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Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

On my 3rd Twitter birthday: 7 reasons Twitter is central to my life | Trends in the Liv... - 1 views

    Very good personal assessment of why Twitter is valuable, Ross Dawson, June 20, 2011, blog
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

4 Reasons Why the Bonk MOOC is So Interesting | Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

    Just found out about this MOOC that starts next week (April 30--5 weeks long) by Curtis Bonk, a professor at Indiana University. It's on Instructional Ideas and Technology Tools for Online Success. I would like to see how he structures this class and learn a lot, too, about the topic. Every MOOC is a chance to learn!
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

#fslt12 MOOC - Registration « Jenny Connected - 0 views

    Blog post by Jenny Mackness on April 24, 2012 announcing a MOOC on First Steps into Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, #fslt12, running from 5/21 to 6/22. Raises issues of how to engage with learners who may not be well-grounded in technology yet who might want to participate because of content, finding the right balance. Will offer certificate for "assessed" learners. Excerpt: "This is an exciting but rather daunting process. We have had lots of interest, with people from all over the world expressing interest in different aspects of learning and teaching in Higher Education. I am beginning to realize the amount of work that must go on behind the scenes in the other MOOCs I have attended. We have deliberately chosen to distribute the course across different platforms - WordPress (for the Home site), Moodle (for the course), Blackboard Collaborate (for the live synchronous sessions) and we are still discussing whether or not to have a separate wiki site, or to go with the wiki in Moodle. The reason for this decision (i.e. the different platforms) is that we hope to introduce participants new to teaching in HE to the idea that learning can take place in a variety of online spaces. Access to our WordPress site has been open pretty much from the word go, and now access to the Moodle site has been opened, despite the fact that neither of these is yet ready. For me, this is a new way of working and takes a bit of getting used to (heart in your mouth stuff!). Finally, we are conscious that the course has been designed to attract people for whom this way of working and the technology involved might be completely new -so we have to achieve the right balance between providing enough structure and support and encouraging open academic practice and independent learning - one of the many tensions involved in designing a MOOC."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Leaning into Discomfort: Social Sector Leadership in the 21st Century - NPQ - Nonprofit... - 0 views

    Article on Leaning into Discomfort: Social Sector Leadership inthe 21st Century, NPQ (Nonprofit Quarterly), May 7, 2012 Excerpt from interview with Nancy Northup, Center for Reproductive Rights: ""In fact, leaning into discomfort, I think, is critical, to make sure that what we are doing-both externally, as we work to establish reproductive rights around the world, and internally, at the organization level-is bold enough. The organization had better be feeling discomfort if it's leaning into new strategies and ways of working. "You have always to ask, Am I pushing for the change that's really needed? On all of those levels, you have to continually refresh and check and make sure that you're getting the most power for the mission by being as uncomfortable as possible. Because change is hard, and the reason why you have to look at all those different levels-yourself, your organization, and then the world-is that if you're not willing to hold the tension of change as an organization, how can you begin to understand what you have to risk and what others have to risk to make change happen in the world?"" Excerpt from interview with Ai-jen Poo, National Domestic Workers Alliance: As Poo observed, "Domestic workers work in isolated workplaces. They don't have any job security whatsoever, and there are no labor standards or protections, except-for now-in New York, because of us. But really, there's nothing mediating the relationship between a worker and an employer-your workplace is somebody else's so-called castle. It already takes a lot of courage to assert your rights and dignity, and to make sure that you get paid on time, and to make sure that you can get home on time to your own children. And all of these challenges that are just day-to-day challenges of living in that environment already demonstrate a tremendous amount of day-to-day courage." Excerpt from interview with George Goehl, National People's Action â€
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Diigo Blog | Better Reading, Better Research, Better Sharing - 0 views

  •  Our users include law firms, marketing agencies, consultants, recruiters, web designers, researchers, students, teachers … — basically anyone who do a lot of knowledge-oriented information consumption, either individually or as a team, either professionally, or for personal purposes such as reading and researching related to travel, health, shopping, career, hobbies, news, online learning, smart investing, school papers, work projects, etc, etc. Going forward, the Diigo team aims to evolve Diigo into the best personal knowledge management system (PKM) on the market, providing unsurpassed capabilities for the collection, compilation, organization, digestion, presentation and collaboration of knowledge and information.
    explanation by Diigo of its users--those who affiliate for professional as well as personal reasons--and its utility as the "best personal knowledge managment (PKM) on the market."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Joho the Blog » No, I'm not keeping up with your blog. - 0 views

    blog post in 2005 about how difficult it was to keep up with all the blogs! "I don't want to lie any more. I don't want to feel guilty any more. So let me tell you flat out: There are too many blogs I like and too many people I like to making "keeping up" a reasonable expectation, any more than you should expect me to keep up with Pokemon characters or I should expect you to keep up with Bollywood movies. I'm not going to feel guilty any longer about my failure. I will read your blog on occasion, either because I've been thinking of you or because something reminded me of you. Maybe it'll be because you sent me an email pointing to a post you think I'll enjoy. Go ahead! I'd love to hear from you."

