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To Build Your Business, Smash Your Silos | Fast Company | Business + Innovation - 0 views

  • Silos are necessary in companies. They provide the structure that allows companies to work. Every company is split into divisions, departments, or groups, such as sales, technology, and finance. This structure allows expertise in different areas. In companies, silos tend to be places where information, focus (another word for choosing priorities), and control flow up and down. But company silos also cause problems—that same structure prevents the flow of information, focus, and control outward. And in order for a company to work efficiently, decisions need to be made across silos.
  • Cooperation, communication, and collaboration are the three keys to working across silos. Those are components that ideally any successful working relationship would have, but they are must-haves if you are going to break the organizational silos barrier.
  • knowledge, focus, and control are shared among more than one silo.
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  • What priorities do you or your department have that are not aligned with another’s?Put yourself in the place of the other silo—what would make that silo realize that your need was a priority?What information do you or your department have that could be useful to others?What information or assistance do you need from another silo that you are not getting?In what areas would increased collaboration and giving up some autonomy be more beneficial for the company than maintaining your individuality?
    Blog on leadership by Neil Smith, Fast Company on eliminating barriers that keep departments/groups from sharing the same priorities, knowledge, information for the good of the whole organization.

Digital Skills A Priority For All Employees, Not Just Millennials - Forbes - 0 views

    article by Karen Higginbottom on digital skills importance for workforce members of all ages, September 22, 2015

Company of One » The Finish Line - 0 views

    Newsletter by Ann Mehl, a life coach, 1.26.13. Justifies Studio's raison d'etre. Excerpts: "The workplace has changed enormously in recent years. Gone are the days when some benevolent company would direct and manage your career for you, while you dozed off at the wheel. Now more than ever, it is incumbent upon every employee to proactively manage his own career. We have become in essence, a nation of free agents. A company of one. And all successful "companies" must identify and set their priorities in such a way that our goals can be achieved. In the humdrum of work, it's often easy to find yourself adrift, floating aimlessly downstream without clear intent or destination. The days blur into each other, until you have no idea where you are going, or what it was you hoped to achieve. But ask yourself this question: if you're not steering the ship, then who is?" ..."Are there any personal development classes that would make certain parts of my job easier? Should I be speaking with other industry peers in my field so that I remain current? Is there anybody I can identify who might be willing to mentor me while I navigate this tricky next phase of my career?"

AUDIO | Preparing Adults for Lifelong Learning | The EvoLLLution - 0 views

    Blog post by Jeff Cobb, the author of Ten Ways to be a Better Lifelong Learner and Mission to Learn blog, on EvoLLLution (illuminating the lifelong learning movement), 3.26.2012 See excerpt below for obstacles that keep people from lifelong learning: "AA: What are the major gaps keeping today's adults from effectively continuing their education? JC: There are two ways to come at that question, at least. It's high-level at first, to differentiate between education-which I consider to be primarily a formal, structured activity-and learning, the vast majority of which is informal and not necessarily structured. And learning encompasses education, but learning is just so much broader. When it comes to education, there can be any number of barriers that prevent an adult from continuing her education. Time and money tend to be two of the biggest. Those barriers can be overcome; like anything in life it's just often a matter of priorities and planning, both on the part of the individual and the society, but they do have to be overcome. On the other hand with learning, there's really nothing that can prevent an adult from continuing learning if they are in fact dedicated to doing that. We really can't help doing it; we're pretty much hard-wired to be continually learning. But we all know how overwhelming the flow of information can be around us these days; on the one hand it's this sense of being overwhelmed that can hold people back, I think another factor is that we simply don't look at a lot of the amazing new opportunities that we have, primarily through what the web now enables. … We don't necessarily look at these as learning tools and as things that can really help us to engage with and grow in life. Really, once you recognize that and once you start thinking in terms of effective strategies and effective approaches, the sky's the limit."

Societal Impacts of Digital Exclusion | TechSoup for Libraries - 0 views

    Blog post by Ron Carlee, October 25, 2011, on Societal Impacts of Digital Exclusion, TechSoup for Libraries. He was "asked to comment on the importance of digital technologies from the perspective of local govenrments." Great quote for connected learning value. See cost proposition below: This increased societal connectiveness and awareness, however, is only available if one is connected. If you're not connected, you're really not connected. In an earlier day, we could legitimately debate the importance of a digital divide relative to other public priorities. In its infancy, informational technology was interesting and useful, but was it truly essential for everyone all the time? This is no longer a credible question. Without digital connectivity in the 21st century, people will earn less, pay more for the things they buy, live life with fewer personal connections, and they will not be exposed to virtual worlds of vast knowledge, art, and even frivolity. If we really care about having successful communities of educated people who can compete in a global economy, who are entrepreneurial and creative, if we really want people to connect with one another, if we want our institutions to connect with the people they serve, if we want a sustainable world that improves the lives of all people, then we must ask the question: can any community afford involuntary, digital exclusion for any of its residents?

