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Tero Toivanen

Cloud Learning as Universal Primary Education | Teemu Arina - 2 views

  • The most profound technologies are those that disappear.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Näkymätön teknologia
    • Oskari Niitamo
      inspiroiva webinaari tänään joka on katsottavissa täältä: Webinaarien pedagoginen selvitysraportti (Esitys)
  • school teachers are no longer the primary means to knowledge, but should act as a coaches or curators, rather than broadcasters.
  • Now in the age of digital media, the best content and the best people to teach, co-learn and share with are accessible on the network, making centralized models less efficient.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • you have to demonstrate life-long learning, ability to switch jobs, be certified by multiple authorities and effectively becoming someone who evaluates the learning done by others.
    • Tero Toivanen
  • It is evident that digitally distributed learning environments through mobile devices will be more scalable, more effective, more comprehensive, more social and more immersive than traditional physical class rooms and centralized locations for schools.
  • Mobile is about to liberate us from the walls and single point of access to content and resources.
  • We move from just-in-case learning (memorization) to just-in-time learning (interaction), where the real-time web combined with a mobile link enables contextual information to be readily accessible.
  • The whole world available in this manner through mobiles then becomes our 6th sense.
  • Through cloud-based mobile devices the global mind is effectively an extension of our minds – turning our minds from single brains to interconnected clouds.
Tero Toivanen

The Wisdom of Motivated Crowds | FLOSSE Posse - 0 views

  • People who work on Wikipedia … are not the indiscriminate crowd [but] are the part of the crowd who feels motivated to work with Wikipedia. Here it is: I’d replace the theory of the “wisdom of the crowd” with the theory of the “wisdom of the motivated crowds.” The general crowd says we should not pay taxes; the motivated crowd says that it’s fair to pay them. In fact, it’s not the ditch diggers or illiterates who contribute to Wikipedia, but people who already belong to a cultural crowd for the very fact they’re using a computer.”
    • Tero Toivanen
      Umberto Eco -sitaatti
  • I have been sceptical about the idea of massive open online course (MOOC). I have a theory: many courses (not only the MOOCs) are not motivating because they do not pay enough attention to the participant’s desires.
  • In a good course students should have the opportunity to practice leadership, gain knowledge, and be autonomous. Students should be provided ways to get social attention and opportunities to play and compete with each other. But this is not enough.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Maybe the idea of school children gymnastics and the Bauhaus’ practice to began lessons with exercises is not that bad idea (I have tried the morning exercises, stretching, yoga, etc. in my lessons).
Tero Toivanen

P2P Foundation » Blog Archive » Towards distributed and collaborative learnin... - 2 views

  • Our nation and our schools and universities should invest in distributed and collaborative learning experiences­—curricula emphasizing the interconnectedness of life and geochemical processes in the biosphere, empathy courses that promote social behavior, cyberspace classes connecting students around the globe, service-learning programs in communities, sharing knowledge in peer groups, and interdisciplinary and multicultural studies—with the objective of nurturing students’ empathic nature. “
    "Our nation and our schools and universities should invest in distributed and collaborative learning experiences­-curricula emphasizing the interconnectedness of life and geochemical processes in the biosphere, empathy courses that promote social behavior, cyberspace classes connecting students around the globe, service-learning programs in communities, sharing knowledge in peer groups, and interdisciplinary and multicultural studies-with the objective of nurturing students' empathic nature."
    via Pekka Ihanainen
Tero Toivanen

