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NIJ FY 14 Research on Offender Decision-Making and Desistance From Crime - 0 views

    The study of adult offender decision-making and desistance to commit crime typically has been approached from a rational choice perspective and a life-course perspective, respectively. With this solicitation NIJ seeks to expand the existing research by examining the process of adult offender decision-making. NIJ requests proposals that either expand the rational choice model and/or life-course model, use other theories to explain either the choice to commit crime or to desist from committing crime (e.g., behavioral economics, business models, psychology, or cognitive models), or any combination of these. Proposed research also should consider issues such as social context, emotions, default choices, or possibly environmental context to gain a better understanding of the overall decision-making process to commit or desist from committing crimes.

NIJ FY 14 Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes - 0 views

    NIJ is seeking proposals for basic or applied research and development projects that will: (1) increase the body of knowledge to guide and inform forensic science policy and practice or (2) result in the production of useful materials, devices, systems, or methods that have the potential for forensic application. The intent of this program is to direct the findings of basic scientific research, research and development in broader scientific fields applicable to forensic science, and ongoing forensic science research toward the development of highly discriminating, accurate, reliable, cost-effective, and rapid methods for the identification, analysis, and interpretation of physical evidence for criminal justice purposes.
MiamiOH OARS - 0 views

    The Board of Regents is seeking high quality, focused cooperative education and internship program proposals from Ohio institutions of higher education and their partners. This program has been funded  through one-time casino licensing fees; it is expected that the funds will be awarded to build systems to sustain co-ops and internships beyond the direct investment from the State and to ensure these workbased learning opportunities are relevant to the needs of students and businesses. Funds will be awarded to build the capability and capacity of programs to engage more students, more businesses,  and more faculty members in co-op and internship programs. The programs should address the talent needs of JobsOhio key industries.
MiamiOH OARS - Funding - Law & Social Sciences - US National Science Foundation (NSF) - 1 views

    The Law & Social Sciences Program considers proposals that address social scientific studies of law and law-like systems of rules.  The program is inherently interdisciplinary and multi-methodological.  Successful proposals describe research that advances scientific theory and understanding of the connections between law or legal processes and human behavior.  Social scientific studies of law often approach law as dynamic, made in multiple arenas, with the participation of multiple actors.  Fields of study include many disciplines, and often address problems including though not limited to: Crime, Violence and Punishment Economic Issues Governance Legal Decisionmaking Legal Mobilization and Conceptions of Justice Litigation and the Legal Profession LSS provides the following modes of support: Standard Research Grants and Grants for Collaborative Research Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Fellowships Workshop and Conference Proposals

Research Grants for Preventing Violence and Violence Related Injury - 0 views

    The purposes of the NCIPC extramural violence prevention research program are to: 1. Build the scientific base for the prevention of violence by helping to expand and advance our understanding of the primary prevention of interpersonal violence. 2. Encourage professionals from a wide spectrum of disciplines of epidemiology, behavioral and social sciences, medicine, biostatistics, public health, health economics, law, and criminal justice to perform research in order to prevent violence more effectively. 3. Encourage investigators to propose research that involves the development and testing of primary prevention strategies, programs and policies designed to prevent interpersonal violence and reduce violence-related outcomes as well as dissemination, implementation, and translation research to enhance the adoption and maintenance of effective strategies among individuals, organizations, or communities.

Office for the Advancement of Research and Scholarship (OARS) - Miami University - 0 views

    We are pleased to announce that the new OARS website is up and running (although the new Research Compliance and Undergraduate Research sections are still in development).   If you haven't had a chance to check it out yet, we hope you will soon.  Once you've visited, we'd be grateful if you'd give us five minutes of your time to let us know how we're doing by completing a brief eight-question survey at Finally, don't forget to update any bookmarks you may have to material on our old website!

PREA Program: Demonstration Projects to Establish "Zero Tolerance" Cultures for Sexual ... - 0 views

    The goal of this program is to assist facilities in implementing prevention, identification, and response mechanisms that will reduce the incidence of sexual abuse in confinement facilities. This program will provide federal assistance to implement comprehensive demonstration projects in local adult and juvenile correctional facilities to meet the PREA requirements of the standards.

