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online1: Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 43 views

shared by r kleinow on 05 Sep 10 - Cached
  • Proposed Online Teaching Standards
    • Evan Abbey
      These standards are non-evaluative. They are meant to provide guidance in nationally recognized best practices for teaching online.
    • ksteingr
      I'm getting ready to work with a group of teacher librarians and we are starting by looking at our guidelines from Dept. of Ed for school library program. I think each year, as we add new tools, strategies, we have to not lose sight of the progress we are making on any standards or guidelines. Seeing how close we are to best practice, only helps us focus on what work we have to do. So, they may be non-evaluative, but maybe also not "optional". Does that make sense? Kristin
    • Evan Abbey
      I think that makes sense. There is a proper procedure (I'm assuming) inclusive of the BoEE, SAI, and ISEA on setting standards that would be evaluative... and therefore necessary for licensure. These haven't gone through that process. One of the best things about the standards is exactly what is being done on this page... they lead to good discussions about what is great teaching.
  • Knows and aligns instruction to the achievement goals of the local agency and the state, such as with the Iowa Core (Varvel I.A, ITS 1.f, ITS 3.a)
    • denise carlson
      This is not unique to the online teaching standards. It would seem prudent to align anything we teach to students and/or adults with the Iowa Core or the newly adopted Common Core Standards in reading and math.
    • bonnie smith
      I agree; with so much to teach these days, the classroom time needs to be tightly tied your Content Area Standards (in my case Reading) and Technology. My students will be in a world quite different from mine, so more Technology use is needed. They are already experimenting with Online usage but without supervision and guidance. The Standards will help me as a teacher to focus on ethics for Internet use and help in guiding them into the best pratices.
    • Julie Townsend
      The teaching standards have always provided me with guidance when selecting content to teach my students. When I taught Art, Science or Social Studies. Technology knowledge is critical to everyone, including students in special education. I was unaware until taking this Moodle course, of the online teaching standards. I agree that it is a good tool for teaching.
    • r kleinow
      I have always had a strong interest in knowing and aligning the instruction with the goals. It is very easy to fall in to the practice of doing things because: "they have always been done", because I found an exciting new tool, or it is the catch phrase of the month, I feel it is good practice to regularly revisit the desired goal to better assure the alignment of that goal and the instructional opportunities to achieve said goal. I am glad this is here and glad it is at the top, intended or not.
    • r kleinow
      Aligning insturction with the goals is somethign I have always had an interest in. I think it is very easy to fall into the practice of: always having done it that way, or trying the new exciting tool, or jumping on the catch phrase of the month with out considering the learnign goal. I think it is very important to regualry revisit the learning and achievement goals to make cetian that the instruction is aligned to that goal. I am glad to see it mentioned here, and intendedl or not, glad to see it at the top.
    • r kleinow
      I would agree that aligning the instruction with the goal is an important and often over looked piece of instruction. Way to often instructional practice is done because; "that's the way it has always been done, or because we found a new exciting tool, or because of the catch phrase of the month. I am glad to see the 'goal-instructional alignment" piece mentioned and glad to see it at the top.
    • r kleinow
      I would agree and have always been a big fan of aligning instruction with the learning or achievement goals. Way to often I have used a particular instruction because 1. That's the way it was always done, 2. There was a new exciting tool or 3. There was a new or popular catch phrase going around. I am glad to see this listed, and intended or not, glad to see it at the top. I view it as very important to often revisit the goals to assess if the instruction is aligned to that goal.
    • r kleinow
      I would agree and have always been a big fan of aligning instruction with the learning or achievement goals. Way to often I have used a particular instruction because 1. That's the way it was always done, 2. There was a new exciting tool or 3. There was a new or popular catch phrase going around. I am glad to see this listed, and intended or not, glad to see it at the top. I view it as very important to often revisit the goals to assess if the instruction is aligned to that goal.
    • r kleinow
      I would agree and have always been a big fan of aligning instruction with the learning or achievement goals. Way to often I have used a particular instruction because 1. That's the way it was always done, 2. There was a new exciting tool or 3. There was a new or popular catch phrase going around. I am glad to see this listed, and intended or not, glad to see it at the top. I view it as very important to often revisit the goals to assess if the instruction is aligned to that goal.
    • Evan Abbey
      Checking to see if this note goes through.
    • r kleinow
    • linda vann
      I too was unaware of the online teaching standards, but they make perfect sense. If we expect to bring students into the 21st century classroom, then using standards to guide that work will help all stakeholders. Otherwise, there is really no way to measure our effectiveness in the online environment.
  • Is knowledgeable and has the ability to use computer programs required in online education to improve learning and teaching, including course management software (CMS) and synchronous/asynchronous communication tools (chat, email, web 2.0, videoconferencing, webinar, whiteboard, etc.) (SREB B.3, Varvel III.B)
    • denise carlson
      This one puts a bit of trepidation in my soul. I want to use technology well when I teach adult learners. However, I know that I still have a lot to learn in this realm.
    • jalfaro
      It's impossible to stay trained and current on all of the available tools. Just pick a few that work for you and work with incorporating those. You are better off knowing a lot about a few tools than knowing a little bit about hundreds of tools.
    • Leslie Roberts
      I agree that it is impossible to stay current and trained on all available tools, but I don't think this is what the standard is saying. My interpretation is that it just encourages online educators to be lifelong learners and stay abreast of changes. I also agree that it is better to find the tools we like the best and learn to use and apply them to our course objectives.
    • Pam Buysman
      I think this goes back to the discussion we had last week. Knowing what tool will work best in a particular learning situation is important. I try to stay current, but that really is almost impossible. Just in the first week, others in class referenced many online tools that I wasn't familar with, but wanted to learn more about. Using Diigo is another example. I've used this tool for awhile and that is evident by looking at my bookmarks. However, I have not utilized the group function nor have I used the discussion feature. I think this would be a wonderful tool to use in the online environment!
    • ksteingr
      I think the focus here makes a good point. An online class will be by definition part of synchronous and asynchronous communication. So instructors and students have to work with tools such as Skype, meebo, Adobe Connect for webinars, videoconferencing, etc. In the case of Skype, this morning I worked with a partner in South Carolina and we used Skype to share screens, send messages, but we didn't use the web camera because seeing each other for this meeting wasn't necessary. We only needed to hear each other and see items on our desktops. And secondly, (although you have it listed first), if you are online, you need a CMS - in this case, Moodle to tie it all together. Teachers need to practice in this environment - set up a meeting with someone to use Skype, register for a free webinar, etc. Expand your learning! :-)
    • Evan Abbey
      I think the modifier "knowledgeable" and the "ability to use" instead of "has mastery of" is crucial. Those that wrote the national standards recognized what everyone here has said, that technology changes so much, mastery is not only impossible, but foolish to seek.
    • bonnie smith
      As a Reading Teacher I expect myself to be knowledgeable and have the ability to use (though mastery would a goal), but are these Standards for the classroom teacher or the teacher of Technology?
    • fgmcveigh
      "has knowledge" is a beginning point. Some of our group members don't feel "knowledgeable" even though they have used many of the Web 2.0 tools. Those wise folks know exactly how big the "ocean" of technology is - that's why there is a bit of discomfort. When that discomfort or thirst for more knowledge leads one to a class like this, IT's a Very good end result!!!
    • Cheryl Mullenbach
      Like anything else, you can always find someone who is more knowledgeable, but you can always find someone is less knowledgeable than you are too!
    • Valerie Jergens
      Too bad these standards are for online course teachers only. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we were moving to blended classes everywhere? It would be for me-I'd like to see a lot more use of online resources. There are so many simulations, games, virtual environments that students could be exxperiencing. And, then having conversation about outside of the classroom. Wouldn't that be an improvement on a worksheet for homework?
    • linda vann
      This is a rather daunting standard at first glance. Keeping up with technology is not an occasional event. What it does say to me is that we have to be willing to make this an ongoing effort and not become complacent with learning just one or two tools, but to stay open to trying new tools. I think the key is matching the technology to the learning goal.
    • Jeny Schoenhard
      I was wondering the same think as Bonnie, are these standards for the classroom teacher or the teacher of Technology. I feel that we should have some basic knowledge of a tool before introducing it into a classroom full of students, however being that we are all lifelong learnings it is a given that the students will find things within that tool that we didn't know about and be able to teach us something. I just feel that if I wait to master something before bringing it to my students they will never experience it.
  • ...53 more annotations...
  • Understands and uses data from assessments to guide instruction
    • denise carlson
      Is this speaking to formative assesment/assessment for learning? How can we be sure that all readers of this document have the same definition of "assessement"? Lack of a common vocabulary sometimes leads to misconceptions and misunderstaindings.
    • fgmcveigh
      That's a very critical issue! There are way too many assessments "given" that are not used! And then who gets to decide which assessments should be privileged over others. Reliability and validity do need to count as major players in the decisions!
    • Kim Wise
      Good points. Lots going on in this short sentence. I would hope that the intent would be around student learning and not just completion of tasks. This would lead the instructor to be a critical consumer of what data would help him/her accomplish teaching for understanding.
    • r kleinow
      I would agree this is an important and, for me, challenging aspect. I am guessing this is implied but I think it is crucial to use data from valid and reliable assessments (whatever that means) as many times I hear of decisions being made based on data that has little to do with the actual skills and abilities we would like the learner to have. Finding easy to use assessments that can provide meaningful data to guide instruction has been a challenge for me but one that I think can help to be addressed by the influx of technolgy tools and their ability to collect and provide graphic representations to aid in analysis of the data. On the simpler side I think it speaks to the importance of the instructor learner relationship. If learning is going to be advanced the instructor must have and use information of where the learner currently is and then instruct accordingly.
    • r kleinow
      Using data to guide intruction is another area that I have a great deal of interest in. I am a fimr beleiver that the single most important thing a teacher needs to know is to find out what the learn knows, figure that out then instruct accordingly, and this would need to be an ongoing process. The challenge, for me, is to find assessments that can efficiently provide that information but I think technolgy tools can can certainly help in that area with alll that can be doen to collect and organize data for easier analysis. A key piece to that being certain that I am collecting data that is well aligned with what the learner needs to know and be able to do, as I often see decisions that seem to be made based on data that seems to have little to do with what we really want learns to know and be able to do.
    • r kleinow
      I would agree that this is a key piece. I am a believer that the single most important thing a teacher needs to know is what the learner already knows and then to teach accordingly. Collecting and using that information is an important part of any learning process.
    • r kleinow
      Again this is something I am glad to see. I am a believer that the single most important thing a teacher needs to know is what the learner already knows. Then to take that information and teach accordingly. I think this standard speaks to the importance of that and the ongoing process that should be taking place with any quality instruction.
    • r kleinow
      Again this is something I am glad to see. I am a believer that the single most important thing a teacher needs to know is what the learner already knows. Then to take that information and teach accordingly. I think this standard speaks to the importance of that and the ongoing process that should be taking place with any quality instruction.
    • r kleinow
      Again this is something I am glad to see. I am a believer that the single most important thing a teacher needs to know is what the learner already knows. Then to take that information and teach accordingly. I think this standard speaks to the importance of that and the ongoing process that should be taking place with any quality instruction.
    • r kleinow
      Again this is something I am glad to see. I am a believer that the single most important thing a teacher needs to know is what the learner already knows. Then to take that information and teach accordingly. I think this standard speaks to the importance of that and the ongoing process that should be taking place with any quality instruction.
    • r kleinow
      Again this is something I am glad to see. I am a believer that the single most important thing a teacher needs to know is what the learner already knows. Then to take that information and teach accordingly. I think this standard speaks to the importance of that and the ongoing process that should be taking place with any quality instruction.
    • Evan Abbey
      I'd reiterate what Denise said... it is a critical question to ask!
    • Evan Abbey
      This is a valuable question to ask, Denise!
    • Matt Townsley
      Kim, you said, "I would hope that the intent would be around student learning and not just completion of tasks." I couldn't agree more! This is assessment FOR learning (formative assessment) as we know it in the Iowa Core characteristics of effective instruction. (I think denise mentioned it in an earlier sticky note, now that I look back at it...). Effective instruction in a face-to-face environment seems to be similar to an online environment, some degree.
    • Evan Abbey
      This is a good question you posed, Denise!
  • Utilizes a course evaluation and student feedback data to improve the course (Varvel VI.F)
    • jalfaro
      This step is crucial. It's very tempting to set up a course and never touch it again. Given the constantly changing online environment, it is even more necessary to stay current with a regularily-scheduled course review process.
    • Leslie Roberts
      I have been in online classes where the instructor has taken a course and just "refried it" from offering to offering. Links are no longer valid, dates are incorrect, technologies have changed, etc.
    • denise carlson
      That would be terrible. I'm spending so much time putting together my course. I want to be positive everything is in top working condition so participants won't face any frustration.
    • Evan Abbey
      "Refried it". I've never heard that term before... it's now part of my lexicon! Denise, what you mention is so true. There is a bit of pride involved in a course, whether online or F2F (at least I should say you can tell the teachers who take pride in their work very quickly). On the other hand, links expire without notice very quickly, and updates are made to Moodle servers behind your back that all of a sudden change the way your course looks. It's tough to keep up sometimes.
    • bonnie smith
      Each year I have had the students reflect on units covered this year...It has always been for my benefit...interesting to see it as a proposed Standard now.
    • Sara Youngers
      I think "Refried" courses happen whether they are online or in the classroom. This standard should be for all courses, not just online ones.
    • anonymous
      I agree, Sara. Our AEA has an online evaluation for courses with participants responding to Likert scale items and given the chance to add comments. Much depends on the instructor's willingness to honestly examine that feedback, consider patterns in the responses, and make adjustments that improve the course.
  • • Assists students with technology used in the course (Varvel III.C)
    • Leslie Roberts
      I feel that assisting online learners in a course is very important to keep them from being frustrated and spending too much on the technology and not enough time on the learning. I find that I have to deliver one-on-one help in my online class to teachers who are not as tech savvy as others.
    • Gale Zellweger
      Leslie, I have been on the student side of this standard and totally agree with you!
    • Pam Buysman
      Leslie: I agree as well. If possible, I think it would be a good idea to have some F2F time. This might work well at the beginning of the class so participants will feel comfortable with the interface. I also think this might alleviate fears learners might have and consequently content will become primary and the technology secondary.
    • Judy Sweetman
      Great point about the content remaining the primary focus and the technology secondary. I know I appreciate the tutorials in this course and in others I have taken when it has been provided. If I have to find my own online tutorial or read about it, it takes way too much time and I'm totally stressed before I even begin the actual assignment.
    • Kathleen Goslinga
      Staying focused on the content is critical in reaching the overall goals of a course. When I first stated taking online courses I would often find myself double checking what I did to make sure a post occurred or paper uploaded. The more online courses I have participated in has yielded a comfort level with the technology tool and thus the focus can be on the content.
    • charles krueger
      I can strongly relate to this, I'm one of those less than tech savvy teachers. There are so many new and potentially very useful tools that it is hard to know which will be useful to me.
    • Jeremy Nally
      I agree with that helping with the technology takes the stress off. I think that tutorials over the technology being used is a great way to help both student and teacher save time. This way if something is forgotten you can go back and see what the next step is.
    • Jeremy Nally
      I know that when I have something that has to be done using technology I can get frustrated really easily. Having a tutorial like I have for the class I am in right now has been very helpful and that way if I feel like I am lost I can go back and watch the tutorial to see if what I need to do next.
    • Jeremy Nally
      I agree with the comments. I know that when I have anything dealing with technology I sometimes get a little worked up. The more I am comfortable with what I am doing the better I do. I really like to the online class I am in right now because the tutorials really help me with the assignments. They allow me to learn the technology before I have to use it.
    • Gale Zellweger
      This sounds like "super teacher!"
    • Evan Abbey
      Standards have a way of sounding like that, don't they?
    • fgmcveigh
      But high expectations are really good for all learners! And if we aren't life-long learners as teachers, how will our students ever be life-long learners? (It's in most of our 35 school districts' mission statements!)
    • Mike Bevelacqua
      Content knowledge is one factor that is very highly correlated with student achievement. At least in Math Eduction research...
  • • Maintains an online social presence that is available, approachable, positive, interactive, and sincere (SREB C.3, Varvel VII.A)
    • Judy Sweetman
      I know this is one thing I need to work on in my classes. Because I take online classes as well as teach them, it's easy to forget to check in with the classes I teach, as I'm so worried about deadlines for my own assignments.
    • Tony Amsler
      I've really try to maintain an online social presence by.... 1. weekly "check-in's" to post tips and suggestions, 2. to setup a calendar that will attempt to keep students "on pace" between due dates, rather posting an email that everything is due tomorrow. 3. always responed to student's posting with discussion forum. I know I could do more.... always looking for innovative ways to do it... even considered meeting in Second Life (keep in mind I teach college students online ;-)
    • fgmcveigh
      I think it's also important to think about the " positive and the interactive" that are built in through "community building". I've been in some on-line classes where many folks are working at the "minimum" level of participation and really don't even add much more than a sentence in response to a comment. (YES, worse than the kids when they want to know How Much they need to write!)
    • Matt Townsley
      Does this also mean actively participating in social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter?
    • Eldon Bird
      I sure hope it doesn't. As much as I am tied to the computer at both work and home, I have avoided the social networking sites with diligence. I don't have a problem interacting with others regarding work related items, etc., but I have a real hesitation to 'share my personal life and thoughts' with the cyber-world. Even the ability to select those 'friends' doesn't really give me any reassurance that a link can be made to those that I don't select.
    • Steve Van Gundy
      I have to believe it means some type of professional site, and not Facebook/Twitter. I've avoided social networking sites like the plague, mostly because I like to be off the computer if I'm not working. And I agree with Eldon, I don't necessarily want to put my personal life out there for all to read. But I have no problem maintaining a "professional" online presence.
    • Steve Van Gundy
      I have to believe it's not including Facebook/Twitter or whatever else is out there. I've avoided those like the plague, mainly probably because I don't like being glued to the computer when I'm not working.
    • Matt Townsley
      I'm wondering what it *does* mean then...any ideas, Eldon?
  • Identifies and communicates learning outcomes and expectations through a course overview/orientation (Varvel IV.A, ITS 3.b)
    • Pam Buysman
      I took the instructional design class this past summer. One of the things we needed to do was to create an overview/orientation for our learners. Before I took the class, I already had my course somewhat organized, but had neglected to include this feature in my course. Now, I realize how really important this is. One of my colleagues at work often uses the phrase, "go slow to go fast." I think that's so applicable here. It takes time to create the overview and you're really not having students learn content. However, by providing the necessary guidelines and instructions immediately, things will go much smoother in the class.
    • fgmcveigh
      I, too, like the "go slow to go fast"! because teachers need time to absorb the learning. That means that we have to begin with the end in mind or we won't make it to our learning destination. I often compare that to heading to Des Moines but ending up in Detroit, Michigan. They are both DM towns so that would be OK? It gives a "light-hearted" view of the necessity for the overview as you said Pam.
    • Kathleen Goslinga
      How very true to "go slow to go fast". I would be one of those individuals who "absorbs the learning". I want to make sure that my skills are to a level that will benefit the learner and not cause confusion.
    • Erica Larson
      I often struggle with the phrase 'go slow to go fast' as I am not quite sure how 'fast' benefits any kind of learning. And I don't mean to equate fast to speed; but rather to equate fast to skimming the surface. In the experiences I have had with online courses for adult learners I find using a landscape post to reflect back some of their own quotes helps them think more deeply about the essential question to which they are responding. That deep thinking results in much more conceptual understanding (and dare I say paradigm shifting).
  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student
    • ksteingr
      You know this is interesting. We most likely teach as we were taught, but in reality, we need to be teaching very differently today than in the past. Our students are motivated by different things. So taking an online class is a very good idea, but I think "living" and "working" more like our students is as helpful. If they are texting their friends to set something up, are we texting our students? That is their world. Something to think about maybe!
    • fgmcveigh
      I can remember not being happy with elementary teachers who had taught my father some 30 years earlier. These times have changed. That ship has sailed! Lectures and standing in front of a group delivering knowledge are not helpful in promoting learning that leads to application and creation!!!
    • Judy Sweetman
      I think this is an important benchmark! I know I was very appreciative of what I had learned from the many online classes I had taken before I was asked to teach one. I "borrowed" the ideas that I really liked--especially organizational ideas, and embedded them in my classes.
    • Jenny Sinclair
      I heard a quote recently about this exact thing and it really made me think. It was a young student speaking. He said, "Don't prepare us for your world, prepare us for ours."
    • Tony Amsler
      As I jumped into online teacher over a year ago, all the material and books on the subject stressed this very point... to teach an online class it is best to experience it from the student perspective. This certainly was helpful when it came to design and implementation of my own course. I have recently join a peer review group called Learning Triangles - 3 instructors all enroll in each other's class for the purpose of furthering improve our instruction.
    • Jason Martin-Hiner
      This standard is certainly a big reason why I'm participating in this course. Trying to prepare to teach an online course through "traditional" methods seems a little like trying to learn to swim by reading a book.
    • Eldon Bird
      Once again - Jason speaks the right words! We think of how we offer PD - one of the critical pieces of teaching a new strategy or concept is to put the teacher in the student desk and allow them to experience the learning. As always - the best way to learn is by doing. "Sit and git" just doesn't make it!
    • Cheryl Mullenbach
      I think everyone who teaches online should first have taken an online course. You really need to see it from both sides.