Software Programs to Manage Your Time - Software to Manage Your Attention - ELLE - 0 views

    13 apps and programs recommended in Alex Pang's The Distraction Addiction. Maybe useful for uncluttering and intentional priorities learning labs. Appeared in Elle October 11, 2013

Women's Learning Studio | Top 40 Websites By, For and About Women List - 0 views

    "These are our favorite female bloggers and career sites for women. The list is taken from our blog. It is in alphabetical order rather than priority. We could not include everyone. Please add your own favorites if yours is not included."

6 Key Issues Facing Association Leaders | Fast Company | Business + Innovation - 0 views

    by Seth Kahan, April 12, 2013, Fast company 1. fundamental model of membership is in question ...What is membership turning into? Too early to tell. Engaged action is one candidate. This is the anticipated, intentional, collective behavior of a group. 2. Adoption of private sector business practices ...Pursuing the bottomline in tough market conditions seems like a no-brainer, but the overall impact is not necessarily what is desired for a mission driven organization, shifting priorities away from impact and member value. 3. Talent ...continuous, aggressive professional development is an organizational asset only in some associations. This is changing. It means less certainty for employees while it opens up new territory for innovation and expansion of the organization. 4. Competitive intelligence ...many associations are doing negligible work on behalf of their mission. Prices for gathering intelligence are plummeting. Often it is only the CEO who actively searches for new information and connects the dots for organizational strategy. Expect this to change 5. Disruption of members' business Savvy associations leaders are looking around the curve, putting the puzzle together for members. This means going beyond providing information and ata. Instead it means compiling, analyzing, distilling and communicating useful knowledge that impacts members' lives. ???It is not uncommon to see associations beefing up their subject matter experts these days because members need it in a disruptive economy. 6. Driving uptake in a competitive world ...each association owned a small monopoly, providing the single best resource to everyone in their field. No more. With the advent of 24/7 interconnectivity, anyone can set up shop and begin serving your members.

2013_Association_Innovation_Survey.pdf - 0 views

    Survey by Seth Kahan of 135 executives of trade associations and professional societies among others. Listed innovation priorities for future: educational offerings mentioned 101 times (135 survey participants), member experience--78, meetings--65, Interesting innovations identified by survey participants on page 17 starting with this one: identifying a unique way of delivering women's leadership programming. Many organizations do it, most for their internal staff development, but don't do it well. We want to drop anchor in a crowded ocean and dive deep below the surface for our reach. Another one: creating an institute to advance the profession: research, human capital and practice management. Yet another: practice Portal

Q&A with Rosabeth Moss Kanter | Harvard Magazine Sep-Oct 2012 - 0 views

  • Ecosystem” conveys the idea that all the pieces of an economy come together in particular places, and that their strength and interactions determine prosperity and economic growth.
  • Think of it as your garden, where you need fertile soil, seeds, and other ingredients to make things grow.
  • Four issues strike me as key: turning ideas into enterprises; linking small and large businesses; better connecting education to jobs; and encouraging cross-sector collaboration.
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  • There is evidence that if you make the connections between knowledge creators and businesses tighter, you can increase success. Compared to stand-alone business incubators, university-based incubators tend to keep more people in the community to start their enterprises and tend to have higher success rates, because they are able to connect small enterprises with mentors. Small business needs capital but it also really needs expertise—so Harvard’s new Innovation Lab is a fantastic thing.
  • Another aspect of moving from knowledge to enterprise to jobs is collaborative knowledge creation.
  • That’s thinkers plus makers in Albany.
  • We should have a national call to action with commitments from big companies to mentor and connect with smaller enterprises.
  • they ran with it and created Supplier Connection—a universal vendor application, kind of like the common college application. They announce opportunities through Supplier Connection to thousands of small businesses.
  • community colleges haven’t been well connected to employers—and their graduation rates have been incredibly poor.
  • There are growing consortiums where leaders of organized labor, community colleges, high schools, businesses, and representatives of the elected officials sit down together to talk about skills needs and who’s going to help deal with them. The two-year colleges in Spartanburg and Greenville were the secret to that manufacturing center. South Carolina is still not the most prosperous state, but it would have been Appalachian poor if not for Governor Dick Riley (later U.S. secretary of education) focusing on the community colleges in collaboration with the industrialists.
  • the evidence is that you get better outcomes in terms of people finishing their two-year programs and getting jobs when there’s a closer tie to employers.
  • community leadership and collaboration across sectors. Even if we suddenly had a national program throwing money at community colleges, you still need community leaders talking to each other—where people agree on certain priorities, align their interests, align what they do behind those priorities.
  • Our strength has been from the ground up.
    interview with Rosabeth Moss Kanter, September 2012, Harvard Magazine on business ecosystems and how they thrive with connections between large and small businesses, education and business, turning ideas into enterprises, and cross-sector collaboration

