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Cassie Banka

Lure of the Labyrinth - 0 views

    Lure of the Labyrinth is today's innovative catch Lure of the Labyrinth is a game for middle school pre-algebra students designed to improve math and literacy skills. It includes intriguing math-based puzzles embedded in a narrative game in which students work to find their lost pet and save the world from monsters. Linked to mathematics standards, the game gives students a chance to think like mathematicians. Lure of the Labyrinth Home Page In Lure of the Labyrinth, students progress through three sections, or wings each related to a different math strand that is part of a the typical pre-algebra curriculum: * Proportions (including fractions and ratios) * Variables and Equations * Number and Operations (including geometry, order of operations and modular arithmetic) Each of the three wings includes three puzzles, and each of the puzzles has three levels progressing from easy to hard. Students have to successfully solve each puzzle three times before they can advance through the game. Lure of the Labyrinth Library Page A professional development video specifically designed for pre-algebra teachers takes them step-by-step through the things they need to do to make this engaging game the focal point of great classroom learning experiences. Planning resources include links to standards, directions for working with specific puzzles, lesson plans, explanations of the background math, and graphic organizers. Video - Lure of the Labyrinth Lure of the Labyrinth was created by Maryland Public Television and MIT Education Arcade in cooperation with FableVision.
    For prealgebra students.
Garrett Eastman

" Strategies Used by Students on a Massively Multiplayer Online Mathematics Game" - 6 views

    (abstract only, full text requires subscription or purchase) "We analyze the logs of an online mathematics game tournament, played simultaneously by thousands of students. Nearly 10,000 students, coming from 356 schools from all regions in Chile, registered to the fourth tournament instance. The children play in teams of 12 students from the same class, and send their personal bets to a central server every 2 minutes. Each competition lasts about one clock hour and takes place within school hours. Students are pre-registered and trained by their school teacher. The teacher is responsible for reviewing curriculum contents useful for improving performance at the game and coaches students participating in trial tournaments taking place a few weeks before the national tournament. All bets are recorded in a database that enables us to analyze later the sequence of bets made by each student. Using cluster analysis with this information, we have identified three types of players, each with a well-defined strategy. "
Maggie Verster

Mathematics: Algebra 1 from - 2 views

    In Educator's Algebra I course, instructor Dr. Grant Fraser walks you through the building blocks of mathematics, starting from Functions, Graphs, and Inequalities, to Factoring, Polynomials, and Rational Expressions. Utilizing his 27 years of teaching experience, UCLA educated (Ph.D and B.S.) Professor Fraser carefully explains each concept from multiple angles to ensure learners of any math ability can master Algebra. Dr. Fraser finishes off every idea with a reinforcing example in addition to the four worked-out video examples and things to remember at the end of each lecture.
Maggie Verster

South African Mathematics Olympiad - 0 views

    The South African Mathematics Olympiad (SAMO) is the official national mathematics competition of the country. It is a three round competition with interesting questions and nice prizes. The three rounds take place in March, May and September of each year. Question papers and solutions of the last few years are available on this web site. The names of each year's individual prize winners and our committee members are also posted.
Martin Burrett

Magic Squares - 0 views

    "This is a maths resource that can be used to challenge pupils to complete a magic square, using only the numbers provided, to make sure that each row, column and diagonal all add up to the focused magic number. The resource provided challenges students to add up to 9, 12, 15 & 18, and could be used as a homework challenge, an additional classroom activity, or as a main activity within a maths lesson. Challenge pupils to work on two different methods for each magic number. This activity could be adapted with larger number, and other mathematic operations"
Garrett Eastman

Measuring Engagement Effects of Educational Games and Virtual Manipulatives on Mathematics - 9 views