  • Selects and understands how to evaluate learning materials and resources that align with the context and enhance learning
    • ksteingr
      Is this the only place where we mention resources? I think the type of resources works with differentiation, motivation and learning in general. Are we adding content to our classes - digital video, access to print - online, online databases? This is very important, I think.
    • Cheryl Carruthers
      Yes, selection of quality resources would be important. Online resources today are vast, and we want to have our students using resources that are age appropriate, MCGF, authoritative, differentiated for learning styles, and that will advance the learning goals of the class. Students should be evaluating the resources that they find online as to validity and usefullness. Lots of opportunities for teacher librarians to work with teachers designing online opportunities for their students in the area of resources!
    • Evan Abbey
      In answer to your question, Kristin, this is primarily it for the teaching standards and resources, as utilizing resources in online teaching heavily falls in the instructional design process (std. 3). Specific applications of resources are more heavily identified in the course standards.
  • Designs the structure of the course and the presentation of the content to best enhance student learning, including using unit/lesson overviews and reviews, using patterns in lesson sequencing, and using appropriate visual web design techniques (SREB C.14, Varvel V.F)
    • Leslie Roberts
      I feel that course design and presentation are very important. Using good desing techniques helps the student to become more focused on content and better able to organize thoughts. If a site is too hard to follow visually, it can be confusing, distracting and frustrating, especially for novice online learners or technology learners.
    • Evan Abbey
      It's funny how something like the design of your Moodle site seems so non-academic (or non-Iowa Core-ish), and yet you are exactly right.
    • Jenny Sinclair
      At times I have questioned if I have addressed all of the course requirements, completed the assignments, etc. Taking a course yourself is a good reminder that someone else is going to have to follow your train of thought and act upon it. If my students are confused by the structure, it will take away from their ability to comprehend the material. I am experimenting with color on my Moodle site to see if it helps younger students. For example, all assignments that have to be completed have blue text. Additional resources, tutorials, etc. have red text. Hope that helps them...
    • fgmcveigh
      I really like your color coding idea, Jenny. I have been shocked at how "un-linear" I have been in this class as I start in one place and don't necessarily go through the list. I have liked anything that says "you are done!" So anything you do to make those tasks more visible for students will be helpful!
    • Drinda Williams
      I agree--color coding sounds like a good idea! Might the Heartland Moodle consider some consistent colors? So as participants move from class to class, they colors stay the same?
    • Matt Townsley
      Leslie, I couldn't agree more with your thoughts on course design and presentation. I completed a hybrid online/f2f graduate program a few years ago at one of IA's regents institutions. One of the courses in the sequence was perceived by several in the cohort to be very poorly done. Why? The design, layout and navigation were much different (and perhaps less linear) than the rest of the courses.
  • Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students, including different learning styles, different interests and backgrounds, and students with special needs or whom are language learners
    • Cheryl Carruthers
      Online tools provide lots of opportunites to diferentiate instruction, everything from providing resources at varying reading levels, text to speech capabilities, language translations, visual resources; technology can really be "assistive" for all learners.
    • Evan Abbey
      That's one benefit of online learning that is not mentioned enough. We stress flexibility in terms of time, pace, and place, but the flexibility of access to content using online tools is such an untapped benefit for students with different needs.
    • Carla Lee
      We also should talk about student engagement. Many students are much more engaged in on-line learning than in the old traditional mode. So this meets that engagement piece as well. I would also agree with both of you as far as access to different types of resouces.
    • Eldon Bird
      Possibly one of the biggest hurdles to this is also the primary reason we use online instruction. The logistics of face-to-face are difficult to overcome, so we go online. We can offer many scenarios, but do we really know without the personal interaction how the participants are reacting to the instruction. Is there enough feedback opportunities to vary the instruction as needed? I don't want to seem too negative - just appears to be one of those difficulties without the f2f.
    • Tera Schechinger
      Tailoring instruction online seems like it is much easier than fce to face. Purposeful planning is always difficult but an online environment allows the teacher to support those who need it when they need it and push those students to go beyond what they ever imagined they could do. I agree with cheryl that online tools provide teacher with many resources to differentiate for each and every student based on their needs.
    • Phyllis Anderson
      Even if instruction isn't designed for specific students' needs, it can be varied in ways that allow different avenues for students to gain understanding. The tenants of Universal Design for Learning fit in here beautifully.
  • Understands and uses course content that complies with intellectual property rights and fair use, and assists students in complying as well
    • Cheryl Carruthers
      We just held a workshop at our AEA this past week on Digital Citizenship for Today's Schools that addressed this topic. Our presenter emphasized the importance ot teaching students about ethical use of technology. It becomes especially important as student work moves outside of the 4 walls of the classroom and out on to the Internet and social media. This topic ties directly into the 21 Century Tech Literacy part of the Iowa Core - Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility.
    • fgmcveigh
      And ethical use of technology needs to be DEMONSTRATED by all staff, all the time. It's hard to "condemn" students for plagiarizing when the teacher never gives proper credit for visuals or text that may or may not be in the public domain!
    • Evan Abbey
      Very well said, Fran. I've been guilty of that myself.
    • Matt Townsley
      This is a convicting criteria. I did not do a very good job as a f2f teacher citing my sources - even more important in an online environment!
  • Selects and uses technologies appropriate to the content that enhance learning (SREB M.3, Varvel IV.D, ITS 3.e, ITS 4.f)
    • Pam Buysman
      We spent time discussing this in last weeks forum. How do you select the best technology to use in your class? How many different tools do you need in your toolbox so you have an adequate selection? In order to meet this criteria, I think we need to do our best to stay current. Obviously, that can't mean we are familiar with everything, because that would be impossible. We do need to be aware, however, about the different catagories of tools..wikis, blogs, screencasts, etc. This class will certainly help us in that endeavor.
    • Matt Townsley
      When I read this criteria, I thought of the TPACK framework and some of the work done on learning activity types: When does it make the most sense to use a blog rather than a wiki? My guess is that an effective online teacher can answer these types of questions effectively.
    • Eldon Bird
      Ditto Ditto! I was very impressed, but also overwhelmed at all the tools available online. Being a 'dabbler' by nature, I have to force myself to pick a few and try to become proficient at those rather than be less than adequate at a large number of tools. A good carpenter is necessarily a good plumber!
  • Demonstrates growth in technology knowledge and skills in order to stay current with emerging technologies (
    • bonnie smith
      How will this be measured?
    • Evan Abbey
      Some districts use a skills checklist or Atomic Learning-style skill inventories as a requirement for teachers (they post these in their portfolio). Others would include completion of a class, although the skeptic could say that's not necessarily showing growth. There is the actual lessons or technological artifacts produced from technology work (if you saw a copy of this class from 2 years ago to a copy of it today, you'd definitely see how I've grown in this area).
    • Kim Wise
      My family's district had both students and parents fill out a technology skills survey. I'm not sure how it matched up to the skills of our teachers (we're a one to one district) but it was informing for me. My 7th grader was unsure of lots of the terms which indicated to me she wasn't using that technology.
  • student self-assessment and pre-assessment
    • fgmcveigh
      Wow! Student ownership for self-assessment and pre-assessment so it's not the teacher who is always doing the "assessing". It seems like the learner is often "left out" of a lot of assessment systems!
    • Drinda Williams
      This aligns well with the Iowa Core's characteristics of effective instruction--being more student centered and using assessment for learning. Yeah!
    • Phyllis Anderson
      Peer and self assessment are important attributes of Assessment for Learning. They can help students develop life-long learning skills.
    • Erica Larson
      Drinda, I agree that this one reflects the research about the benefits of assessment for learning lying in the students' owning the assessment process through peer and self assessment. Do you find that students you have worked with are reflective and skilled peer and self assessors of their learning?
    • Valerie Jergens
      I was seeing the connection between this statement and the CEI as well. I think metacognition is woven throughout the attributes of the CEI. If you can do self-assessment well you can have a real start on teaching with CEI.
  • Creates or selects multiple assessment instruments
    • Eldon Bird
      How often are we so guilty of using the 'easiest' assessment to grade/evaluate, but it is not the most appropriate for the content and the student? Even less often do we have multiple assessment for different learners.
  • Communicates assessment criteria and standards to students, including rubrics for student performances and participation
    • Kathleen Goslinga
      Students need to be made aware of the criteria established for assessment. The rubric provided should clearly identify what is considered to be above, below or meeting standards. Students will then be held accountable for the level or depth of individual learning.
    • Philip Giltner
      I agree. Rubrics provides a tool for students to compare their work against the acceptance criteria allowing them to better assess there work prior to submitting it.
  • Promotes learning through online collaboration group work that is goal-oriented and focused
    • Kathleen Goslinga
      Collaboration among students in an online learning environment needs to occur early in the course. Just we were asked to complete a profile that provided information as to position, interest, etc...the same hold true for other online courses. Students need to feel as contributing member on the group and fellow students need to be observant in responding to all over time so no single individual is omitted from feedback on their viewpoint of a question, etc...Successful collobration among students may lead to a richer discussion and depth of learning.
    • Carla Lee
      No kidding. Working on line would be very important for students to get to know the other students in the classroom. Especially if they are to work together. I also think this is the way of the future and getting students prepared for the work place. Many corporations use on line meetings to cut expenses etc. If we don't start teaching this way, how can we justify that we are getting students ready for work place?
    • Jeremy Nally
      These would be good for teachers to use to see if the students can explain some things in a way to peers that may help in the classroom. There discussions online could really help them see diffenrent ways the material was seen online or in the class.
    • Erica Larson
      I particulary appreciate the opportunity to 'see' a photo image of the other learners as well as to 'hear' their voices through the threaded discussions when I am collaborating with others on a common online assignment/task/product.
  • Provides and communicates evidence of learning and course data to students and colleagues
    • Sara Youngers
      This is right in line with collecting formative assessments. Not only do we need to collect this information, we need to share it with class participants.
    • Sandy Kluver
      We are collecting so much data on students now but it's very important to communicate that data to the students too! I think we sometimes forget that they can learn a lot about themselves through the data too.
    • Martha Condon
      This first standard (in it's entirity) really sticks out to me as crucial for effective learning. Formative assessment and data-based decision making is the only way for students and teachers to make changes to improve learning outcomes. Online learning adds a new element, in that the instructor must be incredibly purposeful in how data and feedback is provided. With no nonverbals to assist in our feedback to learners, online teachers must become very effective "words-only" communicators.
    • Sue Runyon
      I agree that this is formative assessment that not only informs our instruction but informs students about their learning and what they can do to improve their learning
  • Creates a safe environment, managing conflict
    • Sara Youngers
      This safe environment is crucial for learners who may struggle. It needs to be a learning environment free from ridicule.
    • Matt Townsley
      Handling conflict in an online environment - that could be an entire course in itself! I'm interested to learn more about this one.
    • Jason Martin-Hiner
      Hopefully this is addressed in the course expectations - I'm noticing quite a bit of overlap between the teaching standards and the course expectations...I guess I shouldn't be surprised since the course design is so closely tied to how the course will be taught.
    • Sandy Kluver
      I've heard college students complain about some on-line classes they took and conflict between participants was one of their main concerns. Instructors need to monitor conversations very closely but this can be hard to do when you have 25-50 participants and lots of discussions going on at once!
    • anonymous
      It would seem this is why the community building as part of the course intro is so important - to reinforce that real people - not avatars - are on the receiving end. The illusion (and often the reality) of anonymity causes some people to lose all sense of propriety and decency in online discussions. Just looking at comments on news sites and blogs is evidence. I would agree with Matt: teaching this could be its own course.
    • Valerie Jergens
      Handling conflict like this could be a whole new skill set for instructors. Before I read this statement, I would have assumed that this doesn't happen-that there is respect for everyone and their ideas-guess I need to be prepared and learn more.
  • Demonstrates ethical conduct as defined by state law and local policies or procedures
    • Drinda Williams
      This needs to be a constant conversation. We recently debated for several days the difference between sharing something online in a webinar, and posting something online. What permissions did we have? Did the originator actually understand what permission we were seeking? What precedent would be set?
  • Applies research, knowledge, and skills from professional growth to improve practice
    • Drinda Williams
      Part of this becomes bringing along your students, clients, and participants. Sometimes taking a risk with something online does not go as well as you'd like. Have you let them know what to expect? Have you asked them for feedback to improve your skills? It's not just about the teacher trying new things, it's about teachers and students as a community trying new things.
    • Sandy Kluver
      This phrase reminds me of a phrase from the Iowa teaching standards. Very important to use research based strategies as we make decisions that directly effect the students.
  • Has knowledge of learning theory appropriate to online learning,
    • Drinda Williams
      This is where I feel I am floundering. I am so glad to have OLLIE to begin developing these skills.
    • Peggy Christensen
      Drinda, I'm right there with you. Online learning is a whole new world for me. It is definitely different teaching online than it is face-to-face.
    • charles krueger
      It is very difficult to know if a student "has knowledge" about anything, especially in an online venue. Best a student can do is give appropriate responses
  • Meets the professional teaching standards established by a state-licensing agency, or has the academic credentials in the field in which he or she is teaching
    • Matt Townsley
      This criteria may stifle innovation a bit, but at the same time could make the standards more credible. What does everyone else think?
    • Erica Larson
      Matt, would you elaborate on how you feel this criteria could "stifle innovation"?
    • Matt Townsley
      "meeting a standard," in my mind indicates aiming for a baseline proficiency. If moving towards the status quo is the end result (rather than above and beyond), it may be setting the bar too low and in turn stifling innovation. I think I'm overanalyzing it a bit, but that was my gut reaction.
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
    • anonymous
      This understanding is certainly enhanced by 7.1 - "Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student" Having taken an online class, I am more aware of challenges students might face and have a greater appreciation of how skillful instructors anticipate and address potential challenges.
    • Julie Foltz
      I agree with you, Mary, that having had meaningful learning online is helpful to an instructor in both designing and facilitating an online course!
  • Provides substantive, timely, and constructive feedback to students
    • anonymous
      Not meeting this standard is one of the biggest criticisms I hear about online classes. When instructors and students are not in the same room at the same time, the nature and timeliness of feedback takes on a whole new dimension.
    • Jeremy Nally
      I know that sometimes we need to get immediate feedback and this can't always be the case with online classes. We have to find a happy medium so that questions and feedback gets back in a matter that it's still important to the students.
  • Demonstrates techniques for dealing with issues arising from inappropriate student technological use
    • Carla Lee
      I would be interested in understanding how some of this might be dealt with. This would be something very new to me. Dealing with behavior is one thing...dealing with inappropriate behavior in an on-line class...if it's written down, students certainly can't deny it, can they?
    • Greg Sleep
      We have went to one-one laptops in our school. We are in our second year of having laptops for our 6-12 students. We have boot camp for all new students that come into our district. In that boot camp we address appropriate use. We now have a page in our handbook dealing with our laptops. It is still new and our policies will be forever evolving with technology. We do have a scripted policy for inappropriate use and the consequences.
    • Sue Runyon
      I think that one of the issues is that what is written down is there and can't be erased! I think this addresses "bullying" - am I right or is that addressed somewhere else?
  • effective instructional strategies
    • Peggy Christensen
      When I see "effective instructional strategies" I think of the Characteristics of Effective Instruction from the Iowa Core.
    • Valerie Jergens
      That is what I have been thinking of lately as well, but I have to wonder what role specific strategies in literacy, math, science, ... will continue to have for Iowa educators. I am worried that this leads to a pendulum swing to only focusing on these and possibly neglecting subject specific things.
  • connectivism
    • Peggy Christensen
      Our Professional Learning Team at Heartland AEA is studying the idea of "connectivism" and how we might use connectivism in our work. I'm trying to wrap my brain around this whole idea of "connectivism."
  • Continuously uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies
    • Kim Wise
      I think we often use data to judge student achievement but often fail to use it to look at the effectiveness of instructional strategies. I think that may be a belief system change for some teachers--what I DO may have to be changed instead of "I taught it, they just didn't get it."
    • Eldon Bird
      I think you really nailed one of the real problems in education today - teachers expect the students to learn how they learned and how they teach. It is very difficult for them to believe that much of the problem is the effectiveness of the instruction that is delivered. I don't think this is any different that f2f instructional needs.
    • Jeremy Nally
      I agree with both of you. I have heard a lot of people say well they they just don't get. Well maybe it's not them that's not getting it, maybe they just need to try to deliver the material a different way. I know that sometimes I can get my mind set that my way is the only way and that I need to remember that students learn a variety of ways.
    • Valerie Jergens
      I think the information we use to judge the effectiveness of our instructional strateiges is often misaligned. We may be using a test of pure content knowledge to judge the effectiveness of our science instruction, when Inquiry instruction has so many more goals than content attainment.
    • r kleinow
  • Creates a learning community that encourages collaboration and interaction, including student-teacher, student-student, and student-content (SREB D.2, Varvel VII.B, ITS 6.a)
    • Mike Bevelacqua
      Diggo goes much further with the Social Networking capabilities than other Social Bookmarking tools that I have looked at previously. Seems that the use of Diigo as a teaching practice has the potential of exposing students to this standard.
  • understands how to teach the content to students
    • Mike Bevelacqua
      This is important because we are always talking about content with this document is talking about how we teach...what have proven practices produce results.
    • Martha Condon
      I think this is truly essential for online learning (for all learning, really). We've all been in classrooms, presentations, etc. in which the teacher/presenter was highly knowledgeable in the content but did not know how to teach the content to others. I believe online teaching requires additional precision in the "how" to teach. We must be cautious in the tools, methods, applications, etc. we utilize to best enhance participants' learning.
    • Erica Larson
      Mike, I am curious if you see a difference in the pedagogical content knowledge a facilitator must have in a face to face classroom environment and that required in an online classroom environment?
    • Matt Townsley
      good point, Mike. we can't forget the "how." This is why I like the Iowa Core framework...both "what" and "how."
  • engage students
    • Eldon Bird
      Important here that we not only engage their "doing" but also engage their "thinking".
    • Erica Larson
      Glad you brought this up as I can often see the 'thinking' in the online venue; but struggle to see the 'doing'. This is where we want to learn to upload videos as evidence.
    • Greg Sleep
      I feel that motivation of students through online teaching is somewhat of a different animal then direct contact instruction. How do you really know what motivates some when it is impersonal to some extinct.
  • appropriate
    • Philip Giltner
      I think that "appropriate" is a very key word to consider for online learning. The technologies introduced need to make sense and have a purpose. For example, just because so many people have ipods and they are "cool", the use of ipods would need to make educational sense and not just because they are cool. I was a computer programmer in the corporate world and I all too often saw applications that had eye capturing "bells & whistles" but did not contribute to the objective of the application. All too often these things were added because they could be done, not because they served a purpose. So the question that needs to be asked when introducing a technology is does it serve its purpose?
  •  Demonstrates growth in technology knowledge and skills in order to stay current with emerging technologies
  • Demonstrates growth in technology knowledge and skills in order to stay current with emerging technologies
  • Demonstrates growth in technology knowledge and skills in order to stay current with emerging technologies (SREB B.5)
  • Demonstrates growth in technology knowledge and skills in order to stay current with emerging technologies (SREB B.5)
  • • Demonstrates growth in technology knowledge and skills in order to stay current with emerging technologies (SREB B.5)
  • Demonstrates growth in technology knowledge and skills in order to stay current with emerging technologies (SREB B.5)
  • • Demonstrates growth in technology knowledge and skills in order to stay current with emerging technologies
  • 7Has experienced onl in e learning from the perspective of a student
  • cognitivism
    • Erica Larson
      I was curiuos about this I looked it up and found; "Cognitivism often takes a computer information processing model. Learning is viewed as a process of inputs, managed in short term memory, and coded for long-term recall. Cindy Buell details this process: "In cognitive theories, knowledge is viewed as symbolic mental constructs in the learner's mind, and the learning process is the means by which these symbolic representations are committed to memory."
  • models clear expectations for appropriate behavior and proper interaction (SREB D.6, ITS 6.b)
    • Erica Larson
      My experience with facilitating online courses in the past indicates that this criteria, when done effectively, can be the reason learners 'stick with' an online course.
    • Evan Abbey
      Sticky note - OLLIE
  • Establishes standards for student behavior that are designed to ensure academic integrity
    • Steve Van Gundy
      I'm guessing it's pretty easy for students to copy and paste from a website and thus end up plagerizing something. I think that is what this is addressing. I taught math and didn't have my students write papers, but I'm wondering what kinds of standards (and penalties) other teachers have when a student has obviously plagerized something.
  • Networks with others involved in online education for the purpose of professional growth
    • Julie Foltz
      I find it takes networking with others at times to learn the 'buttonology' as well as the content!
  • appropriate for online learning
    • Julie Foltz
      Throughout this document "appropriate for online learning" appears. To me this means that most are a good practice in any instruction but may need adaptations to improve efficacy online.
  • techniques
    • Julie Foltz
      A couple years ago I (and my team) took a course for online facilitation. In that course we learned about the importance of online 'voice'. The tone of online communication with students is critical and words must be chosen carefully so that communication is clear and succinct.
  • Understands student motivation
  • Knows the content of the subject to be taught
  • written communication
    • Evan Abbey
      Sample note
  • University of Illinois (Virgil Varvel)
    • Evan Abbey
      Sample note
    self-assessment and pre-assessment within courses Participant self-assessment is so critical at mulitple points - summative assessments are definitely not FOR learning
    Technology is contstantly changing. How can a teacher stay current and teach with fidelity?

