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Joanne S


    Alberta's Libraries - Scrapbooking and Kama Sutra. (2008). . Retrieved from Joann Ransom hacks the library. (2010). . Retrieved from New Storytime Commercial. (2010). Retrieved from Paul Hagon talks about the National Library of Australia's collections and Flickr. (2010). . Retrieved from The Teen Corner at the Skokie Public Library. (2008). . Retrieved from Thing 11 : Creative Commons: Webcam Conversation. (2009). . Retrieved from
Joanne S

Topic 3 Supplementary "Reading" How it All Works YouTube Videos - 0 views

    The Internet of Things. (2010).  Retrieved from How the Internet Works in 5 Minutes. (2009). Retrieved from How Bittorrent works. (2007). Retrieved from
Joanne S

Michael Mace talks about the future of ebooks - YouTube - 0 views

    Michael Mace was a keynote speaker at the ALIA Information Online conference in February 2011. The interview was recorded just after his talk, so there is very loud music in the background. Michael Mace talks about the future of ebooks. (2011). Retrieved from
Joanne S

Did You Know 4.0 - YouTube - 0 views

    REQUIRED VIEWING ONE: Did You Know 4.0. (2009). . Retrieved from
Joanne S

The Machine is Us/ing Us (Final Version) - YouTube - 0 views

    The Machine is Us/ing Us (Final Version). (2007). . Retrieved from
Joanne S

Video: RSS in Plain English - YouTube - 0 views

    Video: RSS in Plain English. (2007). . Retrieved from
Joanne S

Blogs in Plain English - YouTube - 0 views

    Blogs in Plain English. (2007). Retrieved from
Joanne S

Wikis in Plain English - YouTube - 0 views

    Wikis in Plain English. (2007). . Retrieved from
Joanne S

How to get better marks in a university assignment. What this marker wants you to know ... - 1 views

    • Joanne S
      What you need to do to get better marks. What markers want you to know. Use APA6. Markers already know you are clever and capable. Markers want to give you marks but you need to help them. How? 1. Answer the Question. 2. Know the Marking criteria. 3. Do what is says 4. Use conventions of Academic Writing 3.1 Demonstrate,  Show Evidence Of We give you marks for what you show. 3.2 Growth of subject knoweledge. Critical thinking. Insight into material covered.
    • Joanne S
      Show basic knowledge of terms and readings. Spell out abbreviations. Correct scholarly writing
    • Joanne S
      Critical thinking about the subject and readings. Have I shown the "So what?"  Evaluative and showing both sides of the story.
    • Joanne S
      4. Show clearly your own ideas. In Academic writing, if you do not clearly indicate where an idea comes from, the reader presumes you are claiming it as original thought. Your critical engagement with the ideas. It's up to you to demonstrate the seperation of ideas, what's yours and what is the readings. To get more marks: Read the question Answer it. All of it. Know the marking criteria Remember markers want to give you marks but you have to demonstrate what you know Be specific Use academic writing Clarify what is you idea and what is someone else Show critical and evaluative thinking
    Markers already know you are clever and capable.
Joanne S

Pixar studio stories - The movie vanishes (full) - YouTube - 0 views

    Pixar studio stories - The movie vanishes (full). (2011). Retrieved from
Ruth M.

Zoom Q3HD Handy Video Recorder: Review and comparison with iPhone 4 video | TUAW - The ... - 0 views

  • Recording video with the Zoom Q3HD is quite easy. Press one button on the side of the device to power it up, press the large red record button on the back of the device once to start recording, then press the record button again to stop. Playback is equally easy, with a play button conveniently located just below the display.
  • Update: Several commenters noted that the audio is out of sync with the video on both Zoom videos. This is not the case with the original files, and appears to be a problem with the way that YouTube handled the uploaded file. Zoom is looking into the situation and I will update again as soon as I hear more.
  • In the end, it's all going to boil down to two things: whether you have the money to buy a secondary video camera such as the Zoom Q3HD and if you truly need the extra video quality of this camera for your needs
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • For other Mac users, the Zoom Q3HD might be an excellent way to capture HD video at a relatively bargain price of $300 compared to higher end dedicated camcorders.
Ruth M.

Q3HD Handy Video Recorder - 0 views

  • HD audio
  • 1080p
  • two studio-quality condenser microphones
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • MPEG-4 AVC/H.264
  • QuickTime player
  • 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution
  • A USB cable is conveniently built into the unit
  • YouTube or Vimeo.
  • The Q3HD’s bundled HandyShare editing and uploading software lets you to manage and edit your videos easily as well as upload them to social networking sites.
  • The rich stereo sound captured by the X/Y mic pair can be recorded to linear PCM WAV files.
  • ready to shoot in 2 seconds.
  • The Q3HD can also be used as an audio recorder to record just sound
  • he Q3HD utilizes SD/SDHC as an affordable way to increase recording capacity.
  • 2GB SD card
  • video
  • video
  • video
  • 2GB SD
  • The Q3HD is powered by two standard AA batteries, resulting in about 2 hours of continuous recording.
Joanne S

A social media policy for a one branch public library » Librarians Matter - 1 views

  • “Social Media.” includes community created content sites like Blogs, Forums, Flickr, YouTube, Wikis, Social Networks, Twitter and other content sharing sites.
  • When you use social media your behaviour  and content is not only a reflection of you but also of (our) Library.
  • Social Media Do’s Be Professional – Talk the way you would talk to real people in professional situations. Be Courteous – Be sure to listen & ask questions. Be Accurate – Check your facts before you post and provide supporting sources if necessary. Be Useful – Add content because you have something interesting to say, not for the sake of regular posting. Be Intelligent – Provide some value. Don’t talk down. Offer insight. Be Conversational –  Avoid overly pedantic or “composed” language. Don’t be afraid to bring in your own personality. Be Non-confrontational – If you disagree, do so respectfully Be Prompt – If you need to moderate or respond to a comment do so as quickly as possible Be Identifiable – Use your real name and do not post anonymously. Be Transparent – Disclose that you work for the library if this is relevant and be honest & truthful. Social Media Don’ts Don’t Share Secrets –If you aren’t sure you can disclose something, just don’t do it. Think about privacy, confidentiality and permission to use other people’s content. Don’t Bad Mouth – Keep the language clean & avoid slamming people or companies. Don’t Complain – If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Don’t do Stupid Things – If it doesn’t help the Library or our community, don’t do it. Don’t Defame – Show everyone respect. Don’t Forget your day job –Social Media can consume you so don’t forget your other duties. Moderate, balanced use is essential.
    Greenhill, K., & Fay, J. (2010, September 10). A social media policy for a one branch public library. Librarians Matter. Retrieved October 1, 2010, from
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