the United Nations as a human right, 'Everyone has the right to education' (United Nations, 1948) and as outlined in the Melbourne Declaration on the Educational Goals for Young Australians 'As a nation Australia values the central role of education in building a democratic, equitable and just society- a society that is prosperous, cohesive and culturally diverse, and that values Australia's Indigenous cultures as a key part of the nation's history, present and future.' (Barr et al, 2008). Such lofty assertions of the importance of education as a right and national value should be sufficient to ensure that all Australians have access to an education of the highest standard with equitable outcomes for all, the reality is that this is not the case.
Nigel Coutts

Do We Truly Understand Place Value? - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    James Tanton shattered my understanding of the vertical algorithm. More than that, he helped me to see how poorly I understood place value and that many of my students function with the same misunderstanding. What made the experience more humbling was that it took him less than two minutes to do this.
Chris Betcher

I dare you to measure the "value" I add « No Sleep 'til Summer:: - 5 views

  • But never will you be able to judge me or my students by one day or one test. Never will I give one iota of care about your tests, no matter how hard I work to help my students to do their best on it, knowing they aren’t meant to pass it because it is written far above their reading levels, and were written with native English speakers in mind. You can’t measure me as a teacher, because you haven’t imagined teachers like me or classes like mine. Their experiences are outside yours.
  • Tell me how important your data and tests are, and I will tell you how I don’t value your data because it tells me so little about my students yet so much about your educational system.
  • Your data says one thing: your system is what fails my students.
    Tell me about the algorithms you applied when you took data from 16 students over a course of nearly five years of teaching and somehow used it to judge me as "below average" and "average".
John Pearce

Screen Australia - Digital Learning - Former Film Australia - 0 views

    Screen Australia's Digital Resource Finder is a quick, convenient and easy-to-use search engine for teachers and educators. It features FREE FOR EDUCATION downloadable video clips from Screen Australia's remarkable archive-one of the nation's largest and most historically significant collections. Clips are matched with print-friendly two-page resource sheets that include background information and engaging student research and classroom activities written by leading teachers. Screen Australia's Digital Resource Finder makes it easy to search via curriculum, topic or keyword. Watch or download video clips featuring Australian life from the distant past to the present day. The video clips are carefully selected to cover topics including Australians at Work and War, Immigration, Indigenous Australia and Native Title, Asia-Pacific region, Australian politics, The Arts, Broadcast Media from radio to the Internet, Sustainability and Values and Citizenship. There are more than 600 resources to select from, with more added weekly.
    Screen Australia's Digital Resource Finder is a quick, convenient and easy-to-use search engine for teachers and educators. It features FREE FOR EDUCATION downloadable video clips from Screen Australia's remarkable archive-one of the nation's largest and most historically significant collections. Clips are matched with print-friendly two-page resource sheets that include background information and engaging student research and classroom activities written by leading teachers. No registration or log in is required, however we would appreciate your feedback. Screen Australia's Digital Resource Finder makes it easy to search via curriculum, topic or keyword. Watch or download video clips featuring Australian life from the distant past to the present day. The video clips are carefully selected to cover topics including Australians at Work and War, Immigration, Indigenous Australia and Native Title, Asia-Pacific region, Australian politics, The Arts, Broadcast Media from radio to the Internet, Sustainability and Values and Citizenship. There are more than 600 resources to select from, with more added weekly.
Rhondda Powling

34 Assistive Technology Apps From edshelf - 1 views

    "An assistive technology: a technology used by an individual with a disability to perform a function that might otherwise be difficult or impossible." Samantha Thomas, a student, future librarian, and educator at Kutztown University, created this handy collection of assistive technologies that you may find helpful. Some are commonly used with special needs individuals, such as augmentative & alternative communication apps and others are general consumer apps. Listed alongside each app is her assessment of its value as an assistive technology."
Nigel Coutts

