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Read - Medium - 0 views

    "Read is a free iOS app to read EPUB that really helps pro-readers remember more from their readings. Read is our new app to better understand how mobile reading should feel. Our previous iterations, Addr, an iPad app, uses collective annotations as an alternative reading workflow. Libr, a side-project, works like a P2P network and enables readers to share their ebooks within the app. The startup has its roots in Thomas' research on e-reading. His expertise drives our startup on a daily basis. Today, we think ourselves as a studio iterating around one core question: how to read on a screen? We somehow believed in "mobile first" before reading Ben Evans' blog. Our job is to foresee what readers will look for when reading on a pocket computer in the near future."

Can you Help Improve the EPUB 3 Reading Experience for Everyone? - EPUBZone - 0 views

    "The EPUB Community has made progress recruiting people to test reading systems that support EPUB 3, but we still need many more. The DAISY Consortium are asking volunteers for help. If you are associated with a university or other institution that will benefit from having reliable digital reading systems available for students with special needs, please participate and spend some time testing a reading system used on your campus or being considered for use. Ideally, a moderator will be identified for each reading system on a specific platform (OS) and that moderator will help other volunteers test and report findings using the Assistive Technology (AT) at their disposal. Example: Reading system HappyReader (fictional name) running on Windows 7 will have a moderator who manages volunteers to test HappyReader with the wide range of AT used on Windows 7. The screen reader JFW using TTS as output would be one evaluation performed; another volunteer evaluator would test HappyReader with NVDA using braille output; another tester would use screen magnification ZoomText and report the results, etc. "

How We Read - An A List Apart Article - 1 views

    "I want you to think about what you're doing right now. I mean really think about it. As your eyes move across these lines and funnel information to your brain, you're taking part in a conversation I started with you. The conveyance of that conversation is the type you're reading on this page, but you're also filtering it through your experiences and past conversations. You're putting these words into context. And whether you're reading this book on paper, on a device, or at your desk, your environment shapes your experience too. Someone else reading these words may go through the same motions, but their interpretation is inevitably different from yours. This is the most interesting thing about typography: it's a chain reaction of time and place with you as the catalyst. The intention of a text depends on its presentation, but it needs you to give it meaning through reading."

Penguin Random House's Experimenting with the ebook - The Bookseller - 0 views

    "I read ebooks all the time, usually on my phone on the way to or from work. I mostly use the iBooks and Kindle reading apps, although I've tried a host of others too (Readmill was my favourite before it was bought by Dropbox and shuttered). I've even read manuscripts on my phone using the Notes app or in PDF format. These last two can be particularly tedious. Reading on a screen has become a lot more comfortable in recent years thanks to the introduction of specialist e-ink displays, and more recently, the prevalence of high-resolution (or 'retina' in Apple parlance) displays. I have no problem reading entire books on a small screen - it can't rival the tactility and intimacy of printed pages, but the crispness and clarity of the display has finally caught up."

Pocket arrive sur les liesues Kobo - Pocket Blog - 0 views

    "Today's e-readers offer a natural reading experience, but to date, e-ink has been reserved primarily for books. There's never been an easy way to save web content to your e-reader in the same seamless way that Pocket already does for phones, tablets and computers. At Pocket, we know that a great reading experience is important-in fact, our most active users read the equivalent of three books worth of content every month!-which is why we jumped at the chance to work with Kobo to bring Pocket to all their devices. Introducing Pocket on Kobo."

The Summer's Most Unread Book Is… - WSJ - 0 views

    "It's beach time, and you've probably already scanned a hundred lists of summer reads. Sadly overlooked is that other crucial literary category: the summer non-read, the book that you pick up, all full of ambition, at the beginning of June and put away, the bookmark now and forever halfway through chapter 1, on Labor Day. The classic of this genre is Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time," widely called "the most unread book of all time." How can we find today's greatest non-reads? Amazon's "Popular Highlights" feature provides one quick and dirty measure. Every book's Kindle page lists the five passages most highlighted by readers. If every reader is getting to the end, those highlights could be scattered throughout the length of the book. If nobody has made it past the introduction, the popular highlights will be clustered at the beginning."

Launching the Unbound Library - Unbound Blog - 0 views

    "One of the best things about the internet is that it makes everything available. The down side of that is how you navigate 'everything' to find what's really good and will resonate with you. This is a real issue when it comes to finding books and explains why we rely so much on the recommendations of people whose opinions we know and trust. The internet may be changing publishing but the way we choose the books we read still relies on that same principle. Of course lots of websites now give you the chance to read reviews of books that other people have read but unless you know more about the individual reviewer and their own perspective there's a limit to how valuable their opinion, whether positive or critical, will be. There is a way of making everyone's opinion resonate with you no matter how their tastes and backgrounds might differ from yours however, and that's if they were only allowed to recommend their very favourite books to you and explain in each case why that book matters so much to them. There's no guarantee that you will share their passion for any one particular book but that personal insight will give you the context for that opinion and it may be enough to persuade you to give that book a try."

My Readings : une solution de streaming d'ebooks pour la maison - - 0 views

    "Il y a des amateurs un peu geeks qui conçoivent des logiciels étonnants et sympathiques. C'est le cas de « My Readings ». My Readings est un logiciel qui permet de proposer la consultation d'une bibliothèque d'ebooks Calibre depuis sa tablette tactile. Mais, en plus de la consultation du catalogue, il est aussi possible de lire les ebooks directement depuis l'application."

