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Growth Factors: Essential Molecules for Cellular Development and Repair - 1 views

Growth factors are naturally occurring proteins or hormones that play a crucial role in regulating cellular growth, development, and repair. These molecules are essential in various physiological p...

Learning teaching technology

started by jhon3456435 on 14 Feb 25 no follow-up yet
Vernon Fowler

SERP | Word Generation - 4 views

  • The Word Generation program focuses on academic vocabulary, i.e., words that students are likely to encounter in textbooks and on tests, but not in spoken language. Interpret, prohibit, vary, function, and hypothesis are examples. Academic vocabulary includes (a) words that refer to thinking and communicating, like infer and deny, and (b) words that are common across subjects, but hold different meaning depending on the subject, like element and factor. Both types of academic vocabulary are likely to cause problems with comprehension unless students have been taught how to deal with them.
    "Word Generation is a research-based vocabulary program for middle school students designed to teach words through language arts, math, science, and social studies classes. The program employs several strategies to ensure that students learn words in a variety of contexts."
Victorious Kidss Educares Pune

SCHOOL OF TOMORROW HERE NOW : Victorious Kidss Educares - 0 views

    Victorious kidss educares : IB school in Pune, has the vision of restarting a University of the fame of Nalanda and bringing India in the forefront in the field of Research & Education. This blog contains the information of education system in VKE where you get a guarantee that your child will excel and will be brilliant, irrespective of the background and earlier education. Visit
Victorious Kidss Educares Pune

How to start educating your baby? - 0 views

    In a perfect world, parenting would come down to one sentence: Show only love, be only love. But in the world we all cope with, children grow up to face much non-loving behavior, primarily outside the home but sometimes within it as well. In Victorious Kidss Educares - Best IB school education starts as soon as the mother conceives. Research has shown that the unborn child is a highly responsive being, who is constantly acquiring new skills. It is easy, and simple to create a master piece of human excellence if education starts from the pre-natal days. Click here to read full blog
Anthony Beal

Games For Learning Institute » Games - 0 views

    "Most people would agree that a good game could help students learn. But what, exactly, makes a game good? With their vast popularity and singular ability to engage young people, digital games have been hailed as a new paradigm for education in the 21st century. But researchers know surprisingly little about how successful games work. What are the key design elements that make certain games compelling, playable, and fun? How do game genres differ in their educational effectiveness for specific topics and for specific learners? How do kids learn when they play games? Does the setting (classroom vs. casual) matter? How can games be used to prepare future learning, introduce new material, or strengthen and expand existing knowledge? How are games designed to best facilitate the transfer of learning to the realities of students' everyday lives? And how can we use all of this knowledge to guide future game design?"
Pure Money Making

Business strategies definition - 0 views

    If you have no idea where to start, or you're pulling your hair out with all of the dead ends, then you're on the right way. You are actually coming up with your own research ....

Professional Ecommerce Services by SitesSimply - 0 views

    SEM is a multi-million dollar industry owned by the search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other. We are a SEM service provider company and our approach treads cautiously using Organic Search (tags, content, architecture of the site, analytic, links, and keyword research) and Paid Search (conversion rate, landing page, impression, bidding, and quality score). There are undeniable benefits of SEM services if taken by an agency with SEM expertise.
Paul Beaufait

Designing for Learning: Ten Best Practices for Teaching Online: Quick Guide for New Onl... - 21 views

    On this page, Boettcher explains, "ten best practices for anyone just getting started in the online environment. Research and experience suggest that these practices contribute to an effective, efficient and satisfying teaching and learning experience for both faculty and students" (para. 2, retrieved 2012.02.03 ["Minor revisions May 2011"]).
mbarek Akaddar

Best WebQuests . com - What WebQuests Are (Really) - 5 views

    A well-designed WebQuest uses the power of the Internet and a scaffolded learning process to turn research-based theories into dependable learning-centered practices.
David Wetzel

Stimulating Critical Thinking through a Technological Lens - 13 views

    Stimulating critical thinking using technology has the potential to create more in depth understanding of science and math content by students when engaged in learning activities which integrate in-class and on-line technology resources. Technology tools support stimulation of both inquiry-based and critical thinking skills by engaging students in exploring, thinking, reading, writing, researching, inventing, problem-solving, and experiencing the world outside their classroom. This is accomplished through learning content through the lens of video to multimedia to the internet (Using Technology to Improve Student Achievement, NCREL, 2005).
Vera Menezes