How To Be A Successful Salesperson - Especially If You Think You Can't - 0 views

    This article provides some wonderful tips to women in the business world who find it necessary to approach others to sell products, ideas or services. "I've always had a pretty good relationship with the idea of being a salesperson.  For some reason, even from an early age, I had it in my head that sales was simply about finding people who wanted what I had to offer. So, for instance, selling Camp Fire Girls candy in grade school held no terrors for me: I'd go around and ask people if they wanted to buy it, and if not, I'd ask the next person.  I figured there was no harm in asking, even if they didn't want it - and them not wanting it didn't have anything to do with me; maybe they didn't like candy, or were on a diet, or had already bought some from somebody else."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

How content curation helps social media publishing | Blog - 0 views

  • blog posted by Jon Koob, March 5, 2014, on content curation 1. What should I post? (What I care about) 2. Switching between platforms to post the same content is a pain (bookmarklet or Google Chrome app) 3. What do I share and where? (different audiences, platforms determine what you post) 4. All content or some content I've curated? (create information hubs for different kinds of sharing) 5. Should I share things more than once? (YES) promo piece for but it seems reasonable anyway
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

What Oprah Knows for Sure About Getting Unstuck - - 0 views

    Great short post by Oprah on getting unstuck. The quote by Turecki is so true: "Nothing happens until you decide." Excerpt: When our expert, Dr. Stanley Turecki, finished watching, he said something that made the hairs on my arm stand up: "Nothing happens until you decide." The reason her 3-year-old didn't sleep in his own bed was that the mother had not decided it would happen. When she did, the child would go to his bed. He might cry and scream and rant until he fell asleep, but he would eventually realize that his mother had made up her mind. Well, I knew he was speaking about a 3-year-old, but I also knew for sure that this brilliant piece of advice applied to many other aspects of life: Relationships. Career moves. Weight issues. Everything depends on your decisions. For years I was stuck in a weight trap, yo-yoing up and down the scale. I made a decision two years ago to stop wishing, praying, and wanting, wanting, wanting to be better. Instead I figured out what it would really take to improve my life. Then I decided to do it. When you don't know what to do, my best advice is to do nothing until clarity comes. Getting still, being able to hear your own voice and not the voices of the world, quickens clarity. Once you decide what you want, you make a commitment to that decision. One of my favorite quotes is from mountaineer W.H. Murray: "Until one is committed there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves, too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way. I have learned a deep res
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Search Engine Optimization Speaker | Social Media Speaker | SEO Blogger | Social Media ... - 0 views

    Blog post introducing Marc Ensign as a speaker, blogger, and consultant. Includes "my more notable posts as determined by my readers" on 1. Why Keyword Research is a Waste of Time (and what you should be doing instead; 2. 10 Reasons Why I don't Want to Be Your Friend Anymore; 3. Me, Me, Me, I, I, I; 4. Stop Calling Yourself a Guru, Jedi, Rock Star and Ninja (unless you are a Guru, Jedi, Rock Star or Ninja), and so on. Entertaining. Will speak in Sarasota on 11/22/13. Friend/associate of Andre Kasberger.

The 100 Best Websites For Women, 2013 - Forbes - 0 views

    "We couldn't be happier to present the fourth annual list of FORBES 100 Best Websites for Women than we are today-for this year more than any other this has been true collaborative effort by dedicated staffers, contributors and ForbesWoman readers. For that reason it just might be-dare we say it-the best list ever."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

5 reasons to take care with Facebook friends at work - - 0 views

    article by Diane Stafford at Kansas City Star, 9/20/13 on whether to use Facebook for work connections. It is not a clear progression of tips. Nor does it start from the very first thing one should do: find out about the workplace policy on using social media. 1. Let your boss ask first (?? meaning don't initiate?) 2. Check out how co-workers link (makes sense) 3. Ask first (makes sense to ask workers f2f about connecting) 4. Review your profile (looking for professionally harmful information on pages--makes sense to do regardless of Facebook friends at work) 5. Set privacy settings (yes, good practice to set privacy settings)
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Why We're Removing Comments on Copyblogger - Copyblogger - 0 views

    Interesting blog post for removing ability to comment on blog posts at Copyblogger by Sonia Simone, 4/2014. Seems that conversation has shifted from blogs to other venues such as Google+ and Twitter ... Copyblogger wants to shift comments to author's blog sites. Final reason is to get out from under the spam which they estimate is about 95% of the comments posted. This "experiment" as they called it interests me because it seems to elevate the role of aggregation tool to scan the web for references to one's work on a regular basis. And it is in line with some of the cMOOC approach--to let the conversation occur anywhere, then capture and make sense of it afterwards.