Valuing and responding to resistance to change - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    Change is something that we fear or embrace. It is widely considered as the one constant in our lives. For education at present we face a deluge of reports that the pace of change shall only accelerate and its scale become more absolute. No wonder then that many teachers feel now is a good time for a move out of the profession. For others the changing face of education is seen as bringing exciting new possibilities wrapped in engaging challenges. Regardless of how reliable predictions for change may prove to be it is worth considering how individuals and groups respond to it.
Nigel Coutts

Understanding the power of stories - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    We are the stories that we tell and it is the stories we share which unite us. This was the seed of an idea planted by a day with author, artist, musician and story teller Boori Pryor. Understanding the power that our stories have allows us to better value their role in our lives, to see them as more than recounts of the past or imaginings of the future. Stories should be viewed as the powerful agents that they are with the force to shape who we are as much as we shape them.

Obama Warns Trump, Tells Supporters We'll Be Okay | Locality News - 0 views

    Obama has promised to speak if Trump threatens the core values ​​of the US and reassured Americans "we will be fine" in a political swansong.
Nigel Coutts

Ideas - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    Ask any teacher what they wish they had more of and the most common answer is likely to be time. Schools are inherently busy places and there is always much to be done. We all want to meet the needs of every student, add value to their education with breadth and depth, ensure adequate coverage of the curriculum and include aspects of play and discovery. Add up all that is done in a day over and above face-to-face teaching and you can only wonder at how we manage to fit it all into the time we have. So is there an answer to this dilemma, is there a secret method to finding more time in our schedules to achieve all that we want to?
Nigel Coutts

What messages are we sending about learning? - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    How can we take more notice of the culture of our classrooms and what it communicates to learners about the value of thinking? 
Tony Searl

» Top 100 Articles of 2011 C4LPT - 3 views

    i wonder if anyone actually reads anymore? plenty of evidence in these 100 articles why innovation based on CoPs, edupreneurs, outputs, valuing behaviour change we want to see and student centred GBL pull learning not course inputs, packaged content, event based TPL, 2005 ala 2nd life, push teaching and traditional boring LMS use will see some projects fly and others crash and burn. Also reinforces why fundamentally old thinking will fail if you just put lipstick on the e-pig and call it innovative.
dean groom

A Personal Computer for Children of All Ages. Alan Kay 1972 - - 0 views

  • A 'safe and covert" environment, where the child can assume almost any role without social or physical hurt is an important part of the day.
  • an environment which is immediately responsive to the child's activities and allows him to gain a model of himself is tremendously important.
  • "The trouble with new math is that you have to understand it everytime you use it"
    I great re-print from 1972, where Alan Kay describes, even draws what is effectively a tablet or eBook, and argues for it's technological and pedagogical value in schools. Amazingly he priced this at $500, which was quite a sum back then, and almost exactly the price of netbooks and tablets today.
Rhondda Powling

Social Media Policy | - Living in a Connected World - 1 views

    The purpose of this Policy is to set standards of behaviour for the use of Social Media that are consistent with the broader values and expectations of the Ivanhoe community.
Roland Gesthuizen

Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century - 5 views

    "This free DEECD sponsored course runs throughout Terms 3 to 4 and provides teachers in Victorian State Schools with a flexible, teacher-led professional development program showcasing how teachers from around the state add value to teaching and learning through effective and seamless use of ICT in the classroom."
Rhondda Powling

Dipsticks: Efficient Ways to Check for Understanding | Edutopia - 2 views

    A interesting post about the place and value of formative assessment. It includes a long, printable list of assessment strategies will help identify new ways to check for understanding and verify what students have learned.
Rhondda Powling

A Principal's Reflections: Leading the Maker Movement - 5 views

    "Over the past year more and more schools across the globe have embraced the concept of making to learn.  This phenomenon trickled into schools as the Maker Movement became more popular and natural connections to learning became quite evident.  To begin to understand the educational value of making we must look at the roots of this movement."
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