PLE Articles - 3 views

  • Write and Store Notes
    • lwinter14
      This seems like a tool that would be effective for all of my students. Most of them still take notes in their science notebooks--but a few have dabbled in writing their notes digitally. The problem I see with this is that they write them in separate google documents and then do not find a way to organize them so that they can access them easily when needed. This could be a good tool for them to learn early in their high school career and then carry it on as they get into courses with a larger need for note-taking.
  • The employ of PLEs in the classroom can go horribly wrong if teachers fail to prepare students and set usage parameters.
    • lwinter14
      This is definitely something that I would worry about with my students initially. Because they are used to having technology, I sometimes take for granted the skills I expect them to have when it comes to using different sites. Moodle has been a bigger learning curve for my students than expected, so I know that I would definitely need to prepare my students for setting up and using PLE first. Which also means that I need to feel comfortable explaining what it is and how it works to my students as well.
  • our work must increasingly attend to supporting students in developing their skills and motivations for becoming themselves networked and sophisticated online learners.
    • lwinter14
      I find this becoming more and more true the longer I teach. My frustration comes from where to start in supporting students so that they can become more sophisticated in learning online. For example, I use Moodle for my courses rather than Google Classroom and I run into more hesitation and complaints from students than I anticipated because it is "something different." I'm not sure if it is because only a small subset of teachers are currently pushing their students outside of their comfort zones when it comes to online learning and that's where the pushback is, but I feel like we need more teachers to buy into changing the landscape of online learning beyond Google Classroom. I feel like only then will students start to develop those skills and abilities to grow in their capacity as online learners.
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • Teachers are challenged to provide the appropriate balance between structured lessons and learner autonomy in order to facilitate self-directed learning.
    • lwinter14
      This is definitely a balance that I am still trying to find within my classroom and even one that I think my students are trying to figure out. There are some days where they would rather take control on their own, but other days when they want to be given more structure and told what to do or how to do something. I think this balance is hard to find depending on the particular student because some really struggle with the autonomy provided in online learning and still need those additional structures in place. Is there a formula to follow in terms of finding that balance? Does the balance vary from class-to-class depending on your students or can it be a one-size-fits-all approach? These are things I know I will figure out in time, but it can be frustrating at first.
  • teachers must pursue training and be knowledgeable of how to utilize PLEs
    • jhatcher
      I agree with the comment above wholeheartedly. I think this is what caused my genius hour plan to not be what I had hoped a couple years ago. I saw weak projects and kids not very motivated. This is what I want to make sure does not happen again. I just wonder will I really be prepared and confident? Will I have learned enough? Hope so!
  • Symbaloo or NetVibesas a foundation to help learners create and maintain their personal learning environments.
  • Others utilize sites such as
    • jhatcher
      I use Sybaloo and can definitely see how its use by students as they are creating/ learning in Personalized Learning would be useful.
  • I could stand to be more savvy in my own organizing of online learning and networking: I’ve been slow to use tools and develop skills for managing online resource, such as the use of vehicles like Symbaloo, Evernote, or Diigo, and I want to take inspiration from the 7th grade student in the video above to move forward in this way and learn and practive better these skills and with these tools.
    • kimgrissom
      This is true for a lot of teachers--I think we are often slow to set up our own professional learning tools whether that's joining a professional learning network via an LMS, Twitter, or just tools to help us organize our own resources.
  • Students engaging in networked learning have to learn to be more self-directed than in the typical classroom
    • kimgrissom
      Yes, passive learning doesn't get far in personal learning so we have to find ways to change the narrative and train learners to understand a new set of "success criteria." What used to look like being a good student won't work as well.
  • as an instructor, you can make a webmix quite interactive
    • kimgrissom
      I've used symbaloo as a way to organize myself and I've even put together webmixes on a specific professional development topic before. Reading about Symbaloo in this context makes me rethink how this tool might be helpful in personalized learning. Building in interaction is a really interesting idea I had never considered.
  • Not every student is ready for this responsibility, so teachers need to have strategies in place to guide and support these learner
    • kimgrissom
      What does that look like? Explicit expectations for what learning looks like, encouragement, assistance and tutorials for tools, formative check-ins to see how things are going and offer guidance. There's a lot to think about .
  • A PLE is the method students use to organize their self-directed online learning, including the tools they employ to gather information, conduct research, and present their findings.
    • Wendy Arch
      This makes a PLE sound more like an LMS or organizational tool - which I am in desperate need of! We assume students can work through a linear progression, but even adults struggle with that! I know I'm guilty of putting more emphasis and effort into WHAT students will learn rather than HOW they will learn or what the EXPERIENCE will be like.
  • facilitation of students’ “active role in the learning process” and teachers’ provision of the right balance between structured lessons and autonomy; let’s never forget it is an ongoing balancing act. 
    • Wendy Arch
      One thing I also do is forget that students have lives outside of my class. I set what I think is a reasonable amount of time for a task - but neglect to acknowledge that I'm basing that time estimate on my own abilities or on previous experiences in a face-to-face setting where students (and I) could get fairly immediate feedback on the learning (or lack thereof) occurring. While we have to balance between structured lesson and autonomy, we also have to balance between what can feasibly be done by students all alone versus students being actively guided in person.
  • Susan and I loved that students could organize their Netvibes portals in a way that made sense to them and that a page could contain a diverse range of information streams:  a webpage, an embedded document, a RSS feed, a database widget, the link tool that made a webpage “live” within the Netvibes page.  Not only could students organize information, but they could also publish content they were creating through tools like Google Docs and VoiceThread as well as original works, such as artwork and videos.
    • Wendy Arch
      Ideally, this sounds a lot like the WIki feature on many LMS. Our school uses PowerSchool, which offers a student Wiki option that allows students the same features. I can see Netvibes being a great alternative if a school doesn't yet have an LMS or uses a not fully featured LMS.
  • What Are the Potential Issues With PLEs?
    • Wendy Arch
      An issue i don't see addressed directly below is the issue of students accessing or pulling inappropriate or inaccurate content. Maybe this falls under the "Not every student is ready for the responsibility" category. Depending on the age range, students could so easily get lost in "fake news" or general misinformation, so there would have to be appropriate media and tech literacy lessons provided.
  • The concept of PLE is not a way to replace classroom learning, but to enhance it
    • mpercy
      As I have been reading information on the PLE, it often seems like a complete overhaul of the current educational system is necessary. It is good to hear that is not the case but changes can be made to improve the current classroom environment.
  • Some instructors empower students to use their own mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones as a means to create PLEs
    • mpercy
      It is really ideal to have students use their smartphones to enhance their learning rather than distracting their learning!
  • PLEs place a large amount of responsibility on students and thus requires a high level of self-management and awareness.
    • mpercy
      This is a big concern as I see many students that don't display self-motivation and desire to achieve at a high level. Will they be successful in this environment or get left behind?
  • Teachers, she explains, are no longer the primary or even the best source of information available to students,
    • mpercy
      The role of teacher has completely changed since I first entered the profession. As we encourage our students to be life long learners, we have the opportunity to show them what that means.