    Abstract: "the researcher attempted to investigate how to better measure engagement and refine the measurement of engagement in this study. To frame the engagement, three domains of engagement - behavioral, cognitive, and emotional- are analyzed in detail to be able to examine the qualities of each type. Moreover, three game attributes -clear goals, immediate feedback, and balance between challenges and skills- are presented and discussed as fundamental features of virtual manipulatives and educational games used in this study to make an impact on students' engagement. To measure effects of educational games and virtual manipulatives on three domains of engagement, the researcher designed an engagement survey that examines each domain separately with their sub-domains. The Cronbach's alphas for engagement pre-test and post-test were found .89 and .91 respectively. In this pre-test and post-test quasi-experimental design, four fifth-grade classrooms (N=86) from four schools in southwest Virginia were assigned as three experimental groups and one control group. In the first experimental group, participants played an educational game called Candy Factory and in the second experimental group, the students played another educational game called Pearl Diver on iPod Touch for eight days consecutively, for 20 minutes each. In the third experimental group, participants performed activities with virtual manipulatives, whereas in the control group, participants did paper-and-pencil iii drills for the same duration. All of the groups studied on the same topic, fractions. According to the results of ANCOVA, experimental group students' engagement scores were found significantly higher than control group students', F(1,80)=11.568, p=.001. When three domains of engagement were analyzed, significant differences were found among all three domains between experimental and control groups. When the researcher conducted separate analysis for educational games group and vir
Garrett Eastman

U. S. Math Performance in Global Perspective: How well does each state do at producing ... - 11 views

    A collaboration among Harvard's Program on Education Policy and Governance & Education Next, the Taubman Center for State and Local Government, and Harvard Kennedy School . "To see how well the U.S. as a whole, each state, and certain urban districts do at producing high-achieving math students, the percentage of U.S. public and private school students in the high-school graduating Class of 2009 who were highly accomplished in mathematics in each of the 50 states and in 10 urban districts is compared to the percentages of similarly high achievers in 56 other countries." High-achieving students in the U.S. were outperformed by high achievers from other countries.
Ced Paine

Poptropica - a virtual online world for kids - 0 views

    Poptropica is a virtual online world in which kids can travel, play games, math, customize their character, compete in head-to-head competition, and communicate safely with each other.
    Poptropica is a virtual online world in which kids can travel, play games, math, customize their character, compete in head-to-head competition, and communicate safely with each other.
Martin Burrett

Math Champ - 0 views

    A truly amazing Apple App for learning maths. Download the host or client app to your Apple device and set maths quizzes to complete in real time together in class. The apps communicate through a wireless network or Bluetooth and the host device tracks and keeps all the data for each quiz so you can see where your class need to improve. To set questions you just turn the sections on or off and the app chooses questions from these at random.
Garrett Eastman

A Design Principle and Collaborative Learning Support Method in Game-based Learning Env... - 4 views

    Abstract: "The purpose of this study is to propose a design principle and framework of educational control (in particular, method for collaborative learning support) that induces and activates interaction between learners intentionally to create a learning opportunity that is based on the knowledge understanding model of each learner. In this paper, we explain the design philosophy and the framework of our game-based learning environment (GBLE) called "Who becomes the king in the country of mathematics?". In addition, we describe the method of collaborative learning support control that incorporates a "learner support agent" to support each learner and a "game control agent" to control the game into the learning environment."
Darren Kuropatwa

Estimation 180 - Home - 9 views

    Each day of the school year I present my students with an estimation challenge. I love helping my students improve both their number sense and problem solving skills. I'd like to share the estimation challenges with you and your students. Here's a handout for your students. Happy Estimating!
Midhul Mohandas

Kids World Fun Organizes Little Champs Video Contest for Preschoolers - 0 views

    The popular educational portal is organizing a unique Little Champs Video Contest for preschoolers (3-6 years old) around the world. The contest intends to discover the very young bright stars around the world who are exceptional in a variety of activities such as reading, writing, singing, dancing, doing chores around home, playing with friends, gardening, and so on. Parents, who are interested, should make a video portfolio of their child, of about 3-5 minutes duration, stringing together the various activities he/she engages in at different times, in natural situations. The winners will be selected based on how well and happily the child engages in the task, how independently he/she is able to perform, how much effort is put in, and how skilled he/she is, in each activity engaged in. The terms and conditions of the contest are given at The Little Champs Video Contest is the second international contest that the KidsWorldFun is organizing, the first being the prestigious International Short Story Contest for School Children that debuted in 2016.
Garrett Eastman

