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Nelba Quintana

Classroom2.0: Twitter, and participatory learning at melanie mcbride online - 0 views

  • I do not use a textbook. It is not that I dislike textbooks. It is that my textbook is the web. My textbook is YOU and ME and NOW.
  • That’s my virtual, live, textbook - licensed under Creative Commons. And students don’t have to blow 60 bucks on it either. And they can subscribe to this textbook using their favourite feed reader.
  • As I explained to my class, the most important stuff to know about the web is what’s happening RIGHT NOW. I
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Youtube tutorials
    educational web strategy + consulting
    BLOG by Melanie McBride
Cara Whitehead

List Sharing - - 9 views

    Word lists from textbook series
Walter Antoniotti

Excel Statistics Lab Manual - 0 views

    Free Internet lab manual for the free Internet textbook Statistics using The Quick Notes Learning System. Problems are in column A with directions on how to do them. Data is in column B as is a place for Excel to put the answer. User follows the directions, answers are generated by Excel, user interprets the answer. Complete solution provided in the next worksheet.
Paul Beaufait

News: Tablets, Yes; E-Texts, Maybe - Inside Higher Ed - 5 views

    "Claims that tablets will revolutionize the learning experience often go hand-in-hand with a push for more digital textbooks, but the Pearson survey showed that students don't often link the two. While most students perceived an educational value to tablets, only 35 percent said they preferred digital editions to print editions, and only about half of those preferred tablets to other digital devices" (Keving Kiley, 2011.05.25, ¶8, retrieved 2011.05.30).
Noelle Kreider

Online Textbooks - - 0 views

    Currently providing open-content physics, biology, and math online texts
Paul Beaufait

App Review: English Central (ECentral) | MIDTESOL - 2 views

    "ECentral could be a good supplementary resource for language learners looking to strengthen their language skills and increase their exposure to English beyond the textbook. Used in isolation, the app could end up being somewhat confusing for learners." (Jackson, 2016, Overall assessment, ¶1). Jackson, Lindsey. (2016.04.29). ...
Vernon Fowler

SERP | Word Generation - 4 views

  • The Word Generation program focuses on academic vocabulary, i.e., words that students are likely to encounter in textbooks and on tests, but not in spoken language. Interpret, prohibit, vary, function, and hypothesis are examples. Academic vocabulary includes (a) words that refer to thinking and communicating, like infer and deny, and (b) words that are common across subjects, but hold different meaning depending on the subject, like element and factor. Both types of academic vocabulary are likely to cause problems with comprehension unless students have been taught how to deal with them.
    "Word Generation is a research-based vocabulary program for middle school students designed to teach words through language arts, math, science, and social studies classes. The program employs several strategies to ensure that students learn words in a variety of contexts."
David Wetzel

Integrating Technology into Project Based Learning - 20 views

    "Integration of technology is an integral part of project based learning, because technology is an integral part of life outside the classroom as revealed in this part of the definition - "types of learning and work people do in the everyday world outside the classroom.""
    David, there is a local school that has all of their students 7-12 with a laptop computer. They don't have any textbooks that are books, they are all ebooks now. This is definitely the directions technology is going in the schools.
David Wetzel

Teach Science and Math - 1 views

    There are many lists going around about what the next decade will bring in K-12 education, especially focusing on those things that will become obsolete. Well, I decided to create my own list of 5 things that should be obsolete in K-12 education by 2020.
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