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Cheryl Smith

Morning Cuppas With Glenys - 2 views

    New "family" blog
Dena Dyer

Delicate Fortress Creations: The Enterprising Kitchen (TEK) Closes - 2 views

    "How sad. I work at a non-profit and we recently had to close an afterschool program for youth in the poor part of town. Funders have lost so much money in the recession, and it's a trickle-down effect. I pray this wonderful organization finds the funds and spirit to re-start, or that the women who were being benefits from it can receive help and encouragement elsewhere. Thanks for joining the High Calling Network. I love what you're doing with your business and blog! "
Dena Dyer

Is Grace Enough | Bill Nieporte, Pastor - 2 views

    I LOVE the Princess Bride (my hubby and two boys do too) and we've memorized so much of it. But I've never thought of Jesus' baptism in this way. Thanks for sharing your insights-and I'm so glad you've joined The High Calling. We are glad to have you!
Cheryl Smith

Thumpme's Blog | Just another site - 1 views

    New "faith" member (written by a non-believer, reading through the Bible in 2010)
Dena Dyer

Blogger: Clinging to the Vine - Post a Comment - 1 views

    "There's great wisdom here, Heather. I love to read your writing! :) And I needed these words today. Thanks for sharing them. Love and miss you!"
LL Barkat

Reply to comment | The High Calling - 1 views

    No, not a doctor's office. I love that idea. The beauty of Creation is something all faiths can embrace and celebrate.
Cheryl Smith

Growing Pains: The Pornification of Marriage: a response to my beloved EE - 1 views

    England? Now THAT's funny! Welcome to The High Calling!
Cheryl Smith

Storing Up Treasures - 1 views

    New "faith" blog - photographer
Cheryl Smith

farmhouse: this month. - 1 views

    What a lovely idea, a monthly bucket list so the days don't slip by. Sort of like goal setting, but better. :) By the way, welcome to The High Calling!
Dena Dyer

Do-Over…the morning routine « The Saving Mom Parents - 1 views

    What a great reminder! Thanks for your thoughts about do-overs. I need them regularly! Glad to "meet" you through High Calling Blogs. I look forward to seeing you around the network!
Dena Dyer

Breath of Life - 1 views

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Dena Dyer

Just When You Need It - 1 views

    Wow. What a timely, meaningful and convicting post. Thanks for sharing it! I love EE, and this devo. today came just when I needed it. :)
Dena Dyer

xtattooedmommax: Surprise Birthday party for mwah - 1 views

    comment waiting approval
Cheryl Smith

Alone Together | tech.soul.culture - 1 views

    Fascinating post. Will definitely have to add to book to my reading list!Welcome to The High Calling! If you haven't already, be sure to connect with our Culture Editor, Sam Van Eman. I'll send him your way. 
Dena Dyer

2010 Book List RecapSoul Munchies | Soul Munchies - 1 views

    comment waiting approval
Cheryl Smith

How I found My Perfect Niche « The Upright Project - 1 views

    There's something so satisfying about finding your niche - that "just knowing," isn't there? Welcome to The High Calling! Be sure to Like us on Facebook to connect with others more easily.
Dena Dyer

Future | It's honestly not that complicated. - 1 views

  • I love that--the right job is out there, waiting for her. Amen! :) I also love Jer. 29:11. It has been a lifeline for me so often when things "look" out of control.Thanks for your honesty, and sharing your journey with us at the High Calling. Welcome!
    I love that--the right job is out there, waiting for her. Amen! :) I also love Jer. 29:11. It has been a lifeline for me so often when things "look" out of control. Thanks for your honesty, and sharing your journey with us at the High Calling. Welcome!
Dena Dyer

markpowellwired: Lectionary Notebook for John 11 - 1 views

    Mark, I just wrote a bit about resurrection and Mary/Martha in my last post. "Jesus wept" is such a powerful verse, especially because of its context. We're really glad to have you as a part of the High Calling network. I hope you find inspiration and encouragement as you share your blogging journey with us. :)
Dena Dyer

5 ways to leverage sensitivity, a strength & trap for the creative | Rich Kirkpatrick's... - 1 views

    Rich, This is great advice and very timely for me. Sometimes I think it's harder to live as a creative person, who feels more deeply and is more sensitive. But the joys DO outweigh the struggles--esp. the joy of creating something meaningful out of pain. Thanks for this post, and for joining the High Calling network! show more show less
Dena Dyer

"Yes, We're Together."™: Why I'm Still A Jill Scott Fan - 1 views

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