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Online Courses are Free and Interesting - 3 views

    This article describes some free courses and give sites that list these courses.

Free Web and Media Tools to Promote Yourself Online - 0 views

    Useful discussion of free web and media tools to Rebrand and Market Yourself

Creative Learning Pays Off for Web Start-Ups - - 1 views

    Interesting article on free courses vs paid courses, and how charging for specific skill courses and rebroadcasts makes money and is becoming more prevalent.
    paid vs free courses: online training business is attracting users and investors

How EdX Plans to Earn, and Share, Revenue From Free Online Courses - Technology - The C... - 0 views

    Interesting explanation of business model for how nonprofit and forprofit MOOC partners--edX, Coursera, and Udacity--will make money along with the universities. Implications for other, smaller online learning partnerships? Excerpt on two models (large-scale efforts) According to Mr. Agarwal, edX offers its university affiliates a choice of two partnership models. Both models give universities the opportunity to make money from their edX MOOCs-but only after edX gets paid. Related Content What You Need to Know About MOOCs Document: The Revenue-Sharing Models Between edX and University Partners The first, called the "university self-service model," essentially allows a participating university to use edX's platform as a free learning-management system for a course on the condition that part of any revenue generated by the course flow to edX. The courses developed under that model will be created by "individual faculty members without course-production assistance from edX," and will be branded separately in the edX catalog as "edge" courses until they pass a quality-review process, according to a standard agreement provided to The Chronicle by edX. Once a self-service course goes live on the edX Web site, edX will collect the first $50,000 generated by the course, or $10,000 for each recurring course. The organization and the university partner will each get 50 percent of all revenue beyond that threshold. The second model, called the "edX-supported model," casts the organization in the role of consultant and design partner, offering "production assistance" to universities for their MOOCs. The organization charges a base rate of $250,000 for each new course, plus $50,000 for each time a course is offered for an additional term, according to the standard agreement. Although the edX-supported model requires cash upfront, the potential returns for the university are high if a course ends up making money. The university gets 70 percent of any revenue gen

Harvard and M.I.T. Offer Free Online Courses - - 1 views

    MIT and Harvard have teamed up to offer MOOCs, and this month Stanford, Princeton, U of PA, U of MI have created a new commercial company, Coursera, with $16 million in venture capital.

Etherpad Lite - 0 views

    A pad to show the sign up for Google Hangouts and chat record of Designing Collaborative Workshops workshop on P2PU. Free workshop with record available to interested visitors. One of the two facilitators is Creative Commons manager--Jane Park.

Free People Icons for E-Learning | The Rapid E-Learning Blog - 0 views

    resource with people icons

10 free tools for creating infographics | Infographic | Creative Bloq - 1 views

    List of 10 free infographic tools, including some to portray stats and resumes. Good descriptions of the tools and what they are best used for.

10 Lesser Known Free Or Inexpensive Stock Photo Sites - 0 views

    resources for photos and vectors

Company of One ยป The Finish Line - 0 views

    Newsletter by Ann Mehl, a life coach, 1.26.13. Justifies Studio's raison d'etre. Excerpts: "The workplace has changed enormously in recent years. Gone are the days when some benevolent company would direct and manage your career for you, while you dozed off at the wheel. Now more than ever, it is incumbent upon every employee to proactively manage his own career. We have become in essence, a nation of free agents. A company of one. And all successful "companies" must identify and set their priorities in such a way that our goals can be achieved. In the humdrum of work, it's often easy to find yourself adrift, floating aimlessly downstream without clear intent or destination. The days blur into each other, until you have no idea where you are going, or what it was you hoped to achieve. But ask yourself this question: if you're not steering the ship, then who is?" ..."Are there any personal development classes that would make certain parts of my job easier? Should I be speaking with other industry peers in my field so that I remain current? Is there anybody I can identify who might be willing to mentor me while I navigate this tricky next phase of my career?"

Why Older Workers Can't Be Ignored - Forbes - 0 views

    Article by Kerry Hannon, Forbes, 1.25.13 This author asserts that older workers will become more valued by employers even though they aren't making special efforts to hire or retain them now and do not want to pay for the cost of training/retraining them. These trends suggest that taking charge of one's own learning with a PLP, PLN, etc. and taking advantage of all the free opportunities will be valuable skills to have. This author only looks to community colleges for retraining and does not reference any of the online options that we know about from the work on the directory. Should we draft a comment back to Kerry Hannon on this website? "1. Who is going to pay for that training? Most labor market experts I have interviewed say the government and private employers need to ramp up more training programs for older workers and create workplaces that make it easier for them to do their jobs. Employers don't want to spend for it. They've already cut to the bone to stay competitive globally in recent years and this kind of spending is a tough sell. Conceivably, as I discussed as a panel member at a recent Federal Reserve Workforce Development conference, one way to provide the needed training is through the community college system. The coursework could be offered at an affordable cost for the worker. Depending on who foots the bill, employers or employeees could receive tax incentives to ease the tuition bill. (Please continue to next page.) "

Learning from the best - - 0 views

    LA Times article on free, online, no credit college-level courses, December 9, 2011. Check to see if they are all in directory.

