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Murat Kol

How can the Situated Learning Theory be situated online? - 2 views

    When situated learning theory (SLT) is investigated, it can be seen that most of the articles or documents mention learning by doing within an actual context. The first thing that comes to mind is the real world environment while someone mentions the SLT. What if we want to form a "legitimate peripheral participation" environment to learn a concept by the boundaries of online platforms? How can we design online platforms by using situated learning theory?
    "Participation Learning becomes a social process dependent upon transactions with others. Learning is not separated from the world of action but exists in robust, complex, social environments made up of actors, actions, and situations. How to incorporate participation in online learning? *Create discussion boards to enable students to reflect socially *Encourage engagement in discussions and issues presented *Require students to present/defend their arguments in forums, discussion groups, bulletin boards *Encourage students to engage in critical reflection with other *Instructors should continually assess the growth of the student, and let the student know " These are the principles applied in our 542 course. We are experiencing situated cognition in progress.
Ceren Korkmaz

Coursera | Online Courses From Top Universities. Join for Free - 5 views

    Coursera is one of the best platforms for computer supported collaborative learning. There are numerous classes from the top universities in the world, and the expansion of these classes are run through discussions in class forums. Lots of people get together to create projects and share them with their peers.
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    First time I watched about these kind of programs and efectiveness in education i had some questionmarks in my mind. Because according to the documentary, it was not as effective as going to school and it was not so much fun to take an online course. That is why drop-outs of school was pretty high at that time. But this looks more effective and more suitable for learning for sure! thanks for sharing!
    Although online courses has some disadvantages, that platform is beyond online courses I think because it allow followers interaction instead of just slides or videos. Also I do not remember the exact details but when that platform was founded, the demand for one course was over the expected and the system was broken. Then, the same lesson began to be given as formal education and at all users who completed the course with 100 points are the ones who take the course online.
    Coursera was suggested me to improve my academic speaking skills by my adviser so I have a coursera account :) There are presentations, online courses, online exams and homework etc. Also, you can get a certificate that is valid international after completing the course successfully. Unfortunately, I did not benefit from it because the price of the course was too high, therefore I gave up the course.
Yelda Sarıkaya-Erdem

Collaborize Classroom - 3 views

    An online platform that can be used for collaborative learning.
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    Actually, I have some doubts about collaborize classroom is an ease for teachers with their heavy workload, because he or she need to create this platform first and then follow it very closely in order to include all the students.
    That may be a drawback for the teachers teaching different courses but time allocated for lessons are not enough to engage students in discussions and have every student voice their ideas. This is just an example. Teachers can use any other online platform to do this.
    This can be used in the online classes. I taught several online and blended courses before. One missing element was the audio-visual cues in online discussions. I would be more inclined to use the tools that allow muli-modal interaction in an online platform.

Collaborative online learning: fostering effective discussions - 1 views

    Fostering an effective discussion can be a challenging activity for an instructor in a face-to-face situation and can be even more challenging in an online setting. Here are some planning and facilitation strategies to help you to successfully implement collaborative online discussions into your own course.

Are Online Learners Frustrated with Collaborative Learning Experiences? - 1 views

    The paper discusses how learners in online platforms can be frustrated and aims to to characterize the feelings of frustration among online learners engaged in online computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) experiences and to identify the sources to which the learners attribute their frustration.
    The article is about specifying the sources of student frustration in the online CSCL context.
ibrahim tanrikulu

