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Ebey Soman

Convictions on World War I: The War and The Workers by Rosa Luxemburg | Socyberty - 5 views

    Thrice handicapped-a woman, a Pole, and a Jew- Rosa Luxemburg was the most eloquent voice of the left wing of German Social Democracy, the defender of Marxist purity against all comers, and a constant advocate of radical action. She spent much of the war in jail, where she wrote and then smuggled out the pamphlet titled "The War and the Workers." The pamphlet became the guiding statement for the International Group, which became the Spartacus League and ultimately the Communist Party of Germany in January 1st of 1919.
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Kerala News Today: Yugoslavia Online Jobs - 0 views

    A key component of the Plan is to create more and better opportunities for workers through skills development.

New Business New Life - 0 views

    Most of the resuscitators used to save babies during birth are difficult for front line health workers to operate. Avijit Bansal and Ayesha Chaudhary, came together during their Stanford India Biodesign fellowship and created a novel, low-cost and user-friendly newborn resuscitation solution called NeoBreathe to tackle the problem.
edwin maicle

The Sufficient Phlebotomist - 0 views

    Are you sure that your job being a phlebotomist can sustain your life? I am talking here of your daily expenses. There are misconceptions on the calculations of salary of phlebotomists and sometimes this is the source of depression and stress. You have to understand how things go in order for you to stay longer in the job. Talking about phlebotomy, there are so many types of workers in this job which include phlebotomist technician, hospital phlebotomist, phlebotomist clinical laboratory, RN phlebotomist and many more. It means to say that this is a very exciting job and you can have your title based on what course did you finished and also the nature of your job.
Ali Safe

Most Overlooked Considerations When Interested In Truck Access Platforms - 0 views

    Selecting the right truck access platforms for your business necessities will save plenty of money and time. Besides, a good decision can actually enhance your workers&#039; safety standards. But in order to make a good decision, it is imperative to understand your necessities, as well as the market specifications. There are a few different factors that can influence your decision. Each of them plays a very important role in determining the perfect platform.
Mike Wesch

News 14 | 24 Hour Local News | HEADLINES | Road work sign warns about dinosaur danger - 0 views

    An electronic traffic sign on the corner of Independence and Randall parkway displayed "Caution: Raptors Ahead" instead of "Road Work Ahead." Mainland Construction workers said someone hacked into the computer and changed the sign.
Jessica Ice

Nameless in Cyberspace: Anonymity on the Internet by Jonathan D. Wallace - 0 views

    Proposals to limit anonymous communications on the Internet would violate free speech rights long recognized by the Supreme Court. Anonymous and pseudonymous speech played a vital role in the founding of this country. Thomas Paine's Common Sensewas first released signed, "An Englishman." Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, James Madison, Samuel Adams, and others carried out the debate between Federalists and Anti-Federalists using pseudonyms. Today, human rights workers in China and many other countries have reforged the link between anonymity and free speech. Given the importance of anonymity as a component of free speech, the cost of banning anonymous Internet speech would be enormous. It makes no sense to treat Internet speech differently from printed leaflets or books.
Bill Genereux

Crowdsourcing Work - 0 views

    (September 25, 2009) Lukas Biewald of Delores Labs, discusses crowdsourcing applications like Mechanical Turk that utilize online workers to do menial tasks ...
Ali Safe

AliSafe Releases Updated Line of Safety-Focused, Lightweight, Truck Access Platforms - 0 views

    AliSafe Truck Access Platforms are widely used in a number of industries and settings where fast, safe, access to raised truck beds and trailers is required. Crafted almost entirely of aluminium, an extremely lightweight metal that nonetheless boasts impressive structural strength, the platforms can easily be rolled into or out of place by a single worker.

Av Model Class II Type A2 Biosafety Cabinet Manufacturer in India - 0 views

    Waiometra one of the leading biosafety cabinet manufacturer in India, our class II type biological safety cabinet is a partially enclosed work-space that has built in fortification for the worker, the environment, and the material inside of it.
Chiki Smith

The Handbook of Cheating Changed The Way I Want My Marriage to Work - 1 views

My hubby and I were married for 2 years but we have been with each other for seven years before we got married. So, it was devastating when I discovered he is cheating on me with his co-worker. I r...