The Flip: End of a Love Affair « Wright'sRoom - 6 views

  • As I shifted my classroom from teacher-centred to student-centred, my students began to do lots of their their own research. Sometimes this resulted in them teaching each other. Sometimes they created a project with the knowledge they were acquiring. But the bottom line was that their learning had a purpose that was apparent to them, beyond simply passing the unit exam.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Luokassa siirryttiin opettajakeskeisyydestä oppijakeskeisyyteen. Oppijat alkoivat opettamaan toisiaan, he loivat projekteja... Oppiminen muuttui heille merkitykselliseksi... tässähän toteutuu paljon niistä ajatuksista, joista olemme puhunneet tässäkin ympäristössä. Näkymätön oppiminen alkaa muuttua näkyväksi :-)
  • I helped them learn to learn. I prompted them to reflect on their thinking and learning, while at the same time I shared my own journey as a learner. I helped them develop skills such as using research tools, finding and evaluating sources, and collaborating with their peers. My goal as a teacher shifted from information-giver and gatekeeper to someone who was determined to work myself out of a job by the time my students graduated.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Opettaja muuttuu informaation välittäjästä oppimisen asiantunijaksi ja fasilitoijaksi... Yes!
  • As this shift occurred, the flip simply disappeared from our classroom. It took almost a year for me to notice it was gone. Instead, our classroom had become a place where students discovered and shared their own resources, while engaging in projects with each other. There was no need for me to assign video homework or create portable lectures. It all happened during class.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Käänteinen luokkahuone (Flipped Classroom) kuihtui pikku hiljaa pois, sillä sitä ei enää tarvittu... 
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Lest anyone think we were able to do this because we learn in a high-tech school, that’s not the case. We weren’t a 1:1 classroom. We used whatever devices my students had, which often was a couple of iPads, a few computers, and student cell phones. There were students who didn’t have a device, so other students shared. We made it work and everyone learned.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Laitteet eivät olleet ratkaisuna tässäkään tapauksessa, vaan tapa oppia ja jakamisen kulttuuri. Eikö kuullostakin tutulta ;-) 
  • I dislike the idea of giving my students homework
    • Tero Toivanen
      Olen tästäkin asiasta samaa mieltä. Jos oppija ovat jo oppineet asian, niin miksi siitä pitäisi vielä antaa läksyjä? Tärkeintä on kuitenkin oppiminen.
  • Recently I’ve been reading Alfie Kohn’s book The Homework Myth.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Tämäkin kirja pitää laittaa lukulistalle :-)
Tero Toivanen

5 Characteristics Connecting Montessori Ed & the Digital Learning Movement | Getting Sm... - 2 views

    Montessorilla on paljon annettavaa myös tulevaisuuden koululle. Näistä piirteistä tunnistan oman opettamiseni ihanteita. Sopivat myös mainiosti näkymättömän oppimisen ideoihin.
Oskari Niitamo

Five ways the open web can transform higher education // The Blog of Author C... - 3 views

    Ihan jees typologia 2.0 -oppimisesta...
Tero Toivanen

The Special Agents of Change - playDUcation - 0 views

    "Here are insights from the team of educational innovators at one of the most transformational schools I have visited: SCIL, the Sydney Centre for Innovation in Learning at NBCS, the Northern Beaches Christian School." (via Pekka Ihanainen)
Tero Toivanen

e-rgonomic : human web interaction [cristóbal cobo romaní]: Aprendizaje Invis... - 0 views