Pos and Cons of Cognitive intelligent tutoring systems - 2 views

    Naturally, there are some disadvantages of cognitive intelligent tutroring systems.
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    thank you for the source, I liked the way it's organized also, one pro and then one con :)
    It pushed me to think about both pro and cons of it. Thank you İbrahim.
    Thanks for the source:-) As far as I understood, some benefits of these programs are based on some assumptions. For instance, these programs assume that learners are autonomous. That's why they are mostly useful with adults. Or the expertise of the online tutor. The assumption behind is that they are better than the ones in the classroom. Therefore, each benefit brings its risks...
    Thank you İbrahim, I think the con about distraction is very important (It requires more discipline, Your child would have to keep his focus on the screen without getting distracted by emails, IM's or Facebook.) Any ideas to prevent getting distracted?
    For me it is important to be aware of that in foreign language instruction, the movement of your mouth can be really important in getting pronunciation right. That's harder to teach online. If the subject or homework assignment specifically requires the child to write on paper, it's much harder for an online tutor to read along with the student. So it works better for some subjects
Özlem Tantu

Case study: Teaching transferable skills through online peer collaboration and assessment - 0 views

    This video includes a case study from Biology department of Bristol University. Re-development of a compulsory second year unit "Science and Success: Writing, Speaking and Communicating Science" switched from a paper-based to an online system. All aspects including submissions, peer collaboration, feedback, and marking happen online, using Blackboard. Feedback data is downloaded from Blackboard into Excel, where it is manipulated and turned into feedback packages for students. The results yeals a great positive impact of online collaboration on students.
    Thank you Özlem. This video is a good example of integration of CSCL to a course.
Hatice Çilsalar

Should be here…. Best Online Collaboration tools - 1 views

    This is a collaborative mindmap originally started during the LearnTrends live online event on November 16th 2008. In that web event, over 100 people led by Robin Good collaboratively created this large map identifying as many as possible of all the available online collaboration tools, giving initial preference to those providing a free access plan versus the high-price corporate solutions.
ibrahim tanrikulu

Vitamin as a "Cognitive Tutoring tool" - 0 views

    I think Vitamin is one of the best cogntive tools in Turkish. They have very comprehensive work online.
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    Thanks for sharing. Yet I have doubts whether we can call Vitamin as a Cognitive Tutoring Tool. I have just visited the site and checked it. Considering the part about principles and methods for cognitive tutor design on page 67, we see that in Cognitive Tutors the emphasis is on the structure underlying the problem solving, and there we see immediate feedbacks and also minimizing working memory load is important part of them. As I see, what is specific about the Cognitive Tutors is that they have algorithms tracing the learning process and directs it according to the learner's performance spontaneously. Observing Vitamin I see a nice online educational tool including videos, examples about the subject and tests. But still I have doubts whether it is a kind of cognitive tutor or an online education platform.
    I am not sure if Vitamin is tracing the learner development. I will try to ask it to one of my friends eırking at Vitamin.
    I agree with Halil, Vitamin is like distance education programs of Anatolian University. It offers videos presenting he topic and tests of the related subjects. Learners do not take immediate feedback which lead to the individualized progress in the program.

What online tutoring programs can do for kids - 7 views

Here is a video that makes a summary of the advantages of online tutoring and how it is effective on learning. There are also interviews with the people who is using computer tutor and good example...

cognitive tutoring

Ceren Ocak

Online Physics Tutorial - 0 views

    When I was 1 st year undergraduate student in METU, We were using this online platform at my physic's course. Generally there were 10 problems assigned with sub-layers. It was offering rapid feedback, simulations and we were also graded.
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    Thank you Ceren, do you remember, was it helpful?
    Mustafa, It was really helpful from some aspects but I remember that I was frequently complaining about the software. It gave a chance to practice a lot what I had learnt previous class. It was good to have problems in a large scale of complexity ( from easiest to hardest). And sometimes questions were picturized and there were graphs etc. Mostly, they were for real life situations. We were trying to solve problems which we come face to face everyday.However, there were also drawbacks, for example the answers arranged in a way that they do not accept any other solution computer offers.Our answers had to be exactly same from decimals to points. This could sometimes let a disoppointment and robbed my motivation down.And there were fear of getting bad marks because in the and of the homework we were graded by our performance. All in all, despite its drawbacks, 7 years ago it was nice to have this different kind of method in our classess.
    Thank you Ceren for sharing your experiences, you underlined very important points especially the one about answers.
ibrahim tanrikulu

