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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Matti Narkia

Matti Narkia

Well - A Call for Caution in the Rush to Statins - - 0 views

    Judging by recent headlines, you might think so. Last week heart researchers reported that millions of healthy people could benefit from taking statins even if they don't have high cholesterol.\n\nAlthough many doctors hailed the study as a major breakthrough, a closer look at the research suggests that statins (like Crestor, from AstraZeneca, and Lipitor, from Pfizer) are far from magic pills. While they clearly save lives in people with a previous heart attack or other serious heart problems, for an otherwise healthy person the potential benefit remains small.
Matti Narkia

Statins in the Water? Not So Fast - Well Blog - - 0 views

    Last week, Harvard researchers reported how healthy 50-year-old men and 60-year-old women could benefit from taking a statin even if they didn't have high cholesterol. The people they studied had high levels of C-reactive protein, or CRP, which is a marker for inflammation. The study showed that risk for major heart problems was cut by about 50 percent among the statin users.\n\nBut like many industry-sponsored drug studies, the results focused on something called "relative risk," which compares differences between study groups. Relative risk has the effect of exaggerating a drug's benefits. What does a 50 percent reduction in heart risk mean? It means that just one out of 120 statin users was helped by the drug.
Matti Narkia

NEJM -- Expanding the Orbit of Primary Prevention -- Moving beyond JUPITER - 0 views

    Expanding the orbit of primary prevention--moving beyond JUPITER. Hlatky MA. N Engl J Med. 2008 Nov 20;359(21):2280-2. Epub 2008 Nov 9. PMID: 18997195
Matti Narkia

NEJM -- Rosuvastatin to Prevent Vascular Events in Men and Women with Elevated C-Reacti... - 0 views

    Conclusions In this trial of apparently healthy persons without hyperlipidemia but with elevated high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels, rosuvastatin significantly reduced the incidence of major cardiovascular events. \n\nRosuvastatin to prevent vascular events in men and women with elevated C-reactive protein.\nRidker PM, Danielson E, Fonseca FA, Genest J, Gotto AM Jr, Kastelein JJ, Koenig W, Libby P, Lorenzatti AJ, MacFadyen JG, Nordestgaard BG, Shepherd J, Willerson JT, Glynn RJ; JUPITER Study Group.\nN Engl J Med. 2008 Nov 20;359(21):2195-207. Epub 2008 Nov 9.\nPMID: 18997196
Matti Narkia

JUPITER: Low LDL and low CRP best for reducing events in primary prevention - - 0 views

    "March 29, 2009 | Michael O'Riordan Orlando, FL - Reducing LDL cholesterol and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) in primary-prevention patients treated with rosuvastatin (Crestor, AstraZeneca) results in better event-free survival than when neither of these targets are achieved or when LDL cholesterol alone is reduced, a new analysis shows [1]. Presenting the results of the Justification for the Use of Statins in Primary Prevention: An Intervention Trial Evaluating Rosuvastatin (JUPITER) study during an afternoon press conference at the American College of Cardiology 2009 Scientific Sessions, investigators say that initial interventions for low-risk primary-prevention patients remains lifestyle and dietary modifications, but for those choosing drug therapy, "reductions in both LDL cholesterol and hs-CRP are indicators of the success of treatment with statin therapy.""
Matti Narkia

JUPITER: Primary-prevention statin therapy in women cuts cardiovascular risk in half - ... - 1 views

    "November 25, 2009 | Michael O'Riordan Orlando, FL - Treating healthy women with low LDL cholesterol but elevated high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) levels with rosuvastatin (Crestor, AstraZeneca) cuts their risk of cardiovascular events in half, according to a new analysis of Justification for the Use of Statins in Primary Prevention: An Intervention Trial Evaluating Rosuvastatin (JUPITER). The reduction in risk is consistent with the reduction observed in the overall trial, and with the 42% benefit observed in men.
Matti Narkia

Clinical Implications of JUPITER (Justification for the Use of statins in Prevention: a... - 0 views

    Clinical Implications of JUPITER (Justification for the Use of statins in Prevention: an Intervention Trial Evaluating Rosuvastatin) in a U.S. Population Insights From the ARIC (Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities) Study Yang EY et al. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2009; 54:2388-2395, doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2009.10.006 Conclusions: ARIC participants with elevated hs-CRP and low LDL-C had a CVD event rate of 1.57% per year over 6.9 years, similar to the CVD event rate noted in the JUPITER study placebo group (1.36% per year over 1.9 years). The association of hs-CRP ≥2.0 mg/l with increased CVD risk and mortality regardless of LDL-C provides us a simple method of using age and hs-CRP level for identifying higher risk individuals. (Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study; NCT00005131)
Matti Narkia

Patients With High CRP And Normal LDL Have Long-Term Risk For Heart Disease, Stroke And... - 0 views

