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Rhondda Powling

Digital Culture & Education: Classroom perspectives - Digital Culture & Education - 2 views

    In this issue we present articles that push the boundaries of research on digital cultures, teaching, and technologies in fruitful and generative directions.  Researchers and practitioners in this issue present case studies and analysis of practical classroom use of copyright literacies, learning management systems, mobile/cell phones, social video, Twitter, and Google Reader.  The articles demonstrate how the affordances of digital culture have shifted our understandings of how pupils learn as content can be accessed, designed, and shared.  Despite the affordances of digital culture, teaching and learning-with and through digital technologies-requires effective pedagogy.  Digital technologies are not 'teacher-proof' tools; they require thoughtful and thorough integration into pedagogy, in a manner that reflects carefully articulated instructional and learning goals
Rhondda Powling

Digital Storytelling Tools for Educators by Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano in Education & La... - 9 views

    This is a 120 page guide to using digital storytelling tools in your classroom. The guide offers clear directions for using tools like Audacity, Google Maps, Photo Story, VoiceThread, and other digital media creation tools. Silvia's directions are aided by clearly annotated screenshots of each digital storytelling tool. It also provides a good explanation of digital storytelling in general and the benefits of using digital storytelling in your classroom. You can download the ebook for free on Lulu. You can also purchase a paperback copy of the book for $8.50.
Rhondda Powling

Digital Citizenship Resources - 7 views

    A good LiveBinder by VisionsByVicky "This binder is an attempt to collect and organize Digital Citizenship resources by age (grade level). Often when we think of Digital Citizenship, we only think about the safety aspects of it but being a digital citizen is much more than just being safe. The nine elements of Digital Citizenship as outlined in the book Digital Citizenship in Schools by Mike Ribble and Gerald Bailey are:
Rhondda Powling

Survival Tips for Digital Storytelling | Teacher Reboot Camp - 2 views

    "There are many free online tools to help their students create and learn through digital storytelling. Many of these online tools have free apps available on i-devices and Android devices. Through digital storytelling we motivate our learners to apply, contextualize, visualize, and personalize the knowledge they learn. In the post there are some great free apps, tools, and resources that will help begin creating digital stories with learners. The slide presentation embedded will explain the process and provide you with tips on managing a digital storytelling project." This is a great resource for any teacher thinking about undertaking digital storytelling with their students.
Rhondda Powling

Developing students' digital literacy | Jisc - 7 views

    "Even today's students need support with some areas of digital practice, particularly in an academic context, so it's important to make sure that these needs are met. We define digital literacies as the capabilities which fit someone for living, learning and working in a digital society. To help with thinking about this, we have outlined seven elements of digital literacy for consideration, which can be seen in the accompanying diagram"
Rhondda Powling

8 Steps To Great Digital Storytelling | Edudemic - 9 views

    A digital storytelling chart looking at the steps students need to be take when creating digital stories. "Digital stories push students to become creators of content, rather than just consumers. Weaving together images, music, text, and voice, digital stories can be created in all content areas and at all grade levels while incorporating the 21st century skills of creating, communicating, and collaborating."
Rhondda Powling

information fluency model - 3 views

    "Digital Information Fluency (DIF) is the ability to find, evaluate and use digital information effectively, efficiently and ethically. DIF involves knowing how digital information is different from print information; having the skills to use specialized tools for finding digital information; and developing the dispositions needed in the digital information environment. As teachers and librarians develop these skills and teach them to students, students will become better equipped to achieve their information needs."
Tony Searl

Digital Culture & Education - 1 views

  • Digital Culture & Education (DCE) is an international inter-disciplinary peer-reviewed journal. This interactive, open-access web-published journal is for those interested in digital culture and education. The journal is devoted to analysing the impact of digital culture on identity, education, art, society, culture and narrative within social, political, economic, cultural and historical contexts.
    Digital Culture & Education (DCE) is an international inter-disciplinary peer-reviewed journal. This interactive, open-access web-published journal is for those interested in digital culture and education. The journal is devoted to analysing the impact of digital culture on identity, education, art, society, culture and narrative within social, political, economic, cultural and historical contexts.
Rhondda Powling

