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Sally Norton-Darr

ISAAC - International AAC Awareness Month 2014 - 0 views

    activities to raise awareness of aac
Sally Norton-Darr

October is International AAC Awareness Month | Communication Matters - 0 views

    activities to raise awareness of aac
Christopher Bugaj

Brain Injury Awareness Month - 0 views

    The Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) leads the nation in observing Brain Injury Awareness Month by conducting an awareness campaign in March each year. The theme for the 2015 to 2017 campaign is: Not Alone.
Judith Schoonover

ISAAC - International AAC Awareness Month - 0 views

    "Expand the concept of accessibility to include communication access in their own communities, regions, and countries."
Judith Schoonover

Make, Take & Teach-Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Phonological Awareness, Educational Kit... - 6 views

    Phonemic awareness activities! Phonics activities! Perfect for literacy centers and small group instruction. A little bit of cutting and gluing on your part allows us to provide 15 activities in each area of literacy for use in your classroom.
    Home page for resources to make and use to teach.
Sally Norton-Darr

CommunicatePA - home - 0 views

    This non-exclusive community has come together in an effort to unite all individuals concerned with communication rights for Pennsylvanians with intellectual disability, autism and other disabilities that create complex communication needs. This wikispace aims to serve as a mechanism for: Sharing ideas and resources (including appropriate and/or promising practices) Raising awareness of issues and barriers for individuals with complex communication needs Problem solving through collaboration
Christopher Bugaj

Martin Pistorius: How my mind came back to life - and no one knew | TED Talk | - 0 views

    "Imagine being unable to say, "I am hungry," "I am in pain," "thank you," or "I love you," - losing your ability to communicate, being trapped inside your body, surrounded by people yet utterly alone. For 13 long years, that was Martin Pistorius's reality. After contracting a brain infection at the age of twelve, Pistorius lost his ability to control his movements and to speak, and eventually he failed every test for mental awareness. He had become a ghost. But then a strange thing started to happen - his mind began to knit itself back together. In this moving talk, Pistorius tells how he freed himself from a life locked inside his own body."
Christopher Bugaj

Teaching All Students: AT Awareness for Every Teacher: The Strategy-A-Day Calendar #SAD... - 4 views

    Description of the Strategy-A-Day Calendar from a blog post
lcps at - 1 views

    Linda Yollis has been an educator for over twenty-five years and is currently working as a third grade teacher in California. Her classroom blog has won the first runner up prize in the category of "Best Classroom Blog" for the 2009 and 2010 Edublog Awar
lcps at

Creature Discomforts - 1 views

    animated ability awareness
Judith Schoonover

Communication for All Campaign | - 0 views

    "Effective communication is a fundamental element of life. Relationships, choice, employment, and so much more are severely limited by an inability to communicate. Let's make effective communication a reality for people with disabilities. Join TASH's new campaign, Communication for All. The campaign was created to promote life-long communication for people with disabilities through awareness, professional development, access to communication technologies, instruction, and support. Join the campaign group (members-only) to promote life-long communication for all!"
lcps at

freecommunicaiton - List | Diigo - 1 views

    free printable items - Preview AAC free on 2010-02-17 and saved by 5 people International AAC Awareness Information Center
lcps at

Autism Internet Modules | About AIM - 1 views

    through the use of the World Wide Web, the overall outcomes of this project will be (a) increased ASD awareness; and (b) training and assistance at no cost to the educational, vocational, and medical communities and families.TechKnowledgy 09.
Christopher Bugaj

VDOE :: Teacher Direct - 1 views

    TeacherDirect is designed to establish a direct line of communication with classroom teachers and educators. The goal of TeacherDirect is to provide a way to share new instructional resources created by VDOE staff as well as make teachers aware of professional development and grant opportunities, and other information of special interest to teachers and their students.
Stacy McBain

PALS - 1 views

    Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening
lcps at

I'm Tyler - 1 views

shared by lcps at on 15 Mar 12 - Cached
    Tyler is a typical high school student who happens to have cerebral palsy and some other challenges. He has taken on a mission to educate the world about Ability Awareness. He believes that what a person, any person, CAN do is much more important than w
Judith Schoonover

(13) International AAC Awareness Month - 0 views

    Facebook Advocacy Page
Christopher Bugaj

But You Dont Look Sick? support for those with invisible illness or chronic illness The... - 0 views

    Spoon Theory explained
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