    "New research shows a long-term benefit in screening people for CRP, a marker for inflammation, even if they have normal levels of bad cholesterol, because of increased long-term risk for heart attack, stroke and death. These findings, which will be published online today in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC), demonstrate that a very simple screening, age plus CRP, can identify individuals who may benefit from statin therapy. "This study builds on results from the landmark JUPITER trial, which showed that statins can prevent heart disease in people with normal LDL-c, or bad cholesterol, and an increased level of CRP," said Dr. Christie Ballantyne, director of the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention at the Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center and last author on the study. "We have demonstrated that the cardiovascular disease event rates persist over time, validating that the risks identified in the JUPITER trial persist for nearly seven year"
Matti Narkia

The Heart Scan Blog: Overweight, hungry, diabetic, and fat-free - 0 views

    "Tuesday, December 15, 2009 Overweight, hungry, diabetic, and fat-free Let me tell you about my low-fat experience from 20 years ago. At the time, I was living in Cleveland, Ohio, and served on the faculty at a large metropolitan university-affiliated hospital, supervising fellows-in-training and developing high-tech cath lab procedures like directional athererectomy and excimer laser coronary angioplasty. (Yes, another life.) I was concerned about personal heart disease risk, though I knew next to nothing about lipids and coronary risk prediction outside of the little I learned in training and what the drug industry promoted. I heard Dr. Dean Ornish talk while attending the American College of Cardiology meetings in Atlanta. Dr. Ornish spoke persuasively about the dangers of fat in the diet and how he "reversed" coronary disease using a low-fat, no added oils, no meat, vegetarian diet that included plenty of whole grains. So I thought I'd give it a try. I eliminated all oils; I removed all meat, eggs, and fish from my diet. I shunned all nuts. I ate only low-fat products like low-fat yogurt and cottage cheese; and focused on vegetables, fruit, and whole grains. Beans and brown or wild rice were a frequent staple. I loved oatmeal cookies--low-fat, of course! After one year of this low-fat program, I had gained a total of 31 lbs, going from 155 lbs to 186 lbs. I reassessed some basic labs: HDL 28 mg/dl Triglycerides 336 mg/dl Blood sugar 151 mg/dl (fasting) I became a diabetic. All through this time, I was also jogging. I ran on the beautiful paths along the Chagrin River in suburban Cleveland for miles north and south. I ran 5 miles per day most days of the week. "
Matti Narkia

Emu Oil is a Miracle from Down Under - 0 views

    "(NaturalNews) The emu, a native of Australia, is a large, ostrich looking bird that doesn't fly. The Australian Aborigines first discovered the benefits of emu oil and have been using it for thousands of years for bone, muscle and joint pain, as an anti-inflammatory and for many skin conditions. The west is finally taking notice of this remarkable oil. Red Meat with No Worries Although a bird, the emu meat is red and a healthy alternative to traditional red meat. It's naturally 97% fat free, high in iron and vitamin B12 and low in calories and cholesterol. As the meat is packaged and sold, the oil is purified and sold separately. Benefits of Emu Oil Emu oil consists of oleic acid (a mono-unsaturated omega-9 fatty acid), linoleic acid (omega-6 fatty acid) and linolenic acid (an omega-3 fatty acid). The benefits are thought to be due to the ability of the oil to deeply penetrate the skin layers. Linoleic acid (omega-6 fatty acid) is believed to ease muscle aches and joint pain. Oleic acid (omega-9 fatty acid) is considered to have local anti-inflammatory effect (similar to ibuprofen). Studies suggest emu oil is bacteriostatic (does not promote growth of bacteria) and hypoallergenic (won`t cause irritation); it does not leave a greasy feel, and it is non-comedogenic, which means it won`t clog pores. Side effects are virtually unknown with emu oil. Several small clinical studies reported successful results for temporary relief of muscle and joint pain, specially related to arthritis. Emu Oil and Burn Wounds A long-term study by Dr. John Griswold, Director of the Timothy J. Harner Burn Center (affiliated with Texas Tech University Medical Center, Lubbock, Texas) in 1995 found that there was statistically significant difference in scar reduction and inflammation of the emu oil treated wounds. Other benefits found from studies from Department of Dermatology, at Texas Medical School in Houston, proved emu oil does not clog skin pores and has anti-aging properties."
Matti Narkia

Signs of Magnesium Deficiency are all around you... if you know what to look for - 0 views

    "Signs of Magnesium deficiency are simply EVERYWHERE in the US- if you know what to look for... But hardly anyone, even doctors, are taking notice of these magnesium deficiency symptoms- and it's likely that YOU are paying for it! Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms, while seemingly vague to those who don't know what to look for, all but SCREAM out at you when you begin to notice that they are there. And they ARE there- there in just about everyone that you come across who has a health problem or even a minor ongoing health complaint."
Matti Narkia