Media Awareness Network (MNet) | Reports and Publications - 0 views

    The Digital Literacy in Canada discussion paper is a response to the Government of Canada's Digital Economy Consultation, launched in May 2010. The paper calls for federal leadership in the creation of a national digital literacy strategy to ensure all Canadians have the necessary skills to use digital technologies to their fullest potential. 
Tony Searl

SocialTech: Online Educa Berlin 2010 Keynote: Building Networked Learning Environments - 2 views

  • what constitutes digital literacy or digital literacies, should, in symmetry with the subject itself, not be perceived as a problem we aim to solve, or a thing we aim to determine once and for all.
  • At some point, we need to agree actions.
  • What I’m interested in is supporting the skills and critical thinking about educational engagement in networked environments, and particularly in how educators and learners can use these to support and transfigure existing practice.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Supporting or learners and staff to use collaborative digital environments and tools in safe, critical and innovative ways should be on the top of all our digital literacy wish lists and informing local and national policy and practice.
  • We need to be mindful that a great deal of current research highlights correlations between socio economic status and access.
  • But supporting all of our children and young people’s ability to have meaningful, useful and safe online interactions means that we don’t further disadvantage some of our most vulnerable populations.
  • It turns out what people most want to know about their friends isn't how they imagine themselves to be, but what it is they are actually getting up to and thinking about
  • Recent research has clearly underlined the need to address children’s and young people’s use of the internet, mobile and games technologies in the context of digital literacy.
  • The report points up young people’s largely pedestrian use of technology, and highlights the role that educators could and should be playing in supporting young peoples engagement as producers, creators, curators rather than primarily as consumers:
  • There are many definitions of digital literacy. In one of the earliest (2006), Allan Martin defined Digital Literacy as “…the awareness, attitude and ability of individuals to appropriately use digital tools and facilities to identify, access, manage, integrate, evaluate, analyse and synthesise digital resources, construct new knowledge, create media expressions, and communicate with others in the context of specific life situations, in order to enable constructive social action; and to reflect upon this process.” 
  • The characteristics across many of the available definitions are that digital literacy are that: it supports and helps develop traditional literacies – it isn’t about the use of technology for it’s own sake or ICT as an isolated practice it's a life long practice – developing and continuing to maintain skills in the context of continual development of technologies and practices it's about skills and competencies, and critical reflection on how these skills and competencies are applied it's about social engagement – collaboration, communication, and creation within social contexts
    reducing our aims just to types of skills risks boring everyone to death with short lived, tool specific training which doesn't address the social and political context of people's lives or their reasons for engaging with technology.
John Pearce

Free Technology for Teachers: 11 Good Digital Storytelling Resources - 7 views

    "Digital storytelling comes in many forms. Digital storytelling could refer to creating podcasts, creating videos, or creating multimedia ebooks to name of few of its forms. If you're considering developing your first digital storytelling project for your class, here some resources that can help you get started."
Rhondda Powling

The Intersection of Digital Literacy and Social Media -- Campus Technology - 2 views

    "As educators look for new ways to teach digital literacy or the use of digital technology to find, organize, comprehend, evaluate, and create information, some are turning to social media to help advance the concept in the college classroom. BUT.....colleges leveraging social media to improve digital literacy must focus on students' current use of social media and then find ways to interface those activities with the curriculum."
Tania Sheko

The Present and Future of Digital Textbooks | Edudemic - 0 views

  • While there are both pros and cons to using digital textbooks to replace printed texts, the use of digital textbooks is definitely on the rise. Check out these stats about e-texts.
    While there are both pros and cons to using digital textbooks to replace printed texts, the use of digital textbooks is definitely on the rise. Check out these stats about e-texts.
Rhondda Powling

Developing digital literacies - Jisc infoNet - 3 views

    "Digital literacy looks beyond functional IT skills to describe a richer set of digital behaviours, practices and identities. Digital literacies encompasses a range of other capabilities represented here in a seven elements model"
Rhondda Powling