Lesson: Articles on Visual Design - 2 views

  • Instead, it enhances it by engaging users and helping to build trust and interest in the brand.
    • Pam Buysman
      I think the key word is enhances. Content has to be most important and the layout and design of the website has to be secondary. It's important to make sure that the website itself doesn't overpower or overwhelm the message. 
  • You should direct the user’s eyes through a sequence of steps. For example, you might want your user to go from logo/brand to a primary positioning statement, next to a punchy image (to give the site personality), then to the main body text, with navigation and a sidebar taking a secondary position in the sequence. 
    • Pam Buysman
      Web design is a bit like designing a PowerPoint isn't it? While a web site is certainly not linear, we have to design a way to make sure the content we're sharing is seen by our audience. That does mean figuring out some kind of path for them to follow. 
  • One of my worst habits is making low-contrast text. It looks good but doesn't read so well, unfortunately. Still, I seem to do it with every Web site design I've ever made, tsk tsk tsk.
    • Pam Buysman
      There are many things to consider about readability. The thing that stands out for me is that very frequently, simple is better. Fonts might look attractive, but often it is best to stick with tried and true fonts and also tried and true colors. Obviously, if the reader is unable to read your site, they won't see what you want them to. 
  • ...47 more annotations...
  • When a user comes to your site what are they actually trying to do? List out the different types of tasks people might do on a site, how they will achieve them, and how easy you want to make it for them.
    • Pam Buysman
      It's important to think like the end user. It might be a good idea to enlist the help of a second set of eyes. Like proofreading an article, having someone "test drive" your website might be a good idea before actually sharing it with the intended audience. 
  • Keeping your design consistent is about being professional. Inconsistencies in a design are like spelling mistakes in an essay. They just lower the perception of quality. Whatever your design looks like, keeping it consistent will always bring it up a notch. Even if it's a bad design, at least make it a consistent, bad design.
    • Pam Buysman
      Again, it's so important to keep the end user in mind. Consistency helps the end user know how to use and navigate your site. In web design, and also in Soft Chalk created lessons, users really don't like to be surprised. They want to know what to expect. 
  • Hierarchy does not only come from size. Amazon makes the ‘Add to cart’ button more prominent by using color
    • Pam Buysman
      What is your message or goal?  After determining that, you can plan how to prominently place the most important items on your web page. Size and color are two ways of creating hierarchy. I guess I had never really given much serious consideration to this. 
  • In other words, the bigger an object and the closer it is to us, the easier it is to use it.
    • Pam Buysman
      Does Fitt's law have something to do with the number of clicks it takes to get to information from the homepage? Is there a rule of thumb that says no more than 3 clicks? 
  • The best images follow the rule of thirds: an image should be imagined as divided into nine equal parts by two equally-spaced horizontal lines and two equally-spaced vertical lines, and that important compositional elements should be placed along these lines or their intersections.
    • Pam Buysman
      I don't know much about photography, but I have heard about the rule of thirds. Again, something I didn't really think this when I considered adding photos to a web site or to a Soft Chalk page. Not all photos automatically ascribe to the rule of thirds, so it might be helpful to know a little bit about photo editing as well. Just one more thing to consider! 
  • Notice how you could see the dog without focusing on each black spot that the dog consists of?
    • Pam Buysman
      Sorry, I don't see the dog. :-)
    • Denise Krefting
      In the center below the large dark section. His head is down like he is smelling the ground sniffing toward the upper left.
  • Content is more important than the design which supports it.
    • Pam Buysman
      This is essential to remember. What we are trying to say is so much more important than making something "pretty." We always need to start with the message or content. 
  • Users are rarely on a site to enjoy the design; furthermore, in most cases they are looking for the information despite the design.
    • Pam Buysman
      Not much more to say about this. It's all about the content!!
  • according to Weinberg’s law, a developer is unsuited to test his or her code
    • Pam Buysman
      Collaboration is so important. Ask for another pair of eyes to help you. Make sure as well, that your colleague will be willing to critique your work. Sometimes that's difficult to do, but it key to the success of your design and usability. 
  • A successful visual design does not take away from the content on the page or function
    • Denise Krefting
      No matter what is done, the message still needs be visible. Enhancement helps to engage viewers.
  • Texture refers to how a surface feels or is perceived to feel.
    • Denise Krefting
      This is something that I have never considered. Surface feel is an interesting concept.
  • the user should be led around the screen by the designer. I call this precedence, and it's about how much visual weight different parts of your design have.
    • Denise Krefting
      The designer is in control of what the viewer sees. This reminds me that I need to look at my work from the eyes of those viewing content and what the take aways should be. 
  • Most users search for something interesting (or useful) and clickable; as soon as some promising candidates are found, users click. If the new page doesn’t meet users’ expectations, the Back button is clicked and the search process is continued.
    • Denise Krefting
      I have found this to be true for all viewers. It used to be just kids but now adults as well. Once additional component to remember is the load speed. Resize your images before they are uploaded.
  • web-page should be obvious and self-explanatory.
    • Denise Krefting
      I would also suggest consistency so they don't need to relearn the site with each page.
    • kelly40
      It's important for me to remember all of these tools...moving from a face to face environment to an online setting is vastly different, and these tools are what I as a student need, so I need to be incorporating them as well. Without a good position, color that catches my eye and various design elements I've lost interest. If I've lost interest with the lack of tools, then so will my students.
  • One of the most frustrating experiences you can have on a Web site is being unable to figure out where to go or where you are
  • here you
  • One of the most frustrating experiences you can have on a Web site is being unable to figure out where to go or where you are
    • kelly40
      I find this very frustrating as well. I took an online class a few years ago, (not an AEA class:)), and the various links were not embedded. So, when I would click on those links, I'd be taken completely out of the course and would have to constantly log back in.  
  • To achieve precedence you have many tools at your disposal:
  • Hick’s law says that with every additional choice increases the time required to take a decision.
    • kelly40
      This is such an interesting statement - as I parent I know and agree with this statement, but it seems we're often encouraged to give students as many choices as possible for assessment and/or project purposes.
  • It should not be considered merely ‘blank’ space — it is an important element of design
    • kelly40
      This is so interesting and I've noticed the importance of this "white space" as I've been looking at Softchalk lessons. It also reminds me how we've learned that when designing our lessons, using shorter paragraphs (separated by white space) is better than traditional paragraphs given on a handout in a face to face classroom. 
  • Users don’t read, they scan.
    • kelly40
      I know this is true of students, but as adults we are the same way! We know what we need to read well and give our full attention and then there are other things that we scan to find what we need. This is an important skill for students to learn, so having an online lesson set up well will be beneficial.
  • Web users are impatient and insist on instant gratification.
  • Web users are impatient and insist on instant gratification.
    • kelly40
      This is so true as well and it's important for me to remember as I move forward with my Softchalk lesson - if they can't figure out how to move around, they will become frustrated and give up. It's not that we should not teach them to problem solve, but the training in how to move around the lesson will be important.
  • White space is an important part of your layout strategy.
    • Deborah Cleveland
      White space on a page can make the really important content stand out. My issue is that sometimes, I have a difficult time finding images that allow me to hit the "right" amount of white space and the text I want/need to have on the page.
  • the first thing you see is the logo
    • Deborah Cleveland
      When I'm looking for something, the logo or branding is so important to me. I want to know immediately if I'm in the right spot. Logos help me do this. When I see the logo I'm looking for or that I expect to see, it puts me at ease, because I know I'm in the "right" spot.
  • Buttons to travel around a site should be easy to find - towards the top of the page and easy to identify. They should look like navigation buttons and be well described. The text of a button should be pretty clear as to where it's taking you.
    • Deborah Cleveland
      Buttons or menus across the top of a webpage are very helpful when it comes to navigating a website. One issue I've had is that sometimes my buttons make sense to me, but to the new visitor the language I use to explain where it is taking the visitor doesn't make sense. Take for example, on our website we have something called "Instructor Center". This is the place our instructors who teach PD for us go to get information. To me this makes complete sense. That being said, I know that we consistently get questions about where to find instructor information. The label, "instructor center" doesn't resonate with the visitor. I have seen websites where there is a brief description appears on the screen when you roll over the button, but before you click. I'm not sure if these things help or if they add clutter.
  • Occam’s Razor states that the simplest solution is usually best.
    • Deborah Cleveland
      A rule never rang more true, but at the same time it is so hard to follow. So often I find myself getting lost in the complexity of what I'm trying to do. Add this to my love of "little bells and whistles" and I find myself creating things that lack real substance.
  • The higher is the cognitive load and the less intuitive is the navigation, the more willing are users to leave the web-site and search for alternatives.
    • Deborah Cleveland
      This makes me think of what I call the "learning curve". If the learning curve is to long, people just move on to find something different that doesn't have this learning curve. Take for example graphic design tools. Over the years, I've downloaded gimp and seashore, but for some reason I've never quite gotten the hang of them. Instead I use a web-based tool called pixlr. It is easy and I've met with some success. That being said, would Gimp or Seashore provide me with more options and features, probably, but the learning curve is steeper so I've chosen to use pixlr. When I think of learners, I wonder how we can scaffold things so that the learning curve isn't so steep.
  • Unity has to do with all elements on a page visually or conceptually appearing to belong together. Visual design must strike a balance between unity and variety to avoid a dull or overwhelming design.
    • khageman2
      There are lots of ways to achieve unity: theme, banners, fonts colors, and object placement all contribute to a unified feel.
  • Line Spacing
    • khageman2
      Also consider the space between chunks of information. Sometimes changing the size of a "blank" line greatly affects the overall design.
  • back and revise earlier pages to match later ones exactly
    • khageman2
      This final polish is an attention to detail that really makes a difference in professional looking design and audience appeal. It is worth the time and effort!
  • rank elements on your website based on your business objective
    • khageman2
      For educators, this would translate to "educational objective." Is the truly important educational information given prominence?
  • the more choice you give people, the easier it is to choose nothing.
    • khageman2
      Yes, choice within limits so as not to overwhelm to the point of inaction...
  • a maximum of 18 words or 50-80 characters per line of text.
    • khageman2
      Limiting the number of words per line is a design strategy that I hadn't considered before. 
  • Dominance focuses on having one element as the focal point and others being subordinate.  This is often done through scaling and contrasting based on size, color, position, shape, etc.
    • Judy Sweetman
      I have a background in graphic design, and have taken many design courses. It always amazes me how the terms in the elements and principles of design change, depending on who is discussing them. This is the first I've heard of "dominance", as I learned this as "emphasis". Regardless, the elements and principles of design are critically important to all educators, because embedded in the Iowa Core ELA standards is the concept of visually literacy skills. I do include parts learning about the elements and principles of design in several of the online courses I teach.
  • Typography
    • lauralross
      "Typography" - I'm curious about different typography.  I was always told to use very readable font and avoid anything fancy. 
  • People won’t use your web site if they can’t find their way around it.
    • lauralross
      Students are even less patient than adults, so it becomes imperative that overall flow and navigation makes sense. 
  • White space is good.
  • White space is good.
    • lauralross
      This is important to remember.  I don't have to pack every slide/page on Soft Chalk full of stuff.  It was really overwhelming to create a power point presentation and stick an image on every slide - I thought it was too repetitive, esp. based on all the examples we've seen.  
  • reduce the cognitive load
    • lauralross
      This idea came up last week - and even in video examples that white space is ok, it is also ok to only have an idea, or a few key words on a slide/page, etc.
  • golden ratio looks like
    • lauralross
      I'm not sure if the Fibonacci sequence is the same as the golden ratio, but it reminds of the rule of thirds in photography. 
  • Enough white space makes a website look ‘clean’. While clean design is crucial to communicating a clear message, it doesn’t just mean less content. Clean design means a design that makes the best use of the space it is in. To make a clean design, you have to know how to communicate clearly by using white space wisely.
  • Enough white space makes a website look ‘clean’. While clean design is crucial to communicating a clear message, it doesn’t just mean less content. Clean design means a design that makes the best use of the space it is in. To make a clean design, you have to know how to communicate clearly by using white space wisely.
    • lauralross
      Great!  Less pressure to feel like we have to cram a page full of content. 
Tim Blakeslee