New Survey Highlights Challenges Facing Small Membership Associations: Associations Now - 0 views

    AssociationsNow blog, July 30, 2014 "Toronto-based software company Wild Apricot, identified the same top three priorities reported in last year's survey: Small-membership organizations are most concerned about increasing membership, increasing member engagement, and demonstrating member value. Among the challenges that respondents said they face were attracting and engaging millennials and getting their boards and members to adopt new technologies. The survey gathered input from 487 organizations that represent fewer than 500 members and have operating budgets of less than $500,000. The findings provide a glimpse into the many facets of running a small-membership organization, including information about membership growth, recruitment and retention, membership models, and finances."

Seven Habits Of Organized People | Fast Company | Business + Innovation - 0 views

    article by Stephanie Vozza, Fast company, LinkedIn Seven habits 1. Organized people seek out tools 2. Organized people set priorities MITs 3. Organized people have less stuff 4. Organized people choose simple solutions 5. Organized people practice maintenance 6. Organized people regularly purge 7. Organized people project themselves into the future

Survey: How Associations Plan to Meet Top Challenges in 2014: Associations Now - 0 views

    Interesting look at associations' challenges in 2014 Following 2013, a year in which 42 percent of the respondents to the "DC Associations Salary Survey Report 2013-2014" reported a decrease in membership revenues, 74 percent of respondents reported that increasing membership is their number-one challenge for 2014. The survey also identified several of the ways associations plan to foster growth this year. "This pressing issue is confirmed by plans to find innovative ways to deliver programs and services-clear paths to increasing membership and revenues," according to the report. Increasing staff performance and productivity was also reported as a strategic priority to ensure growth in 2014. Fifty-eight percent of respondents reported that they plan to do so. Roughly 50 percent plan to increase staff in key areas and increase staff training and coaching.

How To Avoid Being Overwhelmed And Exhausted | Akoya - Empowering Women thru Life Coach... - 0 views

    nice blog post by Vanessa Loder, July 1, 2014 on how to avoid being overwhelmed, Akoya Power From Within. Published originally in Forbes. Seven how-tos by Brigid Schulte to manage overwhelm 1. Recognize and release the pressure 2. Align With Your Values (...being clear on your enjoy the journey) 3. Cultivate leisure time 4. Simplify your to do list 5. Work smarter, not harder 6. Get a support group 7. Practice appreciation and gratitude; be mindful

PNC Bank - Destroy Distractions - 0 views

    Nice blog on focusing--understand your priorities on importance and urgency axes; take command of your schedule by defining time blocks; break down big tasks into steps; distract yourself intentionally by stretching, going for a walk, doing routine tasks that don't require brainpower.

Building Capacity Through Networks | Stanford Social Innovation Review - 0 views

  • place a priority on a capacity building initiative that presents itself wrapped in a bow.
  • use network contacts to determine whether it would be more efficient to organize a user group for network members who use the same database. Tapping the wisdom of the network can save time, aggravation, and perhaps thousands of dollars in fees for consultants to train staff or customize a new database, or to replace software that staff may simply not understand. Conversely, the network may confirm that your nonprofit is an outlier for using that particular database.
  • Leverage your participation in a network to learn from other nonprofit leaders.
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  • peer-learning cohort
  • plans its next board orientation—and perhaps its success in attracting and retaining a diverse board of directors.
  • Networks are especially well-suited to using web-based knowledge-sharing and collaboration tools that easily allow network members to upload and download evaluation templates, curricula for educational programs, and other tools. Technology also allows network members to connect in real time even though they are geographically distant, and to facilitate educational programs that take advantage of a combination of online and in-person learning components.
  • The one-time workshops nonprofit capacity builders relied on in the past don’t make the same deep impression on program participants as longer-term, peer-learning cohorts, which prompt participants to dig deeply into their personal learning journeys and connect mor
    excellent article by Jennifer Chandler and Kristen Scott Kennedy on building capacity through networks, February 5, 2016. 