OVW FY 2014 Justice for Families Program - 0 views

    The Justice for Families Program was authorized in the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) of 2013 to improve the response of all aspects of the civil and criminal justice system to families with a history of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking, or in cases involving allegations of child sexual abuse. The program includes purpose areas previously authorized under the Safe Havens and the Courts Programs, along with new purpose areas and applicant requirements.

The Intellectual Property Enforcement Program: Protecting Public Health, Safety, and th... - 0 views

    The Intellectual Property Enforcement Program, administered by BJA, is designed to provide national support and improve the capacity of state, local, and tribal criminal justice systems to address intellectual property criminal enforcement, including prosecution, prevention, training, and technical assistance. Awards will be made by BJA to support law enforcement agencies in coordinating the goals, objectives, and activities of their intellectual property task forces in close collaboration with the relevant state, local, tribal, and federal agencies, to include local U.S. Attorneys' Offices (USAOs). This program is generally informed by section 401 of Public Law 110-403, which authorizes DOJ to provide funding to support state and local intellectual property theft enforcement efforts.

BJA FY 14 Second Chance Act Reentry Program for Adult Offenders with Co-Occurring Subst... - 0 views

    The Second Chance Act Programs are designed to help communities develop and implement comprehensive and collaborative strategies that address the challenges posed by reentry and recidivism reduction. "Reentry" is not a specific program, but rather a process that starts when an individual is initially incarcerated and ends when he or she has been successfully reintegrated in the community as a law-abiding citizen. The reentry process includes screening and assessment in a pre-release setting, the delivery of evidence-based programming in a pre-release setting, and the delivery of a variety of evidence-based programming for every program participant in a post-release setting designed to ensure that the transition from prison or jail to the community is safe and successful. The Reentry Program for Adult Offenders with Co-Occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders is designed to improve outcomes for adults with co-occurring substance abuse and mental health disorders through the screening and assessment of incarcerated individuals, availability of some pre-release programming, leading to the provision of appropriate evidence-based services and treatment after incarceration.

BJA FY 14 National Initiatives: Law Enforcement and Missing Persons with Alzheimer's Di... - 0 views

    This FY 2014 grant announcement focuses on national programs strategically targeted to address community and law enforcement needs. Specifically, this grant announcement focuses on developing community partnerships to assist law enforcement in locating and working with missing persons with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. This initiative is funded under the Missing Alzheimer's Disease Patient Assistance Program.

NIJ FY 14 Optimizing the Use of Video Technology to Improve Criminal Justice Outcomes - 0 views

    With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals from research organizations partnered with state, local, or tribal criminal justice agencies for funding for research to identify, implement, and evaluate those applications of video cameras and advanced video analysis software that provide optimum crime control and prevention outcomes. NIJ is most interested in receiving proposals involving the integration of video technology into policing strategies, most particularly those involving quantitative data analysis methods. NIJ will also consider proposals dealing with criminal courts and correctional environments.

NIJ FY 14 New Approaches to Digital Evidence Processing and Storage - 0 views

    With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for funding for technology research and development to develop:* New, innovative means to speed the processing of large-capacity digital media in a forensically sound manner that preserves the probative value of the evidence that the media may contain.* More efficient means to store the large volumes of information seized as digital evidence while preserving the probative value of that evidence.

View Opportunity | GRANTS.GOV - 0 views

    NIJ is interested in funding multiple criminal justice research projects involving research and/or evaluations of programs to improve our understanding and/or reduce gang membership and violence within the United States. Results from these projects should lead to better criminal justice policy, practice, and research, particularly at the local or state level, on issues surrounding gangs.

ONDCP-DRUGCOURTTTA-2014 ONDCP Drug Court Training and Technical Assistance Initiative - 0 views

     This purpose of this grant is to: educate, train, and produce materials for law enforcement, criminal justice practitioners, and treatment providers to reduce justice costs, reduce recidivism, improve access to services and service delivery, and reduce disproportionality of punishment in the criminal justice system. The grant recipient shall:* Use expert practitioners in the fields engaged in law enforcement, criminal justice systems planning, and drug courts, specifically law enforcement, prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges, probation and parole officers, corrections officials, treatment providers, and criminal justice and public health policymakers. * Provide in-person training and jurisdiction-specific technical assistance to a variety of demographically-composed areas at the state, local, and tribal levels.* Include ONDCP policy priorities in the development and execution of training and technical assistance program and educational materials: o evidence-based treatment, medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorders, o overdose prevention, o diversion programming with comprehensive case management and service provision* Collect and analyze data from jurisdictions engaged in grantee programming on alternatives to incarceration to determine the effectiveness of the trainings and on-site assistance.

