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Read - Reinventing Organizations - 2 views

    "The emergence of a  new organizational model You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
Vahid Masrour

Barriers to Change in Organizations - 0 views

    types of personnalities that get in the way of organizational change
Aimee Maron

Learning for Change | Just another site - 0 views

    • Peter J. Bury
      RCN SL run by Ewen and Carmen
    This blog is dedicated to learning for change. And it is focused on development cooperation, with special emphasis on the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector and related fields. But postings on this blog may provide food for thought coming from other avenues - the world is a great web of joint insights and serendipity!

How to Track Changes in a Knowledge Base - 0 views

    Version control will help you track the changes when multiple users are working on the same document. The differences will be highlighted in red and green colors. (Red indicates content that has been removed; green shows the newly added content). The articles are prone to human error and versioning helps to bring back / recover the document to a healthy state.
Vahid Masrour

Online Information 2007: KM goes Social » SlideShare - 0 views

    Web2.0 changes everything for KM
Gregory Culpin

Using Enterprise 2.0 to prepare for recovery (part II) - Whitepaper to download - 0 views

    In a business world where change is constant, knowledge becomes an essential asset for any organization. Survival and growth require the development of solutions that will optimize collaboration and knowledge management.\n\nFocussing on this topic we recently produced our first whitepaper. It analyses the benefits associated with the introduction of Enterprise 2.0 solutions, and positions the collaborative management of knowledge as a stable and lasting solution, especially in these times of economic tumult.

The Ugly Truth About Jobs in USA: They Are Not Coming Back - 1 views

    2020 has seen major changes in jobs in the USA, and today, millions of people are out of work and are wondering if they will have a job to go back to. As current issues continue to plague the country, workers are faced with difficult times. Not only are there financial struggles, but many jobs in USA will simply not exist in the coming months. This leaves American workers with few options and a difficult quest to find gainful employment in a country that is suffering from a major economic crisis.
Vahid Masrour

How Google Plans to Change the Scope of Googling (And Why Information and Knowledge Wor... - 0 views

    Google Knowledge Management
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