relationships advice

started by Chiki Smith on 15 Nov 11 no follow-up yet
Mike Wesch

YouTube - Who is Anonymous? - 0 views

  • Hmmm. There after doing some serious number crunching it seems there is a disparity between ratings and comments. Seems that the majority of people seem to be rating 4-5 stars while the majority of the comments are just full of shit. (seriously, we sound nothing like Hugo weaving) Seems that the newfags don't know that burying the rating actually effects search results while trolling comments just makes you look like an idiot.Regards to the voice: I actually didn't do the voice, I only recorded and edited it. The person in the suit and mask is my co-worker. Originally it was just doing to be a severed head but I couldn't matte the head out very well in test footage so we said fuck it and stuff a mask on it.Many have asked so I will say here: If you want to take the audio or video and remix/splice/parody/troll it there is nothing stopping you to do so; my permission is irrelevant.P.S. When we originally planned this video it was suppose to be a joke, we'll try and push the humour more in any future videos we do.
  • Ch1x0rH4x (16 hours ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam Don't make /b/ more complex than it is. This is not profound in the slightest. /b/ is about lulz, that is ALL it is about. When I stumbled across 4chan five years ago, it was garbage, and it remains, and always will be, garbage. It's the slum of the internet, and it's residents revel in it's squalor, and it is a simple concept in every sense of the term.
Mike Wesch

Participative Pedagogy for a Literacy of Literacies - Freesouls - 0 views

  • Does knowing something about the way technical architecture influences behavior mean that we can put that knowledge to use?
  • Can inhumane or dehumanizing effects of digital socializing be mitigated or eliminated by better media design?
  • in Coase's Penguin,[7] and then in The Wealth of Networks,[8] Benkler contributed to important theoretical foundations for a new way of thinking about online activity−"commons based peer production," technically made possible by a billion PCs and Internet connections−as a new form of organizing economic production, together with the market and the firm. If Benkler is right, the new story about how humans get things done includes an important corollary−if tools like the PC and the Internet make it easy enough, people are willing to work together for non-market incentives to create software, encyclopedias and archives of public domain literature.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • So much of what we take for granted as part of daily life online, from the BIND software that makes domain names work, to the Apache webserver that powers a sizable chunk of the world's websites, to the cheap Linux servers that Google stacks into its global datacloud, was created by volunteers who gave their creations away to make possible something larger−the Web as we know it.
  • Is it possible to understand exactly what it is about the web that makes Wikipedia, Linux, FightAIDS@Home, the Gutenberg Project and Creative Commons possible? And if so, can this theoretical knowledge be put to practical use?
  • "We must now turn our attention to building systems that support human sociality."
  • We must develop a participative pedagogy, assisted by digital media and networked publics, that focuses on catalyzing, inspiring, nourishing, facilitating, and guiding literacies essential to individual and collective life.
  • to humanize the use of instruments that might otherwise enable commodification, mechanization and dehumanization
  • By literacy, I mean, following on Neil Postman and others, the set of skills that enable individuals to encode and decode knowledge and power via speech, writing, printing and collective action, and which, when learned, introduce the individual to a community.
  • Printing did not cause democracy or science, but literate populations, enabled by the printing press, devised systems for citizen governance and collective knowledge creation. The Internet did not cause open source production, Wikipedia or emergent collective responses to natural disasters, but it made it possible for people to act together in new ways, with people they weren't able to organize action with before, in places and at paces for which collective action had never been possible.
  • If print culture shaped the environment in which the Enlightenment blossomed and set the scene for the Industrial Revolution, participatory media might similarly shape the cognitive and social environments in which twenty first century life will take place (a shift in the way our culture operates). For this reason, participatory media literacy is not another subject to be shoehorned into the curriculum as job training for knowledge workers.
  • Like the early days of print, radio, and television, the present structure of the participatory media regime−the political, economic, social and cultural institutions that constrain and empower the way the new medium can be used, and which impose structures on flows of information and capital−is still unsettled. As legislative and regulatory battles, business competition, and social institutions vie to control the new regime, a potentially decisive and presently unknown variable is the degree and kind of public participation. Because the unique power of the new media regime is precisely its participatory potential, the number of people who participate in using it during its formative years, and the skill with which they attempt to take advantage of this potential, is particularly salient.
Mike Wesch

Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed - 0 views

  • When a word is deprived of its dimension of action, reflection automatically suffers as well; and the word is changed into idle chatter, into verbalism, into an alienated and alienating “blah.”
  • since dialogue is the encounter in which the united reflection and action of the dialoguers are addressed to the world which is to be transformed and humanized, this dialogue cannot be reduced to the act of one person’s “depositing” ideas in another; nor can it become a simple exchange of ideas to be “consumed” by the discussants.
  • Dialogue cannot exist, however, in the absence of a profound love for the world and for people.
  • ...32 more annotations...
  • Because love is an act of courage, not of fear, love is commitment to others.
  • If I do not love the world — if I do not love life — if I do not love people — I cannot enter into dialogue.
  • dialogue cannot exist without humility.
  • Dialogue further requires an intense faith in humankind, faith in their power to make and remake, to create and re-create, faith in their vocation to be more fully human
  • the “dialogical man” believes in others even before he meets them face to face.
  • Founding itself upon love, humility, and faith, dialogue becomes a horizontal relationship of which mutual trust between the dialoguers is the logical consequence.
  • naming of the world
  • Whereas faith in humankind is an a priori requirement for dialogue, trust is established by dialogue.
  • Nor yet can dialogue exist without hope. Hope is rooted in men’s incompletion, from which they move out in constant search
  • critical thinking — thinking which discerns an indivisible solidarity between the world and the people and admits of no dichotomy between them — thinking which perceives reality as process, as transformation, rather than as a static entity — thinking which does not separate itself from action, but constantly immerses itself in temporality without fear of the risks involved.
  • We must never merely discourse on the present situation, must never provide the people with programs which have little or nothing to do with their own preoccupations, doubts, hopes, and fears — programs which at times in fact increase the fears of the oppressed consciousness. It is not our role to speak to the people about our own view of the world, nor to attempt to impose that view on them, but rather to dialogue with the people about their view and ours. We must realize that their view of the world, manifested variously in their action, reflects their situation in the world. Educational and political action which is not critically aware of this situation runs the risk either of “banking” or of preaching in the desert.
  • Often, educators and politicians speak and are not understood because their language is not attuned to the concrete situation of the people they address. Accordingly their talk is just alienated and alienating rhetoric.
  • he dialogue of education as the practice of freedom
  • oncept of a generative theme
  • t is as transforming and creative beings that humans, in their permanent relations with reality, produce not only material goods — tangible objects — but also social institutions, ideas, and concepts
  • Generative themes can be located in concentric circles, moving from the general to the particular.
  • I consider the fundamental theme of our epoch to be that of domination — which implies its opposite, the theme of liberation, as the objective to be achieved.
  • For example, underdevelopment, which cannot be understood apart from the relationship of dependency, represents a limit-situation characteristic of societies of the Third World.
  • I must re-emphasize that the generative theme cannot be found in people, divorced from reality; nor yet in reality, divorced from people; much less in “no man’s land.” It can only be apprehended in the human-world relationship.
  • For precisely this reason, the methodology proposed requires that the investigators and the people (who would normally be considered objects of that investigation) should act as co-investigators.
  • Actually, themes exist in people in their relations with the world, with reference to concrete facts.
  • We must realize that the aspirations, the motives, and the objectives implicit in the meaningful thematics are human aspirations, motives, and objectives.
  • a common striving towards awareness of reality and towards self-awareness,
  • As a process of search, of knowledge, and thus of creation, it requires the investigators to discover the interpenetration of problems, in the linking of meaningful themes.
  • the comprehension of total reality
  • Thus, the process of searching for the meaningful thematics should include a concern for the links between themes, a concern to pose these themes as problems, and a concern for their historical-cultural context.
  • Just as the educator may not elaborate a program to present to the people, neither may the investigator elaborate “itineraries” for researching the thematic universe, starting from points which he has predetermined.
  • That is, they must consist of communication and of the common experience of a reality perceived in the complexity of its constant “becoming.”
  • Human beings are because they are in a situation. And they will be more the more they not only critically reflect upon their existence but critically act upon it.
  • One of these basic themes (and one which I consider central and indispensable) is the anthropological concept of culture. Whether men and women are peasants or urban workers, learning to read or enrolled in a post-literacy program, the starting point of their search to know more (in the instrumental meaning of the term) is the debate of the concept. As they discuss the world of culture, they express their level of awareness of reality in which various themes are implicit. Their discussion touches upon other aspects of reality which comes to be perceived in an increasingly critical manner These aspects in turn involve many other themes.
  • I am more and more convinced that true revolutionaries must perceive the revolution, because of its creative and liberating nature, as an act of love
  • This affirmation contains an entire dialogical theory of how to construct the program content of education, which cannot he elaborated according to what the educator thinks best for the students.
    For precisely this reason, the methodology proposed requires that the investigators and the people (who would normally be considered objects of that investigation) should act as co-investigators.
Adam Bohannon