Tech_Moodle TQ: Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 1 views

  • Continuously uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies
    • MaryAnn Strawhacker
      Aside from course evaluations given at the end, I am wondering how to assess during the course. Perhaps polls?
    • MaryAnn Strawhacker
      I think the continous improvement cycle is critical to grow and improve instruction.
    • Amber Crews
      I think the word "continuously" will be very challenging for many teachers. I work with teachers who progress monitor on a weekly basis and they struggle to collect the data as specified in their students' paperwork. Then to use that data to guide instructional decision making and in a timely manner is even more problematic.
    • Nicole Craun
      The tool I'm going to focus on is Poll Everywhere, a site that allows instructors to embed polls within presentations. I think that could be a way to provide formative assessment. In addition, the online coursework I participated in for my BCBA required us to answer questions throughout our video lectures. We then had to answer the questions in the university's LMS and our instructors were able to use that to see how we were doing with the content prior to exams. Maybe these two tools could address on-going assessment?
    • Cathy Hansen
      How would "continuously" be defined for "Online Learning"? Daily, weekly, monthly data collection through formative and summative assessments of instructional concepts and strategies is my assumption.
  • Understands student motivation and uses techniques to engage student
    • MaryAnn Strawhacker
      I do understand the importance of student engagement but how do we do this online?!
    • MaryAnn Strawhacker
      I think that online learning is much more challenging due to the limited human interaction. I want students to be engaged so that they not only benefit but contribute to the community.
  • Designs the structure of the course and the presentation of the content to best enhance student learning, including using unit/lesson overviews and reviews, using patterns in lesson sequencing, and using appropriate visual web design techniques (SREB C.14, Varvel V.F)
    • Cathy Hansen
      The expectation of "on-line" learning such as a Wiki where special education documentation tools that are used daily by teachers are located as well as researched-based instructional strategies for interventions and the latest in Web 2.0 tools will enhance awareness in how to use them as well as the research behind the tool to enhance student learning, via an easily asessable learning method.
  • ...7 more annotations...
    • Amber Crews
      Designing an online course which enhances student learning related to course structure and presentation may be the most challenging standard listed on this page. With students' various levels of access to technology and theri varying abilities and expreience with the tools used increase the challenge of differentitation ten fold.
    • Amber Crews
      Designing an online course which enhances student learning related to course structure and presentation may be the most challenging standard listed on this page. With students' various levels of access to technology and their varying abilities and expreience with the tools used increase the challenge of differentitation ten fold.
  • • Creates a learning community that encourages collaboration and interaction, including student-teacher, student-student, and student-content (SREB D.2, Varvel VII.B, ITS 6.a)
    • Nicole Craun
      This goes along with what MaryAnn highlighted above on motivation and engagement. I've participated in several online courses and I came up with a list of ways my instructors helped make the course more engaging and interactive. Here's my list: polls, quizzes on content, requiring discussion posts/comments on others' posts, face-to-face time through ICN/Adobe Connect, and interactive activities.
  • Creates or selects multiple assessment instruments that are appropriate for online learning
    • Cathy Hansen
      Assessments need to be created with the learning modalities of students in mind.
  • not limited to) age and ability level, multiple intelligences, didactic conversation, student
  • Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students, including different learning styles, different interests and backgrounds, and students with special needs or whom are language learners
  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student (SREB F.1, Varvel II.E)
    • Tim Blakeslee
      Experiencing a variety of well-oranized classes from a variety of topic areas would help immensely to get sense of how pieces come together before attempting to put own class together.
Joanne Cram

Article(s): Self- and Peer-Assessment Online - 1 views

  • increase student responsibility and autonomy • strive for a more advanced and deeper understanding of the subject matter, skills and processes • lift the role and status of the student from passive learner to active leaner and assessor
    • anonymous
      So many times teachers spend too many hours planning a process for students to read a learning target. Each student may choose a varied route to achieve a target, it is up to the teacher to facilitate and support the learning toward that goal.
    • Evan Abbey
      I'm assuming you meant "reach" a learning target, but if you didn't, I'm chuckling in agreement. I don't think having the class read aloud the target of the day is a great strategy by any means (though one I've observed many times).
  • Students feel ill equipped to undertake the assessment
    • anonymous
      YES! It takes a significant amount of time to help student understand how to think about their thinking. But, it is time well worth it because student internalize the process an start to add reflective thinking in conversation or as a natural part of their learning.
  • “Put simply, we see self-assessment as feedback for oneself from oneself.”
    • anonymous
      It is important for me to look for success and opportunities for improvement.
    • jbdecker
      What am I doing well and why?  What could I improve on and can I make a plan to get there?
  • ...66 more annotations...
  • Students in this sample reported that their attitudes toward self-assessment became more positive as their experiences with the process accumulated.
    • anonymous
      That isn't surprising. Its new and could feel threatening.
    • joycevermeer
      I wonder if when initially doing self-assessment if some students would almost feel guilty about assessing themselves too positively....even if they feel they did a really fantastic job. That's where rubrics come in, right?
    • Diane Jackson
      I think that's why self-assessment really needs to be explained what it is and how it is going to be used. As students use this more, they will become more confident about assessing their progress.
    • Evan Abbey
      My personal opinion: I don't feel this can take place in one class. This is a cultural norm that has to be set up over many years in school.
  • elp students develop that all-important ability of looking objectively at their work and then making changes that improve its quality
    • anonymous
      This is the life-long skill to develop!
    • joycevermeer
      Looking objectively at your own work isn't always easy. Sometimes the more work you put into it the more your think it becomes great and/or the more you struggle with it the more you think it isn't great. Sometimes how objective you are is subjective.
    • Evan Abbey
      True. It is hard to separate the quality of the work itself, and the effort you put into the work.
    • Lynn Helmke
      These last sentences summarize the article.  Self-assessment does not have to equate with grading.  We need to teach people how to evaluate their own work so that they can make changes for improvement of their work. I feel that at times people are just after the grade.....pleasing the professor....not about learning. 
  • Students individually assess each other's contribution using a predetermined list of criteria.
    • Kathleen Goslinga
      It's important to have a "predetermined list of criteria" that has been identified by the teacher. Followed by a practice peer assessment being completed as a group for practice. This will serve as a guide to the student(s) as they begin the peer assessment process for each other.
  • • Focuses on the development of student’s judgment skills.
    • Kathleen Goslinga
      Developing good judgement skills of a student takes practice and time. Small group work of 4-5 members on a couple of sample assignments will help in learning how to identify and offer good peer assessment.
    • Evan Abbey
      The idea of using some sample assignments as a way to help identify good peer assessment is a good recommendation. I don't think students are naturally good assessers, and this requires practice (and scaffolding).
  • 2) When assignments are low stakes
    • Kathleen Goslinga
      I can see peer grading being low stakes in the beginning. However, as students start to become more proficient in their skills the teacher might consider giving them the opportunity to work on a high stakes assignment as well.
  • When they self-assessed, these students reported that they checked their work, revised it, and reflected on it more generally. Before this class their self-assessment efforts were “relatively mindless.”
    • Kathleen Goslinga
      Interesting how the students see the value of the self assessment and prior to this class didn't put as much thought into their work.
    • Kristina Dvorak
      I agree, I find when I include self-assessment regularly my students are more thoughtful about what they produce.  It is also helpful for me because self-assessment allows students to verbalize their processes.  
  • Forcing’ the individual student to assess their own behaviour, as opposed to others is more constructive – it supports the aim of developing collaboration skills, along with the knowledge component.
    • Kathleen Goslinga
      I agree that if a student knows how to effectively complete a self evaluation of their work then chances are they will be able to work more collaboratively in a group situation.
    • Deb Vail
      I think I agree here. I have found that for the most part students are usually honest in a self-reflection, especially if they have to provide specific evidence to support their claims rather than just a number. If the self-evaluation is just a number it is often inflated. 
  • Goal setting Guided practice with assessment tools Portfolios
    • Kristina Dvorak
      Key elements of self-assessment to keep in mind.  
  • t is helpful to introduce students to the concepts and elements of assessment against specified criteria in the first weeks of class when you explain the unit of study outline
    • Kristina Dvorak
      This sets the tone for the class and helps to avoid some of the disadvantages discussed above.  
    • Lynn Helmke
      I think that the steps given in this paragraph are crucial for this process to work.  It is teaching what is expected and guidance how to measure.
  • Rees admitted the guidelines were clearly outlined as to how to grade, and that the grades he received were accurate, yet it was the quality of comments that he felt was lacking,
    • Kristina Dvorak
      I have a lot of questions about his process.  Did he provide students with a rubric for grading? Were comments expected?  Maybe students didn't know what to comment on (organization, subject, editing, etc.)  There are a lot of variations that need to be considered.  Also, is this expectation set out at the beginning of the course?  
    • Evan Abbey
      These are valid questions. The context could paint an entirely different picture. Hypothetically, though, I can see situations where he would be correct. Commenting can often be lacking, regardless of the strength of the guidelines, given a student's perceptions around how they should critique fellow students.
  • When learners are mature, self-directed and motivated.
    • Kristina Dvorak
      Depending on the type of class, peer feedback might not be an expectation of some learners.  For example, in an art course peer feedback is critical, but I wouldn't necessarily want (or expect to give) peer feedback in other courses I have taken.  
    • Evan Abbey
      This is very true. Not only subject areas, but different contexts as well. It is harder to be critical when you are simply a classmate; much easier when you are a teammate on a Mock Trial team or a Basketball team, for example.
  • we have a scoring table which where I will evaluate my 3 other group members, and myself
    • scampie1
      I guess I would like to know if group members are not alble to resolve problems during the project before it ends. I like the idea of monitoring group chats or discussions and using wikis that allows for some awareness of how groups are working.
  • • Students are involved in the process and are encouraged to take part ownership of this
    • scampie1
      If students are involved in determining what they want feedback on and have the opportunity to share what they felt went well, it is more likely feedback from peers will be valued. I have used LASW protocols, for example, and teachers seem to do more collaborative feedback this way. See link:
  • Goal setting is essential because students can evaluate their progress more clearly when they have targets against which to measure their performance.
    • scampie1
      This is a great way to motivate students in a topic. If they can set a goal and you can support them or show how what they are learning will help them meet that goal, students gain in their learning. A bit difficult to do with younger students
    • Evan Abbey
      Being able to measure their performance is key. Simply going from a B to an A is a nice goal, but students often don't know how to get there. I had the goal of getting an A in my Renaissance Literature course, and was willing to do whatever it would take to get it, but for the life of me, I couldn't figure out what it would take. The grades were not connected with measurable performance.
    • Joanne Cram
      I think that while having goals visible to students to help drive achievement, it is also very effective when those goals are put into measurable conditions that can be graphed and monitored visually. This can be highly motivating.
    • scampie1
      When students identify what they did well and what they need to improve, you are provided with information about their understanding of the concepts and criteria.
    • joycevermeer
      Yes, the student learns about what the student knows and the teacher learns about what the student knows. It's a win-win situation.
    • scampie1
      Specific, measureable, aligned, realistic and timely are parts of a SMART goal if I remember correctly.
    • Evan Abbey
      There is some discrepancy. I learned them as Specific, Measureable, Achieveable, Relevent, and Time-Bound. Though I've seen them different in different places.
  • Grading is based on a predetermined process,
    • bgeanaea11
      This is important to note- if makes the process clear and meaningful.
  • • Students will have a tendency to award everyone the same mark.
    • bgeanaea11
      I feel a clear process and expectations would help with this.
    • Evan Abbey
      It can. Though, the term "clear" is not very clear. I've seen peer assessment tasks that are very detailed, but it doesn't mean students can actually provide good assessment. Many see this as something that will potentially make them look bad if they are overly critical... it seems to go against the proverbial Sunday School Lesson of being nice to everyone.
  • This also highlights the need to fully prepare and equip students for their own assessment and for the assessment of others.
    • bgeanaea11
  • • Agreed marking criteria means there can be little confusion about assignment outcomes and expectations.
    • bgeanaea11
      This is key!
  • • Additional briefing time can increase a lecturer’s workload
    • bgeanaea11
      As long as it is valuable to the learners I think it should be worth the time;)
  • “The difference between self-assessment and giving the teacher what he or she wants was a recurring theme
    • bgeanaea11
    • joycevermeer
      It would be difficult, when you are so used to teachers evaluating your work, to truly assess your own work without thinking about what the teacher might want.
  • They also recommend that teachers share expectations for assignments and define quality.
    • joycevermeer
      That teachers share their expectations really makes it self-assessment, not self-grading.
  • There are ways of framing and then using self-assessment
    • ajbeyer
      I think this is a good skill not only for the current time and place, but also a skill students can use throughout their life. If they can learn how to effectively and objectively look at their work, they will become better and better at it in all areas of their life.
    • Joanne Cram
      I think this is a good case in support of using rubrics- if written correctly, it's a good tool to guide self refelction in a measurable way.
  • The instructor must explain expectations clearly to them before they begin.
    • Travis Wilkins
      While this seems obvious and upfront, I can recall some experiences in my undergraduate work where we were expected to complete a peer assessment and this was not at all clear.  It left our conversations to be very dull and not meaningful.  We focused on very superficial things and tried not to say things that would hurt the other's feelings.  If the expectations had been clear it would have made the process much more meaningful.
    • Evan Abbey
      I think the word "clear" isn't clear. That may be a bit glib, but it is a throwaway statement to say "Your expectations should be clear". Well, no doubt. But how do you know they are clear? Clear to whom? Luckily, the author backs this up with some other paragraphs below... usually authors leave it at that.
  • Portfolios
    • Travis Wilkins
      I see more and more reference to portfolios as students and schools move toward a 1:1 computing environment.  However, often I find that the purpose has not been clearly articulated, and the portfolio essentially becomes a collection of student work similar to the scrapbook that my mother made of my school work while growing up.  Placing the focus of the portfolio on either a self assessment of the process or product helps to provide a context and purpose for the practice.
  • • Encourages students to reflect on their role and contribution to the process of the group work
    • Travis Wilkins
      I feel that self assessment done well can be extremely valuable for our students.  It focuses the the process of self reflection and forces the student to constantly look back at the criteria listed for the work to be completed.
  • “Professors in the trenches tend to hold their monopoly on evaluating their students’ work dearly, since it helps them control the classroom better by reinforcing their power and expertise,” supports a cognitive and instructor-focused learning orientation.
    • Travis Wilkins
      Unfortunately, this statement rings very true in my personal experience.  The focus of the professors often seems to be to protect their standing as the expert and power holder.  I often wonder if the constructivist centered work that is starting to take place in our K-12 institutions is impacting what is happening at the next level.
  • There are many options still to be explored. Time will tell.
    • Travis Wilkins
      With the growth of MOOCs as well as other online learning options I see this as an area that will certainly continue to change and grow over time.  While both peer and self assessment may offer specific challenges in the online course world, I do believe they can have a place in assessment.
