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isaac Mao

Internet Helps Liberate, Create Music in China : NPR Music - 0 views

shared by isaac Mao on 26 Jun 08 - Cached
  • When America was rocking to the Beatles and Jimi Hendrix, the airwaves in China were dominated by songs with lyrics from Chairman Mao's Little Red Book.
    Internet Helps Liberate, Create Music in China By Laura Sydell Listen Now [7 min 48 sec] add to playlist Chinese electronic musician B6 B6, a Shanghai-based electronic musician, explored Western music first on pirated CDs and then at music-sharing sites on the Web. Now he collaborates online with other performers. B6's studio equipment -- a jumble of keyboards, etc. Enlarge B6 works out of a home studio in a Shanghai high-rise. Above, some of his musical arsenal. Discover China's Indie Music Neocha Web site image With Sean Leow, B6 co-founded the music-sharing site, an ad-supported service that lets listeners discover music and pays musicians a share of advertising revenue. * * Neocha's "Next" Player Morning Edition, June 25, 2008 - Second in a three-part series. When America was rocking to the Beatles and Jimi Hendrix, the airwaves in China were dominated by songs with lyrics from Chairman Mao's Little Red Book. It's more open today, but the Communist government still bans anything that mentions sex or violence, or that has "low class humor" - which bans an awful lot of American music. So the music most likely to come pouring out of the radio in China is syrupy ballads usually produced in Hong Kong or Taiwan. But Chinese musicians and fans are finding a whole new universe of sound on the Internet. And it's helping to create and nourish a new generation of independent artists in China. From Black-Market Discs to Napster and Beyond One of them is B6, a 27-year-old electronic musician. He lives and works on the first floor of a high-rise on the outskirts of Shanghai. He's part of China's burgeoning electronic-music scene. Growing up, the CDs B6 listened to were mostly sold on the black market. "When I was in high school, I used to listen to rock 'n' roll music," he says. "At that time, it was very difficult to get foreign or Western music." And then, in 1999, the Internet came to China - and B6 and his fr
isaac Mao

Hal Roberts / Popular Chinese Filtering Circumvention Tools DynaWeb FreeGate, GPass, an... - 0 views

  • Three of the circumvention tools — DynaWeb FreeGate, GPass, and FirePhoenix — used most widely to get around China’s Great Firewall are tracking and selling the individual web browsing histories of their users. Data about aggregate usage of users of the tools is published freely. You can see, for example, that the three sites most visited by users of these circumvention tools are,, and Aggregate data like this is a terrific resource for those of us interested in researching circumvention tool usage, and not much of a privacy risk for the circumventing users if it is only stored (as well as displayed) in the aggregate.
isaac Mao

I am deeply saddened by the loss of many lives and many more who have been injured in t... - 0 views

  • I am deeply saddened by the loss of many lives and many more who have been injured in the catastrophic earthquake that struck Sichuan province of China.  I would like to extend my deep sympathy and heartfelt condolences to those families who have been directly affected by the strong earthquake on 12 May 2008.  I offer my prayers for those who have lost their lives and those injured in the quake.    The Dalai Lama
isaac Mao

国庆典礼背景图案表 - Wikileaks - 0 views

  • 国庆(黄) National Day (yellow) 国庆(红)National Day (red) 国徽 national emblem 国旗 national flag 军旗 People's Liberation Army flag 长城 Great Wall 中华人民共和国万岁 Long live the People's Republic of China 中国共产党万岁 Long live the Communist Party of China 人民万岁 Long live the Communist Party of people 听党指挥 To obey the command of the Party 服务人民 Serve the people 英勇善战 Heroic 忠诚于党 Loyal to the party 热爱人民 Love people 报效国家 Serve the country 献身使命 崇尚荣誉 和平鸽 长城 中华人民共和国万岁 中国共产党万岁 人民万岁 向人民英雄纪念碑致敬 社会主义好 思想解放 改革开放 世纪跨越 与时俱进 科学发展 社会和谐 1949 2009 祖国万岁 麦浪 社会主义好 科教兴国 牡丹花 奥运和残奥会标 万众一心众志成城 维护世界和平 各族人民大团结万岁 繁荣昌盛 江山多娇 富强民主文明和谐 时刻准备着 明天会更好 中华人民共和国万岁
arden dzx

