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Instructional Planning Activity Types As Vehicles for Curriculum Based TPACK Model - 0 views

    I really liked the tables organized for different activity types like knowledge building activities, convergent knowledge expression activities and so on. They give big implications for practice.

Early Childhood Education: The Montessori Method - 2 views

    I had chance to visit some Montessori early education centers and got impressed by the way children learn. I am really looking forward to hearing your comments on this method.
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    I also present a brief paper on this method. You can download it clicking on the link below:
    Whatever they are named, there are many nice ideas-theories of edcation. Montessori method is one of the contemporary ones which seems to present many potentials for the teachers. One point which looks problematic about Montessori in our education sysytem is motivating students to be actively engaged in activities. The question is "Is there a way to connect activities and heavy academic knowledge?". In other words, Can we help our students to get ready for the exams by engaging them in daily activities? My answer is "not really" :(
    I liked the school environment too much. As far as I can see from the video, Montessori method engages ownership in learning, self-management and authenticity which I most appreciate in a learning process. The students have the chance to relate what they learn with life with willingness and curiosity. But as İbrahim said, my question is "Can we apply this to our education system?". Our children are in a race from the beginning for a endless examination world. Unfortunately, this is a bit utopia for us. However, I think in kindergarten or pre-school period we can apply this. But for high-school or even primary school I am not sure.

Engaging students through activities and expertise - 2 views

    In the video, students are learning and getting expertise concepts by engaging different activities. Through activities students make some research about the topic and teachers help them to get deeper knowledge about topic by asking questions. In the activities, the source of knowledge not only teachers but also students themselves. I mean, students also learn from each other. Moreover, teachers' role is guiding and helping students when they stuck on something.
    My conclusions from this video are: for students to develop expertise, teachers should scaffold them. Teachers should question the students and make them articulate their ideas. Moreover teachers should teach students as teams formed from expert teachers.

Have you seen forest preschools in Denmark? - 2 views

    They arrange activities in the forest to boost children's creativity, and develop and manage their social and physical skills.
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    I like very much this kind of schools, Erdem. Thank you for sharing this video with us. Unfortunately, the current generation's parents are so nurturing/protectionist on their children. As a result, children cannot take risks, or they are afraid of trying something. I think that children can learn better by touching/seeing/observing the concepts. I see lots of private kindergardens around, which are wire-clothed like a "prison" and children are trying to learn something. In such schools showed in video, students also can more easily learn the meaning of abstract things such as "freedom, love of nature, and independence".
    This school seems so intresting and enyable and I think that children can learn much more thing they learn in ordinary kindergardens. But, I agree with the Yasin's comment on parents. Parents are so protectionist and they can not allow children especially in this age group shown in the video to participate in such an activity . They prefer prison like kindergarden to this forest schools. Therfore, I think that teachers first should teach parents that being too protectionist is giving greater harm to child.
    Children learn to manage the risk! It is very important for us as humans surviving through nature. Therefore it sounds good because it contains decision making as well. However preparing such an environments can be so much risky!! Preparation and implementation should be carried carefully.
    Many of the approaches implemented in Nordic countries focus on child's development as a responsible individual of himself/herself and of the environment. This is a great example that connects children to nature.

Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning for Language Learning: A Practical Guide f... - 3 views

    Here are some ideas for integrating CSCL to language teaching. You can also find practical activities.
    This is a useful source for language teachers including benefits, elements and sample activities of CSCL.
    İbrahim thanks for sharing this source, I believe we should make use of CSCL while both teaching and learning a language. Especially the role of interaction is really important, as teachers our mission is to make this interaction possible I think and there are some good sources for activities.

şarkıyla matematik dersi! - mutlaka izleyin - YouTube - 7 views

    For our motivation discussion next week. 
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    Hi, When I was reading motivation chapter, I have thought that the following statement can be true for this activity However, attempts to enhance interest can backfire and decrease learning. Brophy (1999) cautioned against using "bells and whistles" to obtain interest. Evidence from the interest literature specifically cautions against using seductive details in text (Schraw & Lehman, 2001). Seductive details are highly interesting for students, but may draw attention toward issues that are less relevant, potentially deflecting attention away from key ideas. Using classroom demonstrations in science that include explosions or other attention getting devices has similar effects. What do you think? Is there any rule for engaging classroom activities to increase learning
    Hi Evrim Hocam; Thanks for sharing this video. I lwatched and istened to it with great curiosity :) Hi Selçuk; I agree with you to some extent. If the point is having students memorize something, it is useful. Yet, if the point is related to deep understanding, it is not very beneficial.
    Yes, I agree repetition and passive demonstration may not have as much impact as active exploration. I recommend using these approaches for factual learning or things that require recall. But, for deep learning, other approaches such as problem based learning offer much better results.

