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Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Scaffolding Web Literacy Through Learning Pathways | DMLcentral - 0 views

    Excellent blog post on distinguishing between learning and training and shows web literacy pathways (badges) that Mozilla is working on. Very current and interesting. Author: Doug Belshaw, August 28, 2014. Highly recommended.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

10 things to remember about social learning (and the use of social media for learning) ... - 0 views

    Excellent blog post on supporting and encouraging social learning, Jane Hart, March 23, 2012
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Why less is needed more than ever before - Enspire - 0 views

    Excellent blog post by Mindy Jackson on why less is needed more than ever before in terms of content, July 7, 2014. She explains why practice is more important than content. She writes in a less is more manner, too. Found her via Jane Hart's blog. excerpt: Just-in-time knowledge resources combined with a self-service model is the answer to course content glut. Text is a resource. Practice is instruction. Focus online learning programs on practice rather than knowledge acquisition. Create a risk-free tryout environment, contextualized to performance needs. Enable learners to sip from the fountains of knowledge, rather than to drown by a fire-hose of information. Knowledge is readily accessed. But experience is earned.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Three Shifts Every Company Should Make to Shape its Learning Culture | CEB Blogs - 0 views

    Excellent blog on valuable July reads by Jane Hart led me to this blog post by Thomas Handcock and Warren Howlett, July 29, 2014, CEB Blogs, a very good discussion of building productive learning cultures. They recommend three steps: 1. Right size opportunities (which on the surface sounds fine but then they say that the "best organizations limit learning opportunities to those that are most relevant to employees and impactful for the organization but then rely on their (HR's) determination of learning needs (how do employees express their learning needs in this scenario? how does it support ownership and spontaneity beyond annual surveys? Of course they are talking about BIG corporations.) and "learning maturity" which sounds condescending to me) 2. Advance the organization's learning capability (most of this rings truer to me than #1 but it may be that my perception of what they say in #1 is slanted and hypersensitive). Here they talk about "teaching employees how to learn." "this lack of learning aptitude is primarily a capability issue, not a matter of employee motivation." 3. Foster shared ownership of the learning environment (which overcomes much of my objection to what they say in #1)
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

5 Ways to Use Hashtags on Twitter or Facebook | The 7 Graces of Marketing - ethical mar... - 0 views

    Excellent resource by Lynn Serafinn on using hashtags on Twitter or Facebook, July 9, 2013
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Four Greatest Challenges Facing Learning Leaders in this Decade: No 2, CLO as Facilitat... - 0 views

    Excellent blog by Nigel Paine on facilitating learning in organizations with explication of leader as facilitator or enabler, February 20, 2014. Found this via Charles Jennings via Jane Hart.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Women at Work: A Guide for Men - WSJ - 0 views

    excellent assessment in The Saturday Essay on helping well-intentioned male managers support and guide their women employees who are potential leaders more effectively, December 2014. Came up in LeanIn materials submitted by members.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

7 EFFECTIVE WAYS TO BUILD WILLPOWER - Project Man Beyond - 0 views

  • Remember those moments when you just don’t feel like doing a task, but you know you have to?
  • Starting is actually the secret to accomplishing a lot of things. Just by starting, somehow you are compelled to continue on. 
  • As psychologist Roy Baumeister and science writer John Tierney pointed out in their Willpower book, it works a lot like a muscle. Like a muscle, it can get tired and need recovery.
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  • It also needs to be nourished. It is affected by a lot of factors such as stress, physical health, and nutrition. In other words, your “spirit can be willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised.”
  • f there is no underlying passion and serious motivation behind a goal, temptations can easily power their way against you.
  • Contrary to many Vince Lombardi-type motivations, willpower is more like an energy that can be depleted. Willpower is a finite resource. It works in cycles; it is something that you build on and know when to maximize.
  • Find that breakthrough and learn why, at times, you may feel like it doesn’t matter.
    blog post from ProjectManBeyond, Self-Evolution for Men, posted 2/26/2016 with excellent ideas for growing willpower to do the things important to you. each essay offers a read time, ex. 7 minutes. By Mac Rivera, founder of a site for advanced self-development
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb - 0 views

    excellent report by IFTF and University of Phoenix Research Lab on six drivers of ten work skills needed in 2020, from 2011.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