08宪章三点观察 - Windows Live - 0 views

  • 旧文提及77宪章三点,到目前为止,对08宪章做三点观察:1,晓波的文本太陈旧,有一些策略性失误:1)未能结合时局强调民众所苦,然后作发挥,那样动员效果会更好;2)未能在联合国人权宣言之国际法上深入,如果只在这一点上深入,也会避免授人以柄。从这一策略问题上看,晓波的话语资源与20年前比,未掌握更多,很遗憾。当然,讲权利已经比单纯讲民主进步很多。2,晓波被捕凸显当局威权态势膨胀,不容任何直接挑战者,整个威权体制在加强,这是未来社运应该加强研究的方面。不能有任何天真幻想,以为民主会从威权体制内部生发。王小波所描绘的2010黑铁时代并不遥远。3,从后续声援签名来看,一个并不成熟的抗争能否转为一次 宪章运动,关键仍在于后来者如何重新解释文本,赋予其新含义,以一个新知识分子/运动群体的面目出现在世界面前,才有巩固过去10年维权斗争、推动未来抗争政治的意义。换句话说,晓波进去了,看你们的了。
shi zhao

你们高雅,而我们热爱低俗 - Windows Live - 0 views

  • 1、你们高雅我们低俗,所以你们喝酒后可以大义凛然地开着公车撞正常执勤的女交警。2、你们高雅我们低俗,所以你们可以公费出国看钢管肚皮舞用公款付按摩费。3、你们高雅我们低俗,所以你们可以漠视法律不经申请燃放A类烟花一下子燎掉几个亿。 4、你们高雅我们低俗,所以你们可以予取予求今天指斥这个明天毙掉另一个而我们只能看和听你们认为可以看和听的那个。 5、你们高雅我们低俗,所以你们可以以一个借口关掉一个正当行使法律权力维护法律公正的律师事务所。 6、你们高雅我们低俗,所以你们可以在阳光下公然行一已之私。 7、你们高雅我们低俗,所以你们可以开枪杀人只需说那是个人行为。 8、你们高雅我们低俗,所以我们愿意天天看着你们表演,你们个个都在演出变态。  
Roger Chen

Is Web 2.0 Living on Thin Air? - Tom Davenport - 0 views

  • Did you wonder whether our economy had grown a little overly precious? How can we really be producing value if we're all sitting around blogging and Facebook-friending each other?
  • 1999 the British think-tanker Charles Leadbeater published the book Living on Thin Air. It was both an appealing notion and a scary one: that we no longer have to produce anything but ideas. And that was even before Web 2.0--a platform for everyone to share their ideas, opinions, favorite tunes, and relationship statuses with each other. It was all a lot of fun, but I occasionally wondered whether it was really good for economic productivity.
  • it wouldn't be a bad outcome if the current crisis led to a more diligent, industrious economic climate. Chatting and socializing are important things, but they're not the only things.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • But it seems to me that many of the activities, business models, and assumptions behind social media are a bit fluffy, and that fluffiness is going to be difficult to maintain in the post-bubble environment we now find ourselves in.
  • Socializing as a distraction has always existed. Though there are more ways to do this now, people still have the ability to recognize that which produces real value in their life, both economically and socially. Balance between these has always been a challenge.
  • A few years from now, only the successful, profitable, and useful will survive.