What is design thinking? - 1 views

    Suppose you are part of a thriving business and need to branch out and find that next big thing. Or say you want to change a behavior, like getting people...a lot of use less energy in their homes. How would you go about it? Design thinking is a powerful tool to tackle the unknown. It's a means of going on an expedition, without a map, without even knowing the destination, but with the confidence that you'll end up somewhere great. Let's make it tangible with an example that captures the five key elements of design thinking. Daylight was given the challenge of getting kids in America to move more to help fight childhood obesity. The project started with an idea--provide kids with a digital music player that has a motion sensor, then give them rewards based on their activity. But the big question was, would kids really use it? What could make the experience so compelling that they would use it long enough to see the health benefits.
    Very nice video on design thinking. We can clearly see how they continuously modify the end product after collecting data of its users. First they talk to target group to have an idea about how an activity meter can be. Based on their ideas, they try to find patterns which will later evolve to design principles. Based on those principles, they develop a real product-an activity meter. Then they use it iteratively with children and make modifications in order to make it better and better. It is a clear video of how to do a design study.

Computers 'do not improve' pupil results, says OECD - BBC News - 5 views

    Investing heavily in school computers and classroom technology does not improve pupils' performance, says a global study from the OECD. The think tank says frequent use of computers in schools is more likely to be associated with lower results. The OECD's education director Andreas Schleicher says school technology had raised "too many false hopes". These results worth to be disscussed. Shall we go back to traditional classrooms or continue with technology? If so, how should we use it in the classroom?
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    I deeply believe the power of motivation to learn and classroom technology can be used to enhance students' motivation in learning of the specific content. Still, it is open to debate effective use of technology in classrooms, especially in our country. To deal with this inefficiency of classroom technology, we need to focus on teachers' technology literacy and try to develop this literacy.
    Hi Özlem Hoca, BBC news you shared with us is very advisable to our friends. (1) I agree that computers may have the possibility to be distractors for learning and they may be abused by some students. Students may prefer to use computers for activities other than for school activities. When I was an intern teacher, I wanted to show how a literature search is performed to my 20, 9th grade "Project" (noncredit course) students in 2006, I ended up running from one student to another because as I leave him/her with his/her search, s/he began to sign in facebook and their emails. (2) I also agree that plagiarism may occur in homeworks due to internet resources. (3) Another interesting opinion in this news is that "We're training the students to use technology which hasn't yet been invented." We are training the students to the future that is not defined, not yet clear.
    I think integrating technology in classrooms is inevitable as computers have been being used in lots of areas in the world and it is a little bit optimistic to assume that education will escape from this "invasion". Today's students live with technology and indeed, technology can enhance the representation of a topic, communication among learners, eliminate time and space limitations in reaching information, etc. The article says that "frequent" use of computers in schools is more likely to be associated with lower results. Instead of frequent use, one should know how one can healthily get benefit from computers, when to use it, how to use it, when not to use it, etc. Those questions are still major questions in modern educational science research. Findings from such research can enhance the positive impact of technology in classrooms.
    Having read this week's reading assignment, a part of which focuses on this particular result, I felt the need to comment on your share Özlem hocam. It is mentioned in Chapter 1: Introduction that "in the 1980s, cognitive scientists like Roger Schank and Seymour Papert made claims that computers would transform the schools and learning. This was a rather radical claim and it helped form a strong consensus among parents, bussiness community, politicians that getting computers into schools was a must. During 1990s, installing computers and the Internet in schools was a major trend. By 2003, 95% of all the schools in the US had their computers and were connected to the Internet. However, the impact of this huge investment was highly disappointing. Studies had shown computer use was not correlated with improved student performance. When the reserachers began to study to find the reason, they found out that the computer use in schools was not based on learning sciences; instead, they were being used as an extension of instructional classroom. By this I mean, bringing technology to the classrooms was not enough without changing the structure of instruction. Educational software has been based on instructionist theories, with the computer performing roles that are traditionally performed by the teacher. Teachers and students were not aware of how to use those computers efficiently. Students read the texts on the computers instead of reading them on books.Learning scientists continue to emphasize the powerful role that computers can play in transforming all learning. But they reject instructionalism and behaviorism. Instead, they present a new vision of computers in schools. They suggest that computer should take on a more facilitating role, helping learners have the kind of experiences that lead to deep learning."
    It is an important an overwhelming issue about how we integrate technology into education. A well-balanced implementation is required for successful instruction between the use of technology and traditional methods like paper-pencil activities (Hitt, 2011). We should not force technology and traditional instruments like paper-pencil and blackboards fight against themselves. We may play the role of negotiator between the technology and traditional methods.
    Perhaps, we need to focus more on the pedagogy rather than the technology.

