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…My heart's in Accra » Studying Twitter and the Moldovan protests - 0 views

  • At some point on Friday, we hit a peak tweet density - 410 of 100,000 tweets included the #pman tag. Had I been scraping results by iterating 100,000 tweets at a time, I would have had four pages of new results - my script is only looking at the first page, so I’d be dropping results. If I ran the script again, I’d try to figure out the maximum tweet density by looking for the moment where the meme was most hyped, try to do a back of the envelope calculation as to an optimum step size and then halve it - that would probably have me using 20,000 steps for this set.
  • Density of tweets charted against blocks of 100,000 tweets
  • Picking apart the URL: max_id=1511783811 - Only return results up to tweet #1511783811 in the database page=2 - Hand over the second page of results q=%23pman - The query is for the string #pman, encoded to escape the hash rpp=100 - Give the user 100 results per page While you can manipulate these variables to your heart’s content, you can’t get more than 100 results per page. And if you retrieve 100 results per page, your results will stop at around 15 pages - the engine, by default, wants to give you only 1500 results on any search. This makes sense from a user perspective - it’s pretty rare that you actually want to read the last 1500 posts that mention the fail whale - but it’s a pain in the ass for researchers.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • What you need to do is figure out the approximate tweet ID number that was current when the phenomenon you’re studying was taking place. If you’re a regular twitterer, go to your personal timeline, find a tweet you posted on April 7th, and click on the date to get the ID of the tweet. In the early morning (GMT) of the 7th, the ID for a new tweet was roughly 1468000000 - the URL retrieves the first four tweets to use the tag #pman, including our Ur-tweet: evisoft: neata, propun sa utilizam tag-ul #pman pentru mesajele din piata marii adunari nationale My Romanian’s a little rusty, but Vitalie Eşanu appears to be suggesting we use the tag #pman - short for Piata Marii Adunari Nationale, the main square in Chisinau where the protests were slated to begin - in reference to posts about the protests. His post is timestamped 4:40am GMT, suggesting that there were at least some discussions about promoting the protests on Twitter before protesters took to the streets.
  • Now the key is to grab URLs from Twitter, increasing the max_id variable in steps so that we’re getting all results from the start tweet ID to the current tweet ID. My perl script to do this steps by 10,000 results at a time, scraping the results I get from Twitter (using the Atom feed, not the HTML) and dumping novel results into a database. This seems like a pretty fine-toothed comb to use… but if you want to be comprehensive, it’s important to figure out what maximum “tweet density” is before running your code.
  • Picking apart the URL: max_id=1511783811 - Only return results up to tweet #1511783811 in the database page=2 - Hand over the second page of results q=%23pman - The query is for the string #pman, encoded to escape the hash rpp=100 - Give the user 100 results per page While you can manipulate these variables to your heart's content, you can't get more than 100 results per page. And if you retrieve 100 results per page, your results will stop at around 15 pages - the engine, by default, wants to give you only 1500 results on any search. This makes sense from a user perspective - it's pretty rare that you actually want to read the last 1500 posts that mention the fail whale - but it's a pain in the ass for researchers. What you need to do is figure out the approximate tweet ID number that was current when the phenomenon you're studying was taking place. If you're a regular twitterer, go to your personal timeline, find a tweet you posted on April 7th, and click on the date to get the ID of the tweet. In the early morning (GMT) of the 7th, the ID for a new tweet was roughly 1468000000 - the URL retrieves the first four tweets to use the tag #pman, including our Ur-tweet: evisoft: neata, propun sa utilizam tag-ul #pman pentru mesajele din piata marii adunari nationale My Romanian's a little rusty, but Vitalie Eşanu appears to be suggesting we use the tag #pman - short for Piata Marii Adunari Nationale, the main square in Chisinau where the protests were slated to begin - in reference to posts about the protests. His post is timestamped 4:40am GMT, suggesting that there were at least some discussions about promoting the protests on Twitter before protesters took to the streets. Now the key is to grab URLs from Twitter, increasing the max_id variable in steps so that we're getting all results from the st
Oliver Ding

