Mr Honner - 0 views
Julie Shy on 15 Apr 13My name is Patrick Honner. I teach mathematics at Brooklyn Technical High School, a large, public, specialized high school in Brooklyn, New York. As a NYC public school teacher I have taught everything from Introductory Algebra to Multivariable Calculus. I mentor student research in mathematics, and I am actively involved in extracurricular mathematics programs both in my school and around New York City. Math research is an instructional focus of mine. Independent, investigative, mathematical research projects can be crafted by and for students at all levels of knowledge, in all areas of interest. A primary objective of is to exhibit the math all around us in order to stimulate question-posing and hypothesizing, the first steps in structuring a good research project. I am a two-time recipient of Math For America's Master Teacher Fellowship, and I am active in MfA's professional community.