Home Page - 0 views

shared by Vera Menezes on 12 Dec 08 - Cached
  •   Welcome to the NNEST Interest Section Website! We're glad you're here. As the NNEST CAUCUS we had a great 10 years, and our thanks to all the Caucus Members and all the Caucus Leaders who lead us so well and so far. We must particularly mention all the Caucus Presidents: George Braine, Jun Liu, Lia Kamhi-Stein, Paul Matsuda, Masaki Oda, Ahmar Mahboob, Lucie Moussu, Karen Newman, Luciana C. de Oliveira. Now, as the NNEST INTEREST SECTION, with new roles, new orientations on research, and new areas for outreach, we will work hard to achieve the same kind of success that the Caucus had and we hope you'll join us in making that happen. It is very important to us that the Interest Section find ways to maintain the sense of community, the support for member publication, and the commitment to developing new leaders that so characterized the Caucus. Those are some big shoes to fill, but together we can manage it. Over the next few months as the transition from Caucus to Interest Section occurs, we may need some help from you--engaging in processes like indicating that you want to be an NNEST Interest Section Member (and we hope you'll decide to make the NNEST IS your primary Interest Section), and participating in Interest Section elections (which we intend to carry out online in February so new officers will be ready to lead at the TESOL Convention in Denver). When we have guidance from Central Office on such matters we will let you know as soon as we can--your participation gives our Interest Section all its meaning.. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us--we'll do our best to help Katya Nemtchinova, NNEST IS transitional Chair (and final Chair Elect of the NNEST Caucus!) Brock Brady, NNEST IS transitional Chair Elect   ******************************************************************** What's New   December 2008 The International Association for the Integrational Study of Language and Communication (IAISLC) in collaboration with The Amsterdam Center for Language & Communication (Research group Sociolinguistic aspects of multilingualism) announces an international symposium on"The Native Speaker and the Mother Tongue"December 11-13, 2008 Cape Town, South Africa Call for proposal: Inquiries, abstracts and proposal for papers should be addressed to Nigel Love ( and Umberto Ansaldo ( Closing date for abstracts: 31 Jul 2008   July 2008 New URL: The NNEST Caucus website moved from to   June 2008 The TESOL Board of Directors has approved the creation on the NNEST Interest Section. Congratulations to all!   April 2008 The 42nd TESOL Annual Convention and Exhibit will happen on April 2 to 4, in New York,
    • Vera Menezes
      Hi, I am Vera Menezes, from Brazil
Learning with Computers group

The Day I Was Born - Online Project - Discovering YOUR Place in History - 0 views

    Project, school cooperation, research into what was happening when one was born.
Joao Alves

PBL Research Summary: Studies Validate Project-Based Learning | Edutopia - 0 views

  • benefits are enhanced when technology is used in a meaningful way
    short catalog of studies showing efficacy of project-based learning (pbl)
    This article (see highlight) makes conjunction of project-based learning and educational technology sound downright synergistic.
Yuly Asencion

Intute - Virtual Training Suite - Home - 0 views

    free Internet tutorials to help you develop Internet research skills for your university course
Paul Beaufait

Educational Leadership:Reading Comprehension:Making Sense of Online Text - 11 views

  • The following strategy lesson invites students to stop, think, and anticipate where important information about a Web site's content might be found
  • To move students beyond simply cutting and pasting their notes directly into their final projects, teachers can provide students with a word-processing document (see fig. 3) that serves as a template to help them organize their research
    Coiro, Julie. (2005). Making sense of online text. Educational Leadership 62(2), 30-35. Retrieved September 21, 2011, from "Four challenges face students as they use Internet technologies to search for, navigate, critically evaluate, and synthesize information. Here ... [Coiro] pose[s] each challenge as a question and suggest a corresponding activity that models effective strategies to help students meet that challenge" (A New Kind of Literacy, ¶3).
Paul Beaufait

ALIS Newsletter - June 2011 - 2 views

  • Test performance data in this study suggest that nonnative varieties of English can be used as listening test input while attitude questionnaire results go counter.
  • These findings support most of the previous research in this area.
  • Until research shows that the use of nonnative English as input is irrelevant to the construct of listening, we may be unable to use such input in testing, especially in high-stakes tests such as TOEFL and IELTS.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • As nonnative speech gains recognition among language users and test takers, we hope the attitudes and perceptions toward the use of these varieties of English will change.
    Abeywickrama, Priyanvada. (2011). The validity of nonnative speaker input in listening comprehension tests. [TESOL] Applied Linguistics Interest Section Newsletter (June 2011).
Paul Johnston

Replace your Epson Printer with One that accepts Compatible Ink Cartridges - 0 views

    If you are thinking of replacing your Epson printer, then do some research and replace your old printer with the improved functionality Epson printer that is available with all the necessary attributes, economical to run and accepts compatible ink cartridges. Compatible cartridges can offer savings of up to 70% as compared to the cost of original brand ink and will make your printing much more affordable. Check out the article and get more tips here.
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