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Maggie Verster

The Intergeo Project - 5 views

    The main objective of the Intergeo Project is to make digital content for mathematics teaching in Europe more accessible, usable and exploitable. Intergeo will... * offer content in a searchable and metadata-tagged portal. * enable users to use their software of choice by specifying a common file format based on open standards. * test available material in the classroom. All stakeholders, software teams, resource authors, teachers and learners will be involved, in order to promote quality enhancement cycles.
    The main objective of the Intergeo Project is to make digital content for mathematics teaching in Europe more accessible, usable and exploitable. Intergeo will... * offer content in a searchable and metadata-tagged portal. * enable users to use their software of choice by specifying a common file format based on open standards. * test available material in the classroom. All stakeholders, software teams, resource authors, teachers and learners will be involved, in order to promote quality enhancement cycles.
Maluvia Haseltine

Algebrator - SOFTMATH - 0 views

    Solve Algebra problems with the top Software Tutor Program--College, High School or Pre-Algebra Algebrator - the leading Algebra software program available to, students, teachers, working professionals and educational institutions today.
Maluvia Haseltine

Sage: Open Source Mathematics Software - 13 views

    Sage is a free open-source mathematics software system licensed under the GPL. It combines the power of many existing open-source packages into a common Python-based interface.
Roland O'Daniel

Dynamic Mathematics with GeoGebra - 13 views

    "In this article we introduce the free educational mathematics software GeoGebra. This open source tool extends concepts of dynamic geometry to the fields of algebra and calculus. You can use GeoGebra both as a teaching tool and to create interactive web pages for students from middle school up to college level. Specifically designed for educational purposes, GeoGebra can help you to foster experimental, problem-oriented and discovery learning of mathematics. We will illustrate the basic ideas of the software and some of its versatile possibilities by discussing several interactive examples."
Brian Mull

GeoGebra - 6 views

    GeoGebra - Dynamic Mathematics for Schools
    GeoGebra is free and multi-platform dynamic mathematics software for learning and teaching. It has received several educational software awards in Europe and the USA.
Garrett Eastman

Hyundai and Mind Research Institute Announce Partnership to Improve Math Education Acro... - 1 views

    Hyundai ST Math Initiative enables 15 schools access to ST Math Instructional software, as well as training and support
    today hindi news,today news talmi,hindi news
Garrett Eastman

MIND Research Institute - Home - 9 views

    "The MIND Research Institute enables elementary and secondary students to reach their full academic and career potential through developing and deploying math instructional software and systems. A non-profit organization, MIND also conducts basic neuroscientific, mathematics, and education research to improve math education and advance scientific understanding."
Garrett Eastman

Project Euclid Enables MathJax for 20 Journals | MathJax - 6 views

    Cornell and Duke University presses jointly publish the online math journal community Project Euclid and recently announced that MathJax software would used for rendering equations in articles
Garrett Eastman

Does not compute: court says only hard math is patentable - 8 views

    A US Federal Appeals Court rejects software patents unless "if the math in question complicated enough that "as a practical matter, the use of a computer is required" to perform the calculations"
Maggie Verster

Usability Report - E-learning Software for Math - 0 views

    Given that a large percentage of students have difficulty with math. The usability of a math e-learning tool is critical. The easier and more user friendly such an application is the more a student can forget about the e-learning tool and focus on learning the math content. Here is the usability report that was undertaken in the National E-Learning Lab at the National College of Ireland. This is a useful read for users of the Beta version along with Instructional Designers and Software Developers who are involved in similar projects.
Maggie Verster

Microsoft has released a new version of its math education software - and for the first... - 4 views

    Microsoft Mathematics 4.0, for students in middle school, high school, and early college, shows how to solve equations while bolstering understanding of fundamental math concepts. It features built-in Ink Handwriting Support, which lets you hand-write math problems and equations in a worksheet area on a tablet or ultra-mobile PCs for immediate solving or later work. The software also includes a graphing calculator capable of plotting in 2D and 3D, a movie editor, a library of formulas and equations, a triangle solver, and more.
Garrett Eastman

Exploring quadrilaterals in a small group computing environment - 2 views

    From the abstract (full text requires subscription or purchase): "Though cooperative learning has been a topic of considerable interest in educational research, there has been little study specific to learning in the mathematics content area of geometry. This paper seeks to address that gap through a design experiment featuring a novel small-group computing environment for supporting student learning about quadrilaterals. In this design, each student controls a unique point in a shared geometric space, and those points are linked such that a group of four students collectively forms a quadrilateral. We first present results from pre- and post-measures to show how the students learned from the activities and developed in terms of geometric reasoning. We then present three episodes, elaborated with the notion of appropriation, to explain how students took up ways of using the technological tools and of talking about geometric concepts from one another in the interactive environment. Our study found that students achieved learning gains in this novel environment, that the environment provided rich opportunities for peer interaction around geometric objects, and that student learning opportunities and interactions were characterized by processes of appropriating ways of talking about and using software features."

