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Roland Gesthuizen

Teacher got harsh treatment: filmmaker - 2 views

    "The director of Mrs Carey's Concert has revealed the film's star music teacher was devastated after being repeatedly criticised and threatened with dismissal before her shock resignation from MLC School."
Rhondda Powling

Kid at school gets a pants down - LOL forward this!!! YouTube - 8 views

    A great video explaining about the responsible use of the internet. It has been very cleverly produced and speaks to - not at - young people
Rhondda Powling

Cybersmart - Internet and mobile safety advice and activities - 0 views

    ACMA site. Cybersmart provides activities, resources and practical advice to help young kids, kids, teens and parents safely enjoy the online world. Cybersmart also offers training and resources for schools and materials for library staff. Developed by the Australian Communications and Media Authority, Cybersmart is part of the Australian Government's cybersafety program
Roland Gesthuizen

When is Sarcasm Not Funny? | This Should Help - 0 views

  • Sarcasm is a form of manipulation that is cutting and hurtful, so the person using it is always prepared
  • There is very little satisfaction in having what we want if we have used sarcasm to achieve.
  • We all use sarcasm on occasion, in an attempt to be witty perhaps. Mainly, it is to cover vulnerabilities and anger or to reveal irritations.
    "Do you know many people who make use of sarcasm routinely? Sarcasm is quick to offend. We can try ignoring it, but this is ultimately not an answer."
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