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Garrett Eastman

Developing a 21st Century Global Library for Mathematics Research - 4 views

    "Developing a 21st Century Global Library for Mathematics Research discusses how information about what the mathematical literature contains can be formalized and made easier to express, encode, and explore. Many of the tools necessary to make this information system a reality will require much more than indexing and will instead depend on community input paired with machine learning, where mathematicians' expertise can fill the gaps of automatization. This report proposes the establishment of an organization; the development of a set of platforms, tools, and services; the deployment of an ongoing applied research program to complement the development work; and the mobilization and coordination of the mathematical community to take the first steps toward these capabilities. The report recommends building on the extensive work done by many dedicated individuals under the rubric of the World Digital Mathematical Library, as well as many other community initiatives. Developing a 21st Century Global Library for Mathematics envisions a combination of machine learning methods and community-based editorial effort that makes a significantly greater portion of the information and knowledge in the global mathematical corpus available to researchers as linked open data through a central organizational entity-referred to in the report as the Digital Mathematics Library. This report describes how such a library might operate - discussing development and research needs, role in facilitating discover and interaction, and establishing partnerships with publishers."
Garrett Eastman

Electronic Research Archive for Mathematics - 9 views

    A platform combining a searchable database of the "Jahrbuch �ber die Fortschritte der Mathematik" (1868-1942) and digitized mathematical publications from the Digital Library Göttingen. Cannot tell if the project is active or being updated at the moment.
Garrett Eastman

DML 2011: Towards a Digital Mathematics Library - 12 views

    A conference scheduled for July 20-21, 2011 in Bertinoro, Italy, aims at formulating strategies for a comprehensive digital mathematics literature library, addressing such considerations as algorithms, standards, technology, formats, markup languages, interoperability and publishing models.
Darren Kuropatwa

Pi Cubed | Sunset Lake Software - 0 views

    Pi Cubed is a visual math application for the iPhone / iPod touch that lets you perform calculations as you would on a piece of paper. By using an animated, touch-based interface, even the most complex mathematical expressions can be entered and instantly evaluated. These expressions are typeset as they would be in a textbook or on a blackboard. Calculations are displayed with up to 34 digits of decimal precision. Additionally, a library of over 150 equations ships with the application.
Colin Graham - National Science Digital Library - 0 views

    The NSDL was created by the National Science Foundation in 2000 to provide organized access to high quality online resources and tools that support innovations in teaching and learning at all levels of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education.
Garrett Eastman

Teague's Tech Tricks - Making Math Meaningful with Core Resources from PBS LearningMedia - 13 views

    "PBS LearningMedia is a free digital media resource designed to support curriculum-based teaching and learning from for Pre-K through 12th grade. The service offers video clips, audio recordings, photographs, interactive games, primary source documents, and more. For access to PBS LearningMedia's library, register today - it's free!"

Math Publications - Middle School Portal - 0 views

    The Middle School Portal 2: Math and Science Pathways project (MSP2) is a component of the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) that supports middle school educators and youth by offering contextualized, high-quality resources and promotes interactivity, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing among its users. Educators can access MSP2 to increase content knowledge in the areas of science, mathematics, and technology, and to build knowledge on developmentally appropriate pedagogy for youth aged 10 to 15. MSP2 also connects middle school youth to fun and engaging information on math, science, and technology, as well as health, safety, and career exploration. Web tools such as blogs, wikis, podcasts, RSS feeds, and social networking services are being used in the continued development of MSP2 to transform passive, text-based information into a dynamic, collaborative experience that promotes the creation, modification, and sharing of resources, and facilitates professional development. MSP2 is a project of The Ohio State University, National Middle School Association, and Education Development Center, Inc., and is funded by the National Science Foundation.
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