WikiProject Pharmacology coordinates the development of Wikipedia articles relating to drugs and pharmacology. Of interest to authors and editors of pharmacology articles.
"One of the early tasks is to identify the stakeholders of the resulting Strategic Plan; to identify individuals and groups who will be interested in and affected by the plan, to consider their roles and most appropriate ways and times to communicate with these individuals and groups. A preliminary list has been developed on the wiki; however, to effectively identify all stakeholders another important initial task is to clearly define what is meant by Distributed Medical Education. What is the scope of the plan?"
Work Literacy Web 2.0 for Learnig Professionsals is a Ning group which was run as a 6 week course provideing an introduction to some of the Web 2.0 applications which cna be used in education. Although the course is now over you can still join the group and take a look at the various resources which procide a helpful introdyction to blogs, RSS feeds, wikis and socail bookmarking etc.
Commoncraft make some excellent videos which provide a helpful introduction to many Web 2.0 applications such as RSS feeds, blogging, social networking, wikis etc. These videos are available in YouTube, but Commoncraft are now making them available via their own website under a creative commons licence.