Heidegger 2 Twitter: Technology, Self & Social Networks. - 11 views

  • Both object and subject are converted to a “standing-reserve”, to be disaggregated, redistributed, recontextualized, and reaggregated.
  • And human individuals, who were once reduced to resources (Frederick Taylor, and the authoritarianism of Human Resource departments), or “eyeballs” in the terminology of internet marketing executives; are now the creative engines of growth, innovation, and creativity.
  • This becomes even more interesting when we wonder about the context and meaning of start-ups intentionally exposing their office space’s ductwork - as if the open office with exposed pipes re-instantiates a manifestation of the hearth, or at least ‘un-hides’ the circulatory system of commerce.
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • Postmodern technology uses the hyper-reality of simulations to get rid of the limitations imposed by reality. The limit of postmodern reality is not the total objectification of nature, but the replacement of reality by virtual reality totally under our control.
  • Borgmann’s antidote for losing our personality to the shallowness and superficiality of hyper-reality is to return to focal activities.
  • It takes commitment on our part to engage in focal activities, but the effort affords us a chance to maintain some sense of self in the technological world.
  • Thus technological rationality can claim that technologies are value neutral, and only uses are good or evil, despite the fact that the uses are shaped by the technologies.
  • And technology leads to new forms of domination. For the critical theorists history has always had domination, but in our time domination has changed from master over slave or lord over serf to the domination of humanity by economics and the market. We are given the illusion of liberty, but that is simply the freedom to choose between brands of mass-produced products.
  • Computer technology further de-contextualizes human experience by emphasizing information over understanding. And computers further domination by providing new means of tracking the productivity of workers to the corporation and depersonalizing supervision; very much a modern panopticon envisioned by Jeremy Bentham.
  • Foucault’s view allows for the possibility that information technology could be used to put people in more direct communication with each other and spread the concentration of power over society.
  • MS Word and freely available blogging software encourages us to constantly revise, so a work becomes a series of drafts, none of which is final (just like this post).
  • Gould’s attitude towards design finds philosophical support in pragmatism. Pragmatism recognizes that everyone is socially situated. Dewey taught that scientific theories or methods of logic are tools used in a certain social practice. Attention to the practices surrounding an object are important to understanding it. Since he viewed knowledge as participatory he argued that learning must come about by doing.
  • Metaphors provide us a way of understanding the world, by associating one thing with another. Powerful metaphors are like magic, and inform how we think of the objects described, revealing hidden aspects of the thing described. New metaphors for the forces in our lives will suggest new ways of living.
  • Metaphors interact with technology in several ways: technology serves as a source of metaphors, new technologies are understood metaphorically, and our metaphors in life pose problems to be solved technologically
  • By developing new metaphors, interface designers can suggest new ways of working with computers. If these metaphors are carefully chosen then they will provide a natural model which makes operation of the machine easy.
  • Just as metaphors can help us understand computers, computers can provide new metaphors for life. Postmodern theories of psychology suggest that there is no single unified “ego”, but that each of us is made up of a multiplicity of parts, while Minsky discusses the “agencies of mind” in his book “The Society of Mind.” Philip Bromberg claims that a healthy personality is one in which different aspects of the self can come to know one another and reflect upon each other.
  • This fluid multiplicity of personality is what gives us our flexibility and resilience.
  • Social networks allow participants to explore different aspects of their personality, to manufacture and evolve aspects of their personality depending on context and mood.
  • While some observers might see this activity as evidence of Heidegger’s disaggregation of the subject by technology, it can also be seen as a model for Bromberg’s self as being one while being many. This is just one way in which computer technology, the internet, and connected social networks can show us a new way of understanding ourselves.

Buy SSN Number - 100% real Social Security Number (2024) - 0 views

    Are you looking to Buy SSN Number? Then you are in the right place. We are providing the best and most SSN Number at an affordable price. Our staff works hard to provide the best quality services possible to make sure that all of our customers can be satisfied. Order now and see the results for yourself And get more exposure for your business!
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