The Vitamin D Research Library is open for your learning pleasure - 0 views

    "Do Your Vitamin D Research Here Links to all the Latest Research Studies Welcome to the Vitamin D Research Library. Here you'll find links to all of the latest Vitamin D Facts and Research studies, clinical trials and other scholarly Vitamin D Facts. The Research Library is Open 24/7 and is always growing. I'll be adding more and more links all of the time. Can't find what you are looking for or just don't want to spend the time doing the research yourself? Chances are, I've already done the Vitamin D Research myself and can answer your question. Read Frequently Asked Questions about Vitamin D OR Ask Your Question About Vitamin D Here and I'll answer your Question about Vitamin D Personally based on the best available Vitamin D Research."
Matti Narkia

The Vitamin D Research Library is open for your learning pleasure - section 8 - 0 views

    "Do Your Vitamin D Research Here Links to all the Latest Research Studies Welcome to the Vitamin D Research Library. Here you'll find links to all of the latest Vitamin D Facts and Research studies, clinical trials and other scholarly Vitamin D Facts. The Research Library is Open 24/7 and is always growing. I'll be adding more and more links all of the time. Can't find what you are looking for or just don't want to spend the time doing the research yourself? Chances are, I've already done the Vitamin D Research myself and can answer your question."
Matti Narkia

Know the Vitamin D facts. Your Health Depends Upon It - 0 views

    "Vitamin D facts are not well known - even though this fat soluble vitamin is essential to our good health. As more and more Vitamin D facts are being discovered in Vitamin D research, this vitamin is being found to be IMPERATIVE to our good health in many different ways."
Matti Narkia

Vitamin K2. Monograph. - Altern Med Rev. 2009 Sep;14(3):284-93 - 1 views

    Vitamin K2. Monograph. [No authors listed] Altern Med Rev. 2009 Sep;14(3):284-93. Review. PMID: 19803553
Matti Narkia

AMP-activated protein kinase - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    "5' AMP-activated protein kinase or AMPK or 5' adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase is an enzyme that plays a role in cellular energy homeostasis. It consists of three proteins (subunits) that together make a functional enzyme, conserved from yeast to humans. It is expressed in a number of tissues, including the liver, brain, and skeletal muscle. The net effect of AMPK activation is stimulation of hepatic fatty acid oxidation and ketogenesis, inhibition of cholesterol synthesis, lipogenesis, and triglyceride synthesis, inhibition of adipocyte lipolysis and lipogenesis, stimulation of skeletal muscle fatty acid oxidation and muscle glucose uptake, and modulation of insulin secretion by pancreatic beta-cells.[1] It should not be confused with cyclic AMP-activated protein kinase (protein kinase A), which, although being of similar nature, may have opposite effects.[2]"
Matti Narkia

Mozambican Grass Seed Consumption During the Middle Stone Age -- Mercader 326 (5960): 1... - 0 views

    Mozambican Grass Seed Consumption During the Middle Stone Age Julio Mercader Science 18 December 2009: Vol. 326. no. 5960, pp. 1680 - 1683 DOI: 10.1126/science.1173966 The role of starchy plants in early hominin diets and when the culinary processing of starches began have been difficult to track archaeologically. Seed collecting is conventionally perceived to have been an irrelevant activity among the Pleistocene foragers of southern Africa, on the grounds of both technological difficulty in the processing of grains and the belief that roots, fruits, and nuts, not cereals, were the basis for subsistence for the past 100,000 years and further back in time. A large assemblage of starch granules has been retrieved from the surfaces of Middle Stone Age stone tools from Mozambique, showing that early Homo sapiens relied on grass seeds starting at least 105,000 years ago, including those of sorghum grasses.
Matti Narkia

Observations: Humans feasting on grains for at least 100,000 years - 0 views

    "Grains might have been an important part of human diets much further back in our history than previous research has suggested. Although cupcakes and crumpets were still a long way off during the Middle Stone Age, new evidence suggests that at least some humans of that time period were eating starchy, cereal-based snacks as early as 105,000 years ago. The findings, gleaned from grass seed residue found on ancient African stone tools, are detailed online Thursday in Science. Researchers have assumed that humans were foraging for fruits, nuts and roots long before 100,000 years ago, but cereal grains are quite a new addition to the early prehistoric gastronomic picture. "This broadens the timeline for the use of grass seeds by our species," Julio Mercader, an assistant professor at University of Calgary's Department of Archeology and author of the paper, said in a prepared statement. "
Matti Narkia

NephroPal: Summer vs Winter Mode: Explaining AMPK - 0 views

    "Summer vs Winter Mode: Explaining AMPK Last year I read an article which made a statement that has not left my mind. The statement went as follows: "You are only good as your mitochondria." In fact, the more a dwell into the details of human metabolism, the more I sense that this is true - especially with the metabolic syndrome. For those who are not familiar with the concept of mitochondria, they are the tiny energy factories within the cells that produce cellular energy through aerobic means (meaning oxygen). Mitochondria utilize oxygen to ultimately produce Adenosine Triphosphate or simply ATP. ATP relays energy by donating a phosphate bond resulting in Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP). Another phosphate release would entail Adenosine Monophosphate or AMP. ATP is one of the main sources of cellular energy in the body."
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