3 Ways to Teach Less and Learn More - 3 views

    Today's guest post is written by Zachary Walker, a faculty member at the National Institute of Education (NIE) in Singapore. Who works hardest in your classroom? ......... waiting for you to really think about it........ still waiting patiently.............. If a visitor walked into your class unannounced and watched what was happening for 30 minutes, who would they say worked hardest? Do you agree the idea emerging from this article that when teachers let student be more active in their learning process, teachers work less?

Studying mind and brain with fMRI - 0 views

    This paper is about functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, a groundbreaking research for learning sciences. It allows learning scientists to understand which brain parts are activated during learning. For example "lateralization of brain" hypothesis (it was saying that one hemisphere is responsible for wholistic-creative learning one is for analytical) is refuted using fMRI. Because both hemispheres were active no matter when people engaged in creative thinking or analytical thinking.

Development taught by various authentic activities - 0 views

    Dr. Darren Kruisselbrink teaches collage students motor development and perceptual motor development by observing and interacting with babies and pre-elementary children. He changes the way he teaches after seeing slides and lectures bore his class and lead no learning. He then looks for ways to link theory with practice and comes up with in-class baby observation and a community service which enables kids to play, parents to relax, university to bond with community, students to learn and observe motor development of pre-elementary children. This is one of the best authentic activity I've ever seen and similarly with Lave's thoughts his class contains community service, group work, and learning by doing. Kruisselbrink says this kind of teaching makes students thirsty for knowledge, creates lots of questions and curiosity, higher participation, and deeper learning.

Augmented Reality App - Elements 4D - 1 views

    It is an application for mobile phones which you can view elements as virtual from your screen. You can view all elements seperately and also, if you put together them, they can from a product that you can see from the screen. The principle is very simple, after you install the application to your phone you can download the pdf of element cubes from the websites. You can also, view the demo from the website of app;
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    If you ever use it in your classes, please let us know Selçuk :) A friend mentioned that a similar 4D app has great implications for biology. I was wondering if it also has implications for other branches of science.
    Chemistry and technology... Who you gonna call: SELÇUK :) That's an interesting app, however I think it's not enough on its own to teach anything. It still requires appropriate curriculum to make use of it. So, maybe we can think about how to use this technology as best as we could. What kinds of activities can be created?
    There are other applications like that, for example Anatomy 4D for biology classes. Maybe your friend could use that application, Ceren. There are also Animal 4D+ and Space 4D+ for another lessons as I know. I also see the studies of Bilal Özçakır who is research assistant at Ahi Evran University. He develop some applications for his doctoral thesis with Erdinç Çakıroğlu at our university. I use that application at my classes at university and even at that age, students enjoy it very much. Even after lesson, they continue to use it and the effect of it at smaller age can be more motivating, I think. Beside like Armağan said, it is beneficial only with the appropriate curriculum and also well-designed lesson, I think. The lack of micro level understanding can develop with these applications at chemistry. Thanks for the jingle, also :)
    I tried this application Selcuk. It s really entertaining :)
    I am happy that you find it entertaining. When I first use it, I cannot leave my mobile phone for a while :)
    I think this app looks fine to visualize an abstract topic which is elements. I agree with you Armağan about the necessity of appropriate curriculum. For example, an activity could be helpful that allows to students arrange the locations of elements based on their atomic radius in a periodic table. Therefore, the students can observe atomic radius of elements is increasing or decreasing when running left to right in rows and running up and down in columns of the periodic table. Like Selçuk said that those applications are used in other fields too. I've seen some works of Bilal Özçakır when I joined at a presentation. He visualizes the geometric shapes in 3D from QR codes. For example, you see a geometric shape from every perspective of it and you test yourself with how top or bottom perspectives of a geometric shape looks like by looking its one side. Thus, you have a realistic experience with virtual objects in immediacy.
    I wrote at OdtüClass forum that interested people get learn from the beginning about developing at least basic applications. When I talked with Özçakır, he also said to me he learned the whole process from the online sources with his efforts. Of course, instead of open-source applications; the aim will be be to gain money but I think appearing more amateur applications cause many advantages at these areas.