A framework for social learning in the enterprise - 0 views

  • There is a growing demand for the ability to connect to others. It is with each other that we can make sense, and this is social. Organizations, in order to function, need to encourage social exchanges and social learning due to faster rates of business and technological changes. Social experience is adaptive by nature and a social learning mindset enables better feedback on environmental changes back to the organization.
  • the role of online community manager, a fast-growing field today, barely existed five years ago.
  • The web enables connections, or constant flow, as well as instant access to information, or infinite stock. Stock on the Internet is everywhere and the challenge is to make sense of it through flows of conversation
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  • All organizational value is created by teams and networks.
  • Learning really spreads through social networks. Social networks are the primary conduit for effective organizational performance. Blocking, or circumventing, social networks slows learning, reduces effectiveness and may in the end kill the organization.
  • Social learning is how groups work and share knowledge to become better practitioners. Organizations should focus on enabling practitioners to produce results by supporting learning through social networks. The rest is just window dressing. Over a century ago, Charles Darwin helped us understand the importance of adaptation and the concept that those who survive are the ones who most accurately perceive their environment and successfully adapt to it. Cooperating in networks can increase our ability to perceive what is happening.
  • Wirearchies inherently require trust, and trusted relationships are powerful allies in getting things done in organizations.
  • Three of these (IOL, GDL, PDF) require self-direction, and that is the essence of social learning: becoming self-directed learners and workers, all within a two-way flow of power and authority.
  • rom Stocks to Flow
  • Knowledge: the capacity for effective action. “Know how” is the only aspect of knowledge that really matters in life. Practitioner: someone who is accountable for producing results. Learning may be an individual activity but if it remains within the individual it is of no value whatsoever to the organization. Acting on knowledge, as a practitioner (work performance) is all that matters. So why are organizations in the individual learning (training) business anyway? Individuals should be directing their own learning. Organizations should focus on results.
  • Because of this connectivity, the Web is an environment more suited to just-in-time learning than the outdated course model.
  • Organizing
  • our own learning is necessary for creative work.
  • Developing emergent practices, a necessity when there are no best practices in our changing work environments, requires constant personal directed learning.
  • Developing social learning practices, like keeping a work journal, may be an effort at first but later it’s just part of the work process. Bloggers have learned how powerful a learning medium they have only after blogging for an extended period.
  • we should extend knowledge gathering to the entire network of subject-matter expertise.
  • Building capabilities from serendipitous to personally-directed and then group-directed learning help to create strong networks for intra-organizational learning.
  • Our default action is to turn to our friends and trusted colleagues; those people with whom we’ve shared experiences. Therefore, we need to share more of our work experiences in order to grow those trusted networks. This is social learning and it is critical for networked organizational effectiveness.
    excellent discussion of networks and social learning in organizations with references to Hart, Jennings, Cross, and Internet Time Alliance among others, 2010
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

7 Tips to Make You A Stronger Facilitator | Beth's Blog - 0 views

    guest post by Cody Sigel and Tracy Wright on Beth Kanter's blog--excellent resources and reminders
Lisa Levinson

Emerging new roles for learning and performance professionals « Learning in t... - 0 views

    Excellent schematic drawn by Jane Hart, Social Learning Centre, UK, to show the new "learning and performance consultants" roles ranging from instructional & resource designers to performance support specialists to collaboration advisors/community managers TO LEARNING ADVISORS, PKM SPECIALISTS, CAREER COACHES (emphasis mine), November 19, 2012
    schematic from Jane Hart on the new roles for learning and performance professionals

Great Leadership: 10 Free Leadership Video Sites - 0 views

    Excellent resource: choices of free leadership videos.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Don't Let Your Community Manager Go It Alone: Associations Now - 0 views

  • “We talk to community managers all the time and we ask ‘What’s the thing you didn’t think was going to be part of your role? What’s the one component you were surprised how much time you were spending on it?’ It’s almost always evangelism and coaching,” said Jim Storer, principal and cofounder of The Community Roundtable, during a webinar earlier this month cohosted with community platform provider Higher Logic. Storer’s colleague and TheCR cofounder Rachel Happe added that the organization created a working group on the role of “becoming an internal consultant,” just to help TheCR members excel in that role.
  • TheCR report also notes that “best-in-class” online communities are more often managed by a staff team, rather than by a single person.
  • “Given what we now know about the complexity of—and potential for—sustained and productive engagement, the notion that a lone community manager can address all the strategic, operational, and tactical responsibilities is quickly fading,” the report states. “Implementing many of the processes and programs that are markers of maturity generally requires more resources, and best-in-class communities with bigger teams are able to prioritize community programming, advocacy programs, community management training, and other key community elements.”
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  • “Just like we had with email, I think the whole population is going to have improved online engagement literacy,” Happe said during TheCR’s webinar, describing her five-year outlook. “I think we’re going to see an understanding that community management is a critical 21st-century skill, not just a role.”
    Great article by Joe Rominiecki, June 24, 2015 in AssociationsNow on the online community manager role; quotes the latest Community Roundtable report on how the online community management skillset is needed by many staff, not just one person. There is a big difference between lurking or contributing as an individual in Facebook or LinkedIn groups and mentoring/leading/supporting an online community. Supports our inclusion of "convening" as a vital digital literacy skill.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Towards Maturity - 0 views

