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Rhondda Powling

How to Remove Your Google Search History Before Google's New Privacy Policy Takes Effec... - 1 views

    On March 1st, Google will implement its new, unified privacy policy, which will affect data Google has collected on you prior to March 1st as well as data it collects on you in the future.  If you want to keep Google from combining your Web History with the data they have gathered about you in their other products, such as YouTube or Google Plus, you may want to remove all items from your Web History and stop your Web History from being recorded in the future. It is important to note that disabling Web History in your Google account will not prevent Google from gathering and storing this information and using it for internal purposes. More information at the end of this post.
Steve Madsen

Virtual History Centre - 4 views

    "This site has been created to support the Virtual History Centre - a 3D virtual world for Victorian Students which is designed to support immersive learning. It has been developed by the History Teachers' Association of Victoria, the Public Record Office of Victoria and the State Library of Victoria and was funded by the Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development's Fuse Project. "
    Virtual World History project: Port Nepean, Victoria. This virtual world has a history focus and is supposed to be interactive.
    Virtual World History project: Port Nepean, Victoria. This virtual world has a history focus and is supposed to be interactive.
John Pearce

History Is Elementary - 0 views

    This blog is styled as a site for history teachers and anyone who enjoys reading about history and history education. Though written by an elementary or primary school teacher, the blog has numerous posts and links to information that should be of interest to all teachers of history.
Amanda Rablin

Shmoop: Study Guides for Literature, US History, Poems, & Essays - Homework Help and Te... - 0 views

    Shmoop wants to make you a better lover (of literature, history, poetry and writing). See many sides to the argument. Find your writing groove. Understand how lit and history are relevant today. We want to show your brain a good time.Our mission: To make learning and writing more fun and relevant for students in the digital age. Shmoop content is written primarily by Ph.D. and Masters students from top universities, like Stanford, Berkeley, Harvard, and Yale. Many of our writers have taught at the high school and college levels. We hold ourselves to the highest academic standards. We source our work (see the "Citations" tab in each history section, or in-line citation links throughout our literature and poetry content). Teachers and students should feel confident to cite Shmoop as a source in essays and papers.

Stepping into History in Virtual Worlds - 0 views

    The technology of virtual worlds is opening up a new universe of possibilities in promoting and teaching a love of history. The "Stepping into History" conference is your chance to learn about, and experience for yourself, the power of virtual worlds at the service of history.
graham hughes

TimeMaps - A Journey through History - 12 views

    "TimeMaps is a world history resource that uses a combination of Timeline, Atlas and Encyclopedia to cover the history of the world in an authoritative, engaging and informative way. Navigate to any civilization or period in history for either a broad overview or an in-depth look at the people, places and events."
Rhondda Powling

How An Amsterdam School Uses Facebook Timeline In History Classes - 0 views

    "Students at Het 4e Gymnasium Amsterdam have had their history class infused into their digital lives...The students have built Facebook Timelines for four history subjects:..Historical events were represented by uploading a variety of media including audio, video, photos, maps, and historic documents."
rasel ahmed

History Teachers Group - 9 views

!! AWESOME PROVIDER OF GENUINE AND ORGANIC WEBSITE SUBMISSION !! I can increasing your online reputation and credibility,in the the world. Now you can enjoy better visibility and experience on s...

Rhondda Powling

World History - YouTube - 0 views

    Crash Course World History is increasing numbers all the time. Currently has 37 videos including videos on topics in U.S. History.
Rhondda Powling

Big History Project - 6 views

    The Big history project tells the story of the universe. It starts at the very beginning and reaches to the complex societies of today. It illustrates the connections between what are often seen as diverse subjects and weaves together insights and evidence from many disciplines into one single, understandable story. Insights come from astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, anthropology, history, economics, and more.
Nigel Coutts

Learning from History - 0 views

    There is an innate beauty and wonder in History. How might we ensure students receive the maximum benefit from their study of History? How do we encourage them to see History as more than content?
Sue Tapp, Cartoons (AAEC - The Association of American Editorial Cartoo... - 0 views

shared by Sue Tapp on 14 Oct 08 - Cached
    Find a Speaker Cartoons for the Classroom How To News Cartoons # Newest Cartoons # Browse / Search # Student Member Cartoons # Cartoons for the Classroom # Animated Cartoons Cartoon Books by AAEC Members Welcome Home Cartoon Books Award Winners Animated Cartoons Cartoons Newest Cartoons Browse / Search Student Member Cartoons Cartoons for the Classroom Animated Cartoons Cartoonists Browse / Search Find a Speaker Featured Profiles How To News & History Cartoon News Contests and Events Award Winners History Corner Historical Profiles AAEC About the AAEC Membership Information Annual Convention Bulletin Board Locher - Award History Locher - John Locher Biography Locher - Award Entry Form Members cftcpagetop.gif
John Pearce

Maps of War ::: Visual History of War, Religion, and Government - 0 views

    These fascinating Flash based maps trace the history of events and trends such as the march of democracy, and the Imperial History of the Middle East. The maps play in a flash player that can also be embedded in a blog or wiki. Another great tool for use with an IWB.
Roland Gesthuizen

VIC: Doctored exam pic creates storm | Australian Teacher Magazine - No.1 national educ... - 4 views

    "Victorian students sat down to this year's History: Revolutions exam, they would have been forgiven for thinking Russian history had been re-written, or more to the point, repainted."
John Pearce

Historical Tweets - 0 views

    A quirky fun site that could just as easily be used by history teachers everywhere. Most people think Twitter was "created" in 2006. These are same people who think Richard Gere created Buddhism in the 1990's. Just before Madonna created yoga. Folks, like the sun, moon, and stars, Twitter has always been. This site proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Books have been ruining history. So many unnecessary words. Now, with Historical Tweets, history's most amazing men and women can be fully understood, a mere 140 characters at a time.
Rhondda Powling

The History of Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC] - 1 views

    "Here's a visually organized look at the past 30 years or so of social media history, from Usenet to AIM to Friendster and beyond. This particular infographic comes with some fun facts; for example, did you know that the first version of MySpace was coded in just 10 days?"
Tony Searl

History Teachers on Twitter | ActiveHistory - 0 views

    If you use Twitter, here is a list of History teachers who have said hello to #historyteacher so we can all follow each other via (be sure to add your name by sending your own hello to #historyteacher!)
John Pearce

The National Archives Learning Curve | Focus on Film - 0 views

    This UK site is designed to promote critical evaluation of the use of film in the study of history and history teaching. It includes discussion of some of the issues related to film as evidence, activities that investigate different aspects of film, an archive of original and reconstructions as well as showcasing how film editors work via an online editing tool.
Tony Searl

Big history to give students big picture | The Australian - 4 views

  • "He and I agreed immediately on the idea that education is so compartmentalised," Mr Clark said. "Kids go to maths and they do that in isolation, they go to science and they do that in isolation.
  • "Big history just ties everything together. And I think a lot of history had become obscure and irrelevant to modern students."
Rhondda Powling

Moments in Time - 4 views

    Great resource from ABCSplash. This interactive timeline was jointly developed by the ABC, ESA, HTAV (History Teachers Association of Victoria) and Design Royale. It ''gives an accessible entry point to the complex period covered in Overviews for the Australian Curriculum: History at Years 8 and 9"
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