Computer Supported Collaborative Learning: SMART Classroom - 0 views

    By this classroom, students work and learn naturally by communicating with each other and with the teacher actively in real time. Interactive tablets, computers and the board provide students work with groups using technology, while natural learning happens.
    summerize where the technology will be in 10 years in schools. But what can we say about our schools? Even people are paying big amount of money for private schools, they still not have such a technology in their class. Technology getting cheaper and cheaper everyday but still I wonder how many years we need to wait to see these kind of technlogies in our school?
    This is great example to CSCL but when I thought about Kutay's question according to our country; my answer get upset me :/ Because while we cannot use the smartboards at our clasroom, that kind of usage is just a dream :/

SMART Table 442i - 0 views

    Although it is a kind of advertisement, I like this smart technology products and the idea of smart classroom. Small groups can be engaged very easily for collaborative activities and they can touch the multi touch screen at the same time. Also, teacher can connect it to smart table with a software.
    I think it is basic but very effective application. Especially it is fun and when thinking the usage of it is for children, it is a great advantage.

Childhood damaged by overtesting - 1 views

    After I read this I become more worried about our students especially in secondary schools. There were SBS (exam for entering high schools) and they were taking 3 different exams at each grade, 6,7,8 but now with the new regulations they will have 36 exams. Apart from that in 10 years the system has changed for 5 times. what can be more devastating their chilhood than that?
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    This change in the system is very major, I agree with you. Once again we as educators are facing implementations without needing any pilot testing or making use of any kind of sound research. I also read that there will be open-ended questions but I am not sure. But if this is the case, we have one other reason to worry about maybe; the quality of these new questions.
    I am afraid that there is no other country in which incessant testing is applied more Turkey. Every year, something is changed by the Ministry of Education, no need to mention about the examination system. They change the system without even measuring or analyzing the results or outcomes. Deep modifications need to be implemented to improve the infrastructure of the education system. However, in our "unique" political environment How???
    I agree with you about the testing system in Turkey but it is only the top of the iceberg. For me, childhood ends for children who start the formal education in Turkey. Our system is so demanding and competitive that children cannot endure the difficulties they encounter. First of all, we have very overloaded curricula and students always need to be alert and hardworking to keep up with the required activities. While trying to make use of constructivist understanding curriculum developers missed some points: the opportunities and facilities the schools and students have, the difficulty level of activities, background of the learner and student and parent profile in Turkey, teacher characteristics in our schools and so on. The curricula cannot be implemeted in most of the schools so teachers invented their own methods and techniques which do not match to any of the instructional theories properly. Parents started to find out ways to protect their children and they made lots of mistakes. For example, some parents do projects of their children and smarter children started to sell ready-made projects at schools. Although teachers know the truth, he grade these projects because the system makes it nearly impossible to fail. In short, our system is working but not in the way writen in the curricula. The changes, negativities and difficulties in the system is damaging the childhood and future of the students. Somebody should change it, not the curricula:)
    World is getting more populated, and each individual wants to have a better life. And a better life is significantly related to education. So, exams still appear to be a "must" in this racing system. Actually, I am a supporter of the exams if we want to have a more "fair race". I remember the terrible old days when successful people couldn't get what they deserved because of the bribery system in Turkey. On the other hand, I agree about the side effects of the overtesting. And as an individual who has been exposed to overtesting, the question I ask to myself is "How has the overtesting affected my mental health?" The truth is I have been stressed, depressed and sad because of the tests :(


started by leventmetu on 22 Oct 13 no follow-up yet

Studying Dinosaur Learning on an Island of Expertise - 3 views

    This is an example of learning on an Island of Expertise. For example: A child is interested in dinosaur. The parents maybe make some activities which build an island of expertise. Activities could be a visit in a museum or a movie about the topic.
    Similar projects can be done at schools about the animals or things around us (like visiting a dog barn or visiting a factory). Such visits may help students get motivated about the world around them.
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