Digital Storytelling: What it is… And… What it is NOT | Langwitches Blog - 1 views

    A great post that goes into some detail about digital stoytelling by @langwitches. NB: Digital storytelling is NOT just a story told/created/published on a digital platform.
Chris Betcher

Introduction to Digital Storytelling by Alec Couros - 5 views

    Story telling is one of the most ancient and powerful forms of human expression. In today's media rich world, there are an abundance of digital tools that allow students to express themselves through digital narratives in ways that would have been impossible only a few years ago. This presentation will introduce participants to the tools of digital story telling, provide rich examples of student work, and help to provide context to the relevance of story telling in curriculum and instruction.
Rhondda Powling

Science4Us Digital Science Curriculum: Includes Embedded PD Resources | Class Tech Tips - 0 views

    "Science4Us is a standards-based digital science curriculum that teaches science using the 5E inquiry-based instructional model. In addition to over 350 digital games and online activities, there are tons of offline experiments and hands-on projects to keep students engaged and excited about science.  It's a great choice for teachers looking to include cross-curricular activities that connect science instruction to math and language arts. Students will also learn the importance of notetaking and observing, with their very own digital notebook."
John Pearce

Digital Storytelling with the iPad - 9 views

    "Digital Storytelling can transform your students' writing into a visual masterpiece that is filled with voice and emotion, while enhancing critical thinking skills. The iPad takes digital storytelling to a new level by making the process easier, and even more engaging for students of all grade levels as well as for their teachers. This site will help guide you in what you need for success in the iPad Digital Storytelling classroom."
John Pearce

Screen Australia - Digital Learning - Former Film Australia - 0 views

    Screen Australia's Digital Resource Finder is a quick, convenient and easy-to-use search engine for teachers and educators. It features FREE FOR EDUCATION downloadable video clips from Screen Australia's remarkable archive-one of the nation's largest and most historically significant collections. Clips are matched with print-friendly two-page resource sheets that include background information and engaging student research and classroom activities written by leading teachers. Screen Australia's Digital Resource Finder makes it easy to search via curriculum, topic or keyword. Watch or download video clips featuring Australian life from the distant past to the present day. The video clips are carefully selected to cover topics including Australians at Work and War, Immigration, Indigenous Australia and Native Title, Asia-Pacific region, Australian politics, The Arts, Broadcast Media from radio to the Internet, Sustainability and Values and Citizenship. There are more than 600 resources to select from, with more added weekly.
    Screen Australia's Digital Resource Finder is a quick, convenient and easy-to-use search engine for teachers and educators. It features FREE FOR EDUCATION downloadable video clips from Screen Australia's remarkable archive-one of the nation's largest and most historically significant collections. Clips are matched with print-friendly two-page resource sheets that include background information and engaging student research and classroom activities written by leading teachers. No registration or log in is required, however we would appreciate your feedback. Screen Australia's Digital Resource Finder makes it easy to search via curriculum, topic or keyword. Watch or download video clips featuring Australian life from the distant past to the present day. The video clips are carefully selected to cover topics including Australians at Work and War, Immigration, Indigenous Australia and Native Title, Asia-Pacific region, Australian politics, The Arts, Broadcast Media from radio to the Internet, Sustainability and Values and Citizenship. There are more than 600 resources to select from, with more added weekly.
Rhondda Powling

A Simple Guide to All That Teachers Need to Know about Digital Citizenship - 6 views

    Post from @medkh9 "Digital citizenship is a key component of the technology and media literacy. We should not only teach our students how to be  good citizens in the real physical world  but how they can be good netizens of the online world  as well.Today's learning requires alot of use of technology and most imprtant of all, our students are using technology on a daily basis- text messaging, blogging, Facebooking, Twittering, watching videos, gaming and networking. They live in two different but interconnected worlds. What they do online can have a severe repercussions on their real life if not properly instructed on digital safety issues and this is where digital citizenship fits in."
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