Twitter把我从监狱搞出来_数字出版与新媒体_新浪博客 - 0 views

  • 在他被带到警察局的路上,Buck用手机向他的朋友和在使用袖珍博客网站Twitter的联系人发送了消息。
  • Biz Stone,Twitter的创立者之一,说,早在一个位于加州旧金山的公司利用Twitter在地震的时候进行通讯的时候,他和他的同事们就意识到这项服务会产生深远的影响。
  • 因为只要有人知道我们在哪里,我觉得,那些坏人就不会对我们做坏事了,因为会有某个人,在某个地方盯着他们。
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • 尽管Twitter帮他取得了和能帮助他的人的联系,最终得以出狱,他说,也许身处美国人这个网络才是他被如此迅速释放的最大原因。
  • Buck现在正在用他的经历和Twitter网,号召人们寻找Maree的下落。他目前已经公布了旧金山埃及大使馆新闻律师的电话,并发除了请求释放Maree的情愿信。
  • “James的案例使得我们注目的原因在于他的那条简单的短信――仅仅一个词,’被捕了’。同时,我们也为整件事情传播的速度而震惊,”Stone说“它体现出了无时不刻在你身边的实时交流网络的简单性和有价值性。”

The DigiActive Guide to Twitter for Activism | - 0 views

  • We are very excited to announce the release of The DigiActive Guide to Twitter for Activism.  Following the recent protests in Moldova, the value of Twitter as a tool for digital activism is more prominent than ever.  Yet in addition to bringing greater awareness to that tool, the hype surrounding Moldova revealed misunderstanding of the value of of Twitter for activism and, even though the realists responded strongly, there was not a stand-alone resource which clearly defined how Twitter could be used by activists.  We hope this guide will fill that void.
isaac Mao

读《新的时代》 - ooof - 博客大巴 - 0 views

  • 但,无论如何,昨天我是又认真读了,打印出来并做了一些标记,最后把他所说的一些阴阳事例做了一个总结。这个过程也有了一点延续,首先是教育中的,2018年教育宣言目前该是阴弱的部分;而早晨发现又可加的项目:***和***员,其实之前在twitter也提到过***2.0和在回答eltondisney 的提问中有更多的说明这些内容也曾在单位和负责党建的新人谈到过。但目前来看,仅仅是新奇而无力的一个想法。
isaac Mao

地震报道Twitter击败了主流媒体? |Twitter|地震| - 0 views

  • 5月12日汶川地震发生后,Twitter上第一条关于地震的消息出现在北京时间下午2点35分33秒,而彭博社的新闻仅慢22秒。道琼斯新闻社和路透社的消息分别出现于北京时间下午2点36分和2点37分。
  • 此外,Twitter的消息仅仅显示在北京地区有轻微震感,而没有提供进一步的信息。新闻媒体方面,路透社北京时间下午2点39分发布了第一条涉及灾害严重性的新闻《四川东部发生里氏7.8级地震》。而Twitter上的类似消息到2点41分才出现。
leo bnu

拾人牙慧,我也来看 Twitter、饭否和嘀咕 | 分享网络2.0 - Show web2.0 enchantment ! - 0 views

shared by leo bnu on 23 May 09 - Cached
  • 毫无疑问,Twitter是迄今为止最成功的微博客平台,它是一句话博客概念的缔造者,是实施开放API的开拓者以及坚持创新的领跑者。
  • Twitter早已经不再是是朋友们之间进行实时交流的工具那么单纯,它成为了政要、企业和独立媒体进行社会化品牌营销的重要策略。
  • 当用户正在感慨,去XX地最早的一趟航班是什么时候,XX旅游公司或者XX航空公司立马发来一条消息,2009年X月XX日上午XX:XX;
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Twitter正在极大的提高企业与客户对话的执行效率,缩短了彼此的响应时间。
  • Twazzup 成为了我继Google 和 Google Blogsearch 后第三个添加到自己Bookmarklet中的搜索引擎,
leo bnu

美国联邦政府加入Twitter革命 - 0 views

  • 美国联邦政府加入Twitter革命
  • Twitter使我们与民众沟通的又一管道。”
  • 去年3月,GSA就签署过一份协议,允许政府各部在4个社交类网站:YouTube、Flickr、Vimeo和blip.tv上发布可共享的内容。
isaac Mao

维基百科可以直接访问了! | SilenceWolf - 0 views

  • 维基百科( 可以直接访问了!今晨我偶然点击了一个通往维基百科的链接(当时没有意识到这是维基百科,要不然可能直接用代理了),居然顺利的登录了。我又试验了“china”(如上图所示)、“beijing”、“beijing olympic”等几个词条,都可以顺利访问。当然,敏感性的词条依然不能访问,访问之后还会出现暂时的站点不能访问,不过只有很短的时间,这真是一个好消息。 另外,落户在blogspot.com上的网站也可以访问了,比如google的官方网站。但是落户在wordpress.com上的网站还是不能访问,twitter的官方网站也还是不能访问。 还有什么站点过去不能直接访问而现在可以了?如果你碰到了的话,请在留言中告诉大家。
shi zhao

Twitter / pazu - 0 views

shared by shi zhao on 19 Mar 08 - Cached
isaac Mao

Twitter / foreveryangjia (永远的杨佳) - 0 views

  • Web Bio 我是在一个不明不白的国家,不明不白被处死的一个年轻人。我会在天堂祝愿这个国家走向公平,人们选择正义。 (别为我悲伤,网络就是我的墓碑,也是生者的希望)
  • Name 永远的杨佳 Location Heaven Web Bio 我是在一个不明不白的国家,不明不白被处死的一个年轻人。我会在天堂(或地狱)祝愿这个国家走向公平,人们选择正义。 (别为我悲伤,网络就是我的墓碑,也是生者的希望)
isaac Mao

14世达赖喇嘛有Twitter账号了! - 译言翻译 - 0 views

  • 最新的消息?“我确定达赖喇嘛就像历经的14世转世一样,对科技也很感兴趣。”(译者:但是,现在最新留言是一则回复:@Riceflour It will be HH fourth visit to the UCSB campus(圣巴巴拉大学). We are all very excited.而这是第25条信息)
arden dzx

新版记者证2月底全国统一免费换发--传媒--人民网 - 0 views

  • 目前,新版记者证已由国内人民币印刷企业完成印制,证件封皮由原来的蓝色改为咖啡色,封面烫有银色的国徽和“新闻记者证”的中英文,封底烫有银色的新闻出版总署英文简称“GAPP”和“新闻记者证”的英文“PRESS CARD”。  据了解,新版记者证和人民币一样,每本都有一个流水数字编号,确保每本新闻记者证都是惟一的;新版记者证同时使用了与人民币相同技术的安全线水印纸,水印图案是“GAPP”,安全线由相互连接的“PRESS CARD”组成,在紫光灯照射下会发出红色荧光底纹和红色荧光纤维;新版记者证还使用了凹版印刷、光折射幻彩油墨等十多种人民币防伪技术,大大增加了防伪难度。
    当记者的门槛似乎越来越高,记者证向钱币看齐,简直要昭告天下记者:跟着我有肉吃。 没有记者证的怎么办?twitter之,手机相机之,人肉搜索之……
isaac Mao

Twitter / 白鸦: CCTV:把广告放点到我们这里,该交保护费了。 分众:... - 0 views

  • 把广告放点到我们这里,该交保护费了。 分众:靠,我掌握了那么多电视干嘛还要给你交保护费?我这还养着SINA、SOHU等一批保安,看你能把握咋样。CCTV:叫你丫跟我抢广告,我把你丫给当众脱光,看你丫死不!... 分众股票跌26.6%
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