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Free mind mapping (and related types) software - Wikit - 4 views

  • has a good capability for selecting software by map type and operating system (click on the 'Refine software list' tab at the top right of its web page), and shows the price. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow you to filter on price or choose to see only the free ones. This article is therefore a quick list to current software that is free or has a free option. It excludes applications that have a time limit on their operation, for example, free trial software or web applications.

YouTube - ‪Virtual Patient Android Demo‬‏ - 2 views

    "Demo of the Virtual Patient Android Application showcasing the Virtual People Factory developed from Virtual Experiences Research Group, Univ. of Florida. This android application is a 4 minute Demo Version."

The Need for More Sophisticated Simulation Applications - 0 views

    "Of course, cognitive simulation and cognitive rehearsal are important for improving physician performance in any specialty of medicine-surgical and non-surgical alike-no matter what the proportion of cognitive and procedural services. And simulation applications that could support the teaching and assessment of expert judgment would be valuable to medical education programs across all disciplines and throughout the continuum of medical education."

JMIR--Understanding the Factors That Influence the Adoption and Meaningful Use of Socia... - 1 views

shared by anonymous on 07 Oct 12 - No Cached
Dianne Rees liked it
    Based on the results of this study, the use of social media applications may be seen as an efficient and effective method for physicians to keep up-to-date and to share newly acquired medical knowledge with other physicians within the medical community and to improve the quality of patient care. Future studies are needed to examine the impact of the meaningful use of social media on physicians' knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviors in practice.

Assessing Med School Applicants' Digital Footprints | Wing Of Zock - 0 views

    Very positive

Beyond knowledge and skills: the use of a Delphi study to develop a technology-mediated... - 0 views

    There is a need for a cultural change in clinical education, in which those involved with the professional training of healthcare professionals perceive teaching as more than the transmission of knowledge and technical skills. Process-oriented teaching practices that integrate technology as part of a carefully designed curriculum may have the potential to facilitate the development of capable healthcare graduates who are able to navigate the complexity of health systems and patient management in ways that go beyond the application of knowledge and skills.

Playing to Learn: A disaster simulation game for interdisciplinary learning at Centenni... - 0 views

    "The research results were seen as underscoring the importance of experiential and reflective learning activities and opportunities for application of theory in online learning and simulation exercises"

CaRMS Pre-Game: Preparing for the Interview « boringem - 0 views

    "It's that time of year again. The references are in, the applications are complete, interviews have been accepted, flights are booked and medical students across Canada are preparing themselves for the rigamarole known as CaRMS that will determine where they will be living for the next 2-5 years and what kind of medicine they will be practicing for the rest of their lives."

Labguru's Free iPad App - 0 views

    "Bridge the gap between planning experiments on your PC and executing on your lab bench. Access your protocols, record notes and sync results back to the Labguru web application. "
Dianne Rees

Game-Based Learning: A workshop to inform educators and engage cont... - 1 views

    Includes applications to learning in clinical settings

Board800 : Flex / Flash / Red5 based Interactive Whiteboard - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 31 Jul 12 - Cached
    "An interactive multi-user (shared) whiteboard application Use it for tutoring, collaborative live training, brainstorming, prototyping"

The Use of Reflection in Emergency Medicine E... [Acad Emerg Med. 2012] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    "Reflection is a skill that can be taught and developed in medical education. Evidence demonstrating the value of teaching reflection is emerging that substantiates longstanding educational theories. While a few educators have started to explore the use of reflection for emergency medicine (EM) learners, the potential for broader application exists. This review summarizes the literature regarding reflection in medical education and provides a basic primer for teaching reflection."

Teaching patient-centered communication skills: a telephone follow-up curriculum for me... - 0 views

    "A patient-centered communication curriculum can improve student knowledge and skills. While some intervention students perceived that they made too many calls, our data suggest that more calls, an increased sense of patient ownership, and role modeling by clerkship faculty may ensure incorporation and application of skills."

Medicine - Clipart ETC - 5 views

    19th century black and white drawings "Clipart images of medical terms and tools, including proper bandage application, harmful germs, medicine, and more. Please note that many of these images of medical procedures and practices are out of date and may not be still in use, and are available through our website for their historical content."
Dianne Rees

How Location Services Could Impact Health Care - 0 views

    mhealth applications often intersect with mlearning applications

Mobile Health 2010 | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project - 1 views

    "The online health-information environment is going mobile. 17% of cell phone users have used their phone to look up health or medical information and 9% have software applications or "apps" on their phones that help them track or manage their health. "

eHealth International Journal - 0 views

    The eHealth International Journal provides a peer-reviewed vehicle for timely publication of scientific research on the application of information technology in medicine, medical care delivery, and public health.
Natalie Lafferty

Work Literacy - Web 2.0 for Learning Professionals - 0 views

    Work Literacy Web 2.0 for Learnig Professionsals is a Ning group which was run as a 6 week course provideing an introduction to some of the Web 2.0 applications which cna be used in education. Although the course is now over you can still join the group and take a look at the various resources which procide a helpful introdyction to blogs, RSS feeds, wikis and socail bookmarking etc.
Anne Marie Cunningham

Health 2.0 and Medicine 2.0: Tensions and Controversies in the Field - 0 views

    Background The term Web 2.0 became popular following the O'Reilly Media Web 2.0 conference in 2004; however, there are difficulties in its application to health and medicine. Principally, the definition published by O'Reilly is criticized for being too am
Natalie Lafferty

The Common Craft Show | Common Craft - Explanations In Plain English - 0 views

    Commoncraft make some excellent videos which provide a helpful introduction to many Web 2.0 applications such as RSS feeds, blogging, social networking, wikis etc. These videos are available in YouTube, but Commoncraft are now making them available via their own website under a creative commons licence.
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