  • critically review their own work with an eye for improvement.
    • Travis Wilkins
      I think this is a crucial point in the process of self-assessment.  the purpose must be viewed as a process for improvement.  If the objective is complete upon grading, the self - assessment will be of little value.
    • Diane Jackson
      I agree that this is a crucial point. It is about the process for improvement. I take classes now for the knowledge not the grade. It puts a whole new spin on the learning and wanting to improvement my practices, etc.
  • identifying any ‘slackers’ or those who sit on the side lines through the entire project, with minimal contributions.
    • Deb Vail
      This is so true. I hate to admit it, but I think I was too focused on making sure that the assessment took into account each member's contribution more so than did each student meet the target or goal. I wonder if it's because I was always one of the heavy lifters in all projects. I wanted to be sure that my grade didn't suffer because of those that didn't care. I suspect my approach to assessing group work was influenced unduly by my past experiences as a student than sound pedagogy.  
    • Lynn Helmke
      Question: Couldn't the teacher "see" who has participated in the group work by using the instructor's tools for the online platform?  Why use peer assessment for a grade?
    • jbdecker
      I see the reasoning behind this peer assessment but I never liked it as a student and I have had a hard time even giving part of a grade on group projects based on peer evaluations so I have generally steered clear of using them in this way.
  • I have mixed feelings about peer evaluations, leaning towards not using peer reviews as part of the assessment strategy. I wonder if the concept of peer evaluation is exclusive to higher education institutions in the USA? In considering the 
    • Deb Vail
      I agree. I have never been satisfied with efforts at peer assessment. I love the idea of it, but I never got the desired results. I suspect I did not do enough modeling. 
  • Though, my experience is that the points do not motivate the student to participate in the project on the front end, but more allows the other group members to express his or her dissatisfaction with the other group members lack of participation or cooperation. I do 
    • Deb Vail
      I have to agree here. This has more of a punitive feel to it rather than providing an incentive for positive behavior. 
  • A well written rubric not only helps the facilitator score the assignment but it and can greatly increase the quality and effort put into assignments by giving students a clear expectations with knowledge that must be demonstrated.
    • Deb Vail
      A well-written rubric provides guidance for what the end result should be, but it doesn't do much to ensure that the group works well together to accomplish this goal. Often, it just indicates what the heavy lifters have to do.
    • joycevermeer
      More than anything else I have learned this through this course...that well-written rubrics are so important! I thought that before, but now as we look at self and peer assessment I see it as absolutely critical.
    • Evan Abbey
      Deb, you really have a good point. Rubrics for group work in of themselves do not ensure that everyone is doing their part.
  • • Students feel ill equipped to undertake the assessment. Preparing students for self or peer assessment
    • Deb Vail
      I have found that the more students practice assessing other pieces of writing, the better informed they are as to the what quality work looks like. They are better able to assess it in others' work as well as their own. However, often there doesn't seem to be enough time to devote to this process. It is so worthwhile but very time consuming. 
    • Diane Jackson
      I agree with you Deb. It is so worthwhile but it takes time. In order to get better they need practice and guidance. I do think student engagement and responsibility for own learning will outweigh the time involvement in the long run.
  • hange to one of facilitator.
  • the ultimate expression of individualism
    • joycevermeer
      n education we are always talking about the individual...doing individual child planning...working individually with students....valuing the thoughts of the individual...etc. This is a good point. Peer evaluation is the ultimate expression of individualism.
    • Evan Abbey
      I'm not sure I understood what the author was trying to get at with this section. Whether peer evaluation is considered "individual" or "collective" is beside the point to me.
  • “Most group work is assessed by giving every individual the same grade for a team effort. However this approach runs counter to the principles of individual accountability in group learning…. difficult to determine the individual grades for work submitted by the group.”
    • joycevermeer
      This is true as well. Maybe peer assessment isn't so individualistic. How can an instructor possibly know exactly how much an individual contributed to the group work. There are ways of making it look like you're a team player, when maybe you aren't....moreso with online learning I would think.
  • a team grade AND a grade allocated for the peer evaluation, the latter usually accounting for a small percentage of the total assignment.
    • joycevermeer
      This seems right to me.
  • the ability to self-assess skills and completed work is important.
    • Diane Jackson
      This is an important part of career readiness, being able to self-assess. In my work career I am constantly reflecting on my own work, what I need to know more about and how I can improve the process and/or the final product.
  • Encourages student involvement and responsibility.
    • Diane Jackson
      If we want students to be engaged and responsible for their learning, self-assessment is a great start. Students monitor their progress and contribute to their learning goals.
  • As this work illustrates, self-assessment need not necessarily be about self-grading. There are ways of framing and then using self-assessment that can help students develop that all-important ability of looking objectively at their work and then making changes that improve its quality.
    • Lynn Helmke
      These last sentences summarize the article.  Self-assessment does not have to equate with grading.  We need to teach people how to evaluate their own work so that they can make changes to improve their work. I feel that at times people are just after the grade.....pleasing the professor....not about learning. 
  • Rather than assessing whether the student learned from the assignment or not, this method seems geared to identifying any ‘slackers’ or those who sit on the side lines through the entire project, with minimal contributions.
    • Lynn Helmke
      Question: Couldn't the teacher "see" who has participated in the group work by using the instructor's tools for the online platform or asking for entrance into the google doc process?
  • ‘Forcing’ the individual student to assess their own behaviour, as opposed to others is more constructive – it supports the aim of developing collaboration skills, along with the knowledge component
    • Lynn Helmke
      Personally, I like self-evaluation better than peer- assessment.  With peer-assessment, other participants may not know why a peer has not contributed at all or minimally to a group project. Maybe there was a good reason.  Also, I still don't like a group grade. What I have seen is that a few people carry the load of the work.
  • Yet there are times when it won’t work, this is where I agree with Professor Rees, the situations where students do need detailed and constructive feedback from an instructor, or mentor that is qualified.
    • Lynn Helmke
      I agree with this statement.  When I am paying for a graduate course, I want feedback from the person who knows more than I know about the subject. Peer review is fine, too, but the instructor needs to step in when information/insight needs to be added to the discussion.
  • t is helpful to introduce students to the concepts and elements of assessment against specified criteria in the first weeks of class when you explain the unit of study outline. This requires taking time at the outset of the group activity or unit of study to discuss what is required, and to provide guidance on how to judge their own and others’ contributions. Students will need to be assisted to develop criteria that match the learning outcomes with regards to the output and process of the group work. If assessment criteria for each element are set up and clearly communicated, your role will also change to one of facilitator.
    • ajbeyer
      This is exactly what needs to happen in order for assessment to be outlined explicitly in a class. It's crucial to teach these steps to students in order for the assessmets (both peer and self) are done well.
  • It is helpful to introduce students to the concepts and elements of assessment against specified criteria in the first weeks of class when you explain the unit of study outline. This requires taking time at the outset of the group activity or unit of study to discuss what is required, and to provide guidance on how to judge their own and others’ contributions. Students will need to be assisted to develop criteria that match the learning outcomes with regards to the output and process of the group work. If assessment criteria for each element are set up and clearly communicated, your role will also change to one of facilitator.
    • Lynn Helmke
      I think that the steps given in this paragraph are crucial for this process to work.  It is teaching what is expected and guidance how to measure.
  • Students that fell into this group were physically and cognitively lazy, not contributing to the process as required. This phenomenon was referenced in several other research studies within the paper. I suggest another group be added to the mix besides the loafers— students that cannot provide feedback due to the lack of necessary skills, whether it be education background or language.
    • jbdecker
      I can see where this could be a major problem in a large open course with peer grading in anonymity.  I don't see the social loafing problem to be one that I would deal with in a online class with 20-30 students using a LMS like Moodle or Canvas where expectations have been set up, models have been provided and scaffolding of skills has been completed prior to a peer evaluation.
  • When learners are at a similar skill level
    • jbdecker
      I can see where this could be an issue that an instructor would have to use scaffolding to overcome prior to having the students complete peer grading. 
  • It can also be very effective in small, closed online classes where students are at similar skill level and receive instruction and guidance in how to grade within the process.
    • jbdecker
      I guess I should have read this part before I commented above.  I am thinking about this article from my perspective as a High School teacher.  I would never expect to use peer grading without first providing instruction and assessing student readiness to handle the process.
  • It seems like the kind of skill that should be addressed in college.
    • jbdecker
      Couldn't it start much sooner than this?  If it is a skill that is acquired with practice and developed with feedback why wait until college? Being able to look at criteria and critically assess your own performance could and should happen much earlier than college.
  • They were required to submit their self-assessments with the completed work, but their assessments were not graded.
    • jbdecker
      Requiring students to self-assess and submit it with their work makes so much sense. We work on creating rubrics so that the students know the criteria that they are trying to meet with their performance why wouldn't you require the students to self assess against this same rubric. To be honest though this is something that I have rarely done.  I have reminded students to reference the rubric provided but I haven't let them know early on that they would be required to submit a self-assessment using the rubric.  This is something that I am eager to try with my students in the near future. 
  • that is well crafted to include focused self reflection questions)
    • jbdecker
      I like this idea. Have each student provide evidence for the work they have completed in their group.  Providing this self evaluation at the front end of a group project may spur more participation if each student knows they will be responsible for providing answers to these questions to the instructor.
  • Students can also benefit from using rubrics or checklists to guide their assessments
    • criley55
      Highly important when having students evaluate themselves or others!
    • Joanne Cram
      This also helps students know what is expected of them.
  • For peer evaluation to work effectively, the learning environment in the classroom must be supportive. Students must feel comfortable and trust one another in order to provide honest and constructive
    • criley55
      I completely agree with this - if it is not an environment of mutual respect, you can't expect that they will give each other honest open feedback. Students will be guarded and not open to others opinions.
  • For example, a student may agree to work toward the grade of "B" by completing a specific number of assignments at a level of quality described by the instructor.
    • criley55
      I remember doing these in school and while it is a way for students to consider setting goals, it makes me wonder if it's the best idea because shouldn't all students be aiming for an A?
  • Students do not learn to monitor or assess their learning on their own; they need to be taught strategies for self monitoring and self assessment
    • criley55
      Some students come by this naturally but most need very specific examples and guided practice. There are many students who have never "failed" at anything so wouldn't be able to accurately assess themselves.
    • Joanne Cram
      In working with the special education population of teachers and students, this is a key point. If we don't explicitly teach the objectives we hope to achieve, there's a strong correlation for failure.
  • Portfolios are purposeful, organized, systematic collections of student work that tell the story of a student's efforts, progress, and achievement in specific areas
    • criley55
      I like the use of portfolios if they are truly a story of the students' work showing growth over time and not just items selected by the teacher to showcase what they think parents want to see.
  • Instructors who use group work and peer assessment frequently can help students develop trust by forming them into small groups early in the semester and having them work in the same groups throughout the term.
    • Nicole Wood
      I definitely feel that peer assessment can be powerful, but only if students are taught the process and given opportunities to practice with teacher guidance. Student comfort level and trust in their group are also key. I think it takes the teacher carefully considering personalities and ability-level while also supporting teams to establish these groups. I also like the idea of students staying with the same team all year to help establish this comfort level. I would be interested to see different models of what peer assessment looks like in primary grades.
  • In addition, students' motivation to learn increases when they have self-defined, and therefore relevant, learning goals.
    • Nicole Wood
      I do believe that goal setting is motivational for students. I found even in the primary grades students took more ownership in their learning when they set their own goals. They often needed support with forming SMART goals, but the idea came from them and they felt confident talking about their goal.
  • students are looking at their work and judging the degree to which it reflects the goals of the assignment and the assessment criteria the teacher will be using to evaluate the work
    • Nicole Wood
      I found students frequently put more effort into their work when they knew they would be self-assessing. By providing them with the rubric or criteria that I would be evaluating their work with and having them complete it first, they were much more focused on the quality of their work. In the primary grades, it could be as simple as a check list with pictures to prompt them for what to look for in their work. It also opened the door for discussions on their work because I could ask them how they came up with their marks.
    • ajbeyer
      I think that a lot of times, students can be harder graders on themselves than a teacher is on them. They have gone through the ups and downs of the assingment and know where they weak points are. The hardest critic is always yourself.
  • The instructor usually takes the average of the peer evaluations, and shares this grade with each team member which serves as the student’s grade in the peer evaluation portion.
    • Nicole Wood
      I was initially very hesitant over the idea of peer evaluation, but did like the idea of the evaluations being averaged and anonymous. I still feel as though instructors could get a good idea of the participation level for different members through the use of some online tools.
  • The tool also encourages the student to consider actions that he or she demonstrated to support the team and to estimate what percentage of the work he or she contributed to the project.
    • Nicole Wood
      I really like the idea of self-evaluation, especially for adult courses. I often feel that adults typically are truthful about their level of contribution. If the evaluation form or reflection is phrased well, it can also lead the adults to be more honest about what they actually contributed to the group project. Self reflecting also can help them change their future behavior within group projects.
  • Portfolio assessment emphasizes evaluation of students' progress, processes, and performance over time
    • ajbeyer
      Portfolio assessment is a great way for students to gain a better understanding of what they have learned and their progress over time. It's better than a 1 time snapshot test assessment. It's a great way for students to see that progress has been made.
    • Joanne Cram
      A portfolio is only as effective as the instructor makes it. If it is just a means of " turning something in"- then it will not be valued, utilized, nor looked at by the student. If a portfolio is used as a basis for comparison of learning and progress made, it can be highly effective.
  • Showing students examples of effective and ineffective pieces of work can help to make those definitions real and relevant
    • ajbeyer
      I know that I benefit from seeing what is effective and what is not effective, so I am sure students are the same way. It helps me realize to what level I need to work and what is expected of me. Showing students good and not good examples can also help them review their orwn work better too.
  • Group work can be more successful when students are involved in developing the assessment process.
    • ajbeyer
      When students are involved in their grading process they feel like they have a stake in it. When they feel like they have a part of it, they feel like they need to achieve higher in order to meet the stakes they have helped set. They can be very good, but not used all the time.
    " increase student responsibility and autonomy * strive for a more advanced and deeper understanding of the subject matter, skills and processes * lift the role and status of the student from passive learner to active leaner and assessor"
    " increase student responsibility and autonomy * strive for a more advanced and deeper understanding of the subject matter, skills and processes * lift the role and status of the student from passive learner to active leaner and assessor"

