LOGIN Wednesday February 15 at 3pm Eastern US time: http://tinyurl.com/math20event
During the event, Dr. Keith Still of SaferCrowds.com will introduce his Crowd Sciences work and explain the relevance of mathematics in it: "If you don't do the maths, you could end up in court on a manslaughter charge!"
All events in the Math Future weekly series: http://mathfuture.wikispaces.com/events
The recording will be at http://mathfuture.wikispaces.com/CrowdSciences
Pose questions and comments for Keith before the event
Math Future wiki: http://mathfuture.wikispaces.com/message/list/CrowdSciences
LinkedIn group: http://www.linkedin.com/groupItem?view=&gid=33207&type=member&item=94871153&qid=b29a6dbc-6474-425f-865a-b319bd33dcb9
Email group: http://groups.google.com/group/mathfuture/browse_thread/thread/931328aab6d87b03
How to join
Follow this link at the time of the event: http://tinyurl.com/math20event
Wednesday, February 15 2012 we will meet online at noon Pacific, 3 pm Eastern time. WorldClock for your time zone.
Click "OK" and "Accept" several times as your browser installs the software. When you see Session Log-In, enter your name and click the "Login" button
If this is your first time, come a few minutes earlier to check out the technology.
Crowd Modelling + Crowd Monitoring + Crowd Management = Safer Crowds
Crowd Modelling is the scientific approach to the development of safe, robust, crowd management plans. This can be achieved without the need for expensive, complex, time consuming computer simulations. In simple terms Crowd Modelling is understanding how, where, when and why crowds arrive, move around and leave an events/venues. The majority of this can be accomplished using tried, tested and simple to apply methodologies.
"Keith Still is what I term an intuitive mathematician. He is one of the most creative and original thinkers that I know. He adds drive and determination, as well as considerable intellectual power to any group of which h
The Gateway expands educators' capability to access Internet-based lesson plans, instructional units and other educational materials in all forms and formats. The Gateway's goal is to improve the organization and accessibility of the substantial collections of materials that are already available on various federal, state, university, non-profit, and commercial Internet sites.
The Gateway has been serving teachers continuously since 1996 which makes it one of the oldest publically accessible U.S. repositories of education resources on the Web. The Gateway contains a variety of educational resource types from activities and lesson plans to online projects to assessment items.
Lure of the Labyrinth is today's innovative catch
Lure of the Labyrinth is a game for middle school pre-algebra students designed to improve math and literacy skills. It includes intriguing math-based puzzles embedded in a narrative game in which students work to find their lost pet and save the world from monsters. Linked to mathematics standards, the game gives students a chance to think like mathematicians.
Lure of the Labyrinth Home Page
In Lure of the Labyrinth, students progress through three sections, or wings each related to a different math strand that is part of a the typical pre-algebra curriculum:
* Proportions (including fractions and ratios)
* Variables and Equations
* Number and Operations (including geometry, order of operations and modular arithmetic)
Each of the three wings includes three puzzles, and each of the puzzles has three levels progressing from easy to hard. Students have to successfully solve each puzzle three times before they can advance through the game.
Lure of the Labyrinth Library Page
A professional development video specifically designed for pre-algebra teachers takes them step-by-step through the things they need to do to make this engaging game the focal point of great classroom learning experiences.
Planning resources include links to standards, directions for working with specific puzzles, lesson plans, explanations of the background math, and graphic organizers.
Video - Lure of the Labyrinth
Lure of the Labyrinth was created by Maryland Public Television and MIT Education Arcade in cooperation with FableVision.
In the portal you'll find a dynamic textbook, lesson plans, widgets, interactive Demonstrations, and more built by Wolfram education experts. Absolutely a great resource. Builds in representations, applets, explanations of variable use etc. Great tool.
Since it is in Beta, I am wondering how long it will be free and what their plans are for the future.
Create an interactive online lesson with this brilliant site. Upload and curate all the resources for a lesson in one place and access them with one click. The site works with Office files, PDFs, flash files, small videos, images and internet links and even connects to Google Drive and Dropbox. Then simply share the link with anyone who need to use view it.
In this lesson, students learn how to measure the area of the tire footprint on a car and to find air pressure using a tire gauge. Students then find the weight of the car using their fraction multiplication skills.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
Estimate weight of a large object
Use a ruler and a tire gauge to take measurements
Collect and record data
Review square units of measure
Calculate area by multiplying fractions
Strips of poster board
Tire gauge
How Much Does a Car Weigh? Activity Sheet
Computer with internet connection
Instructional Plan
In preparation for this lesson, place a car in a safe lcation for the students to measure the tire footprints and pressure. In case of bad weather, find a covered location. Be sure to measure the tire footprint and the pressure (in PSI) of each tire ahead of time, so that you will be able check the accuracy of students' measurements. Also, check the accuracy of your calculation by comparing to it to the weight of the car listed on the sticker inside the driver's door or in the vehicle manual.
By the end of the day, data may change because air has leaked out of the tires while students were using the tire gauge. For safety, check the tires before driving home.
This is a compilation of Karl's Transparent Algebra posts. He does such an incredible job of making his thinking visible for all of us in how he is planning his course for the upcoming year. I share it because I think it's a valuable example of a reflective practitioner and worth sharing. If you have any teachers who might benefit from reading some of his reasoning, I encourage you to send them to his blog!
This site offers an interactive way to assess your class by connecting your students to your lessons and response to every question on a range of devices, including mobiles. Make a virtual room and set up assessment quizzes, share links instantly and even get students to draw a response to your questions in real time. The data is collated so you can see where your students need more input.
Math teacher and researcher Tom O'Brien offers resources and activities through this site, with planned updates each month to add more materials. These include books published by the UK's Association of Teachers of Mathematics--some out of print --now downloadable and available for purchase. Excerpts from the e-books are available free, as well as three articles by O'Brien and colleagues. O'Brien recommends software as well, some of which is available free of charge.
Today, you're in charge of the nation's finances. Some of your options have more short-term savings and some have more long-term savings. When you have closed the budget gaps for both 2015 and 2030, you are done. Make your own plan, then share it online.
How many times have you prepared an updated or new dynamic math or science PowerPoint or Keynote presentation for class and it would not open in school?
Also, how many times has it happened to your students when it's time to give a class presentation? Now you need to postpone their presentation to another day, disrupting even the best planning.
Want to let students explore with real data then welcome to FRED® (Federal Reserve Economic Data), a database of 25,176 U.S. economic time series. With FRED® you can download data in Microsoft Excel and text formats and view charts of data series.
Students can explore data, create models & hypothesis, and test their models as the year progresses. If their models aren't working they can go back to their original data set and make changes based on what they've learned and see how those predictions work on new data. The best part is the variety of data that is available.
We plan to continually improve FRED® and encourage you to send feedback through our contact form.