《零八宪章》--已参与联署 - Windows Live - 0 views

  • 我知道天杀的GFW从奥运开始前就已经屏蔽了我的整个msn space,so what?你能拦得住整个互联网吗? Zola同学说得好:操GFW请戴Tor~~~

Digital Resistance and the Orange Revolution « iRevolution - 0 views

  • Maidan was a group of tech-savvy pro-democracy activists who used the Internet as a tool to support their movement. Maidan in Ukranian means public square and Maidan’s website features the slogal “You CAN chnage the world you live in. And you can do it now. In Ukraine.”
    • feng37
  • The main activity of Maidan was election monitoring and networking with other pro-democracy organizations around Eastern Europe.
  • “websites cannot produce an activist organization.”
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • it was crucial for Maidan to frequently host real world meetings as their membership base increased. The human element was particularly important. This explains why Maidan encouraged users to disclose their identity whenever possible.
  • The community benefited from centralized leadership that developed the organization’s culture, controlled its assets and provided the strategy to achieve desired goals. The Maidan experience thus demonstrates a hybrid organization.
  • Pora, meaning “It’s Time” in Ukranian, was a well-organized group of  pro-democracy volunteers that “emerged as an information sharing campaign and during the elections morphed into coordinators of mass protest centered around tent cities in towns throughout Ukraine. The grassroots movement took its inspiration from Serbia’s Otpor movements as well as “older civic movements in Hungary and Czechoslovakia.”
  • “the active use of modern communication systems in the campaign’s management,” and “mobile phones played an important role for mobile fleet of activists.”
  • “a ssytem of immedate dissemination of information by SMS was put in place and proved important.” In addition, “some groups provided the phones themselves, while others provided SIM cards, and most provided airtime.”
  • roviding rapid reporting in a way that no other medium could. As tent cities across the Ukraine became the sign of the revolution,
  • The news feed from the regions [became] vitally important. Every 10 to 15 minutes another tent city appeared in some town or other, and the fact was soon reported on the air.
  • While the government certainly saw the Internet as a threat, the government had not come to consensus regarding the “legal and political frameworks it would use to silence journalists that published openly on this new medium.”
  • many online journalists unlike mainstream journalists were free from the threat of defamation charges.
  • one of the earliest examples of what Steven Mann calls “sousveillance,” meaning, “the monitoring of authority figures by grassroots groups, using the technologies and techniques of surveillance.”
  • Technology certainly does not make possible a direct democracy, where everyone can participate in a decision, nor representative democracy where decision makers are elected; nor is it really a one-person-one-vote referendum style democracy. Instead it is a consultative process known as ‘rough consensus and running code.’
  • the real power of traditional media. Natalia Dmytruk worked for the Ukraine’s state-run television news program as an interpreter of sign language for the hearing-impaired. As the revolution picked up momentum, she decided she couldn’t lie anymore and broke from the script with the following message: I am addressing everybody who is deaf in the Ukraine. Our president is Victor Yushchenko. Do not trust the results of the central election committee. They are all lies. . . . And I am very ashamed to translate such lies to you. Maybe you will see me again…
  • “Dmytruk’s live silent signal helped spread the news, and more people began spilling into the streets to contest the vote.”
  • itizen journalists and digital activists participated in civil resistance trainings across the country, courtesy of Otpor. The use of humor and puns directed at the regime is a classic civil resistance tactic.
  • one of key reasons that explains the success of the revolution has to do with the fact that “the protesters were very well trained and very good at protesting… very, very good.”
  • Digital activists need to acquire the tactical and strategic know-how developed over decades of civil resistance movements. Otherwise, tactical victories by digital activists may never translate into overall strategic victory for a civil resistance movement.
shi zhao

Live 21! » 开放"你的"互联网 - 0 views

  • 时至今日,知道了“压力”也是一种好东西
  • 其实还是比较可笑的, 中国人从初中开始(现在该是幼儿园了吧)就接受强制的英语教育, 那么,在教育部的“寄予厚望”下的民众的我们理应是可以毫无障碍看懂那些开放的英文版本, 那么,封锁中文语言的意义何在呢?还在坚守那一点算不上面子的面子么?

对比着看旧金山圣火传递 - 北风 - 网易博客 - 0 views

  • 这里新闻里的:对于北京奥组委奥运圣火传递中心和以华裔女警察局长方宇文为首的警方此次珠联璧合的配合,网友们感到满意,认为像一部好莱坞大片,这次传递“声东击西”、“暗度陈仓”等巧计,让破坏分子莫名其妙无所适从,“毒虫”智商遭曝光。这是网友写的:缩短路线,改变路线,取消仪式,连CNN的直升飞机都突然失去圣火的影子,就算全加州的警察都来了也改变不了圣火几乎像过街老鼠一样东躲西藏的命运。一个星期,北京的“面子”已经丢到了太平洋的深处。出来混,迟早要还的。!CE0C860F2F8B85CA!1516.entry
shi zhao

通过病毒邮件和欺诈网站学到的对付网络封锁的好东西:Fast Flux技术 - Windows Live - 0 views

  • 此技術的目的是讓基於 IP 封鎖清單的方法在預防攻擊上變得英雄無用武之地,
isaac Mao

我的告白 - 0 views

  • 你们要我做胡佳的思想工作,让他早日回归社会,我何尝不想他早日回家。但是我没有任何积极的机会,我连和胡佳写信谈谈社会上发生的事情,信件都要没收,我还能做什么呢?我现在只剩下半条命在折腾,为了孩子努力活着。如果你们要我的臭皮囊而不要我的独立的精神和意志,那我要这副臭皮囊干什么呢!如果我的精神和意志消失了对你们来说是一个省事的解决方法,对我来说我的臭皮囊消失了才是一个省事的解决方法。可是只有神才有权利这么做。我们没有权利放弃自己的生命。世间的诸种罪恶,除了一个生命剥夺自己或另一个生命的生存权利,还包括一个生命奴役另一个生命的精神和肉体。
isaac Mao

近距离看王丹 - 0 views

  • 对于整个六四,我个人的立场是偏温和的。学生比较冲动,不计后果,或许取得的结果也并不一定就是好的,但是不管怎么说,学生的一腔爱国之情,表现出来一些很纯粹的东西,这是很长时间以来中国人最缺乏的东西,当你看到这些东西的时候,是很难不受到感动和激励的。不过另一方面,政府当时那么做也是没有办法的事情,正像很多人所说的那样,真如果让学生胜利了,国家可能也就一塌糊涂了。让我感叹的是,两方面都缺少那么一些理性和宽容,而有理性和宽容的人又没有足够的领导力.... anyway, 我相信历史最后是会给这次事件一个公正的评价的。
arden dzx