5 Techniques to Have a Productive Day Everyday - 0 views

    Great blog post on how to start your productive day by at workawesome. 1. Well-begun is half-done 2. Spend more time in the shower 3. Eat a proper breakfast 4. Stay away from negatives--thoughts, people, and actions 5. Do what makes you happy, and be proud for it

2014.08.18_CoP Priorities for Design Lab - Google Sheets - 0 views

    An open Google Document set up by Leadership Learning Community with categories--network culture, network mindset, network behaviors, processes, skills, network structure, and personal mastery--with attributes for each, and a column for voting,

New CompTIA Study Offers Insight into How Millennials May Change the Workplace - 1 views

  • “Like the Baby Boomers and Gen Xers that preceded them, Millennials have strong preferences and priorities on what they think the workplace should look like,” said Seth Robinson, senior director, technology analysis, CompTIA. “It will be interesting to see if these preferences become the norm as more millennials enter senior leadership positions; or if millennials change their views as they take on greater responsibilities to clients, communities, employees and shareholders.”
  • rkplace Flexibility
  • Social Media
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  • Tech Status
  • When it comes to their comfort level and ability to use technology 70 percent of Millennials label themselves as “cutting edge” or “upper tier.” For Gen X workers, the corresponding figure is 55 percent, and for Baby Boomers, 30 percent. 
    summary of main findings from just released CompTIA study on millennials' expectations of technology, telecommuting in the workplace, etc. 

The Nonprofit Leadership Development Deficit | Stanford Social Innovation Review - 0 views

  • too many nonprofit CEOs and their boards continue to miss the answer to succession planning sitting right under their noses—the homegrown leader.
  • leadership development deficit.
  • The sector’s C-suite leaders, frustrated at the lack of opportunities and mentoring, are not staying around long enough to move up. Even CEOs are exiting because their boards aren’t supporting them and helping them to grow.
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  • 2006 study
  • Bridgespan predicted that there would be a huge need for top-notch nonprofit leaders, driven by the growth of the nonprofit sector and the looming retirement of baby boomers from leadership posts.
  • the need for C-suite leaders5 grew dramatically.
  • the majority of our survey respondents (57 percent) attributed their retention challenges at least partially to low compensation, an issue that can feel daunting to many nonprofits. Lack of development and growth opportunities ranked next, cited by half of respondents as a reason that leaders leave their organizations.
  • those jobs keep coming open.
  • Surprisingly, little is due to the wave of retirement we have all been expecting: only 6 percent of leaders actually retired in the past two years.6
  • major reason is turnover:
  • losing a star performer in a senior development role costs nine times her annual salary to replace.
  • supply grew with it. Organizations largely found leaders to fill the demand.
  • corporate CEOs dedicate 30 to 50 percent of their time and focus on cultivating talent within their organizations.1
  • lack of learning and growth
  • lack of mentorship and support
  • he number one reason CEOs say they would leave their current role, other than to retire, was difficulty with the board of directors.
  • respondents said that their organizations lacked the talent management processes required to develop staff, and that they had not made staff development a high priority
  • combination of learning through doing, learning through hearing or being coached, and learning through formal training.
  • skill development can compensate for lack of upward trajectory. Stretch opportunities abound in smaller organizations where a large number of responsibilities are divided among a small number of people.
  • found that staff members who feel their organizations are supporting their growth stay longer than those who don’t, because they trust that their organizations will continue to invest in them over time.1
  • “When you invest in developing talent, people are better at their jobs, people stay with their employers longer, and others will consider working for these organizations in the first place because they see growth potential.”
  • define the organization’s future leadership requirements, identify promising internal candidates, and provide the right doses of stretch assignments, mentoring, formal training, and performance assessment to grow their capabilities.
  • Addressing root causes may steer funders away from supporting traditional approaches, such as fellowships, training, and conferences, and toward helping grantees to build their internal leadership development capabilities, growing talent now and into the future across their portfolio of grantees.
    Really wonderful article on nonprofit leadership development and how the lack of it leads to much external executive hiring and high turnover in these roles
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