Math Future event: mathematics in Crowd Sciences Feb 15 at 3pm ET - 2 views

    LOGIN Wednesday February 15 at 3pm Eastern US time: During the event, Dr. Keith Still of will introduce his Crowd Sciences work and explain the relevance of mathematics in it: "If you don't do the maths, you could end up in court on a manslaughter charge!" All events in the Math Future weekly series: The recording will be at Pose questions and comments for Keith before the event Math Future wiki: LinkedIn group: Email group: How to join Follow this link at the time of the event: Wednesday, February 15 2012 we will meet online at noon Pacific, 3 pm Eastern time. WorldClock for your time zone. Click "OK" and "Accept" several times as your browser installs the software. When you see Session Log-In, enter your name and click the "Login" button If this is your first time, come a few minutes earlier to check out the technology. Crowd Modelling + Crowd Monitoring + Crowd Management = Safer Crowds Crowd Modelling is the scientific approach to the development of safe, robust, crowd management plans. This can be achieved without the need for expensive, complex, time consuming computer simulations. In simple terms Crowd Modelling is understanding how, where, when and why crowds arrive, move around and leave an events/venues. The majority of this can be accomplished using tried, tested and simple to apply methodologies. "Keith Still is what I term an intuitive mathematician. He is one of the most creative and original thinkers that I know. He adds drive and determination, as well as considerable intellectual power to any group of which h

Math Future event Tuesday March 13th 8pm ET: Supporting Collaborative Mathematics Explo... - 0 views

    LOGIN: Mind the Daylight Saving Time! Geoff Roulet and Jill Lazarus will discuss their use of wikis, GeoGebra and Jing with students, and invite participants for an extended DIY exploration. More details concerning the software required are below. All events in the Math Future weekly series: The recording will be at: Your time zone: About Blended Mathematical Collaboration using a Wiki, GeoGebra and Jing This discussion centers on the use of computer tools in a high school class. The goal was to develop a "math-talk learning community" to establish mathematics communication and collaboration as a classroom norm. In support of this we have combined the use of a wiki, GeoGebra, and Jing. We would like to invite educators who have experience with wikis, GeoGebra and screencasts, or who would like to learn more, to discuss our project and share their ideas. Event Hosts Geoff is the skipper of and Jill a crew member on Jeannie, a J35 racing yacht. When not sailing, they are mathematics educators. After graduate work at the University of Waterloo, Geoff Roulet began teaching mathematics, computer science, and chemistry at Roland Michener Secondary School in Timmins, northern Ontario. In the late 1970s, when personal computers for computer science were placed in the back of his classroom, Geoff began using these to support student learning in mathematics. Since then he has been involved in ICT use in teaching and learning at all grades and in all subjects, but with a particular focus on mathematics. Teaching was followed by a short spell of curriculum development and support work with the Ontario Ministry of Education and then in 1990 a move to the Faculty of Education, Queen's University at Kingston. Along the way Geoff completed M.Ed. and D.Ed. degrees at the Ontario Institute for Studies
Garrett Eastman

Visualization Through Dynamic Geogebra Illustrations - 10 views

    Abstract: "The purpose of this chapter is to provide pedagogical strategies and discuss ideas about teaching mathematics using GeoGebra that promote effective use of visualization in a technology-integrated dynamic environment. The author describes his work with prospective secondary mathematics teachers enrolled in a methods course. The results of the study revealed that their perspectives on teaching and learning mathematics with technology were enriched as they worked individually and in small groups to develop and present lessons with GeoGebra, suggesting that creating a collaborative environment for our prospective teachers is as important as incorporating dynamic mathematics software into our teacher education courses." (Full text requires subscription or purchase)
Garrett Eastman


    A pre-college bridge program using an assessment software is described, with some note of increased mentoring, tutoring availability and accommodations between first and second year implementation
Maggie Verster

Inscribe Semicircle In Square by Geometric Construction #mathematics - 2 views

    This slide show demonstrates some techniques that would be suitable for an experimental geometry project. The basic shapes of square and circle are explored using open source Geogebra and Dr Geo geometry software. The examples includes exercises in geometric construction, novel solutions and recursive (spiral) constructions. This is mathematics that can be done without algebra. There is some algebra on slide 18, to calculate the radius and area of a semicircle inscribed in a square.
Roland O'Daniel

Eureqa | Cornell Computational Synthesis Laboratory - 3 views

    s a software tool for detecting equations and hidden mathematical relationships in your data. Its primary goal is to identify the simplest mathematical formulas which could describe the underlying mechanisms that produced the data. Eureqa is free to download and use.
Maggie Verster

Math Place -Some cool ebooks here - 19 views

    Math teacher and researcher Tom O'Brien offers resources and activities through this site, with planned updates each month to add more materials. These include books published by the UK's Association of Teachers of Mathematics--some out of print --now downloadable and available for purchase. Excerpts from the e-books are available free, as well as three articles by O'Brien and colleagues. O'Brien recommends software as well, some of which is available free of charge.
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