青石板: 初夜,守夜 - 0 views

  • 两会预备性会谈,我留意到海基会秘书长高孔廉在协商开场白里提到了“马ZONGTONG”,也留意到他介绍自己谈判团队的时候,介绍了好几个现职官员的官衔——这是民间谈判呢。这个时候,我想起,海基会创会秘书长陈长文曾对我说,海基会的创会宗旨是:终结自己。他认为白手套该脱掉了,国台和陆委应该直接谈。好吧,也许我在见证历史。 该上街的都上了,ZD,电视上看见了。基本上都没有什么失序。当某某功方阵又开始出现,呐喊那5个字的时候,新闻中心响起掌声。我说,你们乐什么呀?很新鲜吗?台媒们没心没肺地说,齐了,哈哈。不过,我觉得他们心情有点压抑,一方面,大家期待两岸有进展,但又不满意那些特殊待遇“矮化自己”、“浪费公帑”、“镇压人民”。我劝他们说,待遇方面,也各自表述吧,别介意。你们的人去南京北京,我们也没亏待啊。我们是泱泱大国,排场不能太小。你看看我们海协带的礼品,冰箱大的包装箱那么一堆,能是一包茶叶两瓶酒吗?
isaac Mao

中国《零八宪章》 - 0 views

  • 今年是中国立宪百年,《世界人权宣言》公布60周年,“民主墙”诞生30周年,中国政府签署《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》10周年。在经历了长期的人权灾难和艰难曲折的抗争历程之后,觉醒的中国公民日渐清楚地认识到,自由、平等、人权是人类共同的普世价值;民主、共和、宪政是现代政治的基本制度架构。抽离了这些普世价值和基本政制架构的“现代化”,是剥夺人的权利、腐蚀人性、摧毁人的尊严的灾难过程。21世纪的中国将走向何方,是继续这种威权统治下的“现代化”,还是认同普世价值、融入主流文明、建立民主政体?这是一个不容回避的抉择。

Digital renegades, or captives? - International Herald Tribune - 0 views

shared by feng37 on 12 Dec 08 - Cached
  • We have to be aware of the fact that the Internet has given the youth living in controlled societies infinite venues for digital entertainment - without any religious or social censorship - that may not necessarily be enhancing their digital sense of citizenship and civic engagement. Risking the comfort of their bedrooms - with their hard-drives full of digital goodies - for the gloom of a prison cell does not appeal to many of them. The governments are all too happy to promote this new cult of "cyber-hedonism." Whatever keeps these troubled youths from the streets is inherently a good thing.
  • The fact that existing political activists embraced the Internet as a tool of mobilization is fairly noncontroversial. What's less obvious is how many digital natives the Internet has turned into digital renegades - and how many into digital captives. It's precisely this balance that will determine what the political landscape of Russia, China or Iran will look like in 10 years.

Luis Villa's Blog / what the Berkman Center got right - 0 views

  • Contrary to Harvard’s reputation that the only smart people on earth live in 02138, Berkman deeply believes that there are lots of smart people out there that aren’t at Berkman, and the instinctive response is to invite them to swing by. Hence Dave’s lunch summary. There is always someone interesting, on a weekly basis, being invited to join the discussion. (And they are discussions, not lectures, as you can see from the extensive Q&A that accompanies every lunch transcript.) And the discussions are open to everyone- you can literally walk in off the street if you want;
isaac Mao

大火大火 - 0 views

  • 《华尔街日报》网站报道中央电视台附楼着火的新闻标题是Inferno Engulfs Beijing Tower 。虽然Inferno没有再次在正文中出现,不过Inferno这个词似乎是编辑刻意挑选的。我记得这个词主要和旦丁神曲中的炼狱有关。换言之,这个标题说:地狱之火吞噬了北京高楼。
isaac Mao

#080808 - Herock Post - 0 views

  • 但我不认为那种MSN昵称活动与其类似,虽然也有不少人或公司暗示红心中国等活动是由他们策划发起的,排除纯粹编造的情况,即使真的是所见范围内第一个挂出红心标志的人,也与在集会时偶然喊出一句口号而被众人随口应和无异,这样便沾沾自喜,以为整个席卷中国的签名活动是自己一手发起,就只能用“扯”来形容了。真正能看作项目的,应该只有I'm这个活动。
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