  • Use Your Towards Maturity Learning Landscape Audit to find out:Your staff's preferences for different types of learning resources or modes of deliveryTheir willingness to use their own technologies and to share their learning with othersHow actively they are using social media and apps in their day-to-day life and workWhat formal learning they are involved with - both inside and outside workTheir views on working online - what works, what doesn’t work, what they find most helpful and what gets in the wayA comparison of the key findings for different groups of staff – managers, job roles, age, experience, location and othersWhen is it useful to conduct a Learning Landscape Audit?When designing new learning and performance solutionsWhen you are setting strategy and agreeing long term business plansWhen allocating resourcesWhen making the business case for changeWhen you need to set a benchmark prior to introducing change
    This page focuses on the Towards Maturity Learning Landscape Audit (LLA)--survey tool to help businesses understand how their staff learn, both formally and informally. The few bullet points contrast the views of 2,000 randomly selected learners from the private sector with 500 L & D professionals--a wide gap exists with regard to how learners are learning and like to learn with what L & D professionals are doing. For instance, 80% of learners prefer work in collaboration with other team members whereas only 1 in five L & D managers surveyed actively encourage staff to help each other solve problems using social media.
    excellent points for us to stress in our work, too.
Lisa Levinson

Free Updated Resources | Rethinking Learning - Barbara Bray - 1 views

    Barbara Bray and Kathleen McClaskey of Rethinkinglearning have, with the input of those who took their Personalized Learning eCourse, revised the chart for the Stages of Personalized Learning Environments. They now have a chart for Personalization vs Differentiation vs Individualization, an adapted chart to transform learning to Personalized Learning, and the Stages of Personalized Learning Environments chart. This bookmark brings you to the page to download all 3 charts, as well as their report explaining the Personalization vs Differentiation vs Individualization chart.
    Excellent catch, Lisa. I commented on Barbara's page about its utility and shared the page with her on our inquiry last Fall and our use of Jane Hart's matrix on the evolution of the learning support professional's role.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

4 Ways to Overcome Barriers to Change and Make New Habits Stick - 0 views

  • The route to successful change is in the habits we create, it’s achieved by consistent small changes which add up to desired results.“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”Aristotle
  • 1. Lack of planning
  • 2. Trying too much too soon
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  • 3. Focusing on the wrong thing
  • 4. Lack of Self Belief
  • “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.”
    article by Ciara Conlon,, on increasing one's productivity, making change happen in your life
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Adrienne Rich on Why an Education Is Something You Claim, Not Something You Get - Brain... - 0 views

  • One of the devastating weaknesses of university learning, of the store of knowledge and opinion that has been handed down through academic training, has been its almost total erasure of women’s experience and thought from the curriculum… What you can learn [in college] is how men have perceived and organized their experience, their history, their ideas of social relationships, good and evil, sickness and health, etc. When you read or hear about “great issues,” “major texts,” “the mainstream of Western thought,” you are hearing about what men, above all white men, in their male subjectivity, have decided is important. And yet Rich is careful to counter any misperception that taking
  • Responsibility to yourself means refusing to let others do your thinking, talking, and naming for you; it means learning to respect and use your own brains and instincts; hence, grappling with hard work. It means that you do not treat your body as a commodity with which to purchase superficial intimacy or economic security; for our bodies to be treated as objects, our minds are in mortal danger. It means insisting that those to whom you give your friendship and love are able to respect your mind. It means being able to say, with Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre: “I have an inward treasure born with me, which can keep me alive if all the extraneous delights should be withheld or offered only at a price I cannot afford to give.”
  • Responsibility to yourself means that you don’t fall for shallow and easy solutions
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  • The difference between a life lived actively, and a life of passive drifting and dispersal of energies, is an immense difference. Once we begin to feel committed to our lives, responsible to ourselves, we can never again be satisfied with the old, passive way.
  • Too often, all of us fail to teach the most important thing, which is that clear thinking, active discussion, and excellent writing are all necessary for intellectual freedom, and that these require hard work.
  • passive recipiency”
  • The contract on the student’s part involves that you demand to be taken seriously so that you can also go on taking yourself seriously.
  • The contract is really a pledge of mutual seriousness about women, about language, ideas, method, and values. It is our shared commitment toward a world in which the inborn potentialities of so many women’s minds will no longer be wasted, raveled-away, paralyzed, or denied.
    taking responsibility for your own learning
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