  • Ante la necesidad de seguir explorando integraciones virtuosas entre tecnología y educación, el uso de los dispositivos móviles o de bolsillo se vislumbra como una segunda gran oportunidad para esta combinación tecno-educativa. Lo anterior, bajo la lógica de apoyar la educación tradicional a través de estos nuevos dispositivos y nuevas metodologías de enseñanza. La idea no es reemplazar lo ya existente, sino sumar.
    • Tero Toivanen
      "Sen edessä, että on tarpeellista jatkaa virtuoosisten teknologioiden ja koulutuksen integroinnin tutkimista, mobiili- tai taskulaitteiden käytössä nähdään toinen merkittävä tilaisuus tälle tekno-koulutukselliselle yhdistelmälle. Edellä sanottu toteutetaan perinteisen koulutuksen tukemisen logiikalla käyttämällä näitä uusia laitteita ja opetusmenetelmiä. Ajatuksena ei ole korvata jo olemassa olevaa, vaan lisätä ne siihen."
  • Aunque e-learning ha demostrado ser tremendamente beneficioso en cuanto a la posibilidad de ofrecer contenidos educativos a una gran cantidad de educandos, este modelo no ha demostrado ser lo suficientemente contundente como para ofrecer una metodología de aprendizaje significativamente mejor a la educación tradicional, que podríamos etiquetar como cara-a-cara (profesor-alumno y alumno-alumno).
    • Tero Toivanen
      Vaikka e-oppiminen on osoittautunut erittäin hyödylliseksi siltä kannalta, että sillä on mahdollisuus tarjota oppisisältöjä suurelle määrälle oppijoita, tämä malli ei ole osoittanut riittävän vakuuttavaksi tarjoamaan oppimisen metodologiaa, joka olisi huomattavasti parempi kuin perinteinen koulutus, jota voisimme kutsua "kasvotusten" (opettaja-opiskelija ja opiskelija-opiskelija) metodiksi. Tästä lähtökohdasta, e-oppiminen on menettänyt merkitystään yhdistämällä uutta teknologiaa vanhoihin koulutusmalleihin, keskittyen tiedonsiirtoon ja tietoon.
  • Sin embargo, la adopción de este modelo demanda una serie de transformaciones y de alta flexibilidad ya que se requiere de un cambio en las herramientas, las pedagogías y las prácticas, todo ello con miras a formar estudiantes nómades (que mañana serán expertos adaptables).
    • Tero Toivanen
      Kuitenkin tämän mallin [näkymätön oppiminen] omaksuminen vaatii useita muutoksia ja suurta joustavuutta, koska se edellyttää muutosta työkaluissa, opetusmenetelmissä ja toimintatavoissa, kaikki tämä silmällä pitäen kouluttaa nomadi-opiskelijoita (jotka huomenna ovat sopeutuvia asiantuntijoita).
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Sería deseable que la academia esté abierta a renovarse a sí misma acogiendo este tipo de innovaciones pedagógicas, superando el instinto natural de resistencia al cambio que la caracteriza.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Olisi toivottavaa, että akatemia olisi avoin uudistamaan itsensä ottamalla vastaan tällaisia pedagogisia innovaatioita ja voittamalla luonnollisen vaistomaisen muutosvastarinnan, joka on sille ominaista.
  • Todas estas ideas nos permiten soñar con la idea de alcanzar un aprendizaje invisible, es decir que aprendemos de manera continua e informal a través de nuestras interacciones cotidianas.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Kaikki nämä ideat auttavat meitä haaveilemaan ideasta saavuttaa näkymätön oppiminen, eli opiminen jatkuvasti ja informaalisti jokapäiväsessä vuorovaikutuksessa.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Tässä näkymätön oppiminen "aprendizaje invisible" esiintyy käsitteenä.
Tero Toivanen

The competitive edge of the social business « Esko Kilpi on Interactive Value... - 1 views

  • Creative learning becomes the fundamental activity. It is not about consuming pre-determined content, passing tests or something with beginnings and ends. Learning is continuous transformation. It is the foundation for creative action.
  • The new competitive edge comes from interactive capacity: the ability to connect with information and people, as and when needed.
  • In increasingly complex environments learning curriculums cannot be effectively designed beforehand.
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  • Learning is not related to meeting the requirements set by someone else, but is motivated and expressed through personal situational needs and aspirations.
  • We are leaving behind the Western preoccupation with the autonomous individual and begin to appreciate the importance of social processes and interdependence.
  • The primary learning asset for a knowledge worker is the interactive, reflective practice. The network is also a means for signalling: making own learning not only visible to oneself, but also to others, thus creating a platform for comments, conversation and even formal accreditation.
    Esko Kilven mielenkiintoinen blogikirjoitus, joka koskettelee läheisesti näkymättömän oppimisen ideoita.
Tero Toivanen

Consultoría artesana en red » Cristóbal Cobo habla sobre Open Innovation - 0 views

    Video: Cristóbal Cobo habla sobre Open Innovation
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