Modules - Canvas - 1 views

    This is a site that explains modules for Canvas courses. I am hopin to learn more about setting up a Canvas site for some teacher instruction.

iowaonlinelearning - Teaching Standards - 3 views

  • Continuously uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies (
    • cjterry64
      This is so important. If students aren't getting a concept, repeating it over and over....or slower...isn't the answer. We must find a different way to approach them. This is true of all types of learning - traditional and online. 
    • cjterry64
      This is so important for all type of instruction, whether it be online or face-to-face. If a student isn't getting the concept, repeating my instruction over and over....or slower...isn't going to help. Time to try a different approach. 
  • Designs the structure of the course and the presentation of the content to best enhance student learning, including using unit/lesson overviews and reviews, using patterns in lesson sequencing, and using appropriate visual web design techniques
    • cjterry64
      This gets me to thinking about layout of an online course and ease of navigation. If things aren't clearly laid out or easy to navigate, it makes the learning more difficult. My daughter is taking a summer class and I'm seeing first hand how course layout has affected her. The lessons are presented in Soft Chalk with the assignment directions on the assessment page. They don't take the assessments shown there, rather the ones the instructor posts in the modules. The assignment directions are not easy to return to, The pages load slowly and there is no sliding bar to just take you to the last page. The assignment directions are not shown on the assignment page where students actually submit their work. This has been a source of frustration for my daughter. Layout and ease of navigation, along with directions on the actual assignment page are extremely important for online learners. Especially students who aren't as patient as adult learners. 
  • Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students,
    • cjterry64
      This is something I strive to do in my classroom. Face-to-face interactions make this easier. This would be more challenging in on-line learning. 
    • cjterry64
      This is something I strive to do in my classroom. Online learning presents challenges in this area. Great care and planning would be involved. I can see the importance of having a student coach. 
    • milemieux
      Accommadating for students with special needs would be a tough in the online setting. With the use of some technologies such as text to speech I think that some of those challenges could be addressed. I agree though, if it is a full online class, then a student coach would be ideal.
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • Understands and uses data from assessments to guide instruction
    • cjterry64
      This ties in with the first item I highlighted.
    • cjterry64
      This ties to the first item I highlighted. Assessment data, whether it be formative or summative, must guide what we do as teachers. How many times over the years have I given an assessment and didn't do anything with it? I continually strive to do better with this. 
    • milemieux
      I like this one as well. It is so hard to be a learner when you do not understand something, and the teacher continues to plow forward.
  • Creates a learning community
    • cjterry64
      A sense of community is what makes a classroom such a great place to learn. The challenge would be to create such a learning community with online learners. 
    • cjterry64
      A sense of community is so important for learning. This seems so much easier to me with face-to-face learning. Definitely a learning curve for educators as we head towards more online learning. 
    • klsgwin
      Agreed! The connections in face-to-face learning environments are more naturally occurring but in an online environment where a large component to understanding lies in the ability to effectively communicate the material, an educator must facilitate an open and safe place to do so.
  • Communicates with students effectively and consistently
    • cjterry64
      Finding how to effectively communicate and monitor students consistently in an online course seems extremely important to me.  Adult learners are more likely to be independent and push on when things aren't clear. Not the case with children or teenagers. They are more likely to just "shut down" and blow the course off if they weren't able to communicate with their coach and/or instructor. 
    • cjterry64
      Finding out how to effectively communicate with online learners seems critical. Again, the importance of a student coach surfaces. Adult learners tend to push on and problem solve more. Student learners, not so much. Feedback, help with assignment, tech help, etc. must be given consistently and as quickly as possible. Finding the balance between being available and being on 24/7 would be challenging. Letting students know when you are available, when to expect a reply to message, when things will be graded must be communicated up front. And communicate if changes occur. I know even my 5th graders appreciated updates if something was taking longer to grade than anticipated or if I needed to help them a little later. 
  • Your thoughts?
  • encourages collaboration
    • elgehrke
      I feel like maybe last year I was so focused on classroom management that I didn't really take many risks in the collaboration department. I know how important that collaboration is... I just have to figure out how to make sure my students stay actively engaged with our learning during these group work or partner work times.
    • Beth Moss
      I could see how with younger students this could be... "risky." AS adults, and professionals, we self regulate and censure ourselves well. Especially with topics that are not controversial.  I wonder if canvas has a way that kids can post, and you can moderate before it is shared?
  • appropriate use of the internet
    • milemieux
      Using techniques to engage the students will push them to do more than the minimum. If they become engaged and are enjoying it they could take their learning to another level. In this class, I feel I have learned about a lot of new resources that will help engage my students in their learning.
  • Knows the content of the subject to be taught and understands how to teach the content to students (SREB A.3, Varvel II.A, ITS 2.a)
    • milemieux
      This seems silly to highlight this, but students need to have an instructor that is trained in the subject matter and has the technology skills to help students as well. It brings validity to the material when presented by someone that has learned about it, experienced it and has taught the material. I would be horrible at teaching an online course about Language Arts because that is not my strength area and have limited skills providing online learning. In my opinion, if you want something to be successful you need to be fully invested and not cut corners.
  • Selects and uses technologies appropriate to the content that enhance learning (SREB M.3, Varvel IV.D, ITS 3.e, ITS 4.f)
    • milemieux
      Technology is great but sometimes technolgy does not always fit every learning situation. Choosing the right format or multiple options, can make or break instruction. I found it very easy to follow along with the videos provided to sign up for diigo, where I probably would have struggled to more if I had to read directions and figure it out on my own. Visually seeing it put me more at ease.
  • Understands student motivation and uses techniques to engage students
    • milemieux
      Being able to motivate and engage students helps to push them to do more than just the minimum. Hopefully, they will take more ownership of the learning and take it to another level.
  • Demonstrates ethical conduct as defined by state law and local policies or procedures (ITS 8.a, ITS 8.b)
    • Beth Moss
      This is potentially hard to do. There is so much copyrighted material that floats around the internet, namely on youtube and on google image search. Its tempting to just use all the resources you can easily find, and those are two HUGE sources of information. I hear the AEA website has an copyright OK picture library for school use, and I know there where some learning licensed video sights listed on the resource wiki we looked at. Anyone know some more specifics on these? #ollie_iowa
    • klsgwin
      When you are using Canvas and posting information on your class page, you can click an icon above the text box that has a list of video resources available. I would be able to tell you more however, I am new to it as well. It is the little blue V in the center of the bar above the text box.
  • Knows and aligns instruction to the achievement goals of the local agency and the state, such as with the Iowa Core (Varvel I.A, ITS 1.f, ITS 3.a)
    • Beth Moss
      This is no different than any other course in real life, but it speaks to the rigor thats expected no matter what the delivery method. 
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face (SREB C.1, Varvel V)
    • klsgwin
      This seems like a no-brainer but the two are distinctly different.
  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student
    • klsgwin
      This is integral to a student's success. I have always held fast to the belief that if you don't understand the context of a student, you are missing out on teaching opportunities.
  • Aligns assessment with course objectives (SREB I.3, Varvel VI.C, ITS 5.a) • Communicates assessment criteria and standards to students, including rubrics for student performances and participation (Varvel VI.D, ITS 5.b)
    • klsgwin
      Not any different from the Learning Targets we create for our Priority Standards for our face to face classes.
    • kylejclark
      This is critical with an online course.  Not only do your criteria and standards need to be clear, but you also must have an efficient way for students to seek clarification and ask questions, just like they would in a normal classroom.
  • 8. Adheres to, models, and guides ethical behavior, including technological use (ITS 8)
    • kylejclark
      This standard as a whole is my weak point.  My knowledge about copyright laws is minimal at best.
Valerie Jergens

PSDtechPD Cell Phones in the Classroom - 1 views

    This Wiki contains more than cell phone use ideas but iPod Touches and other handhelds.
Amy Burns

CogDogRoo - home - 0 views

    Great list of Web2.0 tools with emphasis on digital storytelling.
    I use this site often for ideas relating to digital storytelling.
Amy Burns

Wissahickon School District's eToolBox - Home - 0 views

    Another great collection of resources for technology integration.
linda welander

ollie1roberts: Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 1 views

  • Communicates with students effectively and consistently
    • Brad Kurtz
      As this is important in a traditional classroom environment, this standard is imperative in online teaching. If something is unclear in the classroom environment, the feedback can be immediate. If there are errors or lack of clarity online, however, all work is delayed until the instructor remedies the situation.
  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student
    • Brad Kurtz
      A good teacher, whether in the classroom or online, must develop a sense of empathy (and humility). Having walked in her/his students' shoes is a key step in this process.
    • Tracey Matt
      I totally agree. Understanding both sides is important and makes you a better teacher.
    • Cindy Crall
      The experience of being the student is priceless in stepping into the role of the teacher.
  • Selects and uses technologies appropriate to the content that enhance learning
    • Julie Tague
      There is a difference in having students just "use" technology or having them use it to enhance learning.
    • linda welander
      This seems to be exactly what we are trying to do. The collaboration component of the class should provide all of us with a lot of different ideas, websites, and critiques that will save us time and effort. When we can pair the correct technology with our content our students will be the beneficiaries.
    • Tricia Reichert
      We certainly don't want to use technology haphazardly. We need to use it for academic purposes, not simply because we have it or to entertain the students.
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • Demonstrates growth in technology knowledge and skills in order to stay current with emerging technologies
    • Julie Tague
      This is always a challenge due to the lack of time and rapid changes and advancements in technology.
    • Cindy Crall
      This could be handled through professional development
  • Utilizes a course evaluation and student feedback data to improve the course
    • Nancy Healy
      It's a great idea to have students evaluate how the online course is going during and at the conclusion of the course. Ask them what worked and what didn't work and then use this feedback to improve on the next online course.
    • Tracey Matt
      I believe evaluation and feedback is imperative!
    • Mary Allen
      Evaluation and immediate feedback is important in order to show the value of education to students. It keeps them updated and aware of what they need to do.
  • Assists students with technology used in the course
    • Nancy Healy
      To be able to assist students with technology during an online course, we need to choose technology that can be taught or demonstrated online (or referred to another website like Atomic Learning) when students have questions.
    • Cindy Crall
      To assist with technology during the online course, teachers need to make sure the chosen technology matches with the desired learning, is compatible with ability levels and an established process for questions is in place.
  • Provides and communicates evidence of learning and course data to students and colleagues
    • Tracey Matt
      Using technology tools enhance the accuracy of data and the amount of data that can be collected for formative and summative assessment through tools like moodle.
    • Kristin Jeschke
      I really like the idea of using Moodle or other resources to facilitate data collection for more effective differentiation!
  • Identifies and communicates learning outcomes and expectations through a course overview/orientation (Varvel IV.A, ITS 3.b)
    • Tracey Matt
      Using technology like moodle to communicate expectations and learner outcomes to stakeholders is important. Knowing the "why" of the learning is an important piece to the puzzle of learning.
  • Demonstrates ethical conduct as defined by state law and local policies or procedures (ITS 8.a, ITS 8.b)
    • Tracey Matt
      Using technology appropriately is a very important part of the teaching process. Being a good role model and explicitly teaching the importance of ethical online behavior is a must for all teachers.
    • Colleen Comer
      I agree. There is so much online that is unethical and inappropriate, it is really important that instructors are setting the right kind of example through what they say to students and the material they expose their students to.
  • Demonstrates effective instructional strategies and techniques, appropriate for online education, that align with course objectives and assessment (SREB C.1, SREB G.6, Varvel V.C, ITS 3.d, ITS 4.b)
    • Charmaine Power
      Important not to use online education just to use the technology.
  • Communicates assessment criteria and standards to students, including rubrics for student performances and participation (Varvel VI.D, ITS 5.b)
    • Charmaine Power
      If we what a good product from our students they need to what is expected ahead of time.
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face (SREB C.1, Varvel V)
    • Salli Pence
      Instructions for activities need to be in more detail than face to face. Directions that are not concise may cause the learner to become frustrated. Tutorials or screencasts are especially helpful in on-line courses.
    • Colleen Comer
      I agree that this is an essential piece. Instructors in a face-to-face setting can be asked questions directly and students can receive instant feedback and unless students are all online at once, insturctors need to make sure they are detailed and timely in their responses (especially for classes with fast paced timelines).
  • Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students, including different learning styles, different interests and backgrounds, and students with special needs or whom are language learners (SREB C.7, Varvel V.H, ITS 4.c)
    • Salli Pence
      In my opinion, this benchmark is critical whether you are teaching an online course or face-to-face.
    • Nikki Gerling
      I agree Salli. This is really the one that caught my eye the first time reading through these.
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
    • Cindy Crall
      Online instruction gives rise to the challenge of knowing your students. Feedback is not immediate which creates confusion at time as a student may believe they interpreted directives correctly when in reality did not.
  • • Knows and aligns instruction to the achievement goals of the local agency and the state, such as with the Iowa Core (Varvel I.A, ITS 1.f, ITS 3.a)
    • Mary Allen
      Moodle aligns with student achievement goals.
  • Provides substantive, timely, and constructive feedback to students (SREB D.8, Varvel VI.F, ITS 5.e)
    • linda welander
      I think this is one of the best features that online learning provides. With many of the programs I use students get immediate feedback, not only the correct answer but the reason that answer is correct, as the student completes the lesson. This is essential to today's students because too often once they receive a final score, they fail to read any notes or explanation from the teacher or to question why their answer was not correct.
  • Maintains an online social presence that is available, approachable, positive, interactive, and sincere (SREB C.3, Varvel VII.A)
  • Promotes learning through online collaboration group work that is goal-oriented and focused
    • Tricia Reichert
      A good collaborative tool might be a "wiki" that we learned about last week!
  • Sets and models clear expectations for appropriate behavior and proper interaction
    • Tricia Reichert
      In reflecting on this I'm fine with modeling appropriate online behavior, but the question of how to penalize for inappropriate behavior is one that I'm having problems with. Any thoughts?
  • ontinuously uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies (SREB J.7, ITS 1.c)
    • Nikki Gerling
      I think that this will be easier by being able to do some of the quizzes and questions and collaboration online. It is a way to provide instant feedback to the students as well as to me.
  • Is knowledgeable and has the ability to use computer programs required in online education to improve learning and teaching, including course management software (CMS) and synchronous/asynchronous communication tools (chat, email, web 2.0, videoconferencing, webinar, whiteboard, etc.) (SREB B.3, Varvel III.B)
    • Nikki Gerling
      I think this one is one of the reasons I am taking this class. There is a lot to learn when going to an online curriculum or incorporating it into an established curriculum.
    • Kristin Jeschke
      Even if the class is NOT an online class, to learn new elements of technology and how to infuse them into our classrooms in meaningful ways can certainly help our students stay more engaged.
  • Meets the professional teaching standards established by a state-licensing agency, or has the academic credentials in the field in which he or she is teaching
    • Colleen Comer
      This would be essential, or anybody could do it. It could ruin the quality of online teachers if they were not held accountable by a higher authority
  • Creates a learning community that encourages collaboration and interaction, including student-teacher, student-student, and student-content
    • Colleen Comer
      This would be the one of the most essential parts of the standards. If a student is only engaging in one sided learning, they are missing out (some of the problem with students not participating in traditional classes).
  • Has knowledge of learning theory appropriate to online learning, which may include (but is not limited to) age and ability level, multiple intelligences, didactic conversation, student developmental influences, constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivism, connectivism, and group theory (Varvel V.A)
    • Kristin Jeschke
      Applying multiple intelligences to online learning proves intriguing. Of course, some limitations exist - - how does the naturalist find relevance and value? However, most of the intelligences can be tapped into via sound clips, video, images, collaboration, blogging, etc. to really enhance the online learning experience.
  • Networks with others involved in online education for the purpose of professional growth (SREB L.1, ITS 7.b)
    • Kristin Jeschke
      I think one of the best features of this course so far is the opportunity to use Moodle as a place to network and improve skills. With teachers so cramped for time, using online resources such as this could really allow for everyone to grow beyond the confinements of the school day.
    " Assists students with technology used in the course"
    Teaching students how to respond appropriately using technology is very important to teach our students. When students use technology it is hard to take back comments made, so it is important for them to understand how to use it appropriately the first time.
Deb Henkes

Google Documents, Spreadsheets, Forms, Presentations & Drawing - wesfryer - 0 views

    Wow, Wes Fryer has created the ultimate Google Doc for educators resource page!
Sharon Kurns

ollie1: Iowa Online Course Standards - 0 views

  • learning styles and preferences.
    • Evan McCormick
      How can you address multiple learning styles and preferences with a single technology? Are some tech standards idealistic?
    • Lynn Hockenberry
      I agree with your question of how to do this. Perhaps we will learn more as the course progresses...
    • Ami Leath
      I hope to learn more about this as well...
  • Instructions make clear how to get started and where to find various course components.
    • Evan McCormick
      Ideally accomplished by single entry points to information. When there are multiple ways to get to information, it leads to confusion.
  • The course instruction includes activities that engage students in active learning.
    • Lynn Hockenberry
      Building in wikis, blogs, and opportunities for small group meetings will be an exciting and critically important part of the design of the class. Otherwise, online learning could be no different than reading a textbook (only on a computer screen)
    • Ami Leath
      Agree we just have to figure out how to do it!!
    • Sharon Irelan
      Don't forget conversations on SKYPE. Great way to communicate in a visual way with others.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • • The course meets universal design principles, ADA compliance, Section 508 standards and W3C guidelines to ensure access for all students.
    • Lynn Hockenberry
      Will we learn about these standards and how to ensure we are meeting them?
  • The course design provides opportunities for appropriate instructor-student interaction, including timely and frequent feedback about student progress based on the learning targets.
    • Lynn Hockenberry
      I will be curious to learn from others the amount of time that it takes for an instructor to teach an online class and respond to the needs of students.
    • Sharon Kurns
      It seems that the instructor will be key in keeping learners engaged.
  • Sufficient learning resources and materials to increase student success are available to students
    • Sharon Irelan
      Making resources and materials available to participants is an important component of the design of a class. Resources and materials supplied by the instructor support the learning that is intended. I think there should be a sufficient amount of resources and materials but not overwhelming amounts. The information provided needs to be useful, enhances understanding, and contains examples to support the expected outcomes. These resources and materials need to be easily accessible to the participants.
    • Sharon Kurns
      Finding the right balance between sufficient resources and "not overwhelming" seems like the key
  • requirements for student work, including student interaction, are clearly articulated.
    • Ami Leath
      Set the expectations at a high level.  Participants need to know what is expected of them each week.  This piece should be very clear and concise.
  • Information literacy and communication skills are incorporated and taught as an integral part of the curriculum.
    • Sharon Kurns
      When teaching online we need to also focus on how the course contributes to the learners information literacy and communication skills, not just the content of the course.
  • Ongoing and frequent assessments are conducted to verify each student’s readiness for the next lesson.
    • Sharon Kurns
      This is a challenge with face to face learning also. With the online environment, new tools and different methods to assess will need to be used. I have much to learn in this area.
Marcia Jensen

