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David Ellena

Tips for a College Ready Culture from Principal of the Year - Getting Smart by Getting Smart Staff - cpchat, edchat, edleaderhip, edleaders, education, WAedchat | Getting Smart - 0 views

    Know what I love @ this article? Not 1 mention of test scores
David Ellena

7 Stress-Fighting Tips for Principals - Ferndale, MI, United States, ASCD EDge Blog post - A Professional Networking Community for Educators - 0 views

    As testing season draws near, listen to some Buffett
David Ellena

ASCD EDge - Leading with Grace and Poise: 5 Principles for Principals - 0 views

    Five tips on being a leader, not a boss
Don Lourcey

Free Technology for Teachers: Every Principal Needs A Blog! - 4 views

  • Are you proud of your school? Do you have students who are doing newsworthy things in class and in co-curricular activities? Do you have some great teachers who engage students in ways you never thought of? Would you like to improve communication with parents and the community?
Don Lourcey

The 21st Century Principal: Fostering an Environment of Innovation and Experimentation in 21st Century Schools - 4 views

    As districts are faced with the challenge of building a buget in these extremely tough fiscal times, this article becomes imperative. Seeking new ideas from not only those within our industry, but those stakeholders outside of education may provide new insights and opportunities for us in education. "Outside of the box" thinking may help to save many of our programs and initiatives that we pride ourselves in inspite of the economic crisis we are/ will be faced with.
David Ellena

2014 Resolution: Tame Your To-Do List | Connected Principals - 0 views

  • Look at your to-do list and ask, “What are the things on here that can only be accomplished by me?
  •  That becomes your to-do list, and everything else gets delegated.  You know who can handle what.  When those tasks are delegated appropriately, they will be done promptly and efficiently.  You may even find they’re done better than you would have done them–especially if you believe enthusiastic buy-in and positive reception by the people they’re intended for are important.
  • You are surrounded by people that want to help (and want to help you!).
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  • Teachers, when looking over your lesson plans, ask, “Can this lesson be executed without kids?”  I know this sounds laughable, but there are such lessons.  Take, for example, the following lesson: Teacher plans the lesson Teacher dictates expectations Teacher lectures Teacher tells students what to write down Teacher gives kids worksheets to do at home (maybe parents do them..?) Teacher grades all worksheets
    Some really good advice for teachers and admin
David Ellena

The 21st Century Principal: Leadership Principle: Deal with Anger by Removing Your Buttons! - 0 views

  • What if, though, we could find a way to do what Buddhist teacher Thubten Chodron describes as a process of "Removing Our Buttons?" She writes:
  • "Rather than acting according to our habitual pattern of blaming others for our anger, we can note that our buttons are being pushed depends on two factors: other's actions and our having buttons. If we remove our buttons, there won't be anything for others to push."
  • According to Thubten Chodron, our removal of these buttons is simply removing our "automatic and habitual responses that so often get us tangled in cycles of anger and conflict with others."
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  • We acknowledge and accept that anger when it appears.
  • Then we simply recognize that the anger is temporary.
    As we return to school here is some good advice for school leaders
David Ellena

Building Positive School Culture: 20 Ideas From Principals | Connected Principals - 0 views

    Some great ideas for creating a positive school culture
David Ellena

Talking in the Hallway: 3 Questions Principals Should Be Asking | Edutopia - 0 views

    Three questions every school leader should be asking. Are you? 
Jennie Bales

Leading a Coaching Culture For Learning: Key Concepts and Strategies for Principals - QSPA - 0 views

    Coaching in education has grown rapidly in education contexts in the last 5 years (van Nieuwerburgh, 2012). It has moved beyond the provision of coaching as a professional learning activity for school leaders to include: coaching training as a leadership development skill; various coaching initiatives designed to enhance teaching practice as well as coaching involving students either by staff or even by fellow students. Educators have embraced coaching in all of these school conversational contexts.
David Ellena

7 Mid-School Year Reminders on Finishing Strong | Connected Principals - 0 views

  • 1. Remember to use both sides of your brain: instruction and management.
  • 4. Always be professionals in conversations, emails, social media, and personal appearance.
  • 6. Be a goal-setter personally, professionally and collaboratively.
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  • 7. Remember to celebrate.
    Some ideas to help motivate you at the mid-point of the year
David Ellena

5 Ideas To Bring Parents Into The Learning Process | The Principal of Change - 0 views

  • Here are some ways that we can build strong connections with the parents in our school communities:
  • 1.  Use what the kids use
  • If we can connect using mediums (blogs, YouTube, Twitter, etc.) that our students use, not only are we building an understanding and instructional leadership within our schools, but we are familiarizing our parents with many of the tools that their children will be using. 
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  • 2. Have an open mind
  • You may not have all parents excited about the changes that are happening in school, but they are out there.  You have to find them which leads into the next point.
  • 3.  Tap into parent leadership
  • One thing that we have to realize is that parents are more likely to listen to other parents.
  • What is imperative is that we connect with parents that have a voice with others and get their feedback on new initiatives.
  • 4. Focus on open communication
  • 5.  Create learning opportunities
    Involving parents is critical in student success
David Ellena

3 Questions To Guide Your Vision | The Principal of Change - 0 views

  • “What will be your fingerprint on this school after you leave?”
  • What is the vision for the work that I am doing and how am I making that vision come true?
  • We can easily say things like “I want students to be engaged”, but what does that really mean and look like.
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  • How am I building capacity and connecting others in this position?
  • Great leaders create other great leaders. 
  • What will be my “fingerprint” after I leave?
  • To show credibility, especially in the area of education, it is imperative that you lead by example, as well as work with students.
    Some great ideas on enveloping your vision 
David Ellena

When You Fail, I Fail - Approach To Leadership | Connected Principals - 0 views

    Are you observation routines effective? Here are some questions to ask 
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