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Diana Woolis

Uncover the Hidden Organization - Network Analysis Made Easy - Keyhubs - 1 views

    We have developed powerful software and services, based on principles of organizational / social network analysis (ONA / SNA), to uncover relationship dynamics and reveal the self-organizing nature of groups.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

An Interview with Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach - 1 views

    Blog post about her company/community, Powerful Learning Practice, on the blog Connected Educators, posted Dec 18 2011. Nussbaum-Beach founded Powerful Learning Practice, with creates virtual CoPs, primarily with K-12 educators. Their model is to collect teams from several schools to work together in a larger CoP. In the first year, participants share in an action research project; if they chose to continue for a second year, they "collaboratively create" a classroom unit.
    Many of the ideas here -- specifically those around engagement and various assessments/measures of success -- seem akin to KPI's own findings. Interesting project and interview.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

Supporting an online community of inquiry using VoiceThread - 1 views

    Gao, F. & Sun, Y. (2010). In C. Maddux et al. (Eds.) Research Highlights in Information Technology and Teacher Education. Article examines how to use VoiceThread to support online learning communities for professional development in teacher education
KPI_Library Bookmarks - 2 views

    Created by the Office of Justice Programs, this site bills itself as a clearinghouse for "Evidence-Based Programs and What Works in Criminal Justice." You can look for programs with a particular focus (e.g. juveniles or substance abuse) or you can look at all programs. All programs have undergone a rigorous research and screening process (see" Learn how programs are rated" link) and each then receives a rating of "effective," "promising" or "no effects."
    I find this site both appealing and compelling. For the reader, the material is rendered very simply, but still reflects the deep preliminary research that the Office of Justice has done. Perhaps also a good teaching tool in terms of how to evaluate reports or information. -- Stephanie
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Electronic Portfolios for Student Learning? - ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Educ... - 1 views

    Article by Amy Cavender on issues and gains from using eportfolios with college students. Mentions several eportfolio possibilities in article and in comments, such as Google Sites, Mahara, Yola, Weebly, or WordPress.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

Hieroglyph - 1 views

    On the home page, it says, "Hieroglyph is a publication, collective conversation and incubator for the "moonshot ecosystem" bringing together writers, scientists, engineers, technologists, industrialists and other creative, synoptic thinkers to collaborate on bold ideas in a protected space for creative play, science, and imagination."
    This platform is surely of interest. Uses a forum format, each of which contains a "big idea" that is described and discussed. In addition, the wiki contains curated content about the project.
Diana Woolis

IBM Debuts New Social Media Analytics Tool - 1 views

    a possible component of Guided Digital Environments
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Seth's Blog: The future of the library - 1 views

    As usual, Godin offers plenty to think about. Blog: 5/16/11
KPI_Library Bookmarks

Education Policy papers, HKS Faculty Research Working Paper Series - 1 views

    This is the "Education Policy" topic from the larger collection of working papers published by Harvard's Kennedy School (HKS). This collection includes "works-in-progress" and the education policy papers cover a range of topics (K-12 as well as post-secondary) in the U.S. and abroad.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

Data Changes Everything: Delivering on the Promise of Learning Analytics in Higher Educ... - 1 views

    By Ellen Wagner and Phil Ice in Eduause Review Online, July 18 2012. A look at learning analytics and how they are being utilized in higher education.
    On the same theme as the recently bookmarked article in The Chronicle.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Notes from THATCamp Texas 2011 - ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 1 views

    "Unlike most traditional academic conferences, sessions at an unconference don't consist of one or three or five people delivering papers to an audience. Instead, they might feature project demonstrations, discussions, creative work sessions, or other formats that build on the knowledge and expertise of whoever attends. For the Texas THATCamp (and I think this is fairly typical at others), participants posted session ideas beforehand on the website, followed by a 45-minute scheduling process as THATCamp began. Topic headings generated by those initial session ideas were posted on the walls of a large meeting room, and participants circulated through the space to meet up with others interested in similar topics. After some productive chaos (which admittedly tested my structure- and schedule-loving personality a bit) the group developed a schedule of sessions that represented not only a variety of interests but also the desire to cluster certain topics into tracks. Like any conference, I frequently wanted to be in two places at once - which I see as one marker of the event's success."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Beth Kanter's Blog - 1 views

    This is the new home of Beth's Blog, "one of the longest running and most popular blogs for nonprofits."
    A favorite of the KPI team.
    Beth's impressions of the 2012 Philanthropy and Social Investment Industry Report and the conference she attended, December 2011. Love the example of the awesomely bad infographics--chuckle out loud funny.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

NTEN Webinar Reflections and Resources: The Unanticipated Benefits of Content Curation ... - 1 views

    Posted by Beth Kanter on her blog, Beth's Blog, July 13 2012. In this post, Kanter includes a recent presentation titled The Unanticipated Benefits of Content Curation; with much food for thought in terms of the process, the tools and the possible positive results.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Learning Is the New Work - Chief Learning Officer, Solutions for Enterprise Productivity - 1 views

    Jay Cross on why Learning is the New Work, 6/13/11. Brief timeline of how work used to be simple, then informational, then and now conceptual and how our educational systems have lagged behind in producing players ready to work in groups/collaboratives to get the right job done in the best way.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Harold Jarche ยป Communication and working together - 1 views

  • levels of access to various members, depending on the task. Where would that come into your framework? Harold Jarche, on February 11th, 2010 at 19:32 Said: Good question. I wonder if the act of hiding information is a result of an over-controlling organizational communication structure, and not supporting collaboration or cooperation in a more unfettered manner? Cooperative or collaborative learning? ยซ Edmusings, on February 12th, 2010 at 15:01 Said: [...] Harold Jarche &nbsp;uses the two terms with collaboration applied to&nbsp;a model of action for informal groups, such as communities of practice, and cooperation with loose networks. [...] uberVU - social comments, on February 27th, 2010 at 3:14 Said: Social comments and analytics for this postโ€ฆ This post was mentioned on Twitter by omeroz: Communication and working together Leave a Reply Name (required) Mail (will not be published) (required) Website Spam Protection by WP-SpamFree &nbsp;Notify me of subsequent comments to this thread Conversations Harold Jarche on The Networked Workplace Jon Husband on The Networked Workplace ?????? ??????? LMS? ยซ E-learning NET on Formalized informal learning: a blend we donโ€™t need Harold Jarche on New Hire Practices Harold Jarche on Vendor-neutral E-PORTAFOLIOS, del PLN al APRENDIZAJE!!! ยซ juandon. Innovaciรณn y conocimiento on All models are flawed but some are useful kaleem on New Hire Practices Kare Anderson on Vendor-neutral Harold Jarche on Social learning for collaborative work Mack on Social learning for collaborative work Twitter Faves rdeis: Transparency + Clarity = Understanding. @aronsolomon rdeis: Good employers don't work against human nature via @globeandmail &gt;&gt; Paying attention to 4 human needs. jukkaam: Mistaken beliefs business leaders have about innovation: know the competition, best way of doing things #innovation hjarche: KM shifts from โ€˜content &amp; collectionโ€™ to โ€˜context &amp; connectionโ€™ by @panklam #PKM hjarche: Excellent #PKM &amp; networked learning ref list by @hreingold Introduction to Mind Amplifiers Archives<SELECT onchange=document.location.href=t[this.selectedIndex].value; name
  • Something I am trying to get a handle on in my dissertation has to do with communication (and communication formats) that are imposed on a group/team and those in which groups or teams are able to develop their own forms and forms of communication. What I found is that a team might have โ€œhiddenโ€ communication, withholding from some, developing different spaces and different &nbsp;levels of access to various members, depending on the task. Where would that come into your framework? Harold Jarche , on February 11th, 2010 at 19:32 Said: Good question. I wonder if the act of hiding information is a result of an over-controlling organizational communication structure, and not supporting collaboration or cooperation in a more unfettered manner? Cooperative or collaborative learning? ยซ Edmusings , on February 12th, 2010 at 15:01 Said: [...] Harold Jarche &nbsp; uses the two terms with collaboration applied to &nbsp; a model of action for informal groups, such as communities of practice, and cooperation with loose networks. [...] uberVU - social comments , on February 27th, 2010 at 3:14 Said: Social comments and analytics for this postโ€ฆ This post was mentioned on Twitter by omeroz: Communication and working together . . . Leave a Reply Name (required) Mail (will not be published) (required) Website Spam Protection by WP-SpamFree &nbsp; Notify me of subsequent comments to this thread Conversations Harold Jarche on The Networked Workplace Jon Husband on The Networked Workplace ?????? ??????? LMS? ยซ E-learning NET on Formalized informal learning: a blend we donโ€™t need Harold Jarche on New Hire Practices Harold Jarche on Vendor-neutral E-PORTAFOLIOS, del PLN al APRENDIZAJE!!! ยซ juandon. Innovaciรณn y c on ocimiento on All models are flawed but some are useful kaleem on New Hire Practices Kare Anders on on Vendor-neutral Harold Jarche on Social learning for collaborative work Mack on Social learning for collaborative work Twitter Faves rdeis: Transparency + Clarity = Understanding. @aronsolomon rdeis: Good employers don't work against human nature via @globeandmail &gt;&gt; Paying attention to 4 human needs. jukkaam: Mistaken beliefs business leaders have about innovation: know the competition, best way of doing things #innovation <A clas
    An earlier blog by Harold Jarche referring to Lillie Efimova's work. Note how structure/goal oriented moves over to informal/opportunity-driven network with personal drivers taking over. Perhaps most MCNC groups reside in the opportunity-driven, informal networking place--not so much coordination but cooperation keeps them together, weakly? Has an impact also on facilitator's role.
Diana Woolis

Nik's Learning Technology Blog: 10 Tech Tools for Teacher Training Courses - 1 views

    to see if I could fundamentally change the way the teachers related to technology, not just in the classroom as a tool for teaching learners, but as a tool within their everyday working practice.
Laren D

Take a couse or make your own at Learnable - 1 views

shared by Laren D on 09 Jun 11 - No Cached
    Excellent course site. This is where I have taken some web technology courses and I love how they do it. Learnable's tag line: "Ordinary people. Extraordinary knowledge." Also a platform where you can BUILD a course and collect fees from it.
Sarah Baker

Nicholas Feltron's design portfolio - 1 views

shared by Sarah Baker on 17 Jun 11 - Cached
    This is the designer whose 2010 annual report I showed Susan & Diana at the KPI meeting. Here, you can view the stunning infographics from his annual reports over the past few years.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

LiveBinders - 1 views

    Described on site as "3-ring binder for the Web" Tool to collect, organize and present resources. SM bookmarked a site that is using it for a presentation, "The Ultimate Guide to Google+ For Educators" See tag live_binder
Sarah Baker

Remember the Milk Tips from Lifehacker - 1 views

    Thanks for sharing this, Sarah. Many good tips! - Stephanie
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