Instructional Design - 0 views

    This site is designed to provide information about instructional design principles and how they relate to teaching and learning. Instructional design, also know as instructional systems design, is the analysis of learning needs and systematic development of instruction. Instructional designers often use instructional technology or educational technology as tools for developing instruction. Instructional design models typically specify a method, that if followed will facilitate the transfer of knowledge, skills and attitude to the recipient or acquirer of the instruction. Obviously paying attention to "best practices", and innovative teaching methods will make any instructional design model more effective.
Lisa Wymore

Why We Like Diigo - School Computing - 0 views

  • While an overall annotation can be helpful when sharing resources, thoughtful comments tied to specific portions of the text are more illuminating. These localized comments also lead to fruitful conversations more often than do summary comments.
    • Lisa Wymore
      This is a powerful use of Diigo that we would like to harness in our moodle class; supports higher level thinking, active engagement, and builds the community of learners.

ollie1reppert: Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 0 views

  • Has knowledge of learning theory appropriate to online learning, which may include (but is not limited to) age and ability level, multiple intelligences, didactic conversation, student developmental influences, constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivism, connectivism, and group theory
    • Brian Sauerbrei
      Wow, this is certainly a sentence loaded with many educational concepts. It would take me a week just define those concepts!
    • Brian Sauerbrei
      I need to add a few more words to explain my interest in this passage. This passage indicates why teaching and learning aren't only important, but they can be difficult, too.
    • jorge malagon
      Online instruction is growing across the nation, the main reason in the lower cost, compared with the traditional classroom; experts indicate there is not enough evidence online instruction is indicated to all teenage students. I have seen many of them dropping online classes in Plato; kids need to socialize.
  • Provides substantive, timely, and constructive feedback to students
    • Brian Sauerbrei
      Hopefully, that is a aspect that can be achieved through online quizzes and tests. I wonder how else it coud get done?
    • Doug Gaul
      Can also get consturctive feedback through google docs where you could make comments right on the document the student is working on.
    • Mike Adair
      I'm hoping to see the benefits of Google docs as my district pushes their use this school year. I the idea of a comment area.
    • Deanna Tegeler
      I am looking forward to providing immediate feedback to students using some of the assessment programs.
    • Deb Richmann
      There is a service called that allows you to mark student work, written work I should say. This will be another alternative to marking. Glogster & kidblog allow you to make comments for the students.
    • Brian Sauerbrei
      Last year my son had an English class that made use of googledocs and online comments. The teacher didn't always get back to him in a timely manner. Plus, even though they saw each other everyday in class, they didn't talk about the issues on writing the essay on googledocs.
  • Communicates with students effectively and consistently
    • Brian Sauerbrei
      This concept could be much more difficult than what it appears, especially when it comes to typing conversation back and forth between people.
    • Brian Sauerbrei
      I find it interesting that this concept is somewhat buried in the list of items. To me, it is the most important one.
    • Mike Adair
      Your first point is well-taken, Brian. Add to that the difficult task of a teacher trying to communicate with their elementary-aged students in person and now attempting to do the same thing online. Not for the faint of heart!
  • ...32 more annotations...
  • Assists students with technology
    • Doug Gaul
      Teach students where to find help rather then spending all of your time showing them exactly what to do. This is where the real learning from technology comes from
    • Mike Adair
      If I might add to your astute thought, Doug, to also guide the students in determining how the information they found will be used to assist in their learning. More times than not, kids seem to grab information for the sake of possessing it without taking into consideration their intentions on how to utilize it.
    • Deb Richmann
      I agree with you, they really lack that thinking skill. They are very accustomed to the grab & go answer and find it hard to take risks in delving deeper into a topic.
    • susan strube
      I find that some of my students end up teaching/showing me! They are all so good natured about helping me when they know something I don't! My favorite part of teaching however, is collaborating WITH my students on research projects and sharing in theri excitement when they discover great resources in unfamiliar places.
  • different needs of students, including different learning styles
    • Doug Gaul
      A different set of challanges in an online course. Harder to find out different student needs.
    • Deb Richmann
      Yes, but I think this will open up more alternatives for students to learn & get more involved in the learning process which should help eliminate behavioral issues.
    • Jason Endress
      This is a great opportunity to incorporate youtube videos for visual learners, "guest lecturers" available through podcasts for audio learners and various "hands on activities" for the tactile learner. Having instant access to such a wealth of multimedia information/activities should make it easier to accomodate multiple learning styles. However, this will require additional research and time on the part of the teacher to find appropriate resources to include.
  • student feedback data to improve the course
    • Mike Adair
      This is an area I wish to improve this school year. Instead of a basic exit survey that doesn't tell me much, I'd like to either find or create something in the way of feedback that I could actually use to improve my lesson or unit in the future.
    • Deb Richmann
      I could improve in this area as well Mike. I don't like using tests because they are a quick view of what they know. Much of what my students do is very open ended projects and it's hard to grade these until you figure what a student is capable of.
    • susan strube
      I have created a course evaluation that I use for students at the end of the year and I find it to be valuable. I'm sure there are better ones, but I would be happy to email/share a form I have created for students. Obviously it could be edited and should be to fit the changes I make each year to my class.
    • Deena Fries
      Sue it would be great to get a copy of that evaluation. It could be put into your moodle class as a survey through survey monkey.
    • Jason Endress
      Our principal has begun to create a student exit survey that could be used school or department wide. This was created using survey monkey. The science department "field tested" it in the spring. The way that the questions were worded and the feed back provided was able to give us great insight into what was working and not working as well as what the students appreciated in terms of learning activities and levels of rigor.
  • standards for student behavior
    • Mike Adair
      Our district unveiling a new district-wide student-use policy this August. Though I know they're needed, the problem I see with these policies is that after you've spent the time agreeing on and writing up the rules it can already be considered outdated due to the rapid expance of technology.
    • Deb Richmann
      We also have a newly written AUP and it is hard to keep them updated so if well written it should be able to adjust for the times. Many districts don't revise these very often. I think they should be revisited a minimum of every 2-3 years to allow for changes.
    • Brian Sauerbrei
      I might be wrong, but the policies probably need to be updated every six months to sort of keep up with new technology. That or the policies will have to be very broad, which has positives and negatives, too.
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
    • Kristina Greenfield
      This is interesting. There is definately things to consider in an online classroom that you don't in a face-to-face classroom. However, as a classroom teacher, adding an online compenent to my course has required me to be more thoughtful, organized, explicit, and available. All of which have helped me meet more of my students' needs.
    • susan strube
      I don't know how to be an online teacher yet....I love what I do in my classroom and I think I'm a really effective teacher, but I'm always eager to improve. I think I have more to learn about the difference between the two. This is the first on line class I have taken and though it is frustrating when I don't understand, it is forcing me to stick with something longer/ problem solve more on my own!
    • Ashlea Ahrenholtz
      The more that I discuss online learning, the more I think about the face-to-face teaching. I feel that this tows a fine line as we all have a variety of learners in our classroom. Balancing the face-to-face and online instruction is an element of teaching that also depends on the age level you are teaching. I think that the older the learners are, the more content they be exposed to online.
  • Designs the structure of the course and the presentation of the content to best enhance student learning, including using unit/lesson overviews and reviews, using patterns in lesson sequencing, and using appropriate visual web design techniques
    • Deanna Tegeler
      This is why I am taking this course. I want to enhance my students learning and I feel that greater incorporation of meaningful/appropriate technology use will allow me to do that.
  • Promotes learning through online collaboration group work that is goal-oriented and focused
    • Deanna Tegeler
      This is one of the items that I am most excited about using with Moodle. I want to have a way other than my classroom observations to see how students are working through problems and learning from each other. Wiki's, Google docs and forums will allow me to see who is sharing their ideas and how other students respond to them.
  • Creates a safe environment, managing conflict
    • Deanna Tegeler
      This is one of my concerns about online learning. I have found that students often are willing to say things in print that they would not have the nerve to say to someone face to face. I feel that I will have to devote some time in training the students on what appropriate feedback would include and not include.
  • Is knowledgeable and has the ability to use computer programs required in online education to improve learning and teaching, including course management software (CMS) and synchronous/asynchronous communication tools (chat, email, web 2.0, videoconferencing, webinar, whiteboard, etc.) (SREB B.3, Varvel III.B)
  • Is knowledgeable and has the ability to use computer programs required in online education to improve learning and teaching, including course management software (CMS) and synchronous/asynchronous communication tools (chat, email, web 2.0, videoconferencing, webinar, whiteboard, etc.) (SREB B.3, Varvel III.B)
    • Deb Richmann
      Are some school districts going to have to open up the restrictions on chat and remove some of their filtering to allow teachers access to some of these capabilities.
    • Jason Endress
      Deb, I think that you are correct, school districts will have to "loosen up" a bit. The other concern is access to technology/internet for students that come from low income families or families that might be homeless and do not have regular access outside of normal school hours.
  • Is knowledgeable and has the ability to use computer programs required in online education to improve learning and teaching, including course management software (CMS) and synchronous/asynchronous communication tools (chat, email, web 2.0, videoconferencing, webinar, whiteboard, etc.) (SREB B.3, Varvel III.B)
  • uses techniques to engage students
    • Deb Richmann
      This will require many teachers to loosen the grip they feel they need to have on their students. Teachers need to learn to be more of a supportive role for students.
    • susan strube
      I love being a facilitator, mentor and collaborator and not just a dispensor of information!
  • techniques for dealing with issues arising from inappropriate student technological use
    • Deb Richmann
      Teachers need to know the AUP and what administration will do when inappropriate action is discovered. All teachers should be in agreement with the course of action.
    • susan strube
      I think the biggest obstacle for out district is Catching the little perps in their misconduct. lol --is that appropriate in an anotation?
  • Provides and communicates evidence of learning and course data to students and colleagues (SREB J.6, ITS 1.a)
    • susan strube
      I suppose this was one of the purposes of teacher portfolios, but I think evidence is growing in importance as NCLB continues to drive education and there is more pressure to prove student proficiency. This is going to require more use of technology, I suspect, to gather and maintain the data needed.
  • Selects and uses technologies appropriate to the content that enhance learning
    • susan strube
      This is the area I am struggling with. I am not a technology native and I am not well read or experienced with technology. I get overwhelmed by so many options, I freeze up. I need to have someone help me identify one or two tools that I can understand and use effectively in my curriculum and then focus on just those 2 pieces of technology until I gain more confidence.
  • Demonstrates growth in technology knowledge and skills in order to stay current with emerging technologies (SREB B.5
    • susan strube
      I think that is the purpose of this class.
  • iNACOL
    • jorge malagon
      Stands for International Association for K-12 Online Learning
  • Online Teaching
    • jorge malagon
      There is a broad spectrum of independent studies and diverse mediums to channel them; distance learning, correspondence, hybrid classes, computers, teleconference, cell-phones, educational television, etc. I guess standards would need to be adapted to each type of class.
    • Jason Endress
      Jorge, I agree with you that the phrase on-line teaching incorporates a broad spectrum of courses/means of delivery. Each type of course whether hybrid, distance learning, etc is going to have its own unique intereactions and pedagogy. As a result, it might be necessary to visit and re-evaluate these standards as times and technology change.
  • Incorporates social aspects
    • jorge malagon
      I like the rewording from "classroom management" to "incorporate social aspects", mostly behavioral ones; there is a lot less need for classroom management in the online instructional process; in eithe setting, it is crucial to count with the elements of engagement and social skills in order to accompllish the academic goals.
  • Identifies and communicates learning outcomes and expectations through a course overview/orientation (Varvel IV.A, ITS 3.b)
    • Jill Schany
      I think this is so important. I am curious how many district require this in a syllabus or something similar at the beginning of the year?
    • Ashlea Ahrenholtz
      That is a great point! My guess would be that there are not many requirements, yet. If there are, I am sure they are rather vague at the moment and will be getting more in depth in the upcoming years. Speaking from the standpoint of my district, I can say that most technology "extras" or resources are not required, but many are encouraged.
  • Continuously 2uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies (SREB J.7, ITS 1.c)
  • Continuously 2 uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies (SREB J.7, ITS 1.c)
    • Jill Schany
      I think the key word here is the word continually. This means that we have to look at more than tests and venture further into ancedotal assessments and similar ongoing classroom checks--such as checks for understanding.
  • Understands and uses course content that complies with intellectual property rights and fair use, and assists students in complying as well (SREB E.5, Varvel I.B)
    • Jill Schany
      I feel that this is not always done and will be essentail when technology becomes so common--such as with a 1:1 initiative. An understanding of these fair use policies is necessary for educators also.
  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student
    • Marcia Jensen
      I am finding a whole different point of view as I use Moodle as a student rather than as a teacher. I find I have more questions about where components of the assignments are, and kind of worry about keeping all the tasks straight. I really want to think about this as I design my own course.
    • Brian Sauerbrei
      I'm struggling with those issues just for this one class. I couldn't imagine trying to keep more than one online class going on at a time. That may be the product of my non-digital native bias. Maybe for the present youth it will be no big deal. I struggle with the different technologies I'm expected to use as a teacher: Powerschool, gmail, igoogle, google docs, google class web site, Smartboard, etc. On the other hand, maybe having to learn and use new technology will help to prevent or slow Alzheimers. : )
  • Demonstrates effective instructional strategies and techniques, appropriate for online education, that align with course objectives and assessment
    • Marcia Jensen
      This is an area of interest to me. I know how to teach face to face, but want to learn techniques that are appropriate to online learning and that actually help the students learn.
  • Creates a learning community that encourages collaboration and interaction, including student-teacher, student-student, and student-content (SREB D.2, Varvel VII.B, ITS 6.a)
    • Sandra Campie
      We teachers can learn so much from each other! I believe an online course can be set up to facilitate that well.
    • Jason Endress
      There are so many resources available to include to allow for the social compnent. Ideas include googledocs, wikis, chats, etc as we learned in the first unit of this course.
  • Creates or selects multiple assessment instruments that are appropriate for online learning (SREB H.1, Varvel VI.C)
    • Sandra Campie
      This is an area I would like to develop. How can we be sure our students are learning during the course so that we are able to address any misconceptions?
  • University
  • Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance
    • Jason Endress
      A key phrase in this is "to enhance academic performance". This means that we, as teachers, need to be utilizing these online strategies to help students learn and perform better than they would without access to these resources. Many times teachers attempt to try something new simply to say that they've tried a new activity, but our goal with doing something new should be to improve student learning over where it has been previously.
  • including rubrics for student performances
    • Jason Endress
      Moodle makes it very easy to share assessment criteria, especially rubrics with students prior to an assessment so that they may know how/what they are being graded on.

Using Jing for Educators - 0 views

  • Click on the following link to learn about Jing: up for Jing @http://www.jingproject.comView video tutorials @ Help Center
    • gfrolekclark
      This will get you started if you aren't familar with what Jing can do.
    • gfrolekclark
      This is only a few. It also works with Flickr, Prezi, Skype, etc.
  • What can teachers do with Jing?Create a tutorials for working with new technologies. Demonstrate how to access your class delicious bookmarks, log-in to your class wiki, ning or blog, and how to fill out a Google Docs form you’ve created.Create screencasts to publish student work. Copy to your class website.Create a lesson about Internet safety. Have students show examples of their own “safe” internet practices.…more for teachers.Demonstrate how to edit writing.Model a “think aloud” reading technique.Show parents how to use a class website, how to read a test report, or how to access student grades.Add voice to class photos to share classroom activities on your class website.
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