3 Social Media Tips to Help Women's Careers | Next Avenue - 0 views

    Blog post by Kerry Hannon, November 7, 2012, Next Avenue--where grown-ups keep growing, a PBS sponsored site. Raises issues that WLS is concerned with. 3 Tips 1. Set up a free LinkedIn account. Create a winning LinkedIn profile. 2. Open a Twitter account. "Follow people or companies who interest you and ones you might want to interview for someday." 3. Share, ask, and engage. "Identify an online community of 'thought leaders' who discuss your field...

A Software Toolkit for Your Information Diet | Clay Johnson | Big Think - 0 views

    Video by Clay Johnson on import of health information diet, big think website. April 24, 2013. your intake of info on computer--makes you a more conscious consumer, how much time spending on email, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Loves pay subscription service--advanced spam filter, only puts important messages before you, emails you a digest at the end of every day of everything else Trying to live an ad free lifestyle--just as expensive as paying for content. ex--Domino's pizza commercial convinces you to buy pizza instead of making dinner. Use ad block on firefox and chrome to reduce exposure to ads. Cut cable to stop exposure to TV advertisements--"makes for weird bar conversations sometimes"

Information Diet | Video: Let's Start the Whole News Movement - 0 views

    video (18 minutes) by Clay Johnson, February 2012, hyping his book The Information Diet. Goes to food analogies again and again--pizza tastes better than broccoli--and abundance of entertainment, affirmation, and fear is secret pact between customer and media producers online. What is it that people want? What we tell them through our clicks and searches is that we want to be right acc: to Johnson. AP story--poll economic worries pose new snag for Obama. On Fox news, it says that Obama has big problem with white women. They changed headline and reduced story by 600 words, taking out everything positive about his work. They know that readers will read something negative about president. "Opinion tastes better than news." How AOL should make its editorial decisions--they want to spend no more than $84 on a piece of content. How they decide: traffic potential (using SEO to find out what people are searching for--no one is searching for Pentagon Papers or broccoli); bottom of list is editorial integrity because it is market inefficiency. Believes that we are living in land of info abundance where we want to be affirmed, not told the truth. SEOs complete the inquiry to present tabloid types of info that attract us and distract us and misinform us. Our clicks lead to poor information diets, a disease. Make a whole news movement, a slow news movement, demand that media change. We as readers need to upgrade. information over-consumption, not overload enable infoveganism--eat food, not too much, real food at bottom of food chain. 2. Use source material--show your work. 3. Let me pay you for ad free experience. 4. Content is not a commodity (for news producers)

Kevin Carey Gives the Right Diagnosis; I'm Less Sure About the Prescription |e-Literate - 0 views

    Blog site named "e-Literate" catchy, no? (Wish I had thought of it! But maybe we can use e-literacy for the foundations course?) This blog post written by Michael Feldstein, one of multiple bloggers on this site, quotes extensively from a New Republic article written by Kevin Carey. What I think is interesting for us is how we must add value (coaching, badging, mentoring, etc.) as private providers of learning to what most people could do on a DIY basis if they had all the skills--technological, contextual, and others--to proceed on their own. Excerpt: "Other providers might take advantage of the fast-growing body of open educational resources-free online courses, videos, lectures, and syllabi-and add value primarily through mentoring, designing course sequences, and assessing learning."

Screencast-o-matic tool - 0 views

    an interesting free tool for basic screen capture recording on Windows or Mac. A pro version is also available. Found it through Kathy Schrock's web tips on her blog, 2.20.13

How To Build Your PLN (Professional Learning Network) - YouTube - 0 views

    This video by Seth Dickens poses two questions 1) What do I know that could be shared? and 2) What do I want to learn? While I might disagree with the order, the rest of the video (about 4 minutes long) does a beautiful job of explaining what a learning (professional or personal) network is and what it allows one to do to connect purposeful and learn. Other information: Uploaded on Feb 21, 2012 This short video is an introduction to PLNs; known also as "Professional Learning Networks" and "Personal Learning Networks." These simple, organic networks help professionals to continually learn and add new skills and knowledge through informal learning. I'd be delighted to add you to my PLN, whether you're just getting started, or have already established a network. Join me on Twitter: Find me at my blog: For Teacher-Training Seminars & educational Consultancy please contact This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. You are free: to Share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work , to Remix - to adapt the work, to make commercial use of the work provided under the following conditions Attribution - You must attribute the work to Seth Dickens Noncommercial - You may not use this work for commercial purposes. Share Alike - If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one.

How I Overcame My Fear of Technology and Became a Paid Tech Blogger | Next Avenue - 0 views

    Blog post by Suzie Mitchell, November 6, 2012, on how her desire to have a more satisfying relationship with her son led to learning about technology and using online tools to build her knowledge, which in turn led to a new career and more satisfying life. Wonderful justification for Studio IMO enriching one's life in the short-term and how opportunities came to her for work, etc. Excerpt: ""Google is your friend, Mom. Use it whenever you don't understand something." OK, duh!, but those words set me free. I could ramp up my learning all by myself. I dived headfirst into the tech world, got a smartphone and started downloading apps on every topic that interested me: health and wellness, fitness, recipes, news and, yes, shopping. Soon Justin and I were exchanging emails about apps, articles and websites. It felt great; my son-buddy was coming back into the fold. There was a lot I didn't understand, but I embraced the "fake it until you make it" approach. Before long he was sending me links he thought would appeal to me. Some I really liked, but others were hard to comprehend. They offered products and services that boomers would supposedly appreciate - but I couldn't figure out how to navigate the site, or I didn't understand what was so "amazing" about the "revolutionary" product."
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