EPUB3 fixed layout eBooks live for public libraries via OverDrive - No Shelf Required - 0 views

    "OverDrive's browser-based OverDrive Read™ allows seamless reading on any device with a modern web browser and now optimizes the reading experience on desktop and mobile devices for a variety of graphic children's titles, comics, and other illustrated titles as beautifully as the author and publisher prepared for print. This EPUB3 fixed-layout breakthrough gives OverDrive partners unprecedented access to thousands of never-before-available eBooks, including highly-illustrated series of DK titles such as Ancient Rome and Star Wars Jedi Battles, as well as iconic and popular children's titles like Corduroy and Armadilly Chili from publishers such as Penguin and Albert Whitman & Company."

French publishers without DRM - Aldus - tout sur le livre numérique, depuis 2006 - 1 views

    "French publishers without DRM, they are respectful of their customers readings rights by offering their books without DRM, just with watermark solutions on ePub files. From ActuSF to Zulma, I propose an updated list in alphabetical order of 166 French publishers without DRM. They honor French digital publishing. Always favor their books in independent bookstores. A citizen act. Do not let track your readings. Read freely! PS: Note that "French publishers without DRM" titles are excluded under this form of platforms AMAZON, APPLE, FNAC, KOBO and GOOGLE. All these platforms affix authoritatively DRM on the books despite the willingness of publishers."

Pourquoi nous lançons Read - Medium - 1 views

    "Read est une application mobile de lecture d'ePub. Nous aidons les grands lecteurs, dits pro-readers, à mieux se souvenir de leurs lectures."

Read, l'application pour ne retenir que le meilleur de ses lectures - Les univers du livre - 1 views

    "Les auteurs d'Addr, que nous avions présenté comme un lecteur de livre numérique « social sans les réseaux sociaux », ont récidivé. Les 3 Français de la start-up Read, hébergée au Numa, viennent de mettre en ligne une application du même nom sur l'App Store. Focalisée sur le design et le confort de lecture, elle permet également une sauvegarde et un échange simplifié de citations."

Read : après Addr et Libr, un nouvel outil de partage des frères Guigue - Let... - 1 views

    "Après un dossier spécial sur la lecture sociale la semaine dernière, Lettres Numériques continue sur sa lancée cette semaine et vous présente l'application Read, pensée par les frères Simon et Thomas Guigue, nouvelle venue dans le monde du partage entre lecteurs et non dénuée d'intérêt pour tous ceux qui désirent regrouper leurs passages préférés, les garder dans un endroit facilement accessible et en faire profiter leurs amis/collègues."

Présentation de la "Reading Room" (le salon de lecture numérique de ePagine) ... - 0 views

    "Middelburg est une ville aux Pays-Bas située sur le canal de Walcheren. De Drvkkery, la plus grande librairie de la ville et sans doute l'une des meilleures du pays, propose déjà à ses lecteurs et clients une large sélection de livres (littérature, essais, voyage…) et de magazines. Elle offre dans sa brasserie un accès gratuit à internet et propose régulièrement des expositions d'art et de photographies. Depuis quelques semaines, grâce à la « reading room » (« salon de lecture » en français), tout possesseur d'une tablette connectée ou bien via l'écran géant tactile installé dans la librairie peut consulter et lire, à l'intérieur même du magasin, des extraits de livres disponibles en numérique ou encore le texte intégral."

« Livre et lecture en mutation » : La revue Lecture consacre un dossier au nu... - 0 views

    "Le bimestriel « Lectures », revue des 550 bibliothèques publiques en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, a publié, dans son double n°179-180 (janvier-avril 2013), un dossier « Livre et lecture en mutation », avec des interrogations sur l'histoire de la lecture, le caractère nourricier de la littérature (fiction), les avantages respectifs du papier et du numérique, les effets de la lecture sur le cerveau, la lecture-plaisir versus la lecture citoyenne, le récent courant du slow reading, le regain de la lecture à voix haute ou le rôle de remédiation des bibliothécaire." À lire ici :

Who Reads eBooks? - Random House Random Notes - 0 views

    "Who are eBook consumers and what are their reading habits? These questions are frequently posed to the Random House Research and Analytics team, and fortunately we have some great sources for understanding this technology-savvy group. One of those resources is data that we acquire through regular surveys of U.S. book consumers, which we can filter to look solely at eBook consumers."

Reading on the Big Screen (Books in Browsers) - Digital publishing and technology posts... - 0 views

    "For my talk at Books in Browsers 2012, I decided to explore the idea of the reading experience on the big screen. I have terrible theater karma-I'll invariably sit behind a guy with an afro, or next to a screaming baby when I got to the cinema-so some years ago I decided to save myself some aggravation and purchased a Very Large Television." Quelle pourrait être le design d'une interface de lecture sur un très grand écran ?

Read To Unlock une appli qui verrouille tablette et smartphone si l'enfant ne lit pas |... - 1 views

    "Read To Unlock est une application gratuite à télécharger sur smartphones et tablettes. Elle propose tout un environnement dédié à la lecture avec des livres numériques catalogués par genre en fonction de l'âge des enfants. Conçue comme un jeu l'App permet de partager ses lectures et les scores réalisés."

OverDrive Read : lecture d'ebook depuis un navigateur internet - ActuaLitté - 0 views

    "Plusieurs acteurs du livre numérique américains ont décidé de suivre le mouvement qui s'appuie sur les capacités de lecture des navigateurs web pour ajouter une corde à leur arc. Sur les tablettes et smartphones, la présence d'un navigateur permet de profiter d'un outil simple, et connecté, pour donner à lire. Ainsi, OverDrive, prestataire de service, alimentant les bibliothèques publiques (américaines) en livres numériques, vient d'annoncer un outil, OverDrive Read, qui servira de plateforme de lecture, directement depuis les navigateurs d'appareils mobiles."

A new way to read together - Readmill Blog - 0 views

    "For two years, the Readmill community has been writing in the margins of ebooks. You've created hundreds of thousands of highlights and comments and shared them across the web, making new connections each day through the books you read."
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