Some weeks ago, I read Michele Martin´s interesting post about creating an e-portfolio in Delicious. we had started testing Diigo, I decided to start my portfolio here just by deciding on a unique tag, digifolio_carlaarena. Then, I created a list called "digifolio" and started adding the pages that represented my work, projects, thoughts, ideas, collections. It's just in the beginning, but I guess it has potential and it can show a bit about who you are, what you believe in, what you do in a very interesting way. Still lots to do, though...I want to narrate it or, at least, add some music to it, but I haven't had time (suffering a lot on vacation in Boston!!!). The description of my list, I used to add some info about the digifolio. Then, for the description space for each link, I added some aspect about my project, work, collection or thought. Well, just an idea. I hope you enjoy it. And suggestions and comments are always welcome to improve it!