Exploring quadrilaterals in a small group computing environment - 2 views

    From the abstract (full text requires subscription or purchase): "Though cooperative learning has been a topic of considerable interest in educational research, there has been little study specific to learning in the mathematics content area of geometry. This paper seeks to address that gap through a design experiment featuring a novel small-group computing environment for supporting student learning about quadrilaterals. In this design, each student controls a unique point in a shared geometric space, and those points are linked such that a group of four students collectively forms a quadrilateral. We first present results from pre- and post-measures to show how the students learned from the activities and developed in terms of geometric reasoning. We then present three episodes, elaborated with the notion of appropriation, to explain how students took up ways of using the technological tools and of talking about geometric concepts from one another in the interactive environment. Our study found that students achieved learning gains in this novel environment, that the environment provided rich opportunities for peer interaction around geometric objects, and that student learning opportunities and interactions were characterized by processes of appropriating ways of talking about and using software features."
Martin Burrett

XtraMath - 0 views

    This site helps students practise basic maths skills through short online exercises that are intended to be used each day. Teacher can get analysis of progress and more. Signing up a class is quick and easy.

Starter Of The Day - 0 views

    Does a starter or warmup for each day of every month - FREE!!!  AWESOME!
Martin Burrett

Decimal Place Value Cards - 0 views

    A great virtual place value card resource for whiteboards. Enter the number you want and see deans apparatus for each.
Garrett Eastman

Affirmative action for women in math contests boosts participation without dropping res... - 3 views

    "experiment performed by Loukas Balafoutas and Matthias Sutter, released February 2 by Science, involved three methods that provided an initial advantage to women in a math competition. The authors found that, in each case, women entered the competitions more readily, but the aggregate performance of the participants was unaffected, and sometimes even improved."
Admission Times

SNAP 2013 Result Announced on 9th January - 0 views

    The cut-off marks for SNAP 2013 will be declared during the result of the exam. Each participating institute will declare their individual SNAP 2013 cut-offs. Since this year the SNAP 2013 Cut-off marks have not been declared yet, we will give you the last year's SNAP cut-offs so that you can get an idea about the SNAP 2013 Cut-off and what to expect this year.  
Darren Kuropatwa

Link Theme for May 2009: Effective Pedagogy In Mathematics - 37 views

"I'd also like to ask that someone else suggest another "theme" for us for the month of June and each of the months that follow. " OK Darren, I'll take the challenge and suggest developing algebra...

pedagogy research math maths mathematics

Daryl Bambic

Illuminations: Weighing Your Car - 0 views

    In this lesson, students learn how to measure the area of the tire footprint on a car and to find air pressure using a tire gauge. Students then find the weight of the car using their fraction multiplication skills. Learning Objectives   Students will: Estimate weight of a large object Use a ruler and a tire gauge to take measurements Collect and record data Review square units of measure Calculate area by multiplying fractions Materials   Strips of poster board Ruler Tire gauge How Much Does a Car Weigh? Activity Sheet Computer with internet connection Car Instructional Plan In preparation for this lesson, place a car in a safe lcation for the students to measure the tire footprints and pressure. In case of bad weather, find a covered location. Be sure to measure the tire footprint and the pressure (in PSI) of each tire ahead of time, so that you will be able check the accuracy of students' measurements. Also, check the accuracy of your calculation by comparing to it to the weight of the car listed on the sticker inside the driver's door or in the vehicle manual. By the end of the day, data may change because air has leaked out of the tires while students were using the tire gauge. For safety, check the tires before driving home.
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