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Contents contributed and discussions participated by mbchris


Open Education Tutorial - 3 views

    This is an open education tutorial that is designed to help people find the courses that they want to take. Provide directions on how to define success when taking an open education course so that you have a plan that you can execute. Finally it gives ways to stay motivated when taking and open education course so that you can fulfill your goals. This was created by a student in the OKMOOC.

Copyright Toolkit - 2 views

    Libraries are the primary cultural and scientific institutions for providing information as a public good and preserving our cultural heritage. To fulfill their mission in the digital age, libraries need an updated system of copyright limitations and exceptions.

IFLA Copyright & Libraries - Ruth Okediji - 0 views

    Libraries advocate for copyright frameworks that balance the rights of users and creators. They play a vital role in the debate on international copyright. Stressing this point, Professor Ruth Okediji from the University of Minnesota Law School discussed in her presentation how to adjust the role and the functions of libraries in the digital environment.

The Center for Open Science - 0 views

    COS is dedicated to improving the alignment between scientific values and scientific practices. As a non-profit technology start-up, our team moves quickly from problem to solution, and continuously evaluates and improves our solutions. We blend science and technology in support of open science - transparency and inclusivity.
mbchris - 2 views

    The home of the U.S. Government's open data Here you will find data, tools, and resources to conduct research, develop web and mobile applications, design data visualizations, and more. This tool is very powerful for researchers that may not access to the funds and resources of researchers from well funded universities or that of the US Government. This resources breaks the data out into 21 different topics covering areas from education to the ocean. Each section has data sets to choose from and access to grant information as well as articles and updates on each topic. Even it you are someone that does not have the capacity to use these resources, I believe that it is good to know where to find this source so that you can share it with others, or perhaps one day you will have the ability to use this resource more fully.

The Dawn of the Zettabyte Era [INFOGRAPHIC] - 1 views

    It's common knowledge that the amount of online rich media consumption is increasing exponentially on an annual basis. But how much video traffic is projected over the next five years? And what does this growth really mean for global residential, business, and mobile subscribers and the service providers that support them? I have used this infographic many times since I have found it. There are times in presentations or when trying to educate people on the size and scope of the internet that words do not do enough. The pictures and numbers and scaling provided by this infographic conveys the message quite well even if the numbers are losing their meaning because they are so large. The other important part of this infographic is that is is updated constantly. When I first found this link it was referring to the year 2014, as of this post it is now referencing 2015 and what will be available on line at that time.

How to Read a Book - 7 views

    "When you're reading for information, you should ALWAYS jump ahead, skip around, and use every available strategy to discover, then to understand, and finally to remember what the writer has to say. This is how you'll get the most out of a book in the smallest amount of time." This has been a very useful article for me. After reading this the first time I found that every thing that I did when I was reading was the opposite of what I "should" be doing according to this article. I treated all the definitions, table, and sections that were highlighted as if they were advertisements and just ignored them. This was a very useful article in helping me get back on track when it came to learning how to study in an academic environment, and I was very happy to get new and better skills from it as well.

Nature web focus: Access to the literature: the debate continues - 0 views

    Publishers of scholarly journals currently obtain most of their revenue from subscription fees charged to libraries and individual users. We call this the 'Reader Pays' pricing model. An alternative pricing method has recently emerged, in which publishers collect their revenue by charging significant publication fees to authors, and then supply their content over the Internet, at no cost to readers.

"Predatory" Open Access Publishers -- The Natural Extreme of an Author-Pays Model - 0 views

    "A recent story in the Chronicle of Higher Education covers a phenomenon all of us have suspected, mainly because we've seen it via our editorial boards and editorial advisors - the proliferation of open access (OA) publishers with new names, unknown pedigrees, big promises, and fulsome editorial boards, which often spam our editors and advisors with offers to join the parade." This article does a good job of outlining the pitfalls of the author pay model of open access journals. With open access journals the whole idea is to make it so that information is accessible to the public, but unfortunately that access comes with a cost. The cost of predatory open access journal undermines the whole democratic and altruistic intent behind open access journals. By taking advantage of recently endowed academics these predatory publishers cause many problems for both the individuals affected as well as the Open publishing industry. I also like how there is a clear definition of what predatory open access publishing is.
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