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Is English Language So Popular because of the USA? - 1 views

Americans might tend to inflate the influence of the United States in the history of the spread of English. Before the World Wars, particularly WWII, the US was a bit player on the world stage. The...

english quiz online

started by puzznbuzzus on 17 Feb 17 no follow-up yet

Python tutorials - 0 views

    This app for watching Python tutorials for learning Python programming language.This app providing the functionality for easy to learn and working with very powerful and simple programming language Python. In this app we are providing two language tutorials Hindi and English, you can easily change the language of tutorials using menu .
    This app for watching Python tutorials for learning Python programming language.This app providing the functionality for easy to learn and working with very powerful and simple programming language Python. In this app we are providing two language tutorials Hindi and English, you can easily change the language of tutorials using menu .
Paul Beaufait

Lang-8 - Multi-lingual language learning and language exchange | Lang-8 - 10 views

    A social networking system for learners of various languages seeking correction of their writing by native speakers of those languages, in exchange, return, or pay-forward for correction they provide for peer learners of their own languages.

Best Programming Language to Learn in 2018 - 0 views

    The tech industry is moving at very brisk pace. Many programming languages are out there in the market on which this global tech industry is counting on.But there are certain languages which have been very demanding since their inception and they continue to outperform other Programming languages. As a tech guy, you must master these languages.

Best c language classes in mumbai - 0 views

    C is the computer programming and supporting structed programming language. Its known as father of all programming languages. All the mandatory knowledge will be delivered to students by our expert faculties and covers all basic things which require to learn C++ programming.This platform is an initiative by a team of well experienced staff for teaching. We offer various programming languages like C, C++, JAVA, Android, Web designing, PHP, .net,Digital marketing, Angular jS,software testing,Soft skill,UI designing.
Paul Beaufait World CALL Language Links Library - 4 views

    " provides links and information related to language learning" (quick Site Overview).
Paul Beaufait

MultiBrief: Effectively incorporating technology with English learners - 2 views

  • Perhaps the first consideration is the instructional purpose of the lesson, and how the technology will enhance that purpose or help students to achieve the goals and objectives of the lesson.
  • Technology, as mentioned earlier, has the power to increase student knowledge and skills in various content areas. Yet another consideration that must be taken into account when working with English learners is how the technology is increasing academic language knowledge and skills. It is critical, then, that teachers take into account not only the content goals and objectives for the lesson, but also the language goals and objectives as well as the linguistic demand of the tasks students will need to accomplish in the classroom.
  • English learners need additional instructional supports or scaffolds, including providing students with necessary background knowledge that other students may possess, using graphic organizers, pictures/visuals, demonstrations and realia, and providing redundant information and differentiated instruction based on students' language proficiency level. When researching various technology tools, it is critical that we investigate how the tool addresses these principles.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • The use of technology in the classroom is quickly becoming not only commonplace, but also essential for helping students gain the 21st-century skills they will need to be successful in the future.
  • when implementing technology in the classroom, an important component of instruction is to teach students how to use technology effectively and responsibly. Students may need guidance and instruction on how to use technology appropriately given the task and learning at hand, how to avoid distractions with technology, and how to effectively navigate the digital world.
    In this article, Herrmann explains principles to guide the adoption and utilisation of technology to help meet general and specific needs of English-as-an-additional language learners.
Paul Beaufait

My Languages: Guest Blog Post: Language Learning in Online Classes, Lindsey Wright - 10 views

    "Lindsey Wright is a keen linguist and she is fascinated with the potential of emerging educational technologies.... In this guest blog post, she considers the advantages and possible barriers to studying languages online.  
Mark Luci

Collina Italiana - 0 views

    Collina Italiana (CI) offers Italian language and culture programs for both on and off site. Lovers of Italian language and culture soon discover that CI classes offer a unique opportunity for a comprehensive learning experience without leaving the city. We offers year-round group and private lessons, tutoring services, specialty classes for adults and children's programming and so on.
Mark Luci

Good Italian Language School - Collina Italian - 0 views

    Collina Italiana (CI) offers Italian language and culture programs for both on and off site. Lovers of Italian language and culture soon discover that CI classes offer a unique opportunity for a comprehensive learning experience without leaving the city. We offers year-round group and private lessons, tutoring services, specialty classes for adults and children's programming and so on.
Paul Beaufait

Welcome to <i>Discover Languages . . . Discover the World</i>! - 0 views

    Interesting footnote re: public awareness raising and logo trademarking
    The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) highlights an extensive public awareness raising campaign vis-à-vis "the importance of learning languages and understanding cultures" (banner, ¶1), but may confound "all Americans" with a national populace (U.S.).
Paul Beaufait

Language Learning with Livemocha | Learn a Language Online - Free! - 0 views

    Livemocha blends self-paced lessons, a vibrant community, and interactive tools to help you talk to the world.
    "Free Online Courses ... in 36 different languages" (2010.02.22)
Miss Language

Tips for Learning Foreign Languages - 0 views

    Learn Foreign Languages faster thanks to these tips. More tips published every other day. Improve your vocabulary, your grammar, your pronunciation, and have fun becoming fluent in a new language!
Paul Beaufait

Duolingo - 7 views

  • Target users of the app would be autonomous users with some existing level of motivation or curiosity for language study who are seeking to refresh basic skills
  • The Duolingo app is probably best used as a supplement to other language learning materials that offer more contextualized authentic language use
    "[T]his review will focus on the iOS iPad version of Duolingo, Apple's 2013 App of the year (Duolingo, 2014) in English (L1) with French as the target language (L2)" (Overview, ¶2). "
Mark Luci

Collina Italiana In NYC - 0 views

    Collina Italiana (CI) offers Italian language and culture programs for both on- and off-site. Lovers of Italian language and culture soon discover that CI classes offer a unique opportunity for a comprehensive learning experience without leaving the city.
Illya Arnet


    at www.CALL4ALL.US offers free access to thousands of online Dictionaries, Language learning and teaching websites & recommended language software shopping selections.
    This seems to be a very comprehensive site. Especially check out the list of dictionaries!
Cara Whitehead

Figurative Language | Articles - 14 views

  • Reinforce your students' understanding of figurative language with VocabularySpellingCity's figurative language lessons, interactive games, printable worksheets, and powerpoint presentations.
    this is cool! I'll bookmark this for my kids. Thanks :D
Gladys Baya

Foreign Language Lesson Plans and Resources for Teachers - 2 views

    Looots of links to lesson plans and activities (using online resources and not) for language lessons. Languages taught include: English, French, Spanish , German, Japanese, Latin, and many others.
Paul Beaufait

App Review: English Central (ECentral) | MIDTESOL - 3 views

    "ECentral could be a good supplementary resource for language learners looking to strengthen their language skills and increase their exposure to English beyond the textbook. Used in isolation, the app could end up being somewhat confusing for learners." (Jackson, 2016, Overall assessment, ¶1). Jackson, Lindsey. (2016.04.29). ...
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