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John Pearce

Teach Digital: Curriculum by Wes Fryer wiki / internetsafety - 0 views

    It is relatively easy for someone to SCARE parents away from the Internet. There ARE bad things and people making bad choices on the Internet, but there are many compelling resources and interactive tools available which can be used for learning and communication. In this wiki presentation, Wes Fryer focusses on practical things parents can do with children of different ages to promote safe online behavior and also help young people develop the ethical capacities to make good decisions as well as remain open to communicating about their online experiences with others.
Rhondda Powling

Welcome - 3 views

    This site, designed by Fuel Industries, includes three main components that are meant to be explored together. Videos: Each location -- Home, School, Mall -- includes several video shorts about a modern family's experience online. You determine which path the family members take at the critical decision point. Do you text that to your boyfriend? Do you purchase that ukulele? These shorts are just snapshots of more complicated issues. But, they all attempt to address a fundamental message of taking a moment to think before acting. Interactive Objects: As you view each video, you can collect interactive objects! An object opens up a quick game about the subject of the video. Once you collect the object, you can access it at anytime during your session. Messages: When you scroll down the site, you will find complementary messages targeted for each audience -- Students, Parents, Educators. These messages intend to strike a quick educational point. If you want to find out more about the subject, just click the link below the message. This will open up a pop-up with tips, advice, and links to partner resources. Make sure to check out the resources as linked in the educators' and parents' sections of the site! These resources point to curriculum and advice provided by Common Sense Media, ConnectSafely, and National Consumers League.
Chris Betcher

Ln: Statistics Laundering: false and fantastic figures [ pornography statistics ] - 0 views

  • The core point made herein is that the use of web sites for such purposes has long been, and still is being, vastly exaggerated in the media, by advocacy organisations, etc. Meanwhile little if any attention has been given to credible evidence that there is a vastly larger problem involving the use of non-Web Internet technologies which will not be affected in any way by the Federal Government's plan to spend AUD$44.5 million on 'blocking' of accidental/unintentional access to web sites.
    This research paper contains information about various alarming and sensational, but out-of-date, false and/or misleading 'statistics' concerning the prevalence of 'child pornography' material on Internet Web sites, etc., which appeared in Australian media reports/articles, government agency reports, etc., in 2008 and 2009.

websafety4kids / FrontPage - 0 views

    a wiki set up to support presentations for parents about Internet safety. It contains links to a range of resources that parents may find helpful in a dealing with their children's use of the Internet
John Pearce

Teach Digital: Curriculum by Wes Fryer wiki / safedsn - 0 views

    This wiki from Wes Fryer is all about cyberbullying and internet safety. "Generally adults help young people learn to drive safely before giving them car keys and turning them loose on the streets of the world. Young people also need guidance and adult assistance to learn how to safely navigate the virtual environments of the 21st Century. Schools must be proactive, rather than merely defensive, in helping students acquire the skills of digital citizenship needed today and in the future. Simply banning read/write web tools on school networks is an inadequate response: Educators must strive to learn alongside students and parents how these technologies can be safely and powerfully used to communicate and collaborate."
Rhondda Powling

CyberNetrix - Internet Safety Education for Secondary Schools - 1 views

    Australian online safety site CyberNetrix offers computer-based activities that have been designed for secondary students from years seven to nine as a cross-curricula, cross-year level resource. There is a teacher guide and 11 downloadable student activities.
John Pearce

Internet Safety Resources | SimpleK12 - 5 views

    This is a very comprehensive list of links to Internet Safety Resources under a range of headings: Online Predators, Cyberbullies and Harassment, Identity Thieves, Filters, Sexting, Searching, Safe Surfing, Phishing, Fraud, Gaming, Gambling, Addiction, Scams and more.
Rhondda Powling

Kid at school gets a pants down - LOL forward this!!! YouTube - 8 views

    A great video explaining about the responsible use of the internet. It has been very cleverly produced and speaks to - not at - young people
John Pearce

Internet safety: Share your story in the Trend Micro Internet safety video contest - 1 views

    "We're excited to announce the Grand Prize of the 2011 What's Your Story? Internet safety video contest!"
Rhondda Powling

Cybersmart - Internet and mobile safety advice and activities - 0 views

    ACMA site. Cybersmart provides activities, resources and practical advice to help young kids, kids, teens and parents safely enjoy the online world. Cybersmart also offers training and resources for schools and materials for library staff. Developed by the Australian Communications and Media Authority, Cybersmart is part of the Australian Government's cybersafety program
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