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Aimee Maron

Making the Case for KM | - 2 views

    This KM toolkit helps to define in a straightforward way why KM is important, as well as ways to operationalize KM initiatives and even ways to monitor and measure KM strategies.
Barbara Fillip

Dare to share! - 34 views

I have 500+ resources tagged as "KM". I'd be happy to share them but I have two questions: 1. If I put them all at once, those who receive regular updates will be flooded with updates, no?...Should...

Maxwell Drain

KiWi - Knowledge In A Wiki - 0 views

shared by Maxwell Drain on 29 Nov 08 - Cached
    Wikis and social software have revolutionized the ways we create and distribute knowledge. The Semantic Web has already begun to transform the ways we maintain, discover and share knowledge across platforms. The KiWi - "Knowledge in a Wiki" - project proposes a new approach to knowledge management that combines the wiki philosophy with the intelligence and methods of the Semantic Web.
Maxwell Drain

Knowledge Management and the Academy - 0 views

    Universities and colleges generate extraordinary quantities of knowledge and innovation, but in many ways the academy struggles to keep pace with the digital revolution. Growing pressures are reshaping how universities must do business-students expecting enhanced access and support, administrators eager to make data-driven strategic decisions, researchers working in virtual global collaboratories, faculty looking for ways to assess learning outcomes, and computer hackers probing networks for vulnerabilities.
Vahid Masrour

A Better Way to Manage Knowledge - John Hagel III, John Seely Brown, and Lang Davison -... - 2 views

  • most knowledge managers lost sight of the fact that the real value is in creating new knowledge
  • the last thing the world needs is another knowledge management scheme focusing on capturing knowledge that already exists
    • Vahid Masrour
      i beg to differ. It might not be the LAST thing. Learning from past mistakes is still useful, as is avoiding to rebuild the wheel. 
  • What we need are new approaches to creating knowledge, ones that take advantage of the new digital infrastructure's ability to lower the interaction costs among us all — ones that mobilize big, diverse groups of participants to innovate and create new value.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • new knowledge comes into being when people who share passions for a given endeavor interact and collaborate around difficult performance challenges.
    • Vahid Masrour
      the need for mission driven group/team interaction
  • creation spaces, heavily relying on shared network platforms, provide tools and forums for knowledge creation while at the same time capturing the discussion, analysis, and actions in ways that make it easier to share across a broader range of participants.
  • This focus on knowledge creation shifts the motivations of participants. Knowledge management systems desperately try to persuade participants to invest time and effort to contribute existing knowledge with the vague and long-term promise that they themselves might eventually derive value from the contributions of others. In contrast, creation spaces focus on providing immediate value to participants in terms of helping them tackle difficult performance challenges while at the same time reducing the effort required to capture and disseminate the knowledge created.
Sebastian Weber

Qitera?Where information meets - 0 views

    Qitera is a next generation web service that empowers you to organize, share and search all your digital assets in a more productive and sustainable way. It does not only allow you to visualize what you already know, but also empowers you to discover new connections between people, organizations, places and objects.
Stephen Dale

Enterprise Social Networking, Online Collaboration & Social Intranet - 0 views

    "MangoApps is a great way to share files, thoughts, and collaborate with people both inside and outside our organization. It is like the merger of facebook and LinkedIn, but without all the garbage and distractions.""
Stephen Dale

The SECI Model & Knowledge Conversion - 1 views

    Arguably the most important contributor to this subject has been Ikujiro Nonaka. He worked extensively with the concepts of explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge, and drew attention to the way Western firms tend to focus too much on the former (Nonaka & Takeuchi 1996). This sentiment has since been echoed throughout organisational learning and knowledge management (KM) literature (e.g. Cook & Brown 1999, Kreiner 1999, Tsoukas & Valdimirou 2001, etc.).
Maxwell Drain

KM Nuggets - 0 views

    Is there a way to contact the author and invite him over?
Vahid Masrour

Cognitive Edge: Natural numbers, networks & communities - 0 views

  • Now this was four years ago, pre-blog and pre any wide-scale adoption of social computing. What we witnessed then has been validated in other environments and by the growth of blogs, wikis etc. Give people simple tools with no formal process or designed taxonomy and they will naturally find ways to share and create knowledge. This type of activity is complex, it is not structured and cannot and should not be controlled.
Vahid Masrour

Barriers to Change in Organizations - 0 views

    types of personnalities that get in the way of organizational change
Vahid Masrour

How to Prepare Your College for an Uncertain Digital Future - Technology - The Chronicl... - 0 views

shared by Vahid Masrour on 07 Jan 10 - Cached
  • I think one of the big new roles for libraries in the future is going to be helping our local communities to publish and make accessible materials that they're creating locally here in ways that can be consumed by people out there in the world.
    about a university trying to keep its organizational memory together.
Stephen Dale

TemaTres Controlled Vocabulary server | The way to manage formal representations of kno... - 0 views

    TemaTres is an open source vocabulary server, web application to manage and exploit vocabularies, thesauri, taxonomies and formal representations of knowledge.TemaTres require PHP, MySql and HTTP Web server."
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