Some Facts About Women Entrepreneurs - 0 views

    "Today, more women are breaking free from the traditional, gender-specific roles and venturing into the business world. Not only are they holding high corporate positions but they are also successful women entrepreneurs who own almost half of all businesses in the United States. The steady rise in female entrepreneurs can be due to many different reasons, most of which share the same rational as their male counterparts-passion for their ideas, the desire to become their own boss, and the need to address philanthropic causes. A recent study indicated that 1 out of every 11 adult women is an entrepreneur in the United States. Women business owners contribute to the overall employment of 18 million workers and generate anywhere from $2 to $3 trillion in U.S. economy revenues. Many of the important facts that follow will support these findings."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

The Complete Flake's Guide To Getting Things Done - Copyblogger - 1 views

    Lovely blog post for flakes like me, Sonia Simone, April 2014 Excerpt/conclusion: "The plan in 7 reasonably painless steps When you've got something to do, figure out what you really want to get out of it. Do the Pivotal Technique. Think about what you want, then get clear about where you are right this minute. Notice the difference. Figure out the next action. Do what you feel like. Rinse, lather, repeat. Start a compost pile for ideas, notes, plans, and insights. Stick to a few primary areas of focus - three or four is a good number for a lot of people."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

An Old-School Method for New Member Engagement: Associations Now - 0 views

    Blog post by Joe Rominiecki, June 11, 2014, on how staid organization--American Neurological Association--changed admission requirements and found new-"old ways" to engage with younger, newer members in the course of the first year of membership. 300 out of 1,880 at end of 2013 were new, often younger members. ""We have quite a few committees, and the committee work is a lot. The annual meeting programming is extremely scientific, so their participation in our interactive lunch workshop committee or our faculty development committee or our scientific programming committee is critical to the success of the meeting," Smith says." Excerpt: I'm a strong believer that the type of volunteering offered to young members is crucial, too. It has to be meaningful work. If I'm offered a choice between joining a group for young professionals or joining a planning committee for a particular association function (event, publication, education, etc.), I'll take the latter. I'd rather not just be lumped in with other young pros, fenced off in a separate little play area. I want to be doing some real work for the association. And DTV says I'm not alone: In that study, "I can do something for a profession or cause that is important to me" ranked as the most important reason for volunteering in associations, and that was true for all generations.""
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Tom Peters on leading the 21st-century organization | McKinsey & Company - 0 views

    A number of great quotes offered by Tom Peters on leading in the 21st century, September 2014. Tom Peters: Today's technology tools give you great opportunities to do 73 things at a time or to at least delude yourself that you are. I see managers who look like 12-year-olds with attention deficit disorder, running around from one thing to the next, constantly barraged with information, constantly chasing the next shiny thing. The only thing on earth that never lies to you is your calendar. That's why I'm a fanatic on the topic of time management. But when you use that term, people think, "Here's an adult with a brain. And he's teaching time management. Find something more important, please." But something more important doesn't exist. Tom Peters: Unless you were born with a very, very silver spoon, you're going to spend the majority of adult life at work. Why shouldn't this be a joyful experience or an energetic experience or a vivid experience? If you're a leader, your whole reason for living is to help human beings develop-to really develop people and make work a place that's energetic and exciting and a growth opportunity, whether you're running a Housekeeping Department or Google. I mean, this is not rocket science. It's not even a shadow of rocket science. You're in the people-development business. If you take a leadership job, you do people. Period. It's what you do. It's what you're paid to do. People, period. Should you have a great strategy? Yes, you should. How do you get a great strategy? By finding the world's greatest strategist, not by being the world's greatest strategist. You do people. Not my fault. You chose it. And if you don't get off on it, do the world a favor and get the hell out before dawn, preferably without a gilded parachute. But if you want the gilded parachute, it's worth it to get rid of you.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

5 Reasons Why Your Online Presence Will Replace Your Resume in 10 years - 0 views

  • 1. Social networking use is skyrocketing while email is plummeting
  • A recent study by OfficeTeam shows that more than one-third of companies feel that resumes will be replaced by profiles on social networks. My prediction is that in the next ten years, resumes will be less common, and your online presence will become what your resume is today, at all types and sizes of companies.
  • 2. You can’t find jobs traditionally anymore
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • 3. People are managing their careers as entrepreneurs
  • 4. The traditional resume is now virtual and easy to build
  • 5. Job seeker passion has become the deciding factor in employment
    Dawn Schawbel writes for Forbes, 2/21/2011 on why the online presence will replace the resume (only has six years to make his ten year predictions come true)
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Is Your Professional Development a Waste of Time? - Finding Common Ground - Education Week - 0 views

  • No time for real dialogue. No time to ask questions
  • . "Oh we do this already," is a common response to PD. Do they do it...or do they think they do it? The report states that, "non-improvers are almost twice as likely to self-assess their own performance as stronger than their formal ratings."
  • Reflection is important, but it needs to be done with evidence.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • But it still didn't mean the PD they wanted to attend actually worked.
  • participants, regardless of the type of school system, show up without much background knowledge on why they are there.
  • they need to make sure that they have a school climate that is conducive to learning and not one that focuses on accountability and compliance.
    interesting blog post, lots of food for thought about PD for compliance reasons and how to support growth long-term, Peter DeWitt, August 18, 2015
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Top Ten Reasons People Start a Blog - 0 views

    blog post by Susan Gunelius, about tech, on why people blog
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