Violence Against Women Research - 0 views

    NIJ seeks a research consortium focused on topical areas related to violence against women to include domestic and intimate partner violence, sexual violence, stalking, and teen dating violence. The research consortium is expected to be an interdisciplinary team of researchers representing expertise broadly across violence against women. The research consortium will support NIJ in a variety of research, evaluation, and planning tasks throughout the duration of the award. The project will be awarded in the form of a cooperative agreement, which allows NIJ to serve as a partner and collaborator.

FY 2017 Census of State and Federal Adult Correctional Facilities (CSFACF) - 0 views

    This award covers the design, testing, and implementation of the Census of State and Federal Adult Correctional Facilities (CSFACF). The CSFACF provides detailed information about the facilities in which the majority of the nation’s incarcerated population is held, including traditional institutional facilities, as well as community-based correctional centers. In addition to providing data on facility-level population, correctional characteristics, staffing, and programming, BJS has used the resulting roster of state and federal adult correctional facilities as a universe from which to draw a sample of facilities for the Surveys of Inmates in State and Federal Correctional Facilities (SISFCF). These nationally-representative surveys of prison inmates provide a valuable resource from which we can produce a portrait of the inmates held for state and federal authorities.

Building the Capacity of Civil Society to Combat Child Labor and Forced Labor and Impro... - 0 views

    The Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB), U.S. Department of Labor announces the availability of approximately $6,000,000 total costs for up to three cooperative agreements of up to $2,000,000 total costs each to fund technical assistance projects to improve the capacity of civil society to better understand and address child labor and/or forced labor abuses and promote acceptable conditions of work in a sector and/or supply chain. The project should achieve the following outcomes: (1) Improved capacity of civil society to identify and document accurate, independent, and objective information on the nature and scope of child labor and/or forced labor, and violations of acceptable conditions of work in a sector and/or supply chain; (2) Improved capacity of civil society to raise awareness for the protection of workers from child labor and/or forced labor abuses, and violations of acceptable conditions of work; and (3) Improved capacity of civil society to implement initiatives to address child labor and/or forced labor and violations of acceptable conditions of work, including facilitated access to grievance mechanisms and/or remedy for victims of labor exploitation. The duration of the project will be a maximum of 4 years (48 months) from the effective date of the award.

Combating Forced Labor and Labor Trafficking of Adults and Children - 0 views

    The Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB), U.S. Department of Labor announces the availability of approximately $6,000,000 total costs for up to three cooperative agreements of up to $2,000,000 total costs each to fund technical assistance projects to improve the capacity of labor stakeholders to better understand and address indicators of forced labor and labor trafficking. Each cooperative agreement will fund a project in a country to be proposed by the applicant. Applicants must propose a country covered in the DOL's Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor in accordance with the Trade and Development Act of 2000 or on the List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor as mandated by Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005. Proposals for working in the fisheries sector in the Asia-Pacific region will not be considered. In each country, the project should achieve the following outcomes: * Improved understanding of indicators of forced labor and labor trafficking * Improved monitoring of working conditions by labor stakeholders to identify and address indicators and incidents of forced labor and labor trafficking * Strengthened capacity of the labor inspectorate to address forced labor and labor trafficking. The duration of the project will be a maximum of 4 years (48 months) from the effective date of the award. Applicants may apply separately for cooperative agreements serving one or more of the countries listed above, up to a maximum of three applications, but may not combine proposals for more than one country in a single application. Each application should request no more than $2 million total costs in funding. For this FOA, DOL will make no more than one award per country.

Secure Data Sharing Tool to Support De-duplication of Cases in the National HIV Surveil... - 0 views

    The purpose of this FOA is to support a more efficient method for jurisdictions to de-duplicate the National HIV Surveillance System. The applicant will develop a privacy data-sharing tool capable of identifying potential duplicates across jurisdictions. Activities will include acquiring a Security Assessment and Authorization, negotiating with the 59 jurisdictions to obtain their participation, providing a data sharing tool that will allow for secure, encrypted submission and matching of person-level HIV surveillance data, and providing a report back to jurisdictions on matching levels.
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