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MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    The proposed project will identify and retain the support of substantive and methodological experts as affiliates to assist in project tasks. The two priority areas are 1) demonstrating how the federal data, especially the linked data, can be used to address pressing substantive questions; and 2) assessing the primary shortcomings of the FJSP data for federal criminal justice statistical reporting purposes, and proposing and implementing methodological solutions to address these issues.
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) seeks to establish a cooperative agreement with a collection agent to field the 2014 Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories (CPFFCL14). The key activities covered under this award include updating the national census roster of publicly funded crime labs, developing the data collection instrument (i.e., questionnaire), collecting and verifying the data submitted by labs, and delivering to BJS a final data file.
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    Demonstration projects funded through this solicitation will support comprehensive approaches within state, tribal, and local adult and juvenile correctional facilities to prevent, detect, and respond to incidences of sexual victimization.
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) seeks to enhance the ability of the juvenile justice, child welfare, mental health, and education systems to share information that will facilitate the provision of services and ensure better outcomes for children, youth, and families. OJJDP will deliver training and technical assistance (TTA) services to build state, local, and tribal capacities to implement solutions to address this nationwide need. Through this program, OJJDP will build the capacity of juvenile justice, child welfare, mental health, and education systems and use existing information sharing standards, procedures, tools, and practices across agencies to improve services and outcomes for youth, families, and communities.
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) is soliciting proposals from organizations, groups, or individuals to enter into a cooperative agreement for an 18-month period to begin no later than September 15, 2013. Work under this cooperative agreement will involve the development of a competency-based, blended training curriculum that will provide corrections professionals with the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to teach qualified staff how to train facilitators to use Thinking for a Change(T4C) 3.1. Specifically, this is a call to develop a Training for Trainers (T4T) curriculum. Applicants are encouraged to propose innovative designs to achieve the tasks set forth in this solicitation. The curriculum must contain components of both distance and face-to-face learning, with an emphasis on choosing the most effective and efficient delivery option available to achieve learning objectives. The curriculum will be housed and operated through NIC's online learning management system (LMS), the NIC Learning Center. All components of the curriculum must be compatible with the Learning Center, and a successful applicant will have a team member with the knowledge and skill to work with NIC staff on this aspect of the course.

Soros Justice Fellowships | Open Society Foundations (OSF) - 0 views

    The Soros Justice Fellowships Program's Media Fellowships support writers, print and broadcast journalists, bloggers, filmmakers, and other individuals with distinctive voices proposing to complete media projects that engage and inform, spur debate and conversation, and catalyze change on important U.S. criminal justice issues. The Media Fellowships aim to mitigate the time, space, and market constraints that often discourage individuals from pursuing vital but marginalized, controversial, or unpopular topics in comprehensive and creative ways. Media Fellowships are 12 months in duration, and fellows are expected to make their projects their full-time work during the term of the fellowship. Projects can begin in either the spring or fall of 2014.

View Opportunity | GRANTS.GOV - 0 views

    To advance the priority of gender equality, The Office of Criminal Justice Assistance and Partnership (INL/CAP) strives to integrate women and women?s perspectives into its criminal justice system assistance programs. Mentors and advisors deployed to INL missions are in a unique position to help INL advance its objectives with respect to integrating women and women?s perspectives. In particular, they may have opportunities to offer suggestions concerning the participation of women to host country counterparts. To help prepare them for this aspect of their work, INL/CAP seeks to incorporate into pre-deployment training a module that informs training participants about the importance of integrating women and women?s perspectives, and how they might help with this effort.

NIJ FY 14 W.E.B. Du Bois Fellowship for Research on Race, Gender, Culture, and Crime - 0 views

    NIJ seeks applications for the W.E.B. Du Bois Fellowship for Research on Race, Gender, Culture, and Crime FY 2014. The Fellowship program seeks to advance knowledge regarding the confluence of crime, justice, and culture in various societal contexts. The Fellowship places particular emphasis on crime, violence, and the administration of criminal justice in diverse cultural contexts within the United States.

NIJ FY 14 Building and Enhancing Criminal Justice Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships - 0 views

    NIJ is seeking proposals for multiple criminal justice research projects involving researcher-practitioner partnerships as well as capturing detailed descriptions of these collaborations. While other NIJ solicitations often encourage researcher-practitioner partnerships, this solicitation directly focuses on supporting criminal justice research and evaluation activities that include a researcher-practitioner partnership component. Within the context of the proposed research or evaluation project, the partnerships can be new or ongoing. NIJ intends to support criminal justice research in two areas related to new and ongoing researcher-practitioner collaborations. Proposals must fall under one of the following program areas: 1. Junior Faculty Grant Program to Promote Criminal Justice Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships. 2. Criminal Justice Researcher-Practitioner Fellowship Placement Program.

NIJ FY 14 Research and Evaluation on Firearms and Violence - 0 views

    NIJ is seeking proposals for research on firearms and violence such as, but not limited to, gun violence prevention programs based on general prevention theory, the effects of criminal justice interventions on reducing gun violence, improving data systems for studying gun violence, illicit gun markets, and the effects of firearm policies and legislation on public safety.

Rule of Law Training Modules for Prosecutors and Judges - 0 views

    Since each country context is unique, CAP seeks general materials that will serve as training templates, which will then be modified to fit the specific context and needs of the country. Based on the training and information requests that INL is receiving from host nation counterparts, CAP would like to develop distinct and specific training materials for prosecutors and judges. For the prosecutors, the materials will focus on successful prosecution of homicide and domestic violence cases. For the judges, the materials should focus on the use of scientific and DNA evidence as well as the role of a judge in the adversarial trial process.

OJJDP FY 2014 High-Risk Youth Mentoring Research - 0 views

    Mentoring has been shown to be an effective intervention for youth; however, more research is needed to understand how youth at high risk for delinquency are best supported through mentoring. The High-Risk Youth Mentoring Research program will support research and evaluations to further examine how certain characteristics, components, and practices of mentoring programs can best support youth who are at particularly high risk for delinquency. 

BJA FY 14 Visiting Fellows Program - 0 views

    BJA's mission is to provide leadership and services through grant administration and criminal justice policy development to support local, state, and tribal justice strategies to achieve safer communities. Driving BJA's work in the field is the following principles: to reduce crime, recidivism, and unnecessary confinement, and promote a safe and fair criminal justice system. To implement our strategies consistent with these principles, BJA supports effective criminal justice policy, programs, information sharing, and collaborations within state, local, and tribal agencies and communities, and promotes the use of data, research, and information to increase the effectiveness of criminal justice programs. BJA has four primary components: Policy, Programs, Planning, and the Public Safety Officers' Benefits Office. The Fellows will work in the Policy Office, which provides national leadership in criminal justice policy, training, and technical assistance to further the administration of justice. It also acts as a liaison to national organizations that partner with BJA to set policy and help disseminate information on best and promising practices. To address emerging issues and build capacity to improve the administration of criminal justice, BJA launched the BJA Visiting Fellows Program in FY2012. The intent is to leverage state, local, or tribal subject-matter expertise to assess areas of need and to develop strategies, tools, and policies in collaboration with BJA staff for the benefit of the criminal justice field. By hosting up to five Fellows with FY 2014 funds, BJA will collaborate with practitioners and researchers to build capacity to address gaps in priority and emerging issues in the criminal justice field.

Transition From Jails - 0 views

    The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) is soliciting proposals from organizations, groups, or individuals to enter into a cooperative agreement for a 12-month period to begin no later than September 15, 2014. Work under this cooperative agreement will involve the production of a 45-60 minute high-end, broadcast quality DVD to provide information specific to the implementation on NIC's Transition From Jails To Community (TJC) Initiative. Developed for correction staff and stakeholders, this DVD will illustrate the nine modules of the on-line TJC Toolkit based on the key components of the Model, and incorporate narration, interviews, graphics, and footage from TJC learning sites. The major deliverables associated with this project include, but are not limited to an edited 45-60 minute segmented broadcast-ready DVD, pre-recorded video clips to enhance the instructional value of the DVD (to include footage/testimonies from at least two TJC learning sites, production storyboard and/or scripts, notes from all production planning sessions with NIC staff and subject matter experts(to include a 2 and one-half day production planning session and phone/web-based conferences leading up to the production). This project will be a collaborative venture with the NIC Community Service Division.

Curriculum Review and Revision: Inmate Behavior Management - 0 views

    The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) is soliciting proposals from organizations, groups, or individuals to enter into a cooperative agreement for a 12-month period to begin no later than September 15, 2014. Work under this cooperative agreement will involve review and revision of the current Inmate Behavior Management (IBM) curriculum based on the Instructional Theory Into Practice (ITIP) model, including relevant language and concepts from NIC's Direct Supervision training curriculum, incorporation of two established NIC e-courses ("Objective Jail Classification: Assessing Inmate Risk and Needs" and "Assigning Inmates to Housing")as part of the pre-work for participants, identification of benchmarks for implementation of IBM in local jurisdictions, and development of a 4- to 5-day pilot training based on the revised curriculum. The awardee will develop an updated program description, detailed narrative lesson plans, a participant manual that follows the lesson plans, and presentation slides for each lesson plan. A qualified awardee will demonstrate expertise and experience in the six elements of IBM developing curricula based on adult learning principles, specifically ITIP, the principles of Direct Supervision, and the purpose, functions, and operations of local jails. The awardee will work closely with NIC staff on all aspects of the project and collaborate with NIC-approved subject matter experts and a curriculum specialist as part of the curriculum revision/development team. This project will be a collaborative venture with the NIC Jails Division.

W.E.B. Du Bois Fellowship for Research in Race, Gender, Culture and Crime FY 2015 - 0 views

    With this solicitation, NIJ seeks applications for the W.E.B. Du Bois Fellowship for Research on Race, Gender, Culture, and Crime FY 2015. The Fellowship program seeks to advance knowledge regarding the confluence of crime, justice, and culture in various societal contexts. The Fellowship places particular emphasis on crime, violence, and the administration of criminal justice in diverse cultural contexts within the United States.

NIJ-2015-3975 FY 15 NIJ Graduate Research Fellowship Program in the Social and Behavior... - 0 views

    NIJ is seeking proposals for funding under the Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) program in social and behavioral sciences. This program provides awards for research on crime, violence, and other criminal justice-related topics to accredited universities that offer research-based doctoral degrees. NIJ invests in doctoral education by supporting universities that sponsor students who demonstrate the potential to successfully complete doctoral degree programs in disciplines relevant to the mission of NIJ, and who are in the final stages of graduate study. Applicants sponsoring doctoral students are eligible to apply only if the doctoral research dissertation has direct implications for criminal justice policy and practice in the United States.

NIJ-2015-3975 FY 15 NIJ Graduate Research Fellowship Program in the Social and Behavior... - 0 views

    NIJ is seeking proposals for funding under the Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) program in social and behavioral sciences. This program provides awards for research on crime, violence, and other criminal justice-related topics to accredited universities that offer research-based doctoral degrees. NIJ invests in doctoral education by supporting universities that sponsor students who demonstrate the potential to successfully complete doctoral degree programs in disciplines relevant to the mission of NIJ, and who are in the final stages of graduate study. Applicants sponsoring doctoral students are eligible to apply only if the doctoral research dissertation has direct implications for criminal justice policy and practice in the United States.

ONRBAA14-013 Minerva Research Initiative - 0 views

    The program focuses on areas of strategic importance to U.S. national security policy. It seeks to increase the Department's intellectual capital in the social sciences and improve its ability to address future challenges and build bridges between the Department and the social science community. Minerva brings together universities, research institutions, and individual scholars and supports multidisciplinary and cross-institutional projects addressing specific topic areas determined by the Department of Defense. The Minerva Research Initiative aims to promote research in specific areas of social science and to promote a candid and constructive relationship between DoD and the social science academic community.

NIJ FY 14 Graduate Research Fellowship Program in the Social and Behavioral Sciences - 0 views

    NIJ is seeking proposals for funding innovative dissertation research under the NIJ Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) Program that provides awards for research on crime, violence, and other criminal justice-related topics to accredited academic institutions that offer research-based doctoral degrees in social and behavioral academic disciplines relevant to NIJ's mission. NIJ invests in doctoral education by supporting universities that sponsor students who demonstrate the potential to successfully complete doctoral degree programs in disciplines relevant to the mission of NIJ and who are in the final stages of graduate study. Applicants sponsoring doctoral students are eligible to apply only if the doctoral research dissertation has direct relevance to providing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to better prevent and control crime and ensure the fair and impartial administration of criminal justice in the United States.
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