What makes a good game? - 1 views

    Computer games are the most common tools to keep us "flowed". So, What makes a good computer game?
    As I was reading about call of duty and flow, I again recognised that there is a distinct difference among genders ;)
    My father has been playing bridge online. He is one of the late adopters to technology, yet, he plays bridge for hours and hours without realising what is happening around himself. He has played bridge online for 6000 hours since 2007. I just asked him "why are you playing", he said, "because I have fun" and "because it is challenging" and "I get points". Well, he just covered the flow theory and games :)
Hatice Çilsalar

Free and Online courses - 1 views

shared by Hatice Çilsalar on 01 Oct 13 - No Cached
    here is the website which offer some free some paid online course for people around the world you can enroll and join the course. Evrim hoca mentioned before this website and I want to share with you
ibrahim tanrikulu

A useful online learning tool in Turkish - 0 views

    Experts tell how and what to do. You can find many topics ranging from car fixing to cooking. A unique online learning tool in Turkish almost about anything. To the ones intereseted in learning how to play football like Messi, I advise you to watch the following link :)
Hatice Çilsalar

How Teachers Collaborate Online and in School - 0 views

    gives some insights for etcher collaboration..
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    I really liked the idea and the title, beyod textbooks:) Sometimes, I feel strong need for those kinds of resources because I really want to go beyond the textbook. this type of things can make our life easier.
    Afranur, ı highly recommend you to follow some websites. Especially, I follow this website on facebook: and also educational technology and mobile learning website: These aremore helpfull. You can follow them.:) I thikn they will help you to give some ideas.
    thank you Hatice, I will certainly follow them:)
    Thanks for sharing this Hatice. As Afranur, I am in need of such useful sources. These really help for the design of lessons.
    Beyond textbooks:) Actually if teachers are left alone in finding out brilliant applications and applying it would be no use. Now, we can register online platforms and share. Here, what is unique is that teachers search, gather to discuss, practice and discuss again. This is collaboration in real terms!
Evrim Baran

Best Online Collaboration Tools 2012 - Robin Good... - MindMeister Mind Map - 2 views

    We might explore some of these together in class.
    Too many of them:) It may be difficult to select and find the most appropriate one for our purposes.
Emel Güneş

More computer supported collaboration tools:) - 9 views

Hi everyone here is a link giving the the 20 best tools for online collaboration. I found some tutorials for two of them "Trello" and "cage" hope you like it :)

started by Emel Güneş on 13 Dec 14 no follow-up yet

Why Social Interaction Is Essential To Learning Math - 3 views

    I have seen this post when I was searching for how can interaction with peers contribute to learning maths. It is written by ROBERT SUN who is the CEO of Suntex International and inventor of First In Math, an online program designed for deep practice in mathematics. The things that are mentioned felt very similar with our country's situation actually, as learners how do we use concepts of maths (or any other courses) except from school? May be the first reason for our students cannot learn and hate maths is behind this question.
    "Teachers can encourage their students to express themselves verbally using mathematical terms; even in the early grades, children can be asked to explain what they want or mean using numbers, or relationships between numbers. Anything that encourages them to talk about math and mathematical concepts is beneficial." Social math!. It looks like article emphasizes the importance of language in information exchange. It reminds me Vygotsky's socio-cultural theory in which he also believed that language is important for learning. He also purported that language is culture-dependent so each cultures' learning may be different from each other. In addition, providing opportunity to students to express themselves verbally can give us clues about current mental maps of students as to a specific topic (what is correct, what needs improvement, etc.). In addition, students can transfer their transformed ideas (ideas transformed from scholarly language to level-appropriate language) to their friends which can facilitate their learning.
    Yasin, I am curious to hear about some of the contemporary approaches towards teaching Math, a subject generally taught with more traditional methods. Regarding mathphobia, we also need to think about the culture that stimulates that.
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