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Rss Feed Group items tagged

Anne Marie Cunningham

Twitter in higher education - 0 views

  • Rather than waiting until the end of the module to fill in a feedback form Twitter can be used as a means to generate immediate feedback about a class or event. It can be used to encourage particular teaching methods and offer advice about how to do things differently.
  • Distance learners – Using Twitter to communicate with distance learners has the potential to offer students greater learning support and encouragement throughout their courses.
  • Encouraging students to sign up to external services may not be such a good idea as there are terms and conditions which apply to these services that are outside agreements students have already signed to make use of university services;
    A blog post on the use of Twitter in Higher Education
    blog post by Alexis (Lex) Rigby, librarian in Sheffield
avivajazz  jazzaviva

LibWorm ::|:: Librarianship RSS ::|:: Search Biblioblogosphere - 0 views

shared by avivajazz jazzaviva on 16 Aug 09 - Cached
    Search over 1500 RSS feeds from librarians' blogs. Archive the RSS data. Search the biblioblogosphere!

UBC Health Library Wiki - 0 views

    A Knowledge-Base for Health Librarians
avivajazz  jazzaviva

National Library of Medicine (NLM) ///:/// National Institutes of Health (NIH) - 0 views

    Access research studies, publications, conference proceedings, reference materials, databases, tools, and other resources of interest to medical researchers, health care providers, patients, consumers, citizens, and policymakers.
Natalie Lafferty

Central Medical Library UMCG - 0 views

    A nice example of Netvibes being used to support medical staff and